Imperial Guild of Ostcliff

  • Ming Na
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17 Sep 2011 19:41 #1 by Ming Na (Ming Na)
Imperial Guild of Ostcliff was created by Ming Na (Ming Na)
To clear the air about the rumors or for those that did not hear the announcement at the feast upon the eve of our foundation. And to ensure that those do not have any belief that they know more about the guild then any other in town.

This is all the public knowledge for those with any interest. Any more information about our mission is for the eyes of the Baron and the Kings council only. To inquire more information would be against the laws set forth by the King himself

Ostcliff is an Imperial Guild, the first in 200 years. It was founded for the sole purpose of opening diplomatic relations with the Isles of Seven Lore. We report to the King regarding our actions as he is the one who has sanctioned this guild. The laws of Travance are still applied to the Guildsman of Ostcliff but may not be applied to impede their mission.

We are working hard on this mission and any further interest should directed to the Dominus Rystar Ming Na. Private inquiry made to any member of the guild has been reported to the Dominus and those names given to the king to inquire of any intent of treason.

In service to the people

Ming Nagata

OOC: Dan Gill
Moderators: Damien (Damien)Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
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