Solstice Festival

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22 Dec 2013 10:33 #1 by geezer (geezer)
Solstice Festival was created by geezer (geezer)
The excellent food and RP were surpassed by the formation of "The Church of Haroldson's Perfectly Formed Ass." Included in this delightful farce perpetrated by an unknown psion was Aleister giving an impromptu talk on how to charm a man (me) out of his pants, the bringing of offerings (weapons and attractive and willing women) and much laughter as Quin went around trying to remove the suggestions. All involved rolled with it and had a good time.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
22 Dec 2013 10:43 #2 by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta)
Replied by Birgitta Drexel (Birgitta) on topic Solstice Festival
Food fun frolics in the snow.
Dinner.... My dog? Really I was only kidding!

Courage with Keevi (sp). I'll leave the quotes to another but I growled at her a number of times after...good times.

Cleave...not so much fun but funny in that odd oh this is going to hurt way!

Find your dragon - spirit of the dragon

Find and seek.

Melody staring at the dark clergy after being polite!

Nyad certification for SAR.

Melody list:
Off lead at a park
Keevi pounce
Clyte find games - salmon treats!
Snow games
Pats loving attention fun games treats who could ask for more...wait the Dr. With the massage hand to lay in slush for!

Quote dog speak:
I don't want to miss anything Mom! Open the door hurry up things are happening whine whine whine...I'm missing stuff!

Birgitta Drexel (Primary)
Commander of Training Baronial Militia
Blood Spirits (Cmd/Sgt)
Blue Dragoon

"Amateurs Practice Until They Get It Right; Professionals Practice Until They Can’t Get It Wrong"

Callisto Boyington (Alt)

AKA Leslie McCormack
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22 Dec 2013 11:38 #3 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic Solstice Festival
Role Playing light and not so light…
Clyde McTavish’s(sp?) reaction to the news of the highlands from one who was there before the Final Battle. Reports of some clans being all but wiped out and concerns for his own nearly dropping him in place.

My report to the Count. On a personal level, I have problems around the holidays; the RP place I put Duncan was a bit heavy to manage at that point (I do believe in Stanislavsky method acting- tough to pull off but oh so cool when you do, despite how much it can hurt) and even I did not expect the emotional response I gave.
In retrospect, my reactions in trying to give a report were appropriate due to all the IC events and background of the PC but man… it took a bit to recover. ( I honestly wished I had a scotch at that point >.<)

Surprisingly, quite a bit of things happened relating to RP/events just prior to last event… some of them being:
The very intense interest by the Rom of Travance in that possible Rom caravan master we found in the highlands. A theory he may have been in league with Xualla- far too prosperous in the hell that was the highlands to not be or be given “Professional Courtesy”- was floated and strongly considered by a few very important and knowledgeable people.
While we don’t know if he was in league/helping but it was aawwwwwfully convenient he knew where the Pegasus was. The desire to clip wings was simply icing on cake.
So Yeah, it was a quiet anger only matched by Birgitta’s (during the original journey) at that point and a gift of things to fight hexes while capturing him was given along with the Blessing of the Travance Rom. They want him taken alive and brought back too…

Aleister expressing his wanting in on the trip north but being handcuffed by responsibility to Drega’mire. Price of Command, my friend… and that is only one of the many prices you pay. Duncan gets this all too well. Tobar is paying that price too so you are not alone in this.

The Thieves Guild of Travance taking an interest this too. An Expensive interest but an interest none the less.

Some of the lighter parts involved Gregor the Squire at one point and Arden at another.

Commenting on a person’s companion dog being dinner is a bad way of way of making friends… And your Squire-ship is absolutely no protection for that. Grimjel attempted to defend you and after my response to him, he said he'd deal with it. Dunno if it will stop there, bro but have some fun with it. Remember, Birgitta might forgive you but your Knight might not- your actions/words reflect upon him and he might not be happy with them. Even Haroldson was unamused when he heard about it...

As for Arden- surprise at my agreeing to help you was funny…and the secondary reaction to my response as to why I agreed (“you asked for help, why not?)”) was equally amusing. Hopefully you have gained a bit of insight about this highlander and why he is Black Watch.

I too heard about the Church of Haroldson's Ass. The Lamentations heard about it were funny as hell.

All in all, fun times, good food (despite the sikies off of some of it that developed later ) and I look forward to next month’s events.

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
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22 Dec 2013 18:47 #4 by Atrus (Atrus)
Replied by Atrus (Atrus) on topic Solstice Festival
I haven't been to KR in awhile, and actually had a blast coming back.

The RP with Emily, Nick, Christine, and many others throughout the festival was awesome.

Unseasonably warm weather allowed about 3 hours of comfort before actually having to wear season-appropriate costuming.

Tearing into the nature of Travance's populace with Aleister and co. is always fun, as is table top drawings, "everyone else was drawing runes of magic, so I drew a doggy and a tree... I don't like feeling left out."

