Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)

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04 Sep 2013 20:48 - 05 Sep 2013 07:29 #1 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23)

I have reason to believe that we are going to be dealing with Faeries. Lots and lots of Faeries.

Please note the following.

Many of them are weak against iron weapons. Merchants, if you want to make some money, have iron. Don't try to bleed townsmember's dry. Remember, the sword you sell might save your life.

They can be banished back to their native plane.

Below is a synopsis of the types of creatures you could come up against. Spread the word.

The Faeries and Their Courts

While often the term 'faerie' is used broadly to describe all of the inhabitants of the Spaces-Between-Spaces, there are in fact a wide variety of species that co-exist within its kingdoms. While all who inhabit these realms are known for meddling in the affairs of mortals, for good or for ill, most align themselves with one of the two ruling empires – the Seelie or the Unseelie Court. While the first is primarily benevolent, the second is characterized by its malicious cruelty and indifference. Each Court is ruled by members of the Shae race of faeries; insectoid-winged, magical humanoids known for their arcane propensity and ability to change size and appearance. These are what most think of when they hear the term 'faerie', and these are often thought to be the most powerful of denizens of the Spaces-Between-Spaces. Despite the plethora of stories related to them, due to their immense power most Shae will rarely if ever travel to the Prime Material plane, and those that do can only maintain their presence for relatively brief periods of time before having to return to their kingdoms to replenish their magical reserves. The Seelie Court is known most for its isolationism – they rarely take part in the affairs of mortals, and when they do, it is in the subtlest and least intrusive ways. This often might involve leading a traveler to safety or, if a mortal ingratiates herself to the Court in an extreme fashion, inviting her into the kingdom for a period of time. The Unseelie Court, however, has no such internal control and revels in interfering with the lives of mortalkind. This can range from causing travelers to get lost in the wood to brutal hunts and torture of those that don't take the proper precautions. The Seelie Court is ruled by the peaceful Queen Lilahndrini, the Unseelie Court by the malevolent Queen Hyporia.

Brownies & Boggarts: The only real difference between a Brownie and a Boggart is the Court to which they serve. Both are mischievous, small in stature, humanoid, and known for their excellent craftsmanship, and both serve their Queens with endless devotion, either out of respect for Queen Lilahndrini in the case of the Brownies, or out of fear of Queen Hyporia in the case of the Boggarts. They appear as tiny tinkerers in appearance, often in brown caps and with vests and suspenders. They have small pointed ears and swirling designs in shades of brown and copper on their skin.

Sprites & Piskies: Like Brownies and Boggarts, Sprites and Piskies are more alike than they are different, both lithe, with tiny insect-like wings and pairs of horns upon their heads. Their natures and how these characteristics manifest themselves, however, are opposed. Sprites are playful and kind, maintaining attractive yet somewhat alien features. Piskies, while still playful in their own right, are malicious creatures, and often appear nearly demonic in appearance. Both versions draw their powers from elemental magic, and align themselves with the Seelie and Unseelie Courts respectively.

Will o' the Wisps: These are simple faeries so small they only appear as balls of glowing light at night, and sometimes as flocks of butterflies in the daylight. They cannot speak (at least not in a language mortals understand) but understand the languages of mortals. They can be quite charming but are always full of tricks – most are known to lead travelers into danger, but some stories tell of Wisps that have lead mortals to treasure or to fallen comrades. Most Wisps are aligned with the Unseelie Court, but it is not unheard of for some to align themselves with the Seelie Court.

Spriggans: These are a grotesque and giant species of faeriekind, known for their brute strength and little else. They have close ties to dark druidics and are covered in poisoned and decaying vines and foliage, their skin appearing almost like gnarled bark. These are typically the enforcers and bodyguards of the Unseelie Court.

Greenmen: These are large, tree-like faeries with strong connections not only to magic, but to druidic powers as well. The Greenmen are old and full of wisdom, but due to their great strength often serve as guards and sentries of the Seelie Court.

Redcaps: These are sentient, bloodthirsty creatures with little fear of death. Legend says that they must keep their caps soaked in the blood of mortals, for if they dry out they will cease to exist. They have rheumy eyes and ruddy complexions, looking sickly and cruel. Due to their very nature, all Redcaps are aligned with the Unseelie Court.

