June Event Highlights

22 Jun 2014 13:15 #1 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
June Event Highlights was created by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
My event was spent a majority in the kitchen for feast.

THANK YOU to everyone who came out and offered help with the fire clean up and feast prep. Jenn and I try to run a tight kitchen to get everything done on time and make food that tastes fantastic. The fire threw a wrench in our plan BUT because of everyone helping out and cleaning and chopping veggies we were able to make it happen. There were so many volunteers and so many who helped. I have no clue who all of you were because it was a blur.

We might try this feast again at some point. But for now. I think next time we might try something a little less dramatic. :cool:

Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

OOC: Ann A.- Logistics Marshal
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22 Jun 2014 18:09 #2 by Jenn (JennF)
Replied by Jenn (JennF) on topic June Event Highlights
I just want to start out by thanking everyone else who came and helped Ann and I. This was my first event taking the lead and cooking feast and while I was already nervous, the fire didn't help. Thank you. This event showed me how much of a community this game still is and will continue to be.

L. Rosette Luminita Catalina Tanir
(Kitchen Marshal)

Jenn F
"If I can survived that...then I can survive this..."
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22 Jun 2014 18:52 #3 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic June Event Highlights
June event... despite being mostly bardic oriented, had some fun things o do, some humorous parts and some sad. We brought three friends with us and all three enjoyed themselves immensely. All will be back though the one (the preggers lass) won't be until August
/September but has stated after she's recovered from child birth, will be back. She has the KR bug for certain...

Going to make this a short one as brain is fried.


- Getting in early and being able to show how awesomely friendly KR players are to new players.
- Catching up with some of the Celts and breaking bad news to some. one reaction is priceless.
- Go Go Safety Committee!! And needed this event...
- Learning who the new warlord *may* be from one in the know, if said person passes muster. And I suspect the question of nobility won't be an issue in light of events later.

-Duncan singing for a select few. The Ranger does sing on occasion... and he did it twice this day (I blame Bard plot). The second time the lyrics of the song were passed to one who intends on learning it to perhaps sing at a future feast.
-Morning discussion on the book of last night.. Out of my league here...
-Guard stuff- got to be Da Man
- FIRE in the kitchen. Strange highlight but given the amount of cleaning that it triggered, it wound up being a decent thing to have happen.
- Highlands talks with old Celt PC's. Some new and good info... will find way into next update.
- the Dimms incident. Dane, you are fun to interact with despite my PC's annoyance with yours... Everytime Duncan finds a reason to give you some props/respect, Dimms find a way to wreck it.

FEAST was superb. Did not get as much as I could have but I ha\d a little of everthing. Given the fire, it is a miracle it was delayed only an hour. Bravo to the feast staff and the same to the cleaning crew volunteers.

Main Mod... wow. Wicked rough and with only newer players to work with as Billingham/various Knights took almost ALL of the heavy hitters from the skirmish crew, I am really not certain how I avoided dying in this one. Or how any of us did really. I really don't know how all this was gonna play out and never got the chance as I was called away for injuries.

Speaking of injury time.... it did generate an awesome highlight.

Sparta PD showed first and after explaining why he need to park where, was pretty cool with all the stuff going on. As we waited for the ambulance to come check my one patient, everyone nearby answering the Officer's questions about KR and the system/how this stuff worked) was a really cool thing.
Add in the younger EMS crew, their asking after what we all do and everyone's subsequent responses.... very awesome. What really topped it out was the cop reaching out to lightly touching one of the EMT's then saying "Paralyze" at the contact, was funny.
The EMT freezing in mid word and action, staring at the cop.... priceless.

Guys, I want to thank all the players who were interacting with the officer and the med crew answering questions/explaining things to them. You all showed how much a cool group you are and as a result of this, some to all of them may be coming to July Event.

Y'all need to be proud of yourselves for your proper behavior and general attitude. Two Thumbs up.

Post all this.. the after-battle was excellent.
- A long postponed chat about the ranger organization interrupted again
- Kaladonia Fire Pit and the quiet talks there.
- Being accepted as a Student for Master Warrior Training and the subsequent Lesson
- gaining a ranger student and finding a solution to the Arch Druid's quandary... despite it being a poaching, he gave his blessing
- Learning an object of affection is involved with another (and one respected!) and the ic heart crush that resulted. The Price of Command indeed...

Sunday was bummer day as we had to leave for other commitments. It was OOC that I found out about the Baroness ascending... and it generate a shared laugh with Jen W. over it. OOC, happy and bummed for the player for many varied reasons.

Lots of fun and a fair amount of personal advancement for my character...

See everyone at Dexcon and next month!

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
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22 Jun 2014 19:26 #4 by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms)
Replied by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms) on topic June Event Highlights
Okay guys! So after a few hours napping, let me get in my highlights! I really wanted to thank Charlie, Nick, Matt, Martin, and everyone who helped my birthday a truly special one. It was one I will not forget anytime soon and thank you to all who gave me birthday wishes. All of you are amazing and I'm honored to have such good friends. Now to the highlights.


-After a hectic set up of getting things together, we got Martin and I's birthday party a going with a cook out. It was a beautiful party, and a lot of love was felt. Turning 23 in Travance was amazing.

- After the party it was time to be drunk Jack Dimms for a while and it was great! Free drinks all around, and it was great feeling so loved.


Once again Saturday was the meat of my event. first things were first, Jack got baptized to Galladel by Seamus. It was a great long rp and it was a truly emotional thing. I love Shane, he is an amazing roleplayer, and an even more amazing friend. To be honest, without his support, I wouldn't be able to be Jack Dimms.

-Next up was Jack's first time up at the alter to speak at Mass. It was a great one, and Dave (Brother Aldric) made me feel so great when he leaned into whisper "We'll make a preacher out of you yet." Especially since I came up with all of what I was going to say right there on the spot.

-Swimming was amazing! At least until the undead arrived..... Sadly, Jack lost his last life tag... No more focus trips for the Northman, but he died in spectacular fashion, sacrificing himself to save a newcomer to Travance. That also brings me to the new point, I will now be taking bets on how long do you think Jack has left?

