Rules Update: Master Marksman

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24 Jun 2012 09:46 - 24 Jun 2012 17:38 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Rules Update: Master Marksman was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
New Basic Rules:

Verbal Counts: Any skill or action that requires an OOG verbal count to use (not In-Game verbals, such as for a spell) must be spoken with the following conditions:
  • Must be spoken at a normal conversational volume, or louder.
  • Each count must be at least 1 second long - you cannot speak at a faster pace to shorten the count.
Steady Shot: An character may, at any point while aiming with a loaded and drawn launched weapon, begin a count to automatically hit a target. The Archer must an OOG verbal count, "Steady Shot 1, Steady Shot 2, Steady Shot 3..." until reaching the appropriate count for the desired ability they wish to use. An Archer may fire base damage after a count to 10, a Lower List skill with a count to 20, and a Higher List skill with a count to 30. When this method is used, after firing the shot, the marksman must drop the readied missile phys rep at their feet and may not pick it up for 5 seconds. The target must be within the normal firing range of the launched weapon - the attacker may be asked to fire a shot as far as the target if the range is questionable, but it does not need to be accurate.

Condition (Hobbled): While under the effects of this condition, the character can only move at a heel to toe pace.

The Bounty Hunter Profession gains the following skills:
  • "Bow" at 3 Build, with no pre-requisite.
  • "Ranged Prof +1" at 6 build, with the prerequisite of "Any Ranged Weapon."
The skills "Crititcal Backstab" and "Critical Ranged Attack" are being removed from the game. In their place, the skill "Critical Attack" is being substituted at the same cost.

The skill Critical Attack is dropping the Melee trait, which allows it to be used with Ranged attacks.

Master Marksman

This is a Tier II list.

  • Ranged Proficiency +5
  • 7th Level
A character with this list may only specialize in one Path, which allows her to reach its pinnacle Tier 4 Ability. She may purchase up to Tier 2 abilities in the remaining path.

Path of the Sniper

Tier 1

Focused Fire
Build: 4
Maximum: 5
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment
By studying a target during battle, the Marksman can more effectively target an opponent’s weak points and openings. This allows the Marksman to add 5 to their base damage when using a Launched weapon against the target for the duration of the battle. The Marksman may only benefit from one use of this skill at a time, and may willingly end its use to change targets.

Sniper Mastery
Build: 10
Maximum: 1 Purchase
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Continuous), Proficiency, Weapon (Launched / Thrown)
With this skill, the Marksman gains the following benefits:
  • The ability to use all Launched or Thrown weapons.
  • +2 Damage with all Lanched or Thrown weapons.
  • May still use Launched Weapons while one arm is useless (broken, severed, using the skill Climb, etc.).
  • May use any periodic Melee skills that do only damage (and no other effects) with all Launched or Thrown weapon.
  • May ignore the requirement to strike a person from behind and to the back when using skills with the "Attack (Backstab)" trait with all Launched or Ranged weapons.
Tier 2

Vital Shot
Build: 5
Maximum: 5
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Sniper ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack (Launched), Superior
This skill allows the Marksman to attack using a Launched Weapon, dealing 5 times their base damage in direct body damage.

Encumbering Shot
Build: 4
Maximum: 6
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Sniper ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack (Launched), Condition (Hobbled), Superior
This skill allows the master marksman to wound her opponent in such a way that it impedes her movement. A target affected by this skill is Hobbled for the duration of 5 minutes. Furthermore, any skill with the 'Movement' Trait is not usable while Hobbled.

Tier 3

Perfect Shot
Build: 5
Maximum: 4 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Sniper ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack (Launched), Line of Sight
This skill allows the Marksman to fire a Launched weapon so accurately that an OOG shot does not need to be taken. In order to use this skill, the marksman must have a missile phys rep loaded and ready, and simply aim her ranged weapon at the target and call “Perfect Shot X” where X is damage or a skill. The target must be within the normal firing range of the launched weapon - the attacker may be asked to fire a shot as far as the target if the range is questionable, but it does not need to be accurate. When this skill is used, the marksman must drop the readied missile phys rep at her feet and may not pick it up for 5 seconds. Other periodic skills with the Attack (Launched) trait can be combined with this skill.

