Wanted: Magical Essences

  • Hadrian Thane
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  • The night is dark and full of terrors.
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17 Dec 2009 09:53 #1 by Hadrian Thane (GBino)
Wanted: Magical Essences was created by Hadrian Thane (GBino)
Let this serve as notice that I am continually seeking to acquire Essences associated with the Elements and Sorcery. For those that are unaware, I am specifically looking for the following:

Elemental Essences:
Humus (Earth)
Ventus (Wind)
Pluvia (Water)
Ignis (Fire)

Sorcery Essences:
Consenesco (Lesser Weave)
Valeo (Greater Weave)

I will pay market price or better for anyone willing to part with such things.

Additionally, any who are in need of coin that have performed some great service to the Barony, [size=7pt](OOG: Service Points)[/size] you may seek me out and I would compensate you for any acts of Fate that would cause these essences to come into your possession.

Sir Apollo Abendroth
Knight-Protector, Dreaga'Mire
Master-Sorcerer and Weave-Artificer

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* Rob G.
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