-The prank played on the town. Eddie had told me that the town thought I was gone for good, so I came up with a little scheme. I had Bar carry Jack to the Inn, only for the healers to be utterly confused about why Jack was at full body. It backfired though as it seems the people of Travance don't wanna see Jack die. And John.... John.... you are just awesome.

To be honest, That's all I have for now. I'm still trying to recover from this weekend, so I'll add more as I rest up more.

Professor Dunn Ironwill
Cenobite of Agaura
Vassal of Ostcliff

OOG: Dane Williams
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), JTinney (Swordsaint), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
22 Jun 2014 19:42 #5 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
Replied by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta) on topic June Event Highlights
Thank you to the staff and cast of KR for welcoming my three friends with many hugs. It's amazingly good when you say a group is friendly and helpful and they universally out do themselves. All will be returning. See John T highlights for details.

Its funny how I can talk highlights all the way to Reading then Blanking as I write this...

Friday was awesome good RP solid encounters of a personal nature. And a couple of skirmishes.

Saturday was awesome... Minus the fire. But even that was cool watching a true all hands on deck moment. It was humbling and a moment of pride watching people come together. I only remember,ver one other the feast had to male such a recovery. If I recall right a stove failed at one of the rental camps...no fire. And extra hands were neaded. Awesome job people.

Searching for that darn ratted god forsaken sun card. Getting jumped by the Anathema and while thanking the Godds for inoculations in case they threw a death poison... Beating feet tactically to circle back timer in my head ticking away...

Ahh for the love of tactics again. Working a stumbling undead baiting for the Witchhunter to do what he foes best. What a pair. I was actually laughing while fighting undead.

Saturday night was cool. Having to organize after the retreat Guarding the bards as the put together that blasted song. Scouting. Then the focus, rallying people after such fear. Finding another possibility on those missing and setting guard in case of attack on the focus.

Birgitta doesn't sing...

The scouting was after having to drop off someone OOG at the kitchen...made priceless when met by the two upper story escapee Mercs. The data they brought coupled either my own helped set everything. My a sense from the group making situation slowed me the flexibility to be at the focus. If the Anthema had thought to take than.... Oh hoho...

Skirmish fighting in poison ivy us a bad deal. An NPC not knowing position ivy is worse. Know your plants impromptu session under combat conditions. Priceless. Grateful NPC. Awesome!

Losing the Baroness is especially hard for Birgitta. Never having any large female presence growing up she really liked the hard-as-nails Lady she found running Travance. Having to let down Pluvious with Magnus and Oren about it and mentioning Maralas being MIA too. Important.

On closing this highlight. Thank you to my KR family for being fractious loving welcoming and one hell of a team. You give me reason to keep faith in humanity through thick and thin RL and IG. Love you all.

Birgitta Drexel (Primary)
Commander of Training Baronial Militia
Blood Spirits (Cmd/Sgt)
Blue Dragoon

"Amateurs Practice Until They Get It Right; Professionals Practice Until They Can’t Get It Wrong"

Callisto Boyington (Alt)

AKA Leslie McCormack
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Kunkel Anvilhorn (Kildrig), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Thalia Burdorn (abbyl)
22 Jun 2014 20:40 #6 by Brunner Von Ritter (Martin Bridge)
Replied by Brunner Von Ritter (Martin Bridge) on topic June Event Highlights
Amazing event for me, even better than week in the life. First Birthday party. Well apart from getting haroldson sermonizing there, breaking the curse, then drinks all round.. Also, npcs need to remember traps affect them and pcs as well.

Inverted tower and my realisation that I am a huge mentor for a lot of people.

Undead combat with Alexandria, road from and haroldson. Dimms taking 2 necromantic terror. Also, delf slaves and the various kinds of deaths. Whoops death, it was him death and bear death. Oh dear.

Main mod.. Actually being a bit of a bastion for a change and advising on tactics in heat of battle. Also, main mod rocked, I loved it. But we needed a lot more danger and death. I wanted to see people dying a bit more. But I guess oog circumstances....

Sunday. Just. Having fun with Rudolph, zekariah (loved the phrenology) and having to miss an execution. Darn

OOC Name - Martin Bridge
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22 Jun 2014 21:28 - 22 Jun 2014 21:29 #7 by Aella (Onirazael)
Replied by Aella (Onirazael) on topic June Event Highlights
This was actually an amazing time for me. Despite the fire that was 2 inches from me.
I have to say this is the first time ever I have been directly involved in the plot. It was a very interesting experience for me. :whistle:

Mass at the new shrine at Kaladonia.
My hubby gave a great Gaian mass. I was so proud. I was also impressed with the turnout. It made me excited to see him preach.
Helping with the grove only to find out the mobs were not at the actual grove.. and then gah Stupid shadow cheesy fight thingie

Kitchen stuff and then Fire. Fire clean up until 5.... at one point for about an hour and change I was cleaning solo. Not my happiest moment, but I got help eventually thankfully. I am sorry if I bit a few people's head off when I Was trying to get things together solo while reinforcements came. It was a daunting task and doing it alone was a wee hard. Thank you so much to everyone who helped clean up after the fire and put stuff away. I love you all. You all get cookies.
ALtar redemption for Caldor and Angeliana. Getting to tell Angeliana to please ditch her new bodyguard because she is a big girl who doesn't need one.
Feast. I am so proud and happy that Jenn got feast up and running. It was a lot of fortitude and quick thinking on the part of Kitchen staff. Kudos to everyone who helped get feast together through improvising.

Goodbye Mixeledia! It was so heart wrenching to see her go. Angeliana crying broke my heart and I tried my damnedest to keep her functioning.
Getting spirited away and having a very cool scene!!!! I am so sad I didn't get to use all the cool stuff I got. But WOOWIE anyway. It was.. exceptionally awesome. I pulled a chunk of my blue glow sticks off to give to the other people in our dead party club. Zephyr, the legend will not be forgotten I promise. SO... very... Cool!
Hunting down Julius was just so much fun. Making that evil clown run was great. We chased him from the inn to Winterdark until we cornered him and he vanished. It was so intense! I am very glad Gift of the Earth finally worked. wooo!

Sunday fixing the altar!
Lessons: Got my repel lesson which was fun because I managed to ACTUALLY repel a sword attack by firing off an arrow (dunno how I actually timed that on the first try) and taught an amazing trick shot lesson.
Watermelon and Imrahil's party how can you go wrong? Imrahil your meat was great. The marinade was just fantastic!

