January Highlights

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10 Jan 2010 15:14 - 11 Jan 2010 19:18 #1 by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC)
January Highlights was created by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC)
I'll kick it off :)

1) Was great to walk in before game-on and get friendly greetings from so many people. I'm still relatively new to KR and its nice that I'm becoming part of the game's community after so many years removed from larping
2) Poker Table crew - Spend my money well. Great in game fun with you all
3) "I'll bet you a gold that you can't break my arm" Ogre breaks his limb. "OW!!! I didn't think you could do that!! Healer!!!.....I bet you a gold you can't do that again." Ogre reaches towards him. "Wait wait...."
4) Fun chat with Charlie before lay-on
5) Meeting new people that I've not yet met in game and having them say they've heard of me.
6) Getting to finally connect with Magnus after his return from the dead and do him a favor. He was the first person I met in game, and he gave me a rather nice magical starter sword, which I planned to do something nice with after learning of his perm death. It was a rather nice ig moment when he said he lost most of his things and I gave his sword back to him
7) Going on a low level module and not feeling low level
8) Getting asked to go on mods or people discussing the goings-on with me. That's a milestone to any new player to a larp
9) 5 Dwarven Smiths in game at the event (though not at the same time) and I was introducing some of them to eachother as some had never met the others.
10) More people coming to me (in and oog) about my leatherwork
11) James. Not much more can be said, but you make it easy to love KR

1) Having to leave early....again (work and kids > larping)
2) The cold (how original).
3) Losing 20 gold at poker (but hey, I was still up for the day!!). I would never have gone all-in with that hand had I not had to bail
4) Seeing all the smithing people wanted me to do for them, and even a mod I could have gone on that I had to miss b/c I had to leave

Thanks all. Ciya in Feb!

OOG name: Mitch
Master Runesmith of Pendarvin

Don't let the grey hair fool you...wait scratch that...DO let the grey hair fool you.
I make leather armor and various items for sca, larps and dagorhir. Here's my photobucket: s297.photobucket.com/albums/mm233/mc1csmo/
Last edit: 11 Jan 2010 19:18 by .
10 Jan 2010 21:17 #2 by Mother Marika (Ophelia)
Replied by Mother Marika (Ophelia) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
Well, being this was my very first LARP ever


-The energy.  Before lay on, everyone was so perky and even at night there was still combat happening
-Being a gypsy. It was much more interesting after I learned to heal
-Is it sad that I got a kick out of preparing for and serving at the feast?
-Singing at the feast, definitely
-Meeting all the new people.  Again, my first LARP. meeting everyone was interesting
-All of my gypsy kin! So colorful and energetic, I felt immediately at home

Truthfully, I loved practically everything.  I couldn't possibly list them all  ;D


-Well, the cold itself didn't bother me horribly.  What bothered me was that cloaks are very hindering to travel, and is a result of it being cold
-For the first day and a half of this gathering, I could not fight or heal; I was useless
-I needed more jingles!  I was a gyspy with a severe lack of jingles! :P

Master Marika Korsova Laurent Belmont
Priestess of Galmachis
Soul Warden
Shadow Hunter
"For eternity."

Doctor Winifred Sterling
"Oh dear...now I'll have to cut it out...again..."

OOG- Samantha Maksoud
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"Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant."-Victor Hugo
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10 Jan 2010 23:08 #3 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
First event of the new year of 2010.  Ah, returning to Camp Sac...

1. Seeing old friends and faces again was awesome, as well as seeing a lot of new faces.
2. Finding a bed last minute.
3. Catching up IG with people and learning all the stuff that happened while I was not playing.  Magnus' Death and Re-birth (which I hope doesn't play out like eva: death & rebirth).  Witch Hunter Hunters.  The grand change of who's in charge of which lands.
4. Helping fight an anti-paladin and soul harvesters, & NOT being useless (saved Magnus from 2 harvestings.)
5. Fighting Trolls and bringing "The Fire".
6. NPC: "How many parry's do you have?"
   Me: "4"
   NPC: "4?!?!?!"
It's not about how hard you can hit... it's about how hard you can get hit and keep going. - Rocky Balboa  :D
7. Me: "I don't understand why people keep thinking I'm Khitanese."
   Cameron: "Yeah... you're not light enough."
   Me: "I thought I wasn't dark enough."
Cameron & I both start to laugh and lose all control.
8. Helping a new player find Totem Pole Hill... sometimes playing tour guide and going for a walk in the woods can be fun in itself.
9. Being an NPC Suicide Bomber and exploding 4 bombs before dying... only thing missing was my crying out my god's name before being vaporized.
10. NPCing as an evil Cleric and letting the townpeople pwn the hell out of me.  Seeing other people get to play hero and feel good as they kick my butt gives me a warm feeling (even though I was frozen to ice through and through).
11. Mummy mod and finally being an effective archer/ranged attacker.  Shooting Posi rocks.. but it now burns when I shoot.  ;D

