So a bunch of you may already know, I got involved in founding a mobile games company up here in Troy,
Deadmans Productions
. Even more of you know that we're trying to raise awareness of the company, and are trying to wrangle 1000 Facebook followers before our first title ships.
We've had some good success so far, gaining over 600 followers in the last month, probably partially in response to our "When we hit 500, we'll give away a $50 gift card of your choice!" promotion. Well we hit the 500, gave away the gift card, soooooo......
We're now giving away a $100 gift card! Once we hit 1000 followers, one fan will be selected at random and given a $100 gift card of their choosing.
Now, this isn't just me trying to reach out to my friends to bump our numbers up: I know most people here probably own a smart phone of some sort, and I genuinely think you'll enjoy our slightly twisted games. So if you're interested, give us a follow by clicking "like" at
, and maybe spread the word to your friends too :-).