OOG: Ree D
~I'd put a pretentious quote in, but I am far too lazy to pretend I'm clever. ~
Last edit: 22 Jun 2014 21:29 by Aella (Onirazael).
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22 Jun 2014 21:40 #8 by Imrahil (Brendan Barrett)
Replied by Imrahil (Brendan Barrett) on topic June Event Highlights
Honestly, I didn't have very many ig highlights this month, as most of my time was consumed in logistical concerns. It seemed my weekend's theme was all the ways to lose both your legs without dying.

General: Getting a chance to interact with a lot more folks than I usually do.

Friday: Proved without a doubt Imrahil will follow a superior's orders to the letter. My apologies to those who had to interact with me after about 1 am. Dead tired and bogged down is not my finest for sure.

Saturday: Given a classified mission!
Performed guardsman training.
Got to use master teach first event I had it available. I really think anyone who doesn't have at least teach is missing out on an incredibly enjoyable part of the game. Four more master teach lessons to qualify for sensei: even if it was just trade prof! Just have to beat Quan Liu in a duel first. Thank god I have another 18 levels to grind first... :ohmy:
Owned fire cleanup/feast - right alongside all the rest of you hardy souls!
Counseling a new student on the path of the Warrior Monk. The answers were true, and the discipline will be a great boon to you friend!
Some quick fun rp with Rudolph after the deafness pulse!
Wishing I had spent some more time in rp with Mixolydia now. She was incredibly accessible as busy leaders go. Imrahil shall miss her. :( Them Aliester and Quan Liu feels tho...
Sitting out main mod as a head and torso. Finally, "Cure light wounds!"; "I'm a slightly less damaged torso."; "Oh... Angelianna!"
Late night at the stump - Atrus and Terezi; you guys put Imrahil out of his comfort zone, but Brendan thinks you're pretty swell!

Sunday: Wakeup npc's outside Drega'tent. Swyft and Zathir handling things while I covered a still dressing Lukas. Dispersing an attack on a tent in Ostcliff.
Blush-worthy compliments from the Travance Chronicle staff. Thank you both so much!
More daywalking undead dealings.
Being told Imrahil was the "calmest citizen of Travance." Suck it, I'm the serenest! :lol:
Realizing I hadn't used a single periodic through the day.
A good chat with a couple of folks Imrahil is considering as teachers to open lists through. To you both; You hold a level of respect he has for only his most kindred spirits.
Finally getting a chance to host my birthday grillings! Many thanks to the flexibility and hospitality of my gracious hosts in Kaledonia, and my guests. I'm glad I was able to share the time with you, and that the grillings were so well received! While I wish there was more time before layoff to rp with you all, the few quick interactions were great, and I didn't have to break my in character vegetarianism to enjoy some meat with you after layoff! I only wish it wasn't so late and many more who wished to could have come! At least the delay meant the meat got to marinate an extra day! As always my biggest highlight is the community!


-Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

(Amos Oberjonois - Trapper and Spirit Speaker)

OOG - Brendan Barrett
Kitchen marshal
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22 Jun 2014 21:43 #9 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic June Event Highlights
Too tired for a full write up, so I shall put the following.

Anoint was useful. This makes me happy.

Great turnout at the first mass at the new altar space. Ree and Cameron did such an amazing job painting the space, and the altar that Alice made for Andorra and the statue David gave for Arawyn just made it so much more beautiful. Thanks to everyone who has or is helping develop this space.

I loved getting drawn into this plot. I hate cleaning up after a fire.

Jen... that last song was so beautiful and so perfect. Thank you for singing it for us. Baroness will be missed. Having to break the news to Pluvious when he arrived in town was painful.

Thank you to Goose and Marybeth for the nods to Xod that you gave Caldor. It was brilliant, and motivated a few of us to delve deeper.


I got to have an amazing scene with an Angel of my god and Angeliana. Truly great RP and something so powerful and so spiritual is a wonder.

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that book Goose. Seriously amazing craftsmanship.

To all the singing NPCs. Amazing work. The mood and atmosphere you set was incredible. JUST as many props to our amazing Bards. I can't believe what a wonderful and powerful song you guys put together, and how strong you were in keeping it up through the whole mod.

Rowan... Thank you for making me restrain you and then send a people to their possible death for your instrument. I have rarely seen so much true passion and desperation as I did in your eyes at that moment.

I had so much fun letting people see Caldor loose it for a change. Wife apparently dead as she slipped into the spirit realm, Gaia not answering prayers, Arawyn not reachable.... I had so much fun just punching crap I couldn't hurt and being a TERRIBLE fighter. I'm also sorry for that MASSIVE 2 normal to those few friends I hit. Thank you to Albert and Brigitta for really talking him down.

Epic tracking of Julius. Seriously Ree and Romeo, you guys made my night. Thank you to everyone who kept completely in character in not knowing where he was, but then gave us the OOG knowledge for her tracking. You kept us immersed and let a very difficult to use skill work in the most magnificent of ways.

Illana - thank you for offering Caldor something he may someday truly need.

Two birthday parties in one month? Amazing!

Saint Haroldson? oh Gods...

HUGE props to the feast crew for an amazing recovery and delivering a very delicious and well constructed meal after all that happened.

I'm sure there is much, much more from this fabulous event.

Caldor Eirson,

Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia

OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
Land System Marshal

Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.
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22 Jun 2014 21:52 #10 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic June Event Highlights
Haroldson in the stocks.
The end.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
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22 Jun 2014 22:36 #11 by Brunner Von Ritter (Martin Bridge)
Replied by Brunner Von Ritter (Martin Bridge) on topic June Event Highlights
That was just.....yeah. Haroldson in stocks, reforge. And we burst out laughing.

OOC Name - Martin Bridge
22 Jun 2014 22:46 - 22 Jun 2014 22:49 #12 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic June Event Highlights
-Sindarion's fate. The new wildmage with the intricate markings (so bad with names) 'George's' lessons.

-Hanging out with Rowan. Need to tether the rest of the Udhir's together.

-Learning Cymoril's story. The other pieces of history in the book.

-The last of the future Ilana knew of finally caught up to her. Now who knows what's going on.