1. The cold!  I wore a ton of layers, but was still freezing.  Why?
2. Attempting to shower Sunday morning with no hot water.   :'(
3. Not getting enough food at Feast.

It was a great event to come back to and I hope to make more winter events.

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
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10 Jan 2010 23:57 #4 by Janus (Janus)
Replied by Janus (Janus) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights

Janus Ivillious
Court Sorcerer of Winterdark

Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him.

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11 Jan 2010 00:04 #5 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
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11 Jan 2010 00:56 #6 by Amizar (Amizar)
Replied by Amizar (Amizar) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights

Friday Night
  • Many new players.  Your avatar pics will be available after a short while.
  • Testing my Allisandrian Elixir and Golden Sunrise beverages.
  • Doing scholarly research on two plots.
  • Hanging out by the fire...until 5:00 AM.

  • Testing the first batch of Bacon-Cinnamon Buns.  They were later christened "Baca-bons" by Aleister Darkhart.  Great exuberance by Magnus and other baca-lovers.
  • Playing Karam Chand, the disgruntled, retired smith NPC.
  • Watching as Blade met, and fell in love with, Rar Rahr Raa, the young female [NPC] Ogre.  Such romance!
  • After main mod, making another batch of Baca-bons, which were gone much too fast.

  • Selling all my Psalms.
  • Learning how to cast Gust of Wind.

  • Ran out of firewood on Sunday
  • Dozed off and had to attend feast in my NPC clothes.  Doh!

Thanks for a great game.  See you all at the next event!

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Einstein

IG: Amizar Wuzwhir, Baronial Scribe
Editor Emeritus of The Travance Chronicle
OOG: Paul Shaffer
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11 Jan 2010 02:35 #7 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
Couple of things I forgot to add...

1. Seeing Apollo Dispel the illusion of Dave doing his monologue... priceless. LOL!
2. No one being surprised that Magnus was the first person to go willingly jumping INTO an unknown portal.
3. Lethias carrying his ****-in-a-box and showing it to everyone.

IG: Tyran Radley
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11 Jan 2010 02:56 #8 by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
so much fun!

-having the brilliant idea that instead of wearing a hat to keep my head warm, wearing a wig. it worked! ;D
-meeting Nutmeg and having her constantly cover her eyes as to not look at my "inappropriate" bottom half lol. watching her cringe when shaking my tail at her was hilarious!
-adapting the theory that "hey! that sounds like a YOU problem!" thanks Tim!  ;)
-being invisible = win! telling Ib he was going on an adventure and chasing the barbarians around with floating magical rocks and walnuts lol especially the two newer characters. i'm sorry i don't remember your names but you guys and that role play was AWESOME!
- Brik and Danika that Dynamic Duo! Brik Brockles the Bandit Bagger and Danika Crosswind the Wine Crapper. Sonya I love you lol. Danika's theory about how brik brockles voice really sounds horribly raspy like the final stage of emphysema and saying how she has so many pole arms because she hollows them out and keeps her alchemy sticks in there!
-watching everyone i offer a drink to cringe and not trust it lmao
-sitting around with Brik, Ib and Desmond and everytime someone came up we asked them if they wanted to set Galamachis on fire with us because according to Brik Galamachis is a jerk. coming up with a ridiculous plan to launch Wolfgar into the ground to beat up Galamchis and then drag him up put him on a boat and lit him on fire... maybe Inax too because Brik says he's a jerk also  :P
-Stab in the face fixes EVERYTHING!

