Here listed are the officers of the Baronial Guard and their stations within:
Captain Erik Silverfang, Captain of the Baronial Guard
Lieutenant Allyce
Lieutenant Imrahil
Lieutenant Arradir F. Go-Dringol
Sergeant Nalick DeMonteforte
Sergeant Ravyn Aeronwyn
Sergeant Darius Goldmane
Sergeant Ebony Hale
Corporal Cyrik Hale
Private Jurian Blackfarrow
Private Solara Valkiri
Private Keladry Aybara
Private Damien V. Marcain
Private Elias Veradi
Private Koinu S. Mazakisei
Private Maeven Wallin
Baronial Quartermaster Angrin McCoy
Assistant Baronial Quartermaster Berek Orino
Doctor of the Guard Dr. Karas Cat
Guard Chaplain OPEN
Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix
* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
Assistant Director