The Athenaeum of the Hollow Song were slain, but not without incident. Their destructive dissonance resonated throughout the weave with a horrid screech. The strands shook and writhed in terrible pained ways. At first it seemed as though nothing had come of it, just the dying breath of a powerful being. The night went on and the heroes of Travance declared victory against the evils that had come to them. The Hollow Song was destroyed and the Dark Lorestri would plague the people no more. The Temporus Scrolls were safe, though much had been lost that day; a deep loss that Travance would not quickly recover from.

The next morning had come and the day went on, but there was a strange sense of familiarity with it; none such that any would recognize something. It just felt as if déjà vu had struck them. A strange amount of villainous forces still seemed to push their way into Travance more steadily. Could it be that the Athenaeum’s bellow had called these forces to the town? The heroes would not get to rest this day. Through the day and night they fought and a swift victory followed.

The next morning had come and the day went on, but again there was a strange sense of familiarity with it. Some would swear that they had fought that same brigand not but only the day before. That couldn’t be possible! Clearly this was the deception of some new villain trying to tamper with the minds of the heroes using illusions. Some psionic force, no doubt, had come to plague the town. The heroes continued to fight on, now striving to find and defeat this new villain. With no luck of discovering their adversary, the night had come and weary soldiers had gone to rest for the next day.

The next morning had come and the day… was no different than the past few. The same monsters, the same brigands, the same men they had thrown in jail the day before had returned again with no change in their demeanor or intentions. Masters of the Weave scrambled to understand, prodding at the strands of time hoping to find answers. The Athenaeum did not leave this world without incident at all. Their curse was realized. The day of their death became the day all beings of Arawyn would remember. The day of their death would repeat until the heroes that stopped them were driven mad.


*     *     *     *     *


A small farmstead sits, cozily on the countryside; smoke wafting from the chimney and a soft warm glow illuminating the windows.  Inside sat a man and his wife, quietly eating their dinner stew.  Something struck him and he perked up, almost confused for a moment.

“Dear, would you please fetch a pail of water from the well?” His words spoken cautiously.

With a nod and smile, the woman stood up without words and hurried out the door.  As the door shut, the man’s posture changed dramatically.  He became stern, almost angry at the disturbance that interrupted his dinner.  With a wave of his hand, he plucked at something in the air.  A faint orange glow surrounded his hand as he waved it once more, magical incantations swiftly falling from his hurried lips.

“Something isn’t right… Has it happened already?” He muttered to himself with concern.

With another wave, he stared deeply into what most would assume was nothing, though nothing it was not. As he spoke into it, his voice echoed.

“I know you all can hear this.  When you finally realize what has happened, you must look for me.  When the time is right, you will know how.  It is imperative that you do this. I can help, but only if you ask me to.”

As the door opened, he quickly flicked away the orange glow and again changed his disposition to the unassuming husband that sat quietly with his wife.  The woman stepped into the house with the pail, setting it down on the floor by the doorway.  She retook her seat by her husband, smiling at him, and continued to eat her stew.

The night ended as it often did with them. He read her a book at the table by candlelight; until she was tired and could barely keep her eyes open. For her, the exhausting but satisfying day had taken its toll, and sleep would come easily. As most nights ended, the man slipped away from their bed, donned his tattered grey cloak and trekked…   


*     *     *     *     *


Dexcon 2014 Epilogue

He took what chronomancers refer to as the “Time Plunge”.  Last year, at the Gates Rest Tavern, a group of Travance Adventurers are ready to search for the Pegasus. Because it was a plunge, the time gravity brought down the consciousness of those from the current time.  It would not last long. In a few hours, their minds would float back up to the surface. They had to act fast, but there are rules or  limitations to what could be said, and done. Klarington could not speak of some things, and so the conversation had to be co-hersed out of him. 

There were problems and solutions...

In the future you have a problem, you are stuck in a time loop.

You have a path to follow, find Klarington Everest

You have a problem, you do not know how to find him because he relocated.

Maja has been hunting Klarington. He knows where to find him.

You have a problem, Maja was killed. This is a scratch in time. He was supposed to live. Rowennas daughter was supposed to die…

You have a solution, Empathically resurrect Maja.

You have a problem, fate is cynical, and unless you fix the scratch, it will toy with your outcome.

You have a solution,  Rowennas daughter must die..

You have a problem, You just don’t have enough time to accomplish all of that in twenty four hours…

Your solution, ask for more time.

Just as they almost had none left... they asked Klarington for more time, and only because they asked, was he allowed to do so.

Their consciousness floated back to the surface of the present, and Klarington Everest took the Barony of Travance out of the Time Stream. This could only be done for so long, about fourteen days. In this time, they must make sure that Rowennas daughter will die, and Maja will ressurect. Every second of this journey counts… The time loop will continue... but before then, things must be set into motion...

((Untill otherwise stated Travance Proper is "Out of the Time Stream" Anyone who enters or leaves it, feels the distortion. Nothing withen grows old, though all withen can move about and act without thier actions resetting... at least that is until Klarington can no longer hold Trvavance in this state and the time loop continues....))