Fauns, Swan Maidens, Kelpies, Sparrowmen & So Forth: The most diverse and prolific inhabitants of the Spaces-Between-Spaces are those that maintain some cross between animal and humanoid form. If taken as a whole they might be the most numerous of the groups, able perhaps to even outnumber the Shae, but due to their vastly opposing natures they have never been able nor desired to form a cohesive unit. Many of these subraces form their own minor familial kingdoms, some remaining independent from the Courts. Other groups, such as the stag-like Fauns, side with the Seelie in the majority, while some, like the murderous horse-like Kelpies, are only known to exist in tentative alliances with the Unseelie Court. These categorizations are somewhat fluid, and those of this broad category that take characteristics of amphibious or aquatic creatures can dually be considered both of this category and of the Undine.

Undine: The Undine as a whole are perhaps the least likely of the denizens of the Spaces-Between-Spaces to permanently side with a particular Faerie Court. Closely connected to the element of water and all that it entails, the Undine are often far more concerned with their own well-being than with the politics of kingdoms far from their underwater homes. The Undine are not a kingdom, but a loose name for all of the species of faerie that exist in or near bodies of water. While occasionally individual Undine may side with one court or the other, and all vary in temperament, the majority stay unaligned, forming small communities or pods of their own kind with only a vague sense of leadership structure. If challenged as a whole, however, the various groups can be known to form alliances and band together against threats from the outside. The various species, like other faeries, live in pocket realms of faerie adjacent to the plane of water on one hand, and closely tied to bodies of water on the Prime Material plane as well, such as ponds, reefs, whirlpools, streams, springs and even occasionally man-made wells and fountains. Traditionally, well-suited Undine representatives have often been called on to negotiate terms between the Courts or their various factions in the Spaces Between, as they hold no real stake in the results and yet have a deep-seated, if at times misguided and unwanted, curiosity into the affairs of others that facilitates their interaction. Mermaids, Sirens, Selkies, certain types of Sea Serpents, and Hags are all examples of sub-races of the Undine. When in the mortal realm, most Undine will never be found out of sight of a body of water. Only the most powerful are able to devise ways to survive far from their element for brief periods of time.

IC: Bat Cooper

OOC: James Jones
Last edit: 05 Sep 2013 07:29 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23). Reason: Tacking something on
04 Sep 2013 22:51 #2 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)

Bat Cooper wrote:
. If taken as a whole they might be the most numerous of the groups, able perhaps to even outnumber the Shae,

Thanks Bat. Very helpful. Maybe i missed something, but what is a Shae?

Caldor Eirson,

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05 Sep 2013 07:30 #3 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23)
Replied by Bat Cooper (Cassius23) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
Sorry about that. It was mentioned in a slightly earlier part of the research, which has now been added.

IC: Bat Cooper

OOC: James Jones
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05 Sep 2013 11:02 #4 by Inajira (Inajira)
Iron weapons!?!  BAH!  Iron is an inferior material that is far too soft to make a decent weapon with!  It’s soft, it bends, and it ain’t to be holdin’ an edge!  As a note to all you would-be wielders of weapon made of iron, expect to see it chip and blunt after one good fight!  I, for one, will not be wasting me time makin’ any of those worthless piles of slag.  Now, if yer wantin’ to be smashin’ some of the wee folk, a nice mithril frying pan with Dwarven runes of cookery lovingly etched into it will do the trick!  Just go find that lass that I made one for and borrow hers, ‘cause I ain’t to be makin’ another.  Targus and Hengus haven’t let me heard the end of it since I made the first two…


-Angus Grumblegut

Angus Grumblegut
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05 Sep 2013 11:14 #5 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)

While Iron may be a weaker metal, it has a similar effect on faeries as silver does on werewolves, or gold on a true warlock. Both of which are soft metals.
I have made quite a few iron weapons for townsmembers, and they have been used quite effectively at making an unseelie's visit to travance a short and miserable one.

Father Elric Ashby.

Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

Dr. Viktor Solvei, Pioneer Surgeon

OOG Benjamin Oakley, New Player Marshal... of doom
05 Sep 2013 11:44 - 05 Sep 2013 11:48 #6 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
Elric and Bat Cooper,

Is there other metals that can hurt or affect the fae? It might be difficult to get access to Iron, and I would like to be able to use what I have on hand in case I was attacked by one of the Unseelie.

Kanas Silverfang

OOG: Jeremy Schwartz
Last edit: 05 Sep 2013 11:48 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf). Reason: Redcaps are part of the Unseelie, so it was kind of unessessary
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05 Sep 2013 11:54 #7 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
While I do not know how common iron is, though I believe it is just as common as steel, am I right Elric?

