1211 and the State of the Economy of Travance

  • Rudolf
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23 Feb 2011 10:13 #1 by Rudolf (Rudolf)
1211 and the State of the Economy of Travance was created by Rudolf (Rudolf)
Greetings to the Lords, Ladies, and Citizens of Travance,

I have been given the honor and responsibility of being named your new Chancellor of Trade.  It is my sincerest hope that I can perform up to the high standards set by my predecessors, fine gentlemen all.

In keeping with the policies of the previous Chancellor of Trade, I first wish to address the State of the Economy in Travance. As before, this address will cover the current state of economic affairs within the Barony, a description of current civil projects occurring within the Barony, and a look to the future with upcoming civil projects scheduled for the Barony.

The Year 1210 has come to a close and we look forward to all 1211 has to offer us. Travance has changed greatly since my arrival and all signs point to further and greater prosperity for the all the lands and the citizens of the Barony. Our population has increased steadily, which has helped our Barony raise desperately needed tax revenue for the King, as well as provided customers to the many merchants, both local and travelling, that operate within the Barony. As more and more people have come to stay in Travance, the needs of our residents have also increased and become more diverse. No longer is Travance a place where you need a sword and shield to walk safely. The folk of Travance have seen their hopes and dreams grow, and along with those hopes and dreams, so have their ambitions grown. More and more people come monthly from across the Rift and even further abroad in search of a place to settle and call their own, with a home to own and land for them to farm or set up shop on. The adventuresome spirit of Travance has been felt far and wide, and we are now reaping the rewards of the actions of our brave adventurers. However, as these new immigrants pour in, we must rise to the challenge of ensuring the economic prosperity of our dear Barony. No longer can we merely rely on the looting of corpses to sustain our economy. As the King works to expand our lands to the East, more and more caravans will travel through Travance bringing with them a vast array of new goods, but also an equally vast group of mouths to feed, swords to sharpen, and packs to fill with Travancian goods. I would ask that you look deep within yourself to find some way to help with this situation. If you do not know a trade, speak to someone about learning one. If you know one, produce goods for sale to travelers and for your fellow Travacians. If you feel you can manage the time and resources, learn another trade, providing an even greater opportunity for economic growth. Every person sitting at the inn doing nothing with their days is silver and gold leaving our Barony that would have otherwise helped fuel the mighty forge of economic might that I see Travance becoming!

The second portion of my address will concern itself with the civil projects currently ongoing in the Barony of Travance. The greatest resource our beloved Barony has is her people. The Baron graciously continues to promote our economic growth through his trade advancement program, paying you to learn a trade or expanding your proficiency. What better way to stir economic prosperity than putting gold in the hands of those working to build the foundations of our economy. For more detailed information on this program, please seek me out. This program has been a wonderful success. It is my hope that the Baron will continue to see its great value and allow the program to continue through 1211.

Our monthly Market Faire has seen its size increase. There will be always be seasonal differences, but the quality of goods, and the much wider selection of goods from every corner of Arawyn makes attendance worthwhile. I recommend that everyone be sure to stop by the Market Faire, usually held on Saturday day before the Baronial Feast. You might find that one item you never thought you’d find, and you’re helping the economy in the process.

Our General Store, graciously operated by Gwynedd, continues to be a great success. Various local craftsmen and farmers have found the General Store to be an excellent clearing house for their goods. You can usually find all manner of basic consumables, durables, wearables, or even the occasional luxury item at the General Store. Additionally, Gwynedd has also been, on occasion, able to acquire more exotic goods, such as rare ores and woods. You should find your way to Gwynedd’s door and inquire about availability.

Finally, the third part of my address concerns itself with a number of upcoming civil projects in the Barony that merit mentioning. For those who have been absent, the owner of the Dragon’s Claw Inn, Jonas Kane, has been making massive improvements to the inn. His work on the inn ensures that visitors and newcomers see Travance Proper as a fine town, not some backfields watering hole. Please make sure to thank him for his great work and support the economy by making a purchase at the bar.

The Statehouse of Alisandria is being renovated, much to the delight of the residents of that land. For those who are skilled in carpentry and the like, it might behoove you to seek out Lord Blackthorne and inquire about work.

The White Lotus Tea Company has approached the Chancellery of Trade about the possibility of establishing permanent lanterns along the major roads and pathways around the Proper. A lantern can be purchased from the Barony for a fee, and a placard announcing the donor’s name will be placed below the lantern.  A small monthly fee to ensure the lantern remains lit can be paid monthly or in advance for an entire year. Please seek me out if you have interest in this project.

I wish to again thank the Baron, the Lords and Ladies, and citizens of Travance for this opportunity. I hope that this address has not bored you too greatly and that the information contained within has been useful. If you have any questions concerning any portion of this address, please feel free to place them below the address or write to me privately or seek me out at Market Faire.


Lord Rudolf Von Kreutzdorf of Ostcliff
Golden Rose Trading Company
OOG - Larry Wile (Marshal)
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