October Highlights

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10 Oct 2010 17:22 #1 by Matt D (MattD)
October Highlights was created by Matt D (MattD)
Fantastic weekend, with very few lowlights.

-Angry Farmers with pitchforks.  It seems everyone loved the pitchforks I made for the event.
-Blackbird Brew went real well.  Sold 16 bottles, but had 8 go missing.  New flavors next month!
-Finally, after 8 years of attendance, being needed for the event, outside of "Rayven, hit this."
-Having Gaian talks with gypsies, only to be sucked through a portal in front of a Gaian Saint.  The overwhelming feeling of "I told you so"
-Battle Healer Trio
-Return of Quan Liu, Malcolm Germain, and Keillor, among others.
-Kaladonia drinking party

Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light

(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
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10 Oct 2010 19:06 #2 by Hadrian Thane (GBino)
Replied by Hadrian Thane (GBino) on topic October Highlights
A+ Event, especially paladin badminton.


/* OOG
* Rob G.
* Rules Marshal, Margrave
10 Oct 2010 20:09 #3 by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar)
Replied by Ekatarina McKraegar (EkatarinaMcGregar) on topic October Highlights

*Selling Apple Sauce, Apple Crisp, Apple Cake, Apple Strudel Muffins, Apple Tea, Apple Cider, Apple Chips  Pumpkin Shaped Cookies and Pumpkin Bread at Market Fair. People Seemed to enjoy them (Did I have enough apple wears)
*Tea Cups and Plates
*Sending Plate of apple crisp off to Dragamire Harvest Festival
*Asking 3 Gaians "So tell me about Gaia" and then being ported to Gaian Plain meeting a Saint of Gaia. Oh the plans that developed....
*Running to Kaladonia in Panic due to above thing (first ending up in Pendarvin) and explaining everything that happened while I was on Gaian Plain to Collin McKregar and his reaction being "I have no idea what you said, but calm down and then we'll try this again." I worked myself just into a panic and was crying while panic- SO Much fun.
*Camp Fire in Kalidonia Friday Night
*seeing everyone.
*After a year and a month of being here I finally learned to read and write!

Low Lights
*Fecking Cold! Being allergic to the cold and not having enough blankets sucked majorly.

Templar Ekatarina Esmeralda Kisslinger McKregar, Prophet of the Kindred Oak

Neina Avaren

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10 Oct 2010 20:33 #4 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic October Highlights
This was quite an eventful event, plenty of high moments and great RP with friends both new and old!

--Seung Fei-Hung--

Bob & Chris Mod, very interesting RP and some decent light-combat as well. A+
NPC Shift with Special Guest, Jimbob!
Coming off my NPC shift and heading to the inn for a drink only to be assaulted and brutally beaten while inside the inn by a group of Drow.  Bleeding to death while they tended to torturing and binding the others in the Inn and then, even in the darkness of death hearing "It is not you're time..." and being brought back from death.  A+ Interaction and a Fantastic IG Spin for my character.  The conversations of religion that followed with Baron Montgomery and Fr. Kwildar were amazing.

Interactions with the Monks and Khitan of town, Special Notice to Quan Liu.  Luis it was AMAZING to see you back again, you and Justice have been missed.

Learning from Quan Liu and Master Shen.  The interactions and RP were fantastic and always above and beyond what I expect.

--Jasper Kincade--
Interactions with Ming Na during Market Faire and the running to a bunch of different merchants to ask them questions about something I was seeking was a LOT of fun.

Interactions with Ethan, Morwenne, Janus, Vardimas and Tari were fantastic!  Always an amazing group even if you are simply standing on the outside listening in.

Interactions with Ilana, Orren and many others was just so much fun.  Playing a skittish, mousey Komyrian was a LOT of fun, so much different then what I am use to playing, and I met and hung out with so many people outside my usual friend base which was an absolute joy.

Low Level Mod was AMAZING!  In every single way, every turn was filled with FANTASTIC RP and Great combat moments.

