Awards for February, 2014

John Higgins as Atrus
Not everyone is always in the forefront of situations, yet they bring atmosphere to the game in many ways like John Higgins as Atrus. While this character is quiet and unassuming, he is always there in the background. He has grown so much, and shows great depth in his role-play. Whether he is seemingly by himself or in a group, the depth of character comes out in PC or NPC interactions…or even quiet contemplation. We are watching you!

Chris McKenzie as Donovan Stonewall
Chris Mackenzie as Donovan Stonewall, the self-proclaimed King of Avondale. For one, this was Chris’ first major named NPC role. From leading his team of people, to creating a high tension situation that felt like, at any moment, could break out into combat, Chris brought his A-game. Great job Chris, and thank you for entertaining the masses.

Romeo was a huge help to James this event. He came early to help set up, and was always willing to lend a hand throughout the entire event, whenever called upon. Thank you!
We would also like to give props to all of the crazy people that helped push stuck cars out of the snow. Many would have been in unfortunate situations if it wasn’t for all of your valiant efforts.

According to a long list of players, the warm, welcoming place to be in February was Alisandria. The heat was up, the beverages hot and the food delicious. They hosted gatherings to many cold adventurers and made sure that no one that stopped by, was “left out in the cold”!