Here is the feast menu for this upcoming game. I will need additional hands in the kitchen to get everything done in a timely manor as well as help set up the Inn. As incentive, if you send someone from your land, you get a sweet allegience point, plus service points and gold will be given to anyone who can come and help. PM me if you're interested or just show up in the kitchen area on Saturday after 2 PM. Thanks!
Salad with dressing
Artisan bread with honey butter
Shepperds Pie (ground beef, corn, mashed potatoes, dairy, Gluten-free)
Peach Cobbler
Vegetarian option will be Shepperds Pie with fake meat crumbles.
If you have allergies to the above, please plan accordingly.
Dame Zafrin Yhatzi
Knight of Drega'mire
OOG: Kelly Osborne