Being a runner during Main Mod, helping to find fallen heroes and drag them all the way up to the Triage.

Being taken down during Main Mod and awakening to Ilana and Josalin, being relieved to have so skilled Physicians and Healers in town.

Being a "Hero" with Brik, as she was taken down with a Harvest Your Soul, physically picking Sonya up and carrying her up the hill to the healers was a nice RP touch and great fun.  Thanks for being a good sport Sonya! :)

All in All this event was fantastic with the only low-light I have to say being the temperature and my lack of packing heavier blankets.  Rememberance for the future!

Squire Lucas R. Brand
Squire to Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
Tanis Rily'anna
OOG: Chris Goley
10 Oct 2010 20:36 #5 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic October Highlights
Friday Night
-Accidentally (I think) going to Evernight.

-Ore merchants
-Drow- Highlight: the four of us crouched on the path and being passed by at least six different people not five feet away from us and not being noticed.

Saturday= OMG
-So many different and amazing things happened all in one day. It really changed everything for Ilana.

My character plot. I still get teary-eyed thinking about it and I just want to say it was wonderfully done. Thank you  :)

Adjusting to new perspectives
Lore Swap!

Marcella Torres
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10 Oct 2010 21:11 #6 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic October Highlights
One of several, but the one that makes it through the post-game haze...

"Wait, did someone jack my Garrun costume and is wearing it?"

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
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10 Oct 2010 21:39 #7 by Omazzi (Omazzi)
Replied by Omazzi (Omazzi) on topic October Highlights

"Wait, did someone jack my Garrun costume and is wearing it?"


And in turn, people leaning sideways going, "Garrun!?!??!?"

I had a great time at my first event back in 3 or so years, and before that, maybe 8-10 years go when I was PC'ing my jax reguarly. 

-NPC'ing yet another pleasant midnight stroll (drow terror raid) is always good fun.
-PC'ing my cat and getting mistaken for a Drow 3 times in five minutes, possibly by the same people 2 of those times
-Running across a few old faces
-Farmer Bob returns?! (no)
-Focus+inn laughs, IC and out.
-Battle Healer Trio
-Getting floored by a wildmage and living afterwards
-FEAST.  Even with prosthetics, I still managed to enjoy and devour that straight delicious feast food.  Excellent selection, and not a thing I was allergic to.
-Main mod setup.  It looked like a rock star stage - very cool.  Best once the strobe was off - but make no mistake, it was a cool introduction.  Thanks to those who gave us a cool looking field to fight on

I am definitely impressed with the changes and improvements that have come to this game since I left ages ago.  Not only have rules, and rule enforcement tightened up in ways, but the environment and player population is so much more positive than when I left (and about 3 times larger).  Things are still very dark in town, I know, but I didn't get the feeling of an ooc grimness this time around. 

Overall I had a blast...glad Derrick convinced me to give KR another try.  Quite likely I'll be back with my brother at the next event

Omazzi - Jaxuaryan Hunter
(OOC: Blair)
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10 Oct 2010 22:46 #8 by Miso (rafael45)
Replied by Miso (rafael45) on topic October Highlights
Friday- getting to see Luis and the littlest witch hunter again.
Saturday- volunteering to NPC a high lvl mod for Derrick and getting to play a pretty kick ass demon
               GIANT taramil bore 0.0
              great feast only one minor complaint I didn't get any stuffed peppers :'(
              getting "fit shaced" on Quan Liu's brew with Alexander and drunken boxing with Tyr and          
              main mod was very well done, who ever helped set up that field I applaud you, it really made this feel like a Halloween themed event.      

lowlight- cold weather, didn't bring enough bedding, not enough moat beast                                                              

May the spirits guide your path
(OOG Rafael Mayorga)
10 Oct 2010 22:52 #9 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic October Highlights
Very fun event for me. I didn't get involved in any real combat (somehow missed all of the combat mods), but still had a great time with lots of fantastic RP.