-Maja's last words to Ilana about her bloodline. The first time he didn't smile at her at all.

-Duncan's surprise. Ilana will keep that pin forever.

-The Baroness' song, realizing what was happening during it, and getting excited and sad all at once.

-Watching Maja fall from the treeline and not being able to help :/

-The final push in the battle. Rowena and Elaryn (sp?) throughout the event.

-"You were doing this for money? " "Yeah" "Throw them in jail, the last batch did it for their families" "Wait- Well, I mean-" "Nope! Already admitted it was for money" "I... well... damn." Also the jail sentence 'addition' of teaching them how to get real jobs.

-A lakeside chat about the past, present, and future
(also wildmage 'pocket change')

-Agaurran wakeup call in the middle of the night

-This morning was strange, simple as that.

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
Last edit: 22 Jun 2014 22:49 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Tyros (Tyros), JTinney (Swordsaint), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett)
22 Jun 2014 23:55 - 22 Jun 2014 23:56 #13 by SlightlySaneBillliamm (SlightlySaneBillliamm)
Replied by SlightlySaneBillliamm (SlightlySaneBillliamm) on topic June Event Highlights
Temporal keep and all things about it.

Ambush time, trading my life for a life of someone not as experienced. An old man dies so a young girl lives.

The intense fighting left me exhausted after the reanimation.

Pyro visiting town

Mermaid mod, billliamm was silent cause his siren urges told him to kill the mermaids

Terror is the best, it allows billliamm to establish that he is the scariest person ever.

Bounty hunter to max, great fight and guards got the fear of billliamm

Treasure hunting with mirus

Leading main mod.

Getting infused with heroes and all the fun after that.

Sunday karkat the fun vampire and the trip slay.

"Slightly Sane Billliamm"

ooc: gene stern
Last edit: 22 Jun 2014 23:56 by SlightlySaneBillliamm (SlightlySaneBillliamm).
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23 Jun 2014 00:05 #14 by Jack (Keeperofdice)
Replied by Jack (Keeperofdice) on topic June Event Highlights
So many good parts of this event even if I only PC'd for a few hours!

Going around as Father Cray of the Excommunicatus. Great talks about Good vs. Evil. A fun mass and declaration!

Werewolves and Skeletons Abound!

Exploding Berserker Goblins!

Getting to use my Heroic Skill and an item from a plot 5 years ago in an unexpected way! I cannot wait to see how this turns out! THANK YOU GOOSE!

Said Plot Returning!

Hearing throughout the weekend how I am KOS, Dead, Undead, Dark Lorestri, Corrupted, A Cheese Grater, etc . . . :D

Playing the Heroic Buccaneer: Marcus the Dread Pirate.
"I'm sorry, the negotiations are over."

Main Mod was ridiculous and amazing. The lights, the smoke, and most of all the singing. The part that did me in: was seeing Mixolydia's Shield propped up against the skulls. A forlorn feeling of the end.

Getting asked to run a very special mod for someone! Thanks to all who were involved! You were fantastic!

Ser Jack Siefer
Knight Of Drega'Mire
Head of Research & Development of Kormyre
Sky Marshal
Captain of the K.A.S. Tarrasque

OOG: Gus M.

“Men learn from their failures. I prefer to learn from the failures of others..”
"Sometimes what the world doesn't need is a hero. Sometimes what it needs is a monster."
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23 Jun 2014 01:38 - 23 Jun 2014 01:40 #15 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic June Event Highlights
Few short highlights for me:

-Speaking after a Gaian mass as a Galmachian, with permission from the Gaian priest who owns the altar

-Tower mod. The town just let me go.......

-Being named battlemaster(warlord) of Kaladonia officially.......didn't think that was gonna happen in front of everyone.

-Squire Keavy!!!!

-Taking control of the bards defense, and succeeding with just 3 other people

-Jumping on the bench to get Travance readied up for the second assault on the Inn after just losing so many people

-Talking trash about my Tower mod NPC and Merikh as Caelvan after he hears about the two people he'll never meet.
"You mean there is a Galmacian who thinks Gaia and Galladel work with Galmachis? He's full of dumb."
"Beinion, I want you to murder that necromancer when you see him. They are horrible and if he is in that damn tower again kill him."

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gal'Azin Merikh Tazam
Death's Will
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23 Jun 2014 05:31 #16 by Narcis (ChrisR)
Replied by Narcis (ChrisR) on topic June Event Highlights
While I had to leave mid saturday because of stomach issues (thanks everyone who helped and hoped I would feel better. I will have you know that today was only slightly less bad then yesterday but resting has really helped) I still had A LOT OF FUN AND DID SO MUCH STUFF, MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FOR AVA.


-While most of the people were gone through the portal and Aliester arrives, and him telling he she was coming with him for rounds so he could find out what was going on in town (since a lot was) and Ava's only reaction was; "okay...you know who you're asking right?"

- Many talks with Angeliana. Which were...interesting and definitely left Ava drained as she felt as if she has gotten mixed messages. Ava's comment of "I believe Andorra has ran out for compassionate love for me" was first met with "She loves everyone" and then periods of time where she saw Angeliana just freak out and seem to forget what her faith has told her, then to hear about what happened with Merikh and the altars and andorra's reaction, only helped Ava's cause that compassionate love was 1) impossible and 2) a foolish ideal to believe in.

- Ava being told that she was in her "rebellious" stage of being a chaos warrior. Ava finding it slightly funny because the point of rebellion is that you are purposely doing the opposite to give the man the finger, where Ava just doesn't care and does what she wants.


- Fighting undead then hearing they were caused by Arcanum tarot cards and wondering how exactly it was working but her first thought being "I was under the impression Obsidia was blown off the face of Arawyn"

- Ginginny convo, Ava not really knowing how to answer when she asked "why do you wish to be a weapon" So many Why questions, much thing, many annoyance, wow!

- Being part of Glomm experiments. Being able to help let research that had been done come to fruition, but was also the bearer of bad news....by collapsing after what was thought to be a success. Good time spent, I think I got over some OOG hesitance I had. Thanks Judge and John for allowing me to have such a great experience! Hope to help out any other time needed! It felt honestly, like such an organic thing Ava would do, she felt as if she was helping to be a drop of water into a lake that had been still. To find that her will to help bring change, to see things that aren't "normal" happen was something she felt comfortable giving her life for if it was necessary. I know Jed had that talk about goals and though sometimes it doesn't seem like she has one, but she does, she's working on it, it's all good.