-waking up for feast and eating goblin cookies and meeting more new people! thanks for the cookies Sonya!
-  having people pile food on my plate when i wasn't really that hungry.
- staying back at the in and role playing with a bunch of awesome people! it's so nice not having to run out for everything all the time.
-watching Stacey role play as a hilarious mute and jenna complete exploit that. expecting jenna to bard punch logan in the face for the "this cave is on fire" mod. + being lit on fire getting out calling invisibility and saying " this just turned into a you problem"
-getting back and having many many laughs with aliester, philadin and yoshi.
-The Darkheart Knight and Knight Realms Begins... PRICELESS!!! thanks matt for being the joker! it was awesome
-taking hammishes popcorn while invisible.
- telling Kamen that he won the "most deserving of a drink award" because he had the most snow covering him when coming back from main mod.
-having Magnus tell me i was a useless Satyr because i was from coast haven lol and then telling Lethias what he said and having Lethias tell him that he was being mean and saying a hug would make it better lol
-best line ever "shantanamo you suck!" lol
-finding out how incredibly hard it is learnign magic when you don't belong to the mages guild  :(
-Blade breaking mages legs for entertainment... priceless!

-waking up to delicious bacon... bacon cinnamon buns = awesome! bacabons! the taste deaf people can hear and blind people can see!
-Natures wrath is really a horde of elemental squirrels attacking your face.
-being so frustrated not finding a teacher for displacement that Jonas Kane even tried saying Tari could teach me and that he would vouch for her to the mages guild LOL James you're awesome
-a talk with Paul Yan about how if we wrapped our weapons in the shamwow, that tidewalker would have been a piece of cake! LOL
-learning "climb" from Klieden
Klieden: you need to check if the tree is healthy. you know a lot about the forest being a satyr right?
me: nope
*she looks incredibly confused*
Klieden: what exactly do you do?
me: well a little of this and that lol

-getting sick all day Saturday and sleeping through everything
-being cold all the time
-having to fate a skill because the mages guild are a bunch of jerks lol just kidding
-seeing matt magnus sooooo sick on sunday and feeling horrible for him

"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."

OOG: Adi
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11 Jan 2010 07:25 #9 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights


Murder Him.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
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11 Jan 2010 10:00 #10 by Hiro (Hiro)
Replied by Hiro (Hiro) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
well lets see

First and formost being able to play as hiro
and well spirit party in the monestary

lets see what else well realizing that even tho i haven't hit all my goals im not useless

wild blood = i am the sham healer
all the new players
rp with qwildar
seeing magnus alive as well as the rp with him
becoming Hiro Makazaka Zero
becoming a ranger
all i can think of right now prob more later

IG: Hiro Makaza Zero

戦争は残酷である。 それを改良することを試みる使用がない。 それがより残酷なら、やがて終わる

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over
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11 Jan 2010 10:15 #11 by Warclaw (Warclaw)
Replied by Warclaw (Warclaw) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
where to begin.Well first of all I was happy to see everyone new and old friends.It was strange for me at 1st to be the elder dragoon,But the new dragoons ,made it easy for me to fall into the role rather easy.2 being welcomed back by Steave as his npc was swinging body thanks...I felt so loved!Doing the portal mod was fun I hit one of the big nasties with a dragons breath and a dragon strike and it took it and smiled...I began thinking "oh its going to be one of those days"I enjoyed kamens sith test and the teachings that followed afterwards...Cant Wait til next month.
all the flashing during feast
yes it was cold but it could be worse
11 Jan 2010 10:23 #12 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights

A Quite weekend at home in the warmth...


Getting the phone call that my epileptic boyfriend had a seizure during combat and the slow convincing him to have Wolfgar take him home and then going and taking care of him.

Thank you everyone who took care of Matt, I want to bake you brownies for helping him out. (PS, my brownies are not from a box)

Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

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11 Jan 2010 11:26 #13 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
It was so nice that people were asking if I was playing Odo and getting a positive response. Being an outsider in the happenings of Khitanese plot is so much fun, even if I haven't gone on one yet. Great times and alot of small things made for an enjoyable weekend. Main Mod was amazing, and knocked me out til morning.

And Dave, we shall unleash the dogs of war soon.

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

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11 Jan 2010 11:30 #14 by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM)
Replied by Corvin Ralenfolly (SteveM) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
It was cold.

That Hobbit lady was hilarious.

It was cold.

It was fun becoming the Inquisitor

It was cold.

I <3 the littlest woo in Woo-ville, so I helped him clean the barracks till extremely late on Sunday then had a great meal in the Thirsty moose with friends.