-Becoming Apollo's new squire, and the knighting of Jonathan Blackbourne. Drega'mire is looking very strong.
-Lots of teaching again. I really enjoy this aspect of the game.
-Opening my second list, with lots of great potential.
-Getting new daggers and bracers crafted. Thanks so much Gideon!
-Drega'mire Autumn Harvest festival, and getting tons of compliments on my chowder (chowdah!).
-Absolutely delicious feast.
-Some very interesting situations that caused more great RP. Can't wait to see how this plays out at the next event.

I'm missing the Ball, but will hopefully be able to make the Banquet, and then back to business in December.

In Service to Travance
Ser Winks Sharpthorn, The Resolute
Knight of Drega'Mire
Soul-Blade of Galladel

Alt: William Sterling
Chief Mechanic of the Kormyrian Sky Flotilla
Lead Engineer of the Travancian Railroad

OOG: Walter Soto
Cannon Marshal
10 Oct 2010 23:12 #10 by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas)
Replied by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas) on topic October Highlights

Walking inafter lay on was called and hearing "Alexander, you're needed." make me feel awesome

Fighting so many scare mortals.

Actually keeping up with Magnus... Mostly.



Walking in day and going on mod, after mod, after mod, after mod... That was to crazy.

Having a nice talk with Almaltia (sp?) about the future.

The Mod for the Sword Who Name I Can Not Spell.

Learning how to channel posi.

Getting drunk with Miso and Jun and seeing greatness ensue.

Seeing main mod happen from the Triage location... That was awesome...


not enough moat beast.

Always a pleasure,
Felix Suarez
[OOG: Gabriel L.]
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11 Oct 2010 00:01 #11 by Liz (Liz)
Replied by Liz (Liz) on topic October Highlights

Easiest NPC mod ever. Having the PCs voluntarily do what we were supposed to force them to do was just mind boggling and awesome.
Some serious RP with Quan Lui.
Missing being tortured- oh noes!


Wow....so I dont remember a lot. Heres what sticks out:

-Spoiling da lil one like nuts
-Talking to the Khitanese and being so much more serious and committed after last event. So nice.
-Selling the last of my jade and giving away some as presents to those people that are special to me.
-Joking around with Dr Maxwell


Just wow on the layout. Excellent job everyone!

Saturday night
Meeting a new friend and IG and OOG giggles in the inn.

Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

Mae Fang Zhang
Healer of Khitan
"Go with honor and your ancestors shall guide you."

Lt. of the Baronial Guard
"Well... who likes a dull life? There's work to do."

OOG: Liz Reese

Land Staff
11 Oct 2010 00:24 #12 by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir)
Replied by Father Zahir al Nawar (Zahir) on topic October Highlights
Highlites for me this weekend:

Meeting some awesome new peeps.
Seeing Louis..We missed you, hermano. Glad you & Justice are back.
Hookah Porch
"My zipper stops most attacks."
One of the most awesomest of awesome feasts EVER.
Wonderful turnout for the McBride Memorial.
Candied camel brains.
"Gonna eat your brains and gain your knowledge." Thanks alot Goose :)
"It's a spit attack. He spits it."
Leprosy Dream Team
Seeing very happy people with their new leathery happy items!

Father Zahir ibn Hatim al Nawar
Priest of Brazen

oog: Chris Ayala;
Monster Marshall
11 Oct 2010 09:50 #13 by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton)
Replied by Keith_Stratton (Keith_Stratton) on topic October Highlights
"Jake, that story is AIDS." - Ian Penny

Cyric McKraegar
11 Oct 2010 10:05 #14 by Cecilia Blanchette (Cecilia Blanchette)
Replied by Cecilia Blanchette (Cecilia Blanchette) on topic October Highlights
Had a lot of fun this weekend after being gone for a few months.

Cecilia Highlights:
-Walking into the inn and several people coming up to me saying "Oh, the kitty is back!" Kind of changed my IC mood.
-Having a long discussion with Bran on why I am upset.

