Web Server Upgrade this weekend!

  • GJSchaller
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01 May 2008 22:49 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Web Server Upgrade this weekend! was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Our Hosting Provider will be doing an upgrade of the web server hosting Knightrealms.com this weekend, on the 3rd.  This upgrade should make maintaining and operating the site a lot easier from a technical standpoint (for you techies out there, SuPHP is being installed, which will let Apache & PHP run under the account User ID, instead of "nobody," making permissions a lot easier to handle).

While this shouldn't affect the site, I think we all know how well technology should work, as opposed to does work.  I'll be making a full backup of the site tonight, to be safe, and will check throughout the weekend to make sure things run smoothly after the upgrade is done.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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