See you in Feb's.

Corvin Ralenfolly

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11 Jan 2010 11:59 - 11 Jan 2010 18:14 #15 by Ali (Nutmeg)
Replied by Ali (Nutmeg) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
Ahaha Where to start soo much -_-

High Light:

-The pleasant conversation on the ride down.
-My throwing stuff of power and the reaction I got when I had to get them all tagged.
-The Introduction Mod was a lot of fun
-Feeding everyone because they are not Hobbit full .... Me: Eat more, taste my muffins! Someone: Man I'm getting so fat because of you its like your stuffing a turk... hey wait a second are you going to eat me...
- Inappropriate!!!!
- Meeting a whole wack of new people
-Being adopted by some big fighter guys .... Nutmegs mentality - Grrr I can fight Toooo!
-Going to kill elementals and actually able to do some damage (in my mind) with my throwing stuff
-Helping solve the puzzle
- Me: "I told you guys I should have just took the feather"
-Meeting James the first time and the reaction to the guy beside me when he said I was a little big.... (Its ok lol me and James know whats going on lol)
-Avoiding Green Guys at all costs! Then realizing the the small Green guys are just untrustworthy at all costs but the big green guys are the one to be afraid of.
-Dragging Ogers is hard work for a hobbit
-Laying on the couch dosing in and out of sleep to wake up to see Charlies in a night gown ^_^
-Meeting Big Fat Dwarf :P and scaring poor James a bit! YAY I FOUND YOU
-Nutmeg wandering adventures
-Thanks to the NPC that went for a walk with me
-The warm nap
-The role play at feast ahaha me + dwarfs + potatoes = danger! & the guy that sat beside me FORK WARS
-Meeting Nutmegs first crush
-Cooking Breakfast is always fun
-Selling some of my stuff
-The warmer days outside so I could wander
-The batman encounter as an NPC ahahahaha the look on everyone's faces!
-Finally getting to fight as NPC was nice
-Walking in as a skeleton and having guys come out "Don't you love our new dresses" us laughing and then getting gooned.
-How friendly a lot of people were

-The heart with the arrow through it and the rose around it, me feeling utterly confused to why random shapes are floating around


-Shanty Town, Nutmeg will now have to find a home.
-The flashing at feast
-Being New soo spells confusing me lol (over time I'll get it I promise)
-Loosing my butter knife :(

IG: Nutmeg, Hobbit and Chef Extraordinaire
OOG: --Ali--
Last edit: 11 Jan 2010 18:14 by .
11 Jan 2010 15:38 #16 by Linneth_Nalleme (Linneth_Nalleme)
Replied by Linneth_Nalleme (Linneth_Nalleme) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
I like to get my lowlights out of the way first.

- The flashing during the feast...or more specifically after dark...was my only low light. It completely ruined my immersion in several situations, along with the fact that it gave me a mass head ache.


- Being warm! Even if I looked a little ridiculous in my large creme and gold dress...and I couldn't really run...Man, I was warm!
- Getting hugs. I like hugs.
- Getting to know more people IG and OOG.
- Spirit Realm plot...holy crap...
- Main Mod and actually being scared that we might lose.
- Spirit Realm party...Walking into the monastery and just seeing like 9 blue orbs..when I only left three there. I'm glad it was just shanagians and not people that acutally died.
- Being able to speak well.
- Running for my life from a troll after coming out of the spirit realm to find people battling trolls and me sticking around because of their essences. I didn't know I could actually run that fast in that dress (which wasn't fast) and thank goodness for Erdrick.
- Incredible roleplay from all sources that I encountered.
- Being horribly hungry...and completely devouring a cookie in front of Kwildar. But damn...it was a freakin' good cookie.
- FINALLY GETTING A STAFF AND KNOWING HOW TO USE IT! It was a challenge to come into the game with out a weapon skill and I'm happy I did...but I'm more happy to have a means of defense now.
- You see a heart appear in the air...and now an arrow...and now the arrow is piercing the heart....and now there is a rose around the heart...(Face palms <3 Cameron, Matt/Magnus, Malcom. Ya'll crack me up)

There is so much more and now my brain is tired. See ya'll next moon.

OOG: Grace Borum
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11 Jan 2010 16:28 #17 by LStarling (Kwildar)
Replied by LStarling (Kwildar) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
Highlights --

Seeing Kwildar stay the course and hold to certain oaths to the powers-that-be.