- Getting charmed into helping the barony this month by Sir Slack. Sir Slack also being the only person who had been like "Chaos is going to end up an empty path" type talk that Ava didn't want to immediately get up and leave, perhaps it was because he didn't pull a fire and brimstone "Valos is angry at this" type deal but instead focused on the "All the chaos warriors I knew didn't live a long time" Type deal. Not going to stop her chaos, but he did get kudo points. Also with Angeliana and him, when she said that she goes to Jed and Atrus for advice and the look of "what could you POSSIBLY want to ask them" and Ava's response of "You know, normal stuff, learning to become your own person and what not"

- Being asked like 3 times in an hour if she followed a god in the dark pantheon and she saying, " Nope", I sometimes wonder if it matter what my answer is because even when I tell the truth I can't tell if they actually believe me or are just finding it a dumb line of questioning to continue on.

- Overall, the time I had there was awesome and I'm glad I could make it for what I did, sad I didn't run into some PC's but hey, I still got time. And for those I DID interact with, know that each and every one of you helped shape Ava this event. As I tell lots of people, she is a product of how the town treats her.

Hopefully I get to see you guys next month! Until then!

OOG:Chris R.
Storyteller / Marshal
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23 Jun 2014 06:11 #17 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic June Event Highlights
Having your own bodyguard is bittersweet. On the one hand, you have someone protecting you should something or someone attack you. However, on the other hand, there is someone with you all the time and you feel like you're in a bubble. Friday night, I was about to head down to Pendarvin for Jack Dimms' birthday celebration when Burkhart approaches the back porch of the Inn. He tells me that he was charged with defending me because of his training and also because bards across the land were in danger. As far as bodyguards go, I could have done a lot worse. Thank you, Burk.

Can I just say that this event was the most frightening I have been to in quite a while? Late Friday night, I was with a group of people with the great misfortune of having the first run-in with the Hollow Song. Whenever a bard has to sing Requiem for the Dead (a spellsong that halts the death count), something is wrong. When there are still bodies on the ground and the singing stops, that is grounds for panic, especially when it was the Baroness keeping us -- including yours truly -- from taking a focus walk. Thankfully, I was revived. Billiam sacrificed himself to save the life of another Travancian, which I will remember always. Burk and I were ordered to carry Billiam back to the Inn.

My bardic compatriots and I traveled through time. Allow that to sink in. TIME TRAVEL! We met Rowena, discovered the nature of the threat we faced from the Hollow Song. There were portraits of every bard in Travance, and they were fading away. We were in danger of being erased from history.

Saturday afternoon, I went with a group of people down to the Waterfront to meet with the mermaid , who made several requests of those in attendance. The first was a set of riddles, slightly more than half of which were answered correctly. Then, the mermaid asked for song and dance. Then the mermaid called for jokes to make her laugh. Rather stern in demeanor, she stopped people if they were taking too long to get through their jokes. She even cut off Her Excellency!

There came a point when the mermaid had time for one more joke. I stood there with my journal opened to a joke, but waited to see if anyone else would volunteer. No one did, so I stepped forward, slowly, and read a joke that I learned from Seamus several moons ago. It was well-received among the crowd. Later, the mermaid expressed praise for Sindarion's harp playing -- well-deserved praise, if I may say so! -- and for my voice. I was even asked to sing once they returned. I will be too happy to oblige.

Thank Andorra I decided to eat outside during Feast. However, before the Hollow Song appeared, I heard the Baroness singing and stood in the doorway to watch her performance. Then something astonishing happened. Her Excellency vanished in a blast of orange light. I can only hope that she is still watching over us.

The whole town met up at the Baronial Manor to prepare for battle. Bards furiously scribbled down song lyrics and made sure that each of us had a copy. We practiced inside the Manor and in quick succession, I saw each bard put down his or her lyric sheet. It was brilliant how adept we all were, and how beautiful the melody sounded when we all sang together.

We marched to the Inn, protected by some of the strongest fighters in Travance. We sang and we sang until our throats were dry, and then we sang some more. It was to no avail. The Hollow Song and their accomplices were summarily picking us off. Travance was forced into retreat. We ran to the Armory to regroup, strategize, and hopefully find water for the bards. Fortunately, all three were achieved. After an impassioned speech by Squire Renaith, we headed to the Inn once more. Men pounded rhythmically on their shields as we sang. I can't describe the feeling I felt in that moment.

After our victory, drinks were on the house for bards, and I took advantage of that. Andorra have mercy. I stomped my feet, clapped, danced, sang along when I knew the words and even when I didn't, and I did it all loudly.

Late night conversation with a new friend about fishing and poetry led to some unintended alone time. For you see, Jonas Kane made one of his rare appearances. He was behind the bar re-organizing a few things and I introduced him to my friend, and vice versa. After treating us to some unusual drinks, he offered my friend Londwynian Whiskey, along with an "experience" that he claimed involved a waterfall, among other things. My friend asked if I would watch her cloak, telling me that she would return shortly. That was at 1 bell past midnight. I watched that cloak and in the next few moments, looked eagerly toward the entrance whenever I heard the door swing open and shut. Every time, it wasn't her, but I promised I would look after her cloak.

I brought the cloak with me into the next room, because I didn't want to be by myself, and held conversations with a few people before moving back into the bar. A woman walked in the door and took two steps up the stairs before pausing to look at me. Coming back down, she asked if I was alright. I told her I wasn't and when asked the reason why, I told her the only activity I could assume Jonas Kane and my friend to be performing at such an hour and for such a period of time. The woman gave me a needed pep talk, along with a short massage, before heading up to bed.

Around half past three bells, I hear the front door of the Inn swing shut. My friend is back. Upon returning her cloak to her, I tell her that I understand, and that I would be okay if they would rather I not interrupt. She declined any involvement so intimate with Mr. Kane and I was inclined to believe her.

A few assorted odds and ends:

Card games
Cheese graters
The Kunkelhorns
Learning how to use a shield, with help from Seamus, Arkelian, Annora, Rane, Jack, and especially Caldor.
Rowan's singing

Go forth and hug a bard!