Luna Highlights:
-Discussing how to purchase a bride with Billiam.
-Market Faire. So much good food.
-Walking out of the inn to see people carrying a dead body to only realize whose it was and having a freak out when people started to make fun of his death, resulting in an almost-horrible boom.
-Learning one-handed edge from Bran
  Bran: Peatros, I tought Luna how to use a sword!
  Peatros: Oh shit, we are all going to die.
-"Luna, why are you not jingling?" "There are big scary things at night times. If I jingle they finds me. I don't want to dies thankyou."

Soso cold at night and missing main mod.

"Do I...hit her?"
"NO..1 she is a girl, 2 she is adorable!!"
OOG: Gabby Lonzson
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11 Oct 2010 10:32 #15 by Erim Walker (shiva14b)
Replied by Erim Walker (shiva14b) on topic October Highlights
Wah, it sounded like this event was awesome. I can't believe I had to miss it :-(

"Ok we can attack... but if we miss, we'll hit the villagers."
"I'm willing to take that chance!"

Things I am no longer allowed to do in an RPG :
31. The backup trap handler is not whoever has the most HP at the time.
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live"

[OOG Jenna
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11 Oct 2010 11:06 #16 by LStarling (Kwildar)
Replied by LStarling (Kwildar) on topic October Highlights
I'll keep it short this time.  There was a whole lot of awesome this event, but there was a couple of character growth moments for me to mark the second anniversary of Pesmerga.

Kwildar is never too young for a Vietnam flashback!

Gifts before cleanup hold.

Mass, and the "Ethan Cadence"!

This event was amazing, thank you everyone who was a part of my experience.... which was pretty much everyone.

Lawrence Starling -- IG
"Really, bee! I don't smell flower-y!"
Malcolm Mallardi -- OOG
11 Oct 2010 11:22 #17 by Father Jerec Lightbringer (Jerec)
Replied by Father Jerec Lightbringer (Jerec) on topic October Highlights
Well for my first KR event I gotta say WOOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First and foremost I gotta give it up to the NPCs.... UNBELIEVABLE JOB all weekend!!!!!

Joining the Storm Runners was just awesome....  Got me into a 1hr 45min span of straight combat defending the water goblet (still sore from it :) )  still proud of my battle roar

5 combat mods in a row!!!!

Running the night escort services, let me learn where everything was pretty quickly and made some quick friends

I can't wait to see all of you again soon.... 


Priest of Galladell

Every time a PC takes himself out through his own stupidity does not let me sing the Oompa-Loompa song.
The barbarian must remember that 'human shield' is a figure of speech
Before facing the dragon, not allowed to glaze the elf.

Adam B.
11 Oct 2010 11:26 #18 by Ded Dawg O'Doul (Mohammad)
Replied by Ded Dawg O'Doul (Mohammad) on topic October Highlights
Ded Dawg Hurts all over,  I hurt all over, just got home about two hours ago

 Even though my leg and lower back muscles continue to betray me. I had a lot of fun this week end

 I volunteered for main mode and when the time arose I realized I don't see very well in the dark   (Diabetic eyes)  SO I got to do my NPC shift Sun AM

 I like to go around waking everyone up

 Unfortunately I was disappointed with the overall lack of personal care for unwanted items that so many players have.

Like leaving their garbage ALL over the Inn and outside as well whether it be Inn bottles paper plates, cups bowls whatever just very disappointed on both sat AM and Sun AM

  Another disappointment was the lack of Heraldry when someone becomes a Knight

This really should be a glorious occassion that statrts early in the day with the Squire ( Knight to Be)  holding a vigil in his tent with friends stopping through out the day and visiting him with presents and thanks for all the good thing he has done for them

Then he should be presented to the court in the evening with pageantry and heralry   and his peers telling of the great things he/she has done in their life to help others

Kinda disappointed that it was a simple announcement before Feast on Sat

Anyway back to the good things

Enjoyed being there and hope to return midwinter to Sac

We hold in our hands the harvest of what we have sown in Hope. Do we sow for Good? or for Evil?