The epic return of Cookie RP (And the ensuing avoidance of half of Market Faire, and freaking out with Mixolydia.)

Spirit Realm Shenanigans.

New faces.  Lots of new faces.

Up and sitting down with people that Kwildar's never quite felt like he knew where he stood with, only to have them turn around and call him a friend.

Giddy Kwildar and the return of Magnus AND Hiro.

So much good RP from so many sources, and not enough wherewithal on my part to catalog and reward it all.

Late Night first aid lessons, and undead attacks.

Fighting my heart out against Aguarran priests and templars, using nearly every martial skill I had, and dropping back to protect as many as I could.

Ice Goblins and the tormenting of people in sanctuaries.


Three good friends leaving in the middle of the night, in the aftermath of a medical issue.

Despite all my steps to keep warm, I was cold, I suspect that this was the coldest event I have yet participated in.

The mad scramble to get to where my week was supposed to start.  Thanks to everyone that helped me out there.

Lawrence Starling -- IG
"Really, bee! I don't smell flower-y!"
Malcolm Mallardi -- OOG
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11 Jan 2010 18:38 #18 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic January Highlights/Lowlights
Major:  Hearing the voice of a god, even if said god is Galmachus.  Danny does short term RP NPCing very nicely, whether he is a merchant or a Dark Templar.  Always a pleasure.
We (Kwildar, Rayven and I) knew there could be a serious problem when after being asked a particular question Danny called a hold to fo and "ask Doug a question."

Being present and participating in a genuine miracle.  Edwin will never be humble, but humility is now within his grasp.  Excellent RP by all, with particular kudos to James as Cardinal Haigan.  Rosa and I were more than a bit concerned when we realized that he was overseeing the dismantling (desecration) of Valos' Altar.

Making breakfast Saturday with Nutmeg.  Expanded menu of Eggs, meat, French toast, and oatmeal.  Sold out of the large batch of oatmeal (4 cups of oats, 7 of water).  BTW, Nutmeg, it is a nightshirt, not a nightgown. :)

Performed a Rank V Divine Ceremony.  Really put myself into it and was glad the other two appreciated it (plus the two sleepers, who heard most of it).  The introduction of prayers I learned in Hebrew as a youth went over well as ancient Kormyrian.

Ok, I can live with leprosy.  Being told that I did a good job or RPing the debilitating effects, but it was mostly OOG exhaustion from a bronchial infection.

Interesting research.

Collecting taxes was an interesting experience.

Being accused by Billyium of employing magics against him and demanding an apology.  Tari, not a big fan of Edwin's explaining to him that he should apologize because she recognized my tone.

It was so cold the lawyers had their hands in their own pockets.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
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11 Jan 2010 20:04 #19 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic January Highlights
Sadly, two lowlights:

Friday night, someone moved the chicken stew I made from the front to a rear burner and left it on too high.  Too bad someone else had to clean your mess.  Fortunately, you only ruined around 10 bowls.

All the people who used the bathrooms when there were no paper towels and did not tell anyone in the kitchen.

Ditto on those who just chucked their towels into the overfilled basket without either emptying it or telling anyone.

To reiterate, we are not your parents.  Take some initiative.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
11 Jan 2010 21:56 #20 by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai)
Replied by Baoyu Kunsai (Baoyu Kunsai) on topic January Highlights

Sleeping in a bed and not on a desk!


Amazing Scarf of Warmth. I highly recommend The Crooked Pin.

-Talking with other Khitans about the going-ons of the last month.
-Getting asked to be photographed.
-Season 1-4  Khitan Mod. that challenged 5th, 9th, and 15th level characters?!? Thank you Mae Fang for coming along, and Toravisu for following us.

Getting into a fight on the road when going to the inn, and back to the monastery within 15 minutes of each other.
-Finally meeting alot of the members of Kaladonia; having trolls wave at us from across the field?
-Turning my shield into a sled by accident, when a hold was called, while running from Erdrick and Solomon (as an NPC).
-Billiam and Nutmeg's Interactions.
-Playing the Undead Dark Templar Mod. Boss
-Helping Mae Fang teach Throw, Trip, and Subdue. Baoyu is apparently applying to be a crash-test dummy.
-...And from that, "Gypsy Catching."
-Seeing Toravisu dying, in-a-dress, on the banister, in the Inn. The NPC (Jenna?) who downed him was in tears from how off guard he was caught by her.
-Alot of fighting going on all night at the Inn and ridiculousness, and strange monsters. I think everyone had insanity incited by near-hypothermia.