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
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23 Jun 2014 10:53 #18 by Matrim Nakayama (Matrim)
Replied by Matrim Nakayama (Matrim) on topic June Event Highlights
I don't usually write on here, but this event was just too rich not to do so.

I had an absolute blast playing Losa (the drow hollow songster)! It wasn't until people were screaming at my corpse and ripping my ears off that I realized just how much ire I had earned, haha! I had so many amazing interactions with so many amazing players between Friday night and Saturday night that there is no way I could include them all. All of you incredible people who had sing-offs with me, I loved every second of it. I don't even know most of your names, but we shared moments that I will never forget.

Until next time!

Matrim Nakayama

OOG Nathan K.
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23 Jun 2014 11:45 #19 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic June Event Highlights
Digging out my phylactery in the dead of black night, only to have the sun start coming up by the time we got back.

Not much happened Saturday afternoon, so I made up for it with an excellent lawn nap.

Mostly coping with my bum knee throughout the weekend, only had minimal stress to it, and not letting that ruin my weekend.

Getting to use many of my heroic legionnaire abilities on main mod that I've never been able to use before.

-Tim P
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23 Jun 2014 12:38 #20 by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms)
Replied by Dunn Ironwill (JackDimms) on topic June Event Highlights
Okay, adding more to my highlights!

-Smithing lessons from Kun. He is a great teacher and now with a lot more smithing skills, It's time for Jack to help more around the town.

-Getting yelled at by Haroldson at every corner.

-Drinking competition with Ariya.

-Good guy Cory turning Jack into a vampire\

-NPCing Main mod was fun once the battle started. It was great to see that the NPC's can win a bit. One thing I would like to throw in here though is mind your strength people. Yes they are foam weapons, but I was getting seriously hurt out there.

-Sitting at the bar and telling Bar to send a message to Nalick.

-Checking on Byron every 20 minutes or so to as how his charisma was going.

And I think that is all. Til next month guys.

Professor Dunn Ironwill
Cenobite of Agaura
Vassal of Ostcliff

OOG: Dane Williams
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23 Jun 2014 13:54 - 24 Jun 2014 17:45 #21 by Baroness Hartwoode (jadelet)
Replied by Baroness Hartwoode (jadelet) on topic June Event Highlights
I'll keep it simple so I don't write a book:

Music and musicians.

Best most sincere " what does it mean to be a noble" conversation ever.

Finally getting to perform that song and only realizing afterward that it fit even better than I had initially realized.

Being able to keep the secret from so many, and getting to see the organic reactions.


____________*costume change*_______________

Playing the kind of character Mixolydia was meant to be.

Running into the right people from the start.-- I know the guy with the key to the private stock and seem to have befriended the lady behind the bar. What more could a girl need?

Oh, right . . .STELLAR drinking companions.

Goose, thank you. Just thank you. I couldn't have asked for a better sendoff!

Baroness Mixolydia Hartwoode of Travance
March Warden of Selendrias

Alas for those that never sing,
But die with all their music in them!
(oog-Jen W.)
Last edit: 24 Jun 2014 17:45 by Baroness Hartwoode (jadelet).
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23 Jun 2014 15:54 - 23 Jun 2014 15:57 #22 by Goggs (coryan)
Replied by Goggs (coryan) on topic June Event Highlights
I'm never going to forget Saturday night as that one time I got to have Goggins walk around doing Kung Fu and swinging Holy Strikes and Cripples.

Sorting out basic inventory for the guard. It feels really good to get to provide kit and essentials, and was a lovely opportunity to meet a few new faces too!

Excellent nocturnal chats with Grimkjell, Brigitta, and Magnus.

Making a pretty cool commission for Cecilia, after a good bit of prodding on her part.

Rowena performing a forced mind expansion on me, you sly Lorestri you.

The whole of Saturday evening was just excellent. Mixolydia's choice of song was really quite poignant, drawing up memories of late-night chats about her past - and, when she eventually took the scroll from Maja, I was able to stand there and quietly feel nothing but happiness for her while the room exploded in shouting around me. It was the perfect ending to this chapter of her story, and wonderful that she got to share it with so many of us.

Then, what followed. Getting to head out with a squad of pretty amazing characters, headed by Magnus - the first time I've ever had a chance to do that sort of thing. Here's hoping your knee held out Tim!

The whole business with getting removed from history, then whisked up to the beautiful Temporis Keep to get fused with the memories of a past hero. I didn't realise you had such a gorgeous voice MaryBeth! Whoever it was who put all those drapes and candles in the pavilion: damn it looked good.

Subsequently getting ejected back out into the world. Grimkjell walking up stony-faced, giving me a massive Strength + a Gazillion hug, then collecting himself and announcing "let us never speak of this again." Equal parts sweet and hilarious.

A pretty amazing Sunday morning NPC shift. We ended up with a ton of people on shift, so got to do some really awesome stuff: our team of Knoll slavers actually took prisoners before getting distracted by Swyft (CAT! CAT! WOOF!) we sold stacks of goblin face cream and fried rat as a troupe of goblin merchants, stormed the inn as a platoon of ogres, tried to eat Roach as a legion of undead, and pissed everyone off as a bunch of obnoxious Agauran/Malycite peasants. It was a riot.

Just an all-round brilliant event. Every part of it seemed well thought out, and was rich with depth and flavour - all presented in a way that allowed a great many people to get involved and enjoy its many subtly interwoven threads. I can't help but draw parallels between the landscape of the weekend's events and the incredible cuisine for which Goose is so well known; both have proven beautiful, lovingly prepared, and deliciously satisfying to the last morsel. Thankyou.

- A. C. Goggins

OOG: Cory W-S
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a Maul."
Last edit: 23 Jun 2014 15:57 by Goggs (coryan).
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23 Jun 2014 16:22 #23 by Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
Replied by Nalick (NalickDeMarche) on topic June Event Highlights

Baroness Hartwoode wrote: I'll keep it simple so I don't write a book:

This is a temptation I'll need to resist in the future.