Ded Dawg O'Doul

OOG = Dave Sullivan Sr; Indiana

Kanarak=VC999 Institutional Head
PC = Ded Dawg O'Doul. Inn Keeper
NPC = Huh! The Dumbest of the Ale Belly Ogres
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11 Oct 2010 11:32 #19 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic October Highlights
Friday night Evernight mod was good.  Finally getting my way into that story.

Didn't get to do what I actually wanted to do on Saturday, but I did get learn about some awesome things.

I cannot stress enough how amazing main mod looked.  Well done to Andy and his group on the atmosphere.  It was just fantastic.
Also on main mod, the rush from sneaking up on the harvester and stealing the sickle.  First time in a while I actually thought I had a great chance of dying.  Was definitely amazing.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

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11 Oct 2010 11:49 #20 by Kadin D (Katie D)
Replied by Kadin D (Katie D) on topic October Highlights
Had a great time at my first event.


Leprosy spit attack  ;D

Carrying a dead body to find a doc, then almost becoming a dead body when a wild mage explodes. 

Joining the Storm Runners as a healer.

The mod for the sword was great.  Still feel bad about letting someone die though.

Lots of great food.  (I'll make the fried dough next time, noone to make a fire for me.)  I will bring awsome muffins and bread next time also.

Getting my trade license my first event.

The food at the feast was awsome.


Dr Marlena Ashby


Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

OOG - Katie DeFranza

New Player Marshal, Safety Marshal
11 Oct 2010 11:53 #21 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic October Highlights
Friday Night
Reclining on a tree and having people ask me if I was alright so much that I decided to Commune to get some peace.
Getting Flesh to Stoned and trying to hold still despite Oakroot's jokes.
Lowbie Mod a test for casters. "OK, buff buff buff buff." Wait a second we've just got to hit them with our spells.

Market Fair Pumpkin Soup for breakfast with Miso's sake and Bran and Seamus's truffles and pumpkin Cheesecake.
Getting some use out of Commune to find out plot stuff
Lowbie Plot Mod getting to go nuts with my new Brawlers

Never have I ever.
The final battle field. seeing a smoke bomb go off and thinking this would be a great time to attack something.
The floating jack-o-lantern half the time I couldn't see who was holding it.
Sam "You need to stop dieing"

Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga
Hero of Auralion
Warrior of the White Wolf

- Druid

David Reyes
11 Oct 2010 11:55 #22 by Eden Heimdell (amalthea)
Replied by Eden Heimdell (amalthea) on topic October Highlights
This weekend was one of the best times I've had in a LARP-

Solving the Guardian's the guardian's riddles along with my new dwarven healer friend
Being informed late in the night (early in the morning?) by Utgard that I was selected to carry the blade....

+My first attempt at market fair, next time I'll add dipping sauce
+Being approached for possible vassilship by Alisandria
+Master Silverbow invisibly reading over my shoulder, leading to some really run rp
+Considering the future, especially after some conversations with Ethan and Alexander

+Going after the blade, and actually pulling it off.  Thanks to everyone for keeping the water elementals off of me long enough +for me to recite the oath and grab the blade!

+Getting an impromptu baptism to Galladell before main mod, leading to the Triage being set up

+Getting a more proper baptism to Galladell, to the surprise of Bran and Seamus

-Cold weather, but hey, it's October
-Need to tweak my meat pie recipe and figure out the ovens

Eden Heimdell
Vassal of Albriar

OOG Lauren F.
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11 Oct 2010 11:57 #23 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic October Highlights
Thanks to Andy and Mike Smith for their help for doing my puzzle mod. Thanks to Josh, Nate, Justice, Chuck, Matt, Drew, and Bobbi for their help. Great Job everyone!

Wearing my dark red shirt, and seeing how the underlay matched very well. I think it's time the old long sleeve shirt I've had for ever took a break.
My new gauntlet look and felt amazing! Thank you Chris Ayala!
Kaladonia cook out. Nice. Late night pow-wow with Magnus, Lethias, the Baron, and Barak and going over some Fallow things, as well as Trade stuff.