-Erdrick teaching me Str. of the Sam. with a "live-fire" lesson by Attacking the Mummy for 40 magic fire. Damn.
-Had fun teaching Kleidin Weapon Prof+1 for 1HE. First time I have used teach. Nice feeling of learning through teaching.
-Learning that I can investigate rumors/plot and exactly how FAR away Khitan is.

-Flashing during the feast was terrible.

OOG: -Adam C. Schaeffer
11 Jan 2010 22:50 #21 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic January Highlights
I'll agree with you, Adam.  Oh-Gods-Maul!

-New Gypsies!  Hooray!  We can never have enough.
-Kwildar learning that Magnus is alive again.  I don't think I've ever seen him so happy.

-Out-rainbowing a unicorn and being thrown out of a portal as a result.
-Diane's Filet Mignon
-Chocolate Chip Cheesecake, and the look of awe that appeared on the faces of everyone who tried it.
-Surviving the Saturday afternoon mod (as a Dark Templar), despite forgetting half of my skills and being chased by Shen and Erdrick.
-Forcing the Baron to use his promo during main mod
-The look on Kwildar's face every time he attacked into my Shield of Suffering.
-Teaching Gypsy Death Curse to Aquaina
-Learning First Aid, even though the lesson was interrupted by Undead.
-The Darkheart Knight.
-The Joker's last words: "Shantanamor sucks."

-Teaching Gypsy Death Curse again, this time to Marika.
-Teaching Hamish how to buckle swashes.
-Despite not go on a single mod (as Tobar), and I still had a great time.

-Blinked in front of Lethias, facing away from him.
-Blinked in front of Evadne, facing away from her.
-So freaking cold!

-Alexandre Blythewood

OOG: Zach Theis
15 Jan 2010 01:01 #22 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic January Highlights
This was my first time LARPing and I already can’t wait until my next. I had a fantastic time from beginning to end It was fantastic so without further ado my Highlights and Lowlights


The atmosphere was amazing. On Friday night when I showed up nothing looked special but when the lights went out and we were operating with naught but the light from the fake candles I truly had an appreciation for what it must have been like to be one of the heroic Spear Danes who slept within the Mead Hall of King Hrothgar. Brace your selves it is long

The people everyone was in perfect character for the most part and they were all very helpful.

Friday Night

Showing up and not feeling out of place I was hear amongst so many veteran players that at first I was afraid I was going to feel left out but partly because I was part of a group of first timers and because of all the experienced players who helped us it was perfect

Having my first boffer creation get positive remarks. My staff got past around a lot at and it was great to hear positive things being said about my first creation which took me hours to make. It was really encouraging.

The Journey Through the Rift Mod. It was amazing fun to get on the Caravan and really get into to world of Travance.

Going to bed afraid for my life. (believe it or not this was actually a plus it was thrill and a half to think that I might be attacked while I slept.

My first NPC Shift. I truly don’t understand why the Admins are always posting to remind people to do there NPC duty. I had a blast. I got to be a Dark Troll. I super easy Earth Elemental and an Uber hard Greater Ghoul. It really gave me a feel for combat.


I suppose 3 AM is actually Saturday morning but we went on a Rat killing mod. It was supposed to be easy a couple of rats not big deal, right? Wrong! This was no easy mod and there were very few maybe three people with us, who could have actually held their own against these monsters. First there was just one huge 6 foot tall rat and about 8 of us who were ready to fight the beast. I started breaking shields and severing limbs. Left and right. We barely made it out alive.


Meeting the Gypsies. Tobar, Ilona Zaffron and Maricka are all really cool people. In 6 to 12 months I think I might have to make a new PC just so I can hang with them more. I am thinking Gypsy Bard.

Meeting Wolfgar the Barbarian Warrior and learning more about being a Barbarian. Why we can’t mock the nobles. And the Witch Hunter Test.

Going on an expedition with the Celts, Wolfgar and about twenty other people. It was fun to just go on a Hike and to come to the rescue of friends. As they fled from a Troll attack.