OOG -- Jeff Balla
Card Team
Kitchen Staff
23 Jun 2014 16:56 - 23 Jun 2014 23:53 #24 by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl)
Replied by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl) on topic June Event Highlights
This event held a lot of milestones for me. More personal to the character than anything else. I saw an edge to her, a determination that I'd only seen previously during March when her kin were in trouble, and her determination to remain where she would do the most good and protect the Phocus shows me just how much she is starting to grow.

-Thalia yelling "I quit!"behind the bar on Friday night after hearing about Saint Haroldson from the members of the Church of the Excommunicatus (sp?) and the collectively horrified/shocked cries of "WHAT?!" from everyone in the bar and Angeliana telling her she couldn't, that it was illegal. Duncan stopping her and sending her back in to do her job.

-Tobias' example of belief accidentally spinning off the joke of The Church of the Hat at the Center of the Table (formerly the Church of the Table at the Center of the Inn), and their two sub-sects: the Drunken Hat Knights and the alcohol free sect: The Shirley Templars. And then going over the books on the Scholar's Table.

-Lessons with Almat, Albert and Tobias.

-Searching high and low for that magical tarot card and still not having found it by Sunday... It has to be here somewhere!

-ALL THE SINGING EVER! Hearing the bards in full form was absolutely amazing.

-Coming back from kitchen duty during feast, and coming back into character JUST a everyone else had gotten out and coming face to face with the invading Hollow Song. Literally standing right in front of Cymoril, a moment where you look at someone and they look at you. And Thalia realizing that she needed to move. Now. Or she wasn't getting out of there. And then realizing once she was out that Gwynned was still inside and there wasn't a thing she could do to help her!

-Staying to protect the Phocus during main mod to make sure that anyone who came through could be pulled through quickly and sent back to help. Discussions with Kunkelhorn and Brigitta. Pulling my first two people through the phocus on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

-Meeting Jen W.'s new character. I think they're going to get along GREAT! Learning who has the key to the basement stash of liquor (always good to know!), the bards singing and dancing in the bar after Main Mod.

-Finding out in game and out about the Baroness and making plans to go to the Highlands with Seamus to assist.

-Sunday morning information extraction and such from the Dark Clergy which happened in Pendarvin. That was great and I want to give props to all the NPCs!!!

The usual Kitchen shenanigans of singing Wicked during cleanup.
Sunday, in the car on the way back figuring out what else I want her to learn.

This was a great event! And while I won't be in game next month, I cannot WAIT to get back in August and maybe do a cookout for everyone for celebration purposes!

Thalia Stonebar Burdorn
Consul of Kaladonia
Warden of the Phocus
Ambassador to Calasvorin
Manager, Dragon's Claw Inn;

OOG: Abby Leib
Last edit: 23 Jun 2014 23:53 by Thalia Burdorn (abbyl).
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23 Jun 2014 17:09 #25 by Mirwen Silverbow (Mirwen)
Replied by Mirwen Silverbow (Mirwen) on topic June Event Highlights
Oof. I haven't written one of these in a long time, but it feels like a good weekend to start again. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it, but I'm so glad I did.

I honestly don't remember Friday night. It happened. I just don't know what took place. There were undead at some point, right?
So many new players though! Yay new players!! I hope you all had a great time and I hope to see all of you again.

Saturday was fun. Hearing, among other things, that Haroldson was declared a Saint by the Excommunicatus or something like that, leading to theories and discussions that resulted in much more laughter than actual debate (so when a Coast Havener, a Dwarf, a Londwyn and a Quinarian sit down for philosophy, thought experiments, and discussions on the nature of faith, the fictional Church of the Hat in the Center of the Table comes to be*). Either way, it was a very fun way to spend an afternoon, and the merriment only subsided when the Baroness recommended we look at the book on the Scholar's table, which the four of us went to do.

Reading it aloud for a bit, before sensing something had changed, only to look up and right at Rowena. MaryBeth, that timing kind of made my weekend.

Mage's Guild meeting ending with being beset upon by Julius. That was fun.

Main Mod prep and Main Mod!! I had so much fun. To my four Hollow Songsters: You guys are awesome. Like, seriously. All of the NPC's on that shift were incredible. My personal highlights, being Cymoril:
Walking right through the choke at the back door without being touched.
Finding Mixolydia's shield and parading around with it.
Being creepy with Julius.
Turning the inn into the ritual space, and adding the shield to the skull setup.
Watching faces and jaws drop when my response to everything was "No Effect."
Knight Protectorate Shadesar deciding that if he couldn't hurt me, it was a good idea to spit in my face instead. He was the only one I personally dealt any damage to all night. (Love you, Sean.)
The song the bards wrote. You guys are so incredible. It was a beautiful song, too. I love you guys.

After main mod, coming back as Mirwen just to ask "...So, what happened?"
Getting to sleep way later than I wanted to (which usually seems to happen Saturday nights).

Slow start on Sunday in Logistics (not that I minded.)
Another discussion concerning the Church of the Hat in the Center of the Table* in Kaladonia, and other minds expanding it to include the sects of the Drunken Hat Knights and their sober counterparts, the Shirley Templars.

It was a great weekend. I just want to thank everyone that showed up, everyone I ran into, and everyone who had a hand in running this event. It was fantastic. Hopefully I can break this streak of only attending every other event now, too. Can't wait for next event to do it all again.
[*Disclaimer: We do not claim to actually be holy in any way, shape, or form, nor do we intend to actually claim the Hat is a religious item or that there is any form of divinity attached to any of the concepts discussed]
(Oh, also discussing with MaryBeth how all the names are epic and impressive-Rowena, Erralyn, Merlantius, Cymoril-and Kevin. Just-Kevin.)

Lady Mirwen Silverbow of Pendarvin
Master of the Mage's Guild
Mage's Guild Scribe


Christine B
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23 Jun 2014 20:11 #26 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic June Event Highlights
So last week was so rough for me and I had so many people step up Friday to offer to listen, help me if I needed anything, and just offer to listen. I can't thank you guys enough you all really helped me feel better.

When game started I had no clue I was running around crazily. I remember trying to get everyone to listen to my suspicions that were given to me. When things went bad I remember saying I don't care they deserved it...till I heard Billliamm was dead.

Conversation late Friday night with aleister and Orophon. Not fully being sure what to say but being really impressed with the overall rp.

Saturday NPC shift...fire...thank you to everyone who stepped up and cleaned and helped in every way. I was really impressed with everyone pitching in. Also thanks to the amazing chefs you ladies are amazing.

