tis the season...

11 Dec 2009 17:44 #1 by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor)
tis the season... was created by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor)
Inn patrons and people said patrons tell about this note,
As the solstice/yule/winter fast approches I started thinking about how my favorite part of this time of year is all the biscuts (cookies) we'd make back home and how every family made something a little differenet when the whole clan got together and aside from the drinks it was really the biggest reason to stop fighting and catch up with your friends and neighbors.  That got me a little sad about being away from the Highlands but then I started thinking about all the differnet people I've met here in Travance and all the different places you all come from and how nice and interesting everybody is so then I was thinking about how you all probably have all mannor of sweets you used to make back where you come from and so you really aught to make them for this moon when we all get together.   There aught to be drinks to, but that goes without saying.    

So anyway, during this next market, you should bring a plate of your favorite biscuts or cookies or fudge or whatever to share with everyone else.  That would be nice.  Thats it.  Tell your friends.  

-Ashling Mckraegar

Go big or go home

ooc:  Terri DePrima
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