The hero Shantonimore. While I stayed in my bed with my staff held tight in my hands. (if anyone asks I was not cowering I was staying there to protect the Healer who had taken refuge at the foot of my bed lol) It was thrilling to hear the exploits of Shantonimore, and even see him silhouetted against the black and red curtains as he heroically defended Shanty Town.


Based on how many times I had to be healed including once when I was attacked mere moments after being revived, I think I am going to opt to NPC Main Mod for the near future.


The Mystery of Shanty Town Shanker. I am a big urban crime fan so it was great to get to see be part of a mod where I could try and use my detective skills.

Medium Light

All of Sunday morning everything seemed bittersweet. Having slept so little it seemed that the weekend had been much longer. It was like the last day of summer camp. I had fought hard alongside so many new friends and it was sad to see them go and it also felt like the world had changed a little bit because I had been there.

Low Lights

The return to civilization. It was kinda hard to leave this world of action and excitement. And for the next few days everything seemed less real. My head would turn anytime someone would say Damage, or cast. Travance is still in my head somewhere. (Travance. Is it a Baronial State or a State of Mind?)

I have a cold from laying in the snow. . . . Totally worth it, though

Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga
Hero of Auralion
Warrior of the White Wolf

- Druid

David Reyes
15 Jan 2010 01:32 #23 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic January Highlights
Other Highlights I forgot to add:

Nutmeg's muffins.
Getting an massage from Nutmeg
Emar buying Gypsy chocolate for everyone.
Cousin Wailan looting Spider. Cousin: "I cut open your head and slice down your abdomen and thorax." Spider "You find nothing but just passed High School Biology"

Other Lowlights

Popped a seam in my tunic getting down off the couch to get a massage
Trying to use my last spell packet to use Animal Empathy on a Spider who climbed on the roof missing and hitting the building "Spider: Well the Inn likes you now" Voice in Head "Come down here and say that"

Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga
Hero of Auralion
Warrior of the White Wolf

- Druid

David Reyes
15 Jan 2010 06:47 #24 by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar)
Replied by ColinMcKraegar (ColinMcKraegar) on topic January Highlights
Having just recovered from a terrible cold I suppose I can write some highlights.

NEW PLAYERS! Seriously, great job guys and gals! I was intensely impressed by you guys.

Also, being high enough level that we could take new players on mods and protect them while letting them fight the monsters yet low enough to still be a bit scared. GOOD TIMES.

Teaching so many people so many things and being taught new skills. Way cool.

Finally getting to use my bow again. It took me weeks to get replacement nocks for my arrows, now that their back, npcs shall fear my bow once again!!!

Sleeping in the tent on friday, so cold yet so awesome. Under my blankets I was a toasty 3000 degrees, if only my mouth and lungs felt the same.

Finding out more and more that being a nice guy, with a decent head on his shoulders, and a squire title in front of his name, lends for a busy weekend. It used to be " COLIN!!! We need some money to buy ale." Now its "COLIN summon up all the celts and everyone from Kalidonia and organize them, we need to save some people from (Insert terrible thang here)" Or "Colin we need your advise on how to handle this (Insert awkward social or political situation)"

Feast was delicious, Kudos to the kitchen staff for all of their hard work.

Getting to play the dress up bandits again and having a great time in the inn. You folks who were put in dresses role played like champs, well done.

Joker vs Aleister, Dead tired and quite sick I wasn't about to miss a chance to npc that.

I'm sure theirs more. But meh.


Getting sick


OOG: Frank Martinez
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15 Jan 2010 08:38 #25 by LStarling (Kwildar)
Replied by LStarling (Kwildar) on topic January Highlights


Getting sick

Another one for ya, Frank.  The despondent look upon your face when I walked up out of character, and you practically shouted, "Man, I forgot them, AGAIN!"

Lawrence Starling -- IG
"Really, bee! I don't smell flower-y!"
Malcolm Mallardi -- OOG
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15 Jan 2010 10:15 - 09 Feb 2010 12:58 #26 by Capt Locke (Jonathon)
Replied by Capt Locke (Jonathon) on topic January Highlights
Katie and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for making this past weekend such a success. We are very glad to hear such enthusiastic highlights from everyone and to hear that you really enjoyed yourself this weekend.

First off, we would like to thank James C. Kimball, Doug, Andy, and Jon for ensuring that whenever they saw us that they took a moment to make sure that we were still doing fine.