And lastly a big thank you to the various staff and marshals whom I bothered in no small amount while trying to navigate the new rules.

"Only those who have endured the greatest suffering can become the greatest people."

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23 Dec 2013 00:07 #5 by Keavy (Dani)
Replied by Keavy (Dani) on topic Solstice Festival
Even though It was only for a few hours, I definitely had a good time especially after a crappy week.

-First of all the FOOOOOOODDDDD was amazing
-Watching Caelvan's Determination lesson was fun yet hard to watch until the end
-Playing with Melody!
-Helping teach Annora Instinct, then teaching Ava resilience and Body Block.
-Helping Grim learn repel......using my new master warrior skills!
-Helping with another courage lesson. This time for Brigitta. She was the first one to ever growl back!! Keavy was impressed.
-Listening to our lovely bards. :)
-Demon Pyre!

Cannot wait for the banquet and the next event!

In Loyalty to Arawyn,
Keavy Lylas Kennyr'renaith
Servant and Protector of Arawyn
Druid | Totem Diviner | Herald of Nature
Svedlana "Svedka" Zarkovya
More vodka, less complaining.
Danielle Sanfilippo
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23 Dec 2013 00:24 #6 by Narcis (ChrisR)
Replied by Narcis (ChrisR) on topic Solstice Festival
-Many awesome lessons from both Keavy and Atrus!
-Jack finally standing up to Ava when she horribly insults him. Oops fined 20 gold. As well as being thrown into the snow multiple times.
-Too long conversations on Religion. Not ones that I wanted to have, but ones Ava needed. Ava still stands pretty confused about it all, but at least a little more clarity has been granted to her.
-Unusually happy/emotionally insecure Ava. Perhaps living through a lot is something she can even be a bit happy about.

OOG:Chris R.
Storyteller / Marshal
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23 Dec 2013 00:43 #7 by Dame Clytie Silverfang (itsgonnabemay)
Replied by Dame Clytie Silverfang (itsgonnabemay) on topic Solstice Festival
-The Nyad hunt, Mel is quite talented to find a creature of water in a landscape of frozen water
-Hearing two words assembled and presented in such a way that the words will never grace anyone's ears again. "Yield, Aleister."
-Halfassed snowball fights
-Sitting back and watching an absinthe-affected Gwynned try to convey to Goggins the difference between death and permadeath
-Sober conversations with Razael about the status of the dark clergy and the hypocrisies and such
-An absolutely gorgeous Absinthe ceremony! Clyties still wants that in perfume form.
-wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more say no more~
-Finally agreeing to go up and help in the highlands
-Drunk conversations with Razael about the status of his mental cows and making pasture angels
-Food. Food food food foodfoodfood. Food food.
-Leaving the tavern for a minute or so and coming back to discover that people now worship Edwin's ass. Welp.

Dame Clytie Silverfang, the Pegasus
Knight of Travance
Master of the Mage's Guild

OOG- May Leonard
Kitchen Staff
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23 Dec 2013 08:27 #8 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic Solstice Festival
Walking into the inn seeing Aleistar and him going "we doing this now?"
The determination lesson that was the "now" he was referring to.
To which the following phrase was uttered by me after a few tries..... Yield Aleistar.
Food was awesome
Getting a cool ability from Absinth
Kaladonia talks and discussion on trying to find Tirsen

Can't wait for January.

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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24 Dec 2013 01:01 - 24 Dec 2013 01:03 #9 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings)
Replied by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings) on topic Solstice Festival
Pre-festival setup with Karen, james, Sebastian and Teresa. Even the bits where a camera was temporarily was lost. A few brief moments of natural beauty snatched in a busy night.

Cards against humanity, because we're all awful.

A chance-meeting in the night, roaring the names of friends I didn't expect to see.

The festival itself:

Distributing Rune stones to family and friends, and giving explanations fo what they meant (And what the secret meanings of certain ones were).

Hearing about administrative changes in various lands, getting a chance to chat with Aleister about tactics, leadership, and how to rescue someone who is very important to the town.

Sitting down with Annora to discuss tactics, and the ensuing argument over training. Annora won.

Getting beaten about the face by Annora and Keavy for the repel lesson.

Teaching cleave in the most brutal way possible, just like ol' Bran used to.

Substituting myself for a mithril chain and a tree for courage lessons, and getting Keavy to help like always.

Scaring Hobbits, then confusing them as I recognized her song.

Eating all the things.

Seeing Leif is a highlight of KR in general.

Getting equipped for the mission to save someone (got all the gear I needed, well, except for the scrolls)

Talking with bat cooper.

A few shared smiles with Keavy about secrets.

Panicking as Caelvan threatens grim with one of the few things that actually scares him.

The fire, and the songs that followed.

Watching the Guildmaster do sorcery to find someoen very important to Grim, his own hesitance as the maleficarum, who he quoted to keep going, and mentally comparing his reaction to that of Annora's to the very same ritual. It was educational and gave me insight into the characters!

