Awards for June, 2007

The Award for PC of the month of June goes to Jackie Means for the excellent racial role-play of her Nyad character Evadne! Besides playing the quintessential attitudes and moral tendencies of the race, Jackie also maintains a beautiful makeup job (when not under sorcery of course). Thank you Jackie for your consistent efforts!

Matt Volk
NPC of June goes to Matt V. for his recent role as the Rat-like servant of Glomm. Over the last few events Matt has played this decidedly unique and disturbing character, adapting his posture, voice, and overall appearance for the role. Thank you for such an interesting character to interact with, no matter how evil he might be!
Heather Wansik
Player Award for the month of June goes to Heather for her photographic efforts! You’re doing wonderfully, and it’s great to have you back!