Tier 4

Kill Shot
Build: 10
Maximum: 4
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Sniper ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack (Launched), Superior, Piercing, Lethal
This skill allows the Marksman to fire a missile that critically wounds her target. The attack drops the target to the beginning of the critical stage of her death count, and negates any death count extensions. This attack deals a maximum of 800 damage. This attack may only be used with Launched weapons. This skill may not be combined with Perfect Shot.

Path of the Scout

Tier 1

Head Crack
Build: 1
Maximum: 5
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Superior, Attack, Impact, Weapon (Launched / Thrown)
This skill allows a Marksman to use a launched or thrown weapon as an improvised melee weapon. A Marksman may call this skill while holding a thrown or launched weapon, but not a projectile (i.e. - a bow, but not an arrow). The Marksman does not need actually hit their opponent OOG, instead this skill automatically hits as long as the target is within arms’ reach. The target is dazed for 30 seconds. This skill may not be used with melee weapons. This requirement cannot be overridden by Master Proficiency.

Build: 8
Maximum: 2
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Defense, Superior
This skill allows the Master Marksman to avoid any non-area of effect attack.

Tier 2

Ranged Intervention
Build: 7
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Scout Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Superior, Line of Sight, Defense (Assist)
This skill allows the Marksman to shoot an attack with the Ranged trait out of the air, canceling it, including attacks delivered by ranged weapons, and abilities delivered by spell packets (including Perfect Aim or Metaphysical abilities). To use this ability, the Marksman must have a thrown weapon or a readied Launched weapon in hand.

Double Shot
Build: 2
Maximum: 5
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Scout Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack, Weapon (Launched)
This skill allows the Marksman to fire two In-Game missiles at the same time, at the same target, while only firing one missile OOG. Other Ranged Attack periodic skills can be combined with this skill - a second use of the additional skill is not expended. If hit, the target must defend against two separate attacks, as if they were hit twice.

Tier 3

Scout's Vantage
Build: 6
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Scout Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Superior, Detection
While this skill is in use, the Marskman has the ability to detect objects hidden with a yellow headband effect (This detection is also called as "Scout's Vantage" to the target). This detection ability is Superior in nature, and may not be countered by the skill Conceal. Additionally, the Marksman may still fire a Launched weapon, and may subtract ten seconds from her Steady Shot count while using this skill, to a minimum count of ten seconds. The skill lasts until the Marksman moves from her position, voluntarily or otherwise. The Marksman may also make use of the skill Climb at the same time the call this skill, as if it was a part of this skill.

Tier 4

Concealed Barrage
Build: 6
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Scout Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Superior, Headband (Yellow)
This skill functions as Cloak of the Green, with additional benefits. While using this skill, the Marksman may move at a heel to toe pace without ending use of the skill. Additionally, the Marksman may make basic attacks (not periodic skills) with Launched weapons, without ending use of the skill. Any other movement or action that would end Cloak of the Green also ends this skill. (Note that calling damage and using Steady Shot are not In-Game speaking, and do not end the use of this skill.)

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Last edit: 24 Jun 2012 17:38 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller).
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24 Jun 2012 12:24 #2 by Misaki (cbodnar)
Replied by Misaki (cbodnar) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
And now the big question on everybody's mind...what path will Diane pick? ;)

Concerning "Scout's Vantage," from how I read it the M. Marksman is able to detect any amount of hidden objects/people with a single use? or do they have to spend a use per object they wish to discover?

Also, concerning the removal of "Critical Backstab" and the substitution of "Critical Attack" on the rogue list, will they still be able to add their backstab damage as a modifier if crit-ing from behind or is that totally gone now?

