Main Auction Items (2008 Banquet)

  • Gallion
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13 Nov 2008 08:58 #1 by Gallion (Gallion)
Main Auction Items (2008 Banquet) was created by Gallion (Gallion)
Ok everyone, as anticipated each year here are the three main banquet Chinese Auction Items

1) $100 Game Stop Gift Card
This Prize is a gift card good for 100 dollars of Merchandise at Game Stop, EBX, EBGAMES, or Electronic Boutique stores!

Game Stop offers one of the largest selection of video games, hardware and PC software titles around! Buy Warhammer on line! Or the WOW expansion… or Q-bert!

2) Latex Sword
Mali’dring “The Weave Song”
Until recent events this artifact existed only in childhood tales and in forgotten pages of scholars long since passed.  Crafted of enigmatic materials, this legendary sword was said to be the work of Kurinos himself, the Fey King of Summer, father of Geomancy and forging.  It was given to Prince Avier of the Elves to defend the land during the Morgazzi Wars. Although the sword is an artifact of the Earths Blood when it took the life from Cerragoth the Morgazzi Lord, it took on a darker appearance. However it is still as pure as it was on the day of its creation. 

The sword was thought to be lost and later became myth. Due to the recent activities with unnamed parties this myth became truth, for the sword was recently recovered buried deep within the black plains of Glass on the continent of Dothmoria.

The sword was named “Weave Song” for it is said that once it joined all the colors of the weave to let loose a fury that turned the tide of the war. Now be it known the Elven Kings of Old had the stamina of the ancients, this sword was not meant for mortals, however it is sentient in such a way it will bestow what powers it may to the wielder that they would not be consumed.

Link to sword pic below:

3) The Time Lost Scroll
Long ago when time was a force, that mortals had not the sense to leave be, Chronomancy was a lore practiced by a few bold individuals. At some point in history, Chronomancy disappeared without a trace. It was rumored that the Keepers of the Lost Lore, from the Isles of Sevenlore, was the force responsible for its disappearance. It was also rumored that one single remnant of the lore remained hidden in the world, a powerful scroll referred to in tales as The Time Lost Scroll.  Tales tell that the scroll had upon it minor and major glyphs. If the minor glyphs were translated aloud, the scroll would create minor ripples in time, effecting just seconds. How many times the scroll could do this, was unknown, but it was said that the major glyphs when read aloud would do one of two things. Either it could delve deep into the casters history and allow them to choose a path in life that they felt they wasted their time in, allowing them to retrieve the time that they lost devoting to that path. alternatively the major glyph could be used to erase the history of a tragic death from the caster.  It is said that unleashing this power would likely consume the scroll, and destroy it in the process.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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