Burial Rites and Traditions

  • Radu Dragovic
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  • -Death is but a Door-
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09 Feb 2010 15:14 #1 by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
Burial Rites and Traditions was created by Radu Dragovic (Radu Dragovic)
I ask any with any good and valid information about your specific culture and races Burial Rites and Traditions of saying good-bye to please send me a message (PM) so that I may further my experience and knowledge on the subject. I am fairly educated on these matters and have, with regret, had much experience with a variety of burials through out the Kingdom, but any incite you can offer will better the final rest.

Questions like markers, burial or burning, ceremonies, status of the subject like warriors, noble, or commoner in your culture. How your people view the body before and after death. Anything you have would be thankful.

Radu Dragovic-Guild Grave Digger and Carpenter of The Black Orchid Merchant Company

-Death is but a doorway, we are richer to of know you and luckier still to have called you friend-

OOG: Jeff Mclean
Moderators: Damien (Damien)Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
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