To Liam, Gene, Kelly, Mark, Adam, Steve, and Zach we would like to thank you ALL for everything you did to make this weekend a success. Without you guys we would of had nothing! You brought to life the NPC roles we gave you and made the whole weekend extremely enjoyable to everyone around you. Again, we couldn't have picked better people to fill those roles, and we thank you!

Finally to ANYONE who NPCed ANYTHING for us this weekend, thank you for being patient with us and for allowing us to use you to fill the holes in the event with meaningful, exciting mods for everyone to enjoy.


Captain Alexander Locke, Dread Pirate
The Sleaziest Sleaze of the Seven Seas

OOG: Dave Morris
The Napoleon of Gypsy Genocide
Last edit: 09 Feb 2010 12:58 by .
15 Jan 2010 11:25 #27 by Linneth_Nalleme (Linneth_Nalleme)
Replied by Linneth_Nalleme (Linneth_Nalleme) on topic January Highlights
Something I forgot, Highlight

Getting really shield bashed in the face by Collin on accident. It was really really funny and nothing was broken and I continued to RP it out fully. Most would say that this was a low light...but it was such good RP on all accounts that it couldn't be anything but good.


Hammish: I have an idea!

Collin, Kwildar, Linneth: What's that?

Hammish: Lets go back inside and get warm!

Linneth: Hammish I think that's the best idea i've ever heard come out of your mouth.

Hammish: No the best idea was when I had to take off my kilt to closeline a big mushroom.

Linneth: No that was NOT the best idea, I was there for that...and I didn't enjoy seeing a nude Hammish.

Collin: But a naked Hammish is the best thing in the world.

Hammish: Awww, don't you think I'm pretty? (With a sickenly sweet look on his face)..."Charm"

Kwildar is just snickering.

You use those powers for evil Hammish! EVIL I SAY!

OOG: Grace Borum
15 Jan 2010 15:09 #28 by Rose McTavish (Rose McTavish)
Replied by Rose McTavish (Rose McTavish) on topic January Highlights
Hmm, my first post ever. This seems like a good place to do it though.

-"I'm sorry, do you need a lozenge?" "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!"
-Me as a troll: "Intimidate! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!!!" Warrior I said it to: "...courage?"
-Kaimen's sith test, and getting to use Spirit of the Dragon for a little teeny tiny bit.
-Having a scroll of Divine Sanctuary just when I needed it, and then watching the ice trolls not be able to get into my sanctuary.
-Watching Creed think that a grabage can was a person crouching down at the edge of the battle field at the end of Main Mod.
-NPCing as Lady Magnolia the cobalt mistress, with my faithful silent Elfy, Raw Rah Rawr, and our 'butchie'. Trying to recruit guards for my "...house of the night". And then watching the touching and sweet RP that went on with Blade and Raw Rah Rawr. I was about ready to cry it was so cute. Can't wait to bring them back!
-Watching Hamish be trained to laugh at his enemys.
-"Rose you're now on my bad list!" "What did I do?!" "You let me walk around in a dress!" "No, no I did not. I told you to take it off. You refused. What did you want me to do, rip it off you?"
-LOTS of really great RP time this game. I really got to know some characters better. It was fantastic! Also, some real fun OOG time with people.
-Spirit Realm Party!

-We should have woken up earlier...

OOG - Maxine Mencl
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16 Jan 2010 03:18 - 16 Jan 2010 03:20 #29 by Simon (BigZ)
Replied by Simon (BigZ) on topic January Highlights
Probably one of the first events that Rhamulus felt remotely strong.
New players!
Feeling useful on many of the lower level mods and holding my own for once.
Earth elementals and color sudoku.
Main mod was a blast for me as an Aguaran priest/cleric.
It feels good as a low level to get hit with something like surprise cripple from a ghoul and being able to call a deflect. Then another cripple and being able to stop it with parry.
Cheesy bacon potatoes. Food of the year for all years. The ribs were excellent too.

Only downside was the cold and the fact that the couches not in front of the fire were like ice.

OOG: Nick H.
Last edit: 16 Jan 2010 03:20 by .
16 Jan 2010 13:11 #30 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic January Highlights
Bacon buns!!!
Blade finding out humans are creepers when it comes to relationships... really creepy creepers.

-OOG Michael Smith
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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