Looks great guys!


Misaki Xianlu VonRitter, the Nemesis

Vassal of Pendarvin

"Evil Must Be Destroyed"

OOG:  Cyril Bodnar
24 Jun 2012 13:21 #3 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
A few things I noticed about prerequisites:
-As written, it is impossible to learn either Kill Shot or Scout's Vantage, as they are they're own prerequisites.
-Sniper Mastery and Evade are both tier 1 abilities that require you to know the other tier 1 ability. Is this intentional?
-Both Perfect Shot and Double Shot have no prerequisites listed
-Ranged Intervention, a tier 2 ability, requires you to know Concealed Barrage.

Are Psions required to count out their attacks?

-Alexandre Blythewood

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24 Jun 2012 15:25 #4 by Kelly (Kelly)
Replied by Kelly (Kelly) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Master Marksman = best assasin in the game

Dame Zafrin Yhatzi
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24 Jun 2012 15:49 - 24 Jun 2012 17:40 #5 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Some of the skills were shuffled around, and the pre-reqs [strike]will be[/strike] have been corrected.

Concentration skills do not require OOG counts, so they do not change. Killing Blows, which require an OOG count, do.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Last edit: 24 Jun 2012 17:40 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller).
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24 Jun 2012 17:36 #6 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman

Misaki wrote: Concerning "Scout's Vantage," from how I read it the M. Marksman is able to detect any amount of hidden objects/people with a single use? or do they have to spend a use per object they wish to discover?

Any amount with a single use, but the moment the marksman moves, the skill is ended.

Misaki wrote: Also, concerning the removal of "Critical Backstab" and the substitution of "Critical Attack" on the rogue list, will they still be able to add their backstab damage as a modifier if crit-ing from behind or is that totally gone now?

If the conditions for the Backstab prof are met, it's counted in the damage that is doubled. (The basic intent was to consolidate the skills into one, to make things easier, like we did for Martial Arts skills.)

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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24 Jun 2012 19:03 #7 by Josephine (mferro54)
Replied by Josephine (mferro54) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Do skills that require you to count aloud all explicitly state that in their descriptions? I sometimes find myself wondering if I'm supposed to be counting aloud.

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24 Jun 2012 19:25 #8 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
They do, yes.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
24 Jun 2012 23:18 #9 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
When using Steady Shot, can you use Double Shot combined with another skill?

-Alexandre Blythewood

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25 Jun 2012 02:13 #10 by Velius (Velius)
Replied by Velius (Velius) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
From an in-game perspective, if a master marksman uses concealed barrage, can characters see the arrows in-flight after they are fired?

If yes, would you then be able to determine that something you cannot see shot an arrow "from somewhere in that general location" and either back away from the area, take cover from that direction, or ready a shield in that direction without wandering into the realm of meta-gaming?

If no, characters cannot see the arrows when they are fired, I'd presume that a character struck by an attack delivered while concealed would be able to take those measures since they now have an arrow sticking out of them pointing in the direction of the attack?

If the marksman moved to another location under stealth before firing another shot then obviously you wouldn't be able to track their movement without using an appropriate skill. This is just against the direction of the shot fired/attack delivered.

OOG: Drew C.

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25 Jun 2012 09:21 #11 by Sean Moulson (Moulson13)
Replied by Sean Moulson (Moulson13) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Thank you so much for all your guys work.

This is what Anhîl was waiting for. Can't wait to get to the point where I can buy this!

Anhil Shadesar, Knight of Kaladonia

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25 Jun 2012 11:33 #12 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman

Velius wrote: From an in-game perspective, if a master marksman uses concealed barrage, can characters see the arrows in-flight after they are fired?

If yes, would you then be able to determine that something you cannot see shot an arrow "from somewhere in that general location" and either back away from the area, take cover from that direction, or ready a shield in that direction without wandering into the realm of meta-gaming?

