Drega'mire General Announcement for June 1210

  • Hadrian Thane
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04 Jun 2010 21:51 #1 by Hadrian Thane (GBino)
Drega'mire General Announcement for June 1210 was created by Hadrian Thane (GBino)

[size=12pt]General Announcement for June 1210[/size]

Fellow Citizens of Travance,

The renovations to the area surrounding the Drega'mire Statehouse are progressing nicely. Last moon saw a newly refurbished Statehouse interior and this moon should hold several new improvements.

I directed one of the apprentice cartographers of Drega'mire to take a brief moment to sketch the general layout of the area and have attached it here for the purpose of this announcement.

Persons shall not be allowed residency in the Statehouse of Drega'mire without explicit invitation.

In addition, the residences marked 1 through 5 on the attached map are explicitly reserved for vassals of Drega'mire. Any vassal wishing use of one of these cabins should send me a missive or speak to me in person this coming Friday, whence I shall be present in the Statehouse from early in the afternoon.

Residences marked 6 though 8 are available for the general citizenry of the Barony. I would encourage citizens wanting residency in these homes to make me aware of their presence.


[size=12pt]Drega'mire Saturday Brunch[/size]

I have made it a custom to hold the monthly gathering of Drega'mire Vassals over Saturday Brunch. All Vassals are encouraged to participate, as well as any persons wishing to become Vassals. Donations of food or funds are appreciated from any partaking in the brunch.

Lord Apollo Abendroth

(OOG: I will be providing juice, bagels & cream-cheese. I ask that anyone that is bringing something PM me so we don't get a bunch of duplicates. It worked out great last month!)

/* OOG
* Rob G.
* Rules Marshal, Margrave
Moderators: Damien (Damien)Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
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