To All Travance’s Young Bards,
Hello and greetings! I know that many of you seek to further your training in the art of using the Weave through riddle or song. Although there are certainly bards in Travance who have more experience than I, the two most learned of these are frequently busy with matters of the nobility that demand much of their time and attention, leaving little time for instructing the newcomers to Travance.
Therefore I wish to extend a friendly hand to all of you hoping to learn more of the bardic arts. I may not be the most experienced, but I have ample time and desire to help any and all of you grow in our art. I ask the more learned of Travance to aid me in this intention- if you do find a young bard who wishes to learn more of their craft, but Lady Devirr or Dame Hartwood are not available to teach them, direct these to me. I would be more than happy to take up their education.
May you walk in light, and may the shadows shrink before you.
Yours joyfully,
Remi Sylvaine of Clan McBane
Main Char: Mother Remi Sylvaine
Priestess of Love and Song
Alt Char: Mira Aino
~*~ Nadine Morsch:: OOG