1211 and things to come...

  • Ming Na
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06 Feb 2011 17:20 #1 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
1211 and things to come... was created by Ming Na (Ming Na)
1211 and things to come

I would like to open this letter to the people of Travance with my thanks & gratitude for their support. I am deeply honored with the continued confidence that our Baron, William Montgomery as well as the rest of the Baronial council, has shown in me.

This new year will be marked with great and positive changes for the Barony. We will all benefit from these changes, but must also realize change takes time. However the fact that change take time is not an excuse for blanket inaction.

While the following is commentary I hope it expresses the passion I have had and will continued to have for the ever growing success for the people of this great land. We have people that have come to Travance to make a life for themselves, only to find upon their arrival the only living available to them is killing monsters and looting their corpses. Even that cannot support their most basic needs.  If Travance is to grow it can no longer base its financial future on looting corpses as its means of wealth its unseemly and frankly Travance is better then that. Change is required, new opportunities to earn one's way are needed.

One such example of a new opportunity was the advent of the General Store and the jobs it has helped create.  But that is only the start. There needs to be more gainful employment to the general population. I have taken up this mantel as much as I can and fully intend to find gainful employment for all.

We live on the frontier so why are we not making use of this? It seems that we just wait for the next thing to fall out of the woods to be clubbed to death and looted. Let it be known that this office concerns itself with the financial success of the Barony as a whole its citizens. It is not about just collecting taxes, but more over raising revenue to improve the well being of ALL of the people in the Barony. With that I announce the following:

The Bank of Travance is a branch of the Exchequer and operates for the benefit of the citizens of the Barony.  It is essential that this institution operate smoothly and with the confidence of the people.  To this end I appoint Father Edwin Haroldson as the Director of the Bank of Travance. This coming moon I will be appointing revenue collectors as well.  If you are interested in this please contact me by messenger.

I will support any endeavor that will create happiness generate coin & promote Jobs even if its just for one moon. I close this small writing with this as the tea pot does call... the greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Success in all things!!
Thank you for your time & consideration

In service to the people

Ming Nagata

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