Awards for July, 2007

Mother Quinn
Mother Quinn. She's a perfect example of how to be effective and remain truly Andorran. In an action-oriented game like KR, in which so many villains are indeed thoroughly evil and in need of killing, being Andorran is probably one of the greatest challenges we offer. The purity of your cause or the credibility of your opinions is threatened at all times, and the vast majority of players compromise purity because it's the easier route. Emily is walking a very difficult path as Quinn, and is great at it.
Al Mone & Gen
Al Mone & Gen as the Templar and king’s niece during evil mod. The two of them stayed in character the whole time: the princess would ask questions of her protectorm, Arthur. Al would tell her stories and quiet her fears of the sounds of battle and then go outside to tell the guard what to do. It was really amazing role-play!

Luis Cace
Luis. I don't know anyone that works as hard as he does OOG and yet maintains (as Joe pointed out above) a constant IG face when he's in IG areas. He comes into the kitchen and handles five different problems about supplies being low, someone has a burned hand, someone can't find the collander, etc. And then he walks through the curtain and all you hear from the bar area is, "You had better show Quan Liu some money before you start demanding drinks from him!" The point I'm trying to make is that the man is utterly unflappable, and that as a result he does so much work for the game while enhancing rather than detracting from the game's atmosphere with every step. Typically when you're working hard OOG you're causing a disturbance IG - but not Luis.