Hearing news from Alisia that nearly caused me to burst into tears....listening to her talk me through it and working very hard to think of this as a challenge.... I'm ready

Getting back IG and having everyone listening to me about the card.

Trying to quit Kaledonia to save them from the hollow song, and none of them allow that.

Peanut butter jelly time

Meeting the EMT and PD who came out for the emergency, they were hilarious, I hope they really do get to come.

The amazing side conversations with a select few kaledonia members. It is clear that they really care about Tari and that they are trying to make changes.

All of the magical shenanigans in kaledonia "the bunnies are on fire"

And Sunday...making the guildmaster cry to buy us ice cream :p
And Danni's new PC...can't wait to explore this more

Oh yeah Caelvan i won my bet...thanks to Loren who not only agreed to be blown up she reminded me about it

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves.  For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure....
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23 Jun 2014 21:21 #27 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic June Event Highlights
Best highlight was seeing how the community pulled together to do what had to be done after the fire.

Friday night - my first Mass in three years. Whatever I expected, it was not to be canonized and offered the position of - hmmm - antipope, to use the historical term. Serendipitous that Craig's new PC, a Valosian cleric, showed up at the same moment as Gus' NPC Valosian priest.

Three distinct moments with Keavy, culminating with the last thing I expected to hear from her - gratitude, delivered in such a way that I could feel the seesawing going through her head.

Three followers of Dark gods, accused of the entire gamut of crimes. I acted as an Inquisitor of the Light, in accordance with Baronial Law, got the verdict and penalty I wanted from the nobles, and oversaw the execution, by one who I could label a "Church executioner." All in all, a wonderful protracted scene with a good outcome, so far as Edwin is concerned.

Stocks. OK, I'm not giving anything away when I say Oros (occasionally?!) has some strangely humorous ideas. Throw in Gene Stern and Tim, and well..... Tim intercepting my decaying the wood was priceless - and good, quick thinking

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
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23 Jun 2014 23:47 #28 by Dimetri Yhatzi (DMvanhart)
Replied by Dimetri Yhatzi (DMvanhart) on topic June Event Highlights
*Thank you to everyone who helped to get us back from the fire and then helped to make sure feast occurred. From the faces and talks with the Feast crew...you made their days.*

Gypsy Court

All the shades...ugh

Really...all three again...must not be people who want money in this guild!

Stealing from a gypsy...*smacks hand*...that one might come back to bite me. Knowledge obtained!

"Dimetri come over here" "What do you need?" "Well, either you or Duncan are going to get this" "Ok so who" "Well...." "Can he disappear when he absolutely has to...well I can" Conch obtained.

Ghost of a child...we have to play. PLAY I SAY!

Lessons with teacher! Soaring, feeling, and find my path through the winds.


Skirmish Team 1....Fail. Bill F. is the only other person who truly understands this.

Charity Grace and the adventures therein. I found the loop hole!

Humming Birds and leadership. Thank you again to those wonderful NPCs you know who you are.

Religion, and other topics. Thanks Sharone.

Dimetri Yhatzi
Viceroy of Ostcliff
Druid of the Conclave.
Master Merchant and Locksmith, The Purple Thistle
Mashkar le gadjende leski shib si le Romeski zor

Damian VanHart - OOG

"Destiny, chance, fate, fortune--they're all just ways of claiming your success without claiming your failures."
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Tsoli (Tsoli), Keavy (Dani), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche)
24 Jun 2014 00:05 - 24 Jun 2014 00:06 #29 by Eden Heimdell (amalthea)
Replied by Eden Heimdell (amalthea) on topic June Event Highlights
It was so great to be back again, and this event was incredible! First, a shout out to the kitchen staff for keeping things together. Second, to all the STs, the bard plot was amazing. More on that later.

Fresh fish for dinner!
Getting a whole few minutes to learn the song to take the bards to the Temporis Keep.
Seeing the Keep (OMG!) and learning quite a bit. Finally using that one lore. Thanks, Goose!
After the ambush/retreat, bringing Tobar back through the phocus. It's been a while since Amalthea's resurrected anyone.
Being asked repeatedly if I'm a bard, and every time, responding with a simple and enthusiastic "Nope!"

Realizing I had questions I didn't have time to ask the Lorestri as well as the means to return to their keep and ask.
Getting a look at the Book of Knowledge.
Before feast, having a conversation with the Guildmaster that turned into deciding that sure, maybe I do want to be a bard
Finishing my lessons to become an Arch Caster. Weapon casting, here I come!
Saying goodbye to Mixolydia, after hearing her sing for my first time.
After Cymoril's attack, having Dr. Maxwell help me forget how to be a mage so I could be a real bard.
Learning another new song and playing it the entirety of Main Mod....I think this is the first time I went on main mod and didn't swing a weapon.
Helping Arden lay his mother to rest- watching Norm and Nick turn the emotion up to 11.
A much more jovial end to the evening with shenanigans at the Kaladonia fire pit. Flap flaps and bunnies on fire.

Talking with Utgard about some of Maja's cryptic words.
Learning weapon mastery. Almost there!

Aria wrote: Oh yeah Caelvan i won my bet...thanks to Loren who not only agreed to be blown up she reminded me about it

What can I say? Amalthea's a team player ;)
Goose, we have to talk.

Thanks again for an unforgettable weekend.

Eden Heimdell
Vassal of Albriar

OOG Lauren F.
Last edit: 24 Jun 2014 00:06 by Eden Heimdell (amalthea).
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Lathiel (Lathiel), Rowan Uidhir (Teresa), Imrahil (Brendan Barrett), Nalick (NalickDeMarche), Saoirse Mac'Sidhe (Sidhe)
24 Jun 2014 00:11 #30 by Brunner Von Ritter (Martin Bridge)
Replied by Brunner Von Ritter (Martin Bridge) on topic June Event Highlights
Hah Damien, as I waited for it. With haroldson and my team of 3 immensely fragile players, I thought "well, there goes the battle" yeah right, 3 seasons or less players protecting people like billiam and maxwell. ThAt was such a pity. Then charging blindly worked.

OOC Name - Martin Bridge
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gallion (Gallion), Gwynedd (Gwynedd)
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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