By Decree of Count Sebastian Everest,

All Scholars and those learned and capable of investigative practices are to make priority the topic of one “Reginald Mardux”, who is now suspected of being a creature of undeath.  Most if not all of the people of Travance witnessed an event that leads us to believe that finding and killing this individual is key to saving the life of the founder of our Barony.

The Kingdom is officially placing a bounty on Reginald Mardux’s head in the amount of one thousand gold pieces and a private audience with a representative of the royal family of Kormyre. The creature was last seen in Travance fifteen years ago. As the creature is believed to be undead, it is theorized that in all likelihood it will turn to ash upon death.  If this is in fact the case, the ashes must be brought in. Through magic, and through deductive measures we can determine if the ashes are those of whom we seek. Those seeking to willingly deceive the kingdom in hopes of reward will be dealt with harshly.

The Kingdom is officially placing a bounty of one hundred gold pieces on the live capture of “Royce Mardux” who was nowhere to be found upon waking from this vision. Royce is only wanted for questioning, and must be alive and if possible unharmed. He is to be presented to either the Baroness or Myself.

Any Scholar who aids in locating any of the two above listed individuals will be likewise rewarded to a degree appropriate to their involvement.

The smallest of clues may be discovered and must be brought to authorities, regardless of how insignificant they may seem.  Because of the nature of urgency the kingdom is impressing the following decree.

“Decree of the Freedom of Information”
By Royal Decree, information is to be shared freely by those who ask, who are known to be towns members of good standing within the lands. A member in good standing is defined as any towns member who’s name is known and can be vouched for by a member of town who has been here for over a month. A member in good standing is also someone who has not been found guilty of any crime within the last three years.

Only if we are all well informed will we be able to properly search for the clues that are hidden out there, and so none in the realm shall be left to the darkness.  Any who feel that they are being so disregarded, may bring the matter directly to the Baroness or myself for the situation to be remedied.

I will leave you all with one last message. Change floats upon the wind and a time long past beckons to return to aid us in these dark times. Prepare your souls for this change and you will adapt and grow to combat the darkness that plagues us. The time for this is nigh upon us and all of us must reach deep within to find the strength to stand and to answer the call of Heroes.

By My Will Be Done,  
Count Sebastian Everest of Winterdark
Earl of the Marches