Waking up in time to see only Miso and Owain were set up. This will change.
The slew of new merchants and the delicious food. Seriously, the Inn use to be about trade, now it's food. And food puts on a good show.
Paper work, see above.

Being surprized how on time things were going, and being late. I made my way back as most were heading down, and by most, I mean all.
Laura's Nyad "Hi Rudolf, I have a question."
Rudolf "Hello! Yes, what is it?"
Laura's Nyad "Rudolf, can I have some gummis if you have them? Please?"
Odo interupts "F@#$ NO!!!"
Everyone laughs, except Laura, who says I'm mean. I think she's over reacting.


Let our middle-of-the-road stances, combine! Go Team Neutral
Flesh to Stone? More like Flesh to HiJinks.
I looked at my card, after running from an angry Ashlin and realizing, I could have taken her. It was more fun to bolster the fact that she is not one to mess with anway.

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
11 Oct 2010 14:41 - 11 Oct 2010 14:51 #24 by Wou Tou Shen (Wou Tou Shen)
Replied by Wou Tou Shen (Wou Tou Shen) on topic October Highlights



this weekend was fantastic all around!! The rp the atmosphere thank you to all the npc's without you all it would not go down this way :)  LUIS welcome back bro. JUS, you look good little man, glad to see you. andy, and crew i cannot stess enough how awsome main mod looked i respet all the hard work you guys did to make the weekend all that much better for us.

cant wait till next event. ill holla

Wou-Tou Shen

Be one in mind and body.

I am the stone that stands firm atop the largest mountain in Pendarvin, the strongest winds, nor the harshest rains will not move me.
(oog derrick)
Last edit: 11 Oct 2010 14:51 by .
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11 Oct 2010 14:58 #25 by Gwynedd (Gwynedd)
Replied by Gwynedd (Gwynedd) on topic October Highlights
Wow!  I had the best time ever!!!

Telling everyone that Andorrra has blessed me to be on the way to remission.  Getting all the hugs from said news.  
Being tortured by drow, sad because I could not heal Kwildar and the other people until the drow left.  At that moment I could not wait for my hands to be unbound, so I wriggled my way to Kwildar  (he was the closest) and began healing.  Thanks Derrick!
Going on two mods that I walked to and back from. (4th and 5th mod that I ever walked.to and from).
Returning to start making my salves and my healing potion just to fall asleep.I Had To Get To Bed    I got to sleep in the kitchen.  Thanks Jim Bob for the bed!!  
Being able to buy things for the store.  Buying items from an npc just to give them to Lord Ardentfire for the Main Mod.  Finding out afterwards that some of those items helped the healers and physicians to be able to heal everyone.
Help save a young lady from slavers.
Having great roleplaying all weekend.

Forgetting that I left important things in the car.  As a result, having cold legs Friday night.  Having my bag brought to me at marketfaire.  Thanks Paul.
The cold.


OOG: Suzi Shaffer

What do you need of me?
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11 Oct 2010 15:32 #26 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic October Highlights
The funniest thing on the puzzle mod I ran was when two beastmen were fighting people, and the battle moved towards Gwynedd and she jogged away from it. That's the fastest I've ever seen her move!

Improvements, ho!

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
11 Oct 2010 16:23 #27 by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor)
Replied by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor) on topic October Highlights
great to be back, been a few months and i, as usual, had a blast.

-having all the blood mckraegors there, though i did miss the adopted ones who weren't
-finally feeling like i could hold my own in a fight, and people asking me along on things after seeing me fight.
-really enjoyed the whole scare-mortal thing, walking up to main mod I almost peed a little it was so awesome and scary looking.
-Tagging along with the nobles and mages to check out the blighted land, assuming they would tell me to get lost but thinking "ok maybe if I'm really quiet they wont notice me."
-Water dragon mod...I GOT TO SAY LORE DRAGON AND HAVE IT WORK!!!!! finally!  Really fun, especially all the banter between me and cyric, and walking into the vault with the sword:
Marcos: Lets take the left flank *We move left* *giant wirlpool sucks out the middle of the group.
Me and Marcos *high five*
Also props for the guys npcing the water elementals, I felt really bad wailling on you for a solid hour
Dead kids mod, cool fight, really sad but fun roleplay that put a lot into perspective
Sunday face paint shananigans with Odo Jilt and church(?think that was his name) chasing Odo all the way to dragamire and having him hide in the warded and locked state house was great, especially knowing Odo could kick my a** without breaking a sweat.  Don't mess with celt women! 