If no, characters cannot see the arrows when they are fired, I'd presume that a character struck by an attack delivered while concealed would be able to take those measures since they now have an arrow sticking out of them pointing in the direction of the attack?

If the marksman moved to another location under stealth before firing another shot then obviously you wouldn't be able to track their movement without using an appropriate skill. This is just against the direction of the shot fired/attack delivered.

The short answer is yes, you can see the arrow if you see the arrow. If struck in the back, it's obvious you were shot from the direction of behind you. In any case, you may act appropriately.
Yes, the M Marksman could move to avoid discovery and shoot from different vantages, which only appropriate detection skills could break.

As written, I'd say yes, as long as the skill can be both double shotted and perfect shotted.

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25 Jun 2012 16:27 #13 by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin)
Replied by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Not to be playing Devil's advocate or anything but with this new Steady Shot rule... I foresee a lot of people finding reason for their characters to pick up ranged weapons and even more going into Warrior monk and Acrobat specifically for Yado... <.<

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25 Jun 2012 16:30 #14 by Kleidin (Kleidin)
Replied by Kleidin (Kleidin) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
You would still have to count at the same volume as if you are casting.

Yado won't work against Superior attacks, so far as it is a lower list defense

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25 Jun 2012 16:35 - 25 Jun 2012 16:35 #15 by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin)
Replied by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman

Kleidin wrote: You would still have to count at the same volume as if you are casting.

Yado won't work against Superior attacks, so far as it is a lower list defense

I get that it doesn't work against the Superior attacks. But for those lower list skills and basic attacks which can still be pretty strong due to how low the cost of Ranged Weapon Prof is. Like I said, just playing Devil's advocate here.

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25 Jun 2012 16:37 #16 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
If people want to spend $250+ on gear to attempt to utilize a slow-count L.O.S concept, then good on them I suppose.

Trust me... you can crit for 100s with a bow, if you're going to stand there uninterrupted for 20 seconds to do it, then cool.

Also, In my 4 years at KR, I've never seen Yado called once.

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25 Jun 2012 16:53 #17 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
I've seen it, twice.

Once was Sam catching arrows OOG.

Once was Volk saving his NPC's hat from a trick shot.

As always, we'll see where things go. The entire intent of Steady Shot was to make archery more viable and safe at the same time, especially at night. There will likely be a bunch of players who experiment with it, but the excitement will die down after a while.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
25 Jun 2012 19:58 #18 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
I've called Yado a couple times, but mainly to defend against friends joking around trying to hit me with Nail.

Though I would like to throw in a suggestion for Yado to be added to the defenses that can be combined with Perfect Strike to make it superior.

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25 Jun 2012 22:18 #19 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Under perfect shot it states: <<When this skill is used, the marksman must drop the readied missile phys rep at her feet and may not pick it up for 5 seconds. Other periodic skills with the Attack (Launched) trait can be combined with this skill.>>

Given the swirl of combat and the fragile nature of arrows, could this be amended to allow the archer to place the arrow in her quiver?

Edwin Haroldson
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25 Jun 2012 22:24 #20 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
If the archer is that close to combat, he/she should not be readying an arrow as that would require enemies to be within the Point Blank range and thus Point Blank rules apply where you must remove yourself from within 10ft of an aggressor before you can ready an arrow again. Safety first.

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25 Jun 2012 22:50 #21 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Glad to hear about safety first, but you completely missed the point of my post. Combat moves a lot, and the archer could have been more than ten feet from the battle when she is required to drop her arrow, and before she could pick it up, in confronted with the melee swirling about her.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

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25 Jun 2012 22:56 #22 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Specifically, no, they can not put it back in their quiver. This is no different than firing an arrow into combat 50' away from you... it's just as likely to be stepped on over there as at the Marksman's feet, if not more so.

The act of dropping it at your feet also means that you cannot draw a new one at the same time - they are two separate actions. Also, at some point, you will need to pick them back up. If anything, it's a boon that you don't have to go recover them...