Taking one for the team and being the one to examine haroldson's ass, then deeming it far less attractive than many others grim has seen in the proper.

IG: Sir Grimkjell Eirson
Knight of Pendarvin
Guardian of Mercy

OOG: William Hannings
Land system Marshal
Last edit: 24 Dec 2013 01:03 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings).
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24 Dec 2013 14:54 #10 by Rowan Uidhir (Teresa)
Replied by Rowan Uidhir (Teresa) on topic Solstice Festival
Maja and Calliope! I can't tell you two how awesome it was that both of you played those NPCs for most of the festival. Rowan was so excited, like a when-your-favorite-band-comes-into-town-and-you-actually-meet-them-and-feel-like-you-could-die-happy kind of excited.

My friend and colleague-in-song, Clyde, back from the dead! That was a happy reunion and much needed good news in our dark time.

I really enjoyed listening to everyone's rumors and having the Count listen to our reports. I didn't know that there was so much going on in the world. I don't want to give away anything, but I learned that a detail was missed and now I'm all like alkjglakhclahfblaelhuhalerhglkaerhglkerhngahergaegahrguhfgiuaerhgbaebgubviwaiubeab!!!11!!!!!

Ooh! I can't forget to mention Friday! We did a lot of work setting up the camp and frolicking in the snow, but we had so much fun when everyone was hanging out in the bar room. I love hanging out with y'all out of game.

Geez, this festival was just a LOT of fun for me. It is an absolute joy to perform in front of you all and to entertain my friends. Music is food for the soul.

As per usual, THE FOOD WAS SO GOOD! Thank you, my favorite chefs, for all of your yummy work!

-Rowan Uidhir
-Fira Sinclair, Ambassador of Valdalis

(OOG) Teresa Amore
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24 Dec 2013 16:27 #11 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Solstice Festival
It's been a while since I went to an all RP 1 day festival. I was glad I did. Despite nearly taking 3 to 4 hours of travel time to get to the event, once I saw the faces of all my friends, I was glad I made it.

Seeing Aleister giving a harsh lesson in commitment, even in the face of failure was a true lesson more need to learn.
Helping introduce some new townsfolk was fun.
The usual fun, hijinks, horrendous abuse & ribbing that is Alisandria... My worst enemies don't treat me as bad, but they never hug me afterwards.
Helping in the kitchen was a huge highlight for me. It honestly was... there's a reason why the hearth (aka fireplace) was key to every home. The people, the stories, the fun, it all revolves around the place that has warmth and food.
The car ride to the train station with Megan... Learning more about people is always good. Many thanks for the ride once again and I can't wait to see if I can make the trip to Delaware for that gaming event.

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
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24 Dec 2013 21:53 #12 by Faila (Faila)
Replied by Faila (Faila) on topic Solstice Festival
First, kudos to everyone who helped set up the Inn, which looked beautiful, and who cooked - the food was delicious. It was nice to slow down and have a chance to RP with some people I haven't been able to spend time with before.

- Absinthe induced giggles with Trisana over a certain character's eyewear! Thanks for the RP, Jen, it was very fun to laugh with you.
-Terrific RP getting healed from my consumption and the good doctor's happy reaction when I gave him a bottle of Culpepper Cider.
- The singing and performances!
-The absinthe experience was lovely!
-I always like hanging out with and learning from the other smiths, and it was particularly fun to do it in the Inn (music and crafting all at once!). Edmund, thank you for the terrific lessons and Faila's new sword!
-Some good RP around where Faila was over the last few months with a couple unexpected people.

Thanks again to everyone who worked so hard to make this event happen.

IG: Faila Stormshard Steelson
Owner of Steelson Smithing and Culpepper Drumworks
"May your heart be brave, your mind fierce, and your spirit strong."

Alt: "Gigi"
Dealer in rare books and librarian

OOG: Crystal G.
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25 Dec 2013 21:07 #13 by Edmund Patterson (Edmund)
Replied by Edmund Patterson (Edmund) on topic Solstice Festival
Good to see you all!

Friday night helping with some set-up. Chatting with several people regarding chain mail & scale mail projects.

Saturday Smithing lessons and commissioned items.

What's in the pot?
Deer skulls

Saturday evening bonfire, some more RP, and clean-up.

If you are interested in actual projects PM me.

See you guys at the Awards banquet!

Edmund Patterson

Edmund Patterson
Master of Arms
Master Smith / Artificer
Co-Owner of Anvils and Alchemy
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30 Dec 2013 20:21 #14 by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH)
Replied by Charani Yhatzi (MaliHH) on topic Solstice Festival
-Maja and Calliope. Awesome.
-getting to introduce myself as Professor. This pleases me far more than it should.
-best reception yet to a bardic performance at a feast I can recall....I believe partly due to the new Health to the company verse I wrote. I got warm fuzzies.

Thank you all for an amazing birthday!

~Charani Yhatzi

OOG: Sharone Horowit-Hendler
kitchen staff
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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