I'd like to contact someone about a persistent problem I've seen at every event I've attended (mind you, that's only four), and one that I've heard out of game complaints about far more often than that. It's not a "rules question," and more of an administrative one that impacts on play and very slightly on atmosphere.
However, while I don't wish to vague-post about it, I also don't want to spark a public debate one way or the other. I just don't know who to talk to other than James, and I was directed to post here to find out.
Main: Grigori the grumpy healer, adopted member of the Tribe of Berk, adviser to Chief Darius Redmaw.
Alt: Dorian White, physician and alchemist for hire.
Alt: Ruy Sanchez de Castor y Ortiz, the best swordsman in all of Coast Haven!
OOC: Matthew Bowman
Science fiction and fantasy editor, longtime tabletop GM, newbie KR player.