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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25 Jun 2012 23:54 #23 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Can *other* people recover arrows used for a Perfect or Steady shot during those five seconds?

Na'ar Chacov, Soul of the Stars.

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27 Jun 2012 19:31 #24 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Since it is not an attack, but IS a periodic skill, can a Scout use Scout's Vantage while in Concealed Barrage?

If the answer is no, I suppose there's nothing stopping someone from activating Vantage first and THEN Barrage.

In Service to Travance
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27 Jun 2012 21:28 #25 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman

rivanyasi wrote: Can *other* people recover arrows used for a Perfect or Steady shot during those five seconds?

No, because that defeats the purpose of dropping it - you just fired the arrow, it's supposed to be lodged in the enemy. Having someone else pick it up defeats the purpose, and the spirit, of the rule.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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27 Jun 2012 22:36 #26 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman

GJSchaller wrote:

rivanyasi wrote: Can *other* people recover arrows used for a Perfect or Steady shot during those five seconds?

No, because that defeats the purpose of dropping it - you just fired the arrow, it's supposed to be lodged in the enemy. Having someone else pick it up defeats the purpose, and the spirit, of the rule.

What about AFTER those 5 seconds are up, for example, if I have 10 arrows in my quiver, and 5 arrows are on the ground(and have been for 5 seconds) can a person then pick those arrows up and put them back into my quiver?

Caelvan Renaith
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27 Jun 2012 22:45 #27 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
I gonna go out on a limb and assume that since the rulings say that the arrows cannot be picked up for 5 seconds, that it is fair game after 5 seconds.

Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

Dr. Viktor Solvei, Pioneer Surgeon

OOG Benjamin Oakley, New Player Marshal... of doom
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28 Jun 2012 03:45 #28 by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen)
Replied by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Correct, after 5 seconds you can have whoever you want pick up your arrows.


RP Marshal, Rules Marshal, Storyteller
28 Jun 2012 18:03 #29 by Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes)
Replied by Sergei Petsho (Bran MacInnes) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
Not to be "that guy," but I'm going to be that guy anyway. Can I ask why Steady Shot is even a thing? Yes, it's a slow count, which is forever in a pitched battle, but it's still an auto-hit skill, which even for basic damage, can be a sizable chunk, and when you add lower and higher list tags, it gets more ridiculous. The entire point of boffer combat is that if you're going to be effective at it, you actually need some manner of OOG skill, especially with archery. If you can't hit the broad side of a barn, you should probably just practice more or just not play an archer.

An auto-hit tag skill I can see because you have to spend build on it and you can only do it when you have uses of that skill. To make it a basic part of the rules takes the element of actual skill out of the game, at which point we may as well be playing a White Wolf larp and decide combat by rock-paper-scizzors. With Steady Shot, I forsee a whole bunch of main mods where there is a group of archers standing at the back behind a line of people and pretending to be Psions by standing there counting and calling damage at npc's who may or may not even be able to hear them clearly.

I don't mean to be a killjoy, but that's my two cents. Okay, rant over -takes deep breath-

"What do you take me for? Some kind of big damn hero?"
Sergei Petsho, Voivode and Steward of Inovar, Owner and Masseur Extraordinaire of Magic Hands Massage.

"What, it's for my research, I swear!"
Nigel Whitworth, Gentleman Apothecary

"Here, kid, suck on this and shut up for a while."
Aengus MacAengus Hesperus, Professional Old Person

OOG: Chris Zipeto
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28 Jun 2012 18:54 #30 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Rules Update: Master Marksman
The RM team and staff have spent months deliberating these very topics. Know that we do not make these decisions lightly and that a lot of thought did go into this. Ultimately, this was the best case decision to make given all of the circumstances. I can promise you, nearly ever rant and thought that one could have on the subject, we have discussed in length.

Thank you for your understanding.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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