Opre Roma

  • Michael P
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27 Jul 2010 16:02 #1 by Michael P (Michael P)
Opre Roma was created by Michael P (Michael P)
Roma and family friends,

For many moons now I have traveled within the closest reaches of the Kingdom, and now I find that my feet begin to itch for the longer open road.  Issues of lineage, tradition, and Kampania this past moon has made me realize that much of my family is still out in the world... and much of my past still needs recompense.  At first I thought I need take care of this alone, but in the end those wiser than me reminded me that Roma never are alone.  So with that I must find my wayward family, un putrav lesko drom angle leste te na inkrav les mai but palpale mura brigasa.

The caravans in which we ride will not be present for a few moons, but know that come the autumn changes we will return with tales and focus on much revelry.  Good friends, great enemies... I bid you good fortunes until next we meet.

Baxt hai sastimos tiri patragi
-Paetros Yhatzi

Michael Pucci
Player of Paetros of the Yhatzi Kompania

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