Go big or go home

ooc:  Terri DePrima
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11 Oct 2010 17:17 - 11 Oct 2010 17:49 #28 by Lathiel (Lathiel)
Replied by Lathiel (Lathiel) on topic October Highlights
Friday night

-  somewhat cold
-  talking to the Baron and him teaching me about what a Master Warrior should be like and then eventually i very happily gave him my card and he wrote Master Warrior. so excited  :)
- the Baron then asking me to be his Squire :D

Saturday morning

-  waking up to head to the inn and then going to Mages' Guild meeting
-  Market Faire. didn't sell too much :(
-walked very far to the blighted land and came back for NPC shift.

NPC shift

-  playing a water elemental the whole time.
-  having only 30 body and being knocked down in 10 seconds by low leveled people.
-  going into a building trying to prevent a healer from saying an oath and pulling out a supposedly powerful sword.

Saturday night

-  Feast
-  going up to the Baron and accepting to be his Squire and everyone cheering  ;D

Main Mod

-  doing my job as Squire and staying next to the Baron throughout Main Mod.
-  had to leave very sadly and getting home at 3 a.m.

OOG- Nick B.

Lathiel 'The Scourge' Silverbow
Master of the Mages' Guild
Paladin of the White Fox

While others succumb, we overcome. ~ Silverbow Motto
OOG - Nick B.
Last edit: 11 Oct 2010 17:49 by .
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11 Oct 2010 17:43 #29 by Michael P (Michael P)
Replied by Michael P (Michael P) on topic October Highlights
It was a good event overall, here are my highlights:

Weekend in general:
Having a 32 XP dump weekend is always nice.
Being told by multiple PCs that they were looking for me for months.
The warm welcome by many people.

- Working natural stealth as high as I can go, sneaking around people and NPC groups in the woods.  At one point sitting and relaxing while listening to a group of people for about half an hour before one of the ten yells 'Who goes there?!', unaware that I was there the entire time.

- Shisha, gypsy camp, and having a few 'I need to talk to you Paetros' scenarios come up where people were looking for either help or information.

- NPC shift - played some interesting roles on each shift.  Gargantuan troll, Ancient Ice Elemental, and a brick house Master Warrior.  All scenarios had some interesting RP to them.

- Saturday, and spending much of the day with a very special lady.  Fantastic RP all in all from that.  Drinking, singing, laughing... all things to enjoy during the day.

- 'Needing' to protect an NPC with well over 10 times my XP during main mod.

- Having my cabin broken into twice Saturday night, and each time it being far too dark for the NPCs to see a room with 4 people hiding in it.  Hearing the mantra of 'Think flat thoughts, think flat thoughts' and trying not to laugh.

Michael Pucci
Player of Paetros of the Yhatzi Kompania

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11 Oct 2010 20:34 #30 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic October Highlights
This was actually such a great event for me.

-Really getting to see so many old friends, that I haven't seen in many years, that was worth going alone
- Seeking out pcs and getting to interact with characters that I really don't know that well
- Hanging out with all of the white sorcerer's and the antics that follow, there never was a better group of people
- Tari, Really your head needs to be put on a pike in front of the town all of the bad guys would just turn around and leave
- My new outfit going over better then expected
- Playing an awesome demon on Saturday, its great being that powerful
- Harvesting body parts off a demon knight, in the most interesting, and full contact way possible :P 
- Threatening to kill Kiellor every chance I got

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves.  For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure....
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