As to the question about other materials. To my knowledge of Fairies no. Iron is the only material that hurts fairies more than others.

Caelvan Renaith
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05 Sep 2013 12:10 #8 by Inajira (Inajira)
Aye, Elric, gold and silver are soft materials, but it takes a true master of the craft to alloy them properly so they are strong and also maintain the purity of the original metal. Iron cannot be alloyed in such a way. If you refine iron, it just becomes steel. Iron is for shovels, not for swords!

As for the availability of iron, it's all over. Steel is just refined iron.


Angus Grumblegut
05 Sep 2013 12:14 #9 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic Re:Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)

If iron is as abundant as you say it is, can you make a set of iron arrows? I plan not to use them frequently, but just in case.

Kanas Silverfang

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05 Sep 2013 12:21 #10 by Inajira (Inajira)
Dear Kanas,

Please see above rant about me not wanting to work with iron. However, I could be convinced to debase myself for one mutton haunch and two pints of jellied veal tongues...


Angus Grumblegut
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05 Sep 2013 12:24 - 05 Sep 2013 12:25 #11 by Caelvan (Caelvan)

I bring food(OOG consumables, no real mutton I'm afraid) to the proper with me. Find me for your payment for Mr. Whisperwood's arrows. I'll be in the Inn after I get the new adventurers into the town. Most likely around 11-12 bells on Friday night.

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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Last edit: 05 Sep 2013 12:25 by Caelvan (Caelvan).
05 Sep 2013 12:29 #12 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic Re:Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
Do not trouble yourself with me Squire Renaith, I think I have some food with me that you would enjoy in exchange for the arrows, but not mutton (OOG consumables). I will be in the Inn most likely around 2 bells on Friday Night. Once again Squire Renaith, I can take care of myself. You do not have to trouble yourself.

Kanas Silverfang

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05 Sep 2013 12:45 #13 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Fair enough.

However I do not believe we have met so I will be in the Inn at around the same time, let us get to know each other, shall we?

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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05 Sep 2013 12:47 #14 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic Re:Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
Sure. That would be nice

Kanas Silverfang

OOG: Jeremy Schwartz
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05 Sep 2013 12:49 #15 by Augustus (OEBlaze)
Replied by Augustus (OEBlaze) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
First, Mister Wisperwood, we are dealing with Faeries, not Fae. A common misconception, but one we should all be aware of.

Second, if you need to find iron, go to the Dragon's Claw inn, there are candlesticks everywhere. I once whacked a redcap upside the head with one to great success.

Third, and this directed at Bat, isn't a call to arms a bit aggressive? Are we not currently in negotiations with the Faeries about among other things, bringing an end to hostilities? I understand everyone should be able to protect themselves, but is it not at least rude, and at most a threat if we are all walking around with weapons designed to banish them back to where they came from? If my understanding is correct we are on thin ice with these Negotiations as is, and I don't want that ice to crack.

Finally, and this is as a fellow subject to all of you: I ask you not to attack any faerie you see on sight if they are not posing an immediate threat to anyone. I have seen redcaps stay their blades in order to negotiate, and given they will most likely be here for said negotiations, we may be able to make this work without the need for more violence.

It is the responsibility of ALL of us to make sure these negotiations go smoothly. This is our chance to prove that we are not just mindless killing machines. This is our chance to be the people that Julie would be proud of. We can do this. We must do this.

John Smith
[hr][hr]Augustus Waters
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05 Sep 2013 12:59 - 05 Sep 2013 13:00 #16 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)

First, I am a ranger of Selandrias, not a common fighter. I do not beat my enemies with candlesticks. And second, if Bat Cooper says that we should be ready, then we should consider and heed his words. We do not need to openly attack them at sight, but we must remain vigilant. I can try to rein in fellow townsmembers around me, but I cannot stop them. Don't worry, Julie will be proud of us.

Kanas Silverfang

OOG: Jeremy Schwartz
Last edit: 05 Sep 2013 13:00 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf). Reason: spelled Selandrais wrong
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05 Sep 2013 13:05 - 05 Sep 2013 13:06 #17 by Caelvan (Caelvan)

You are correct.

However, I don't believe Bat was saying "Strike all fairies down." I believe he just wishes for everyone to be prepared in case negotiations do not work out and the fairies become hostile. This way we aren't scrambling at the last second to get the proper materials and items created in order to defend ourselves.

Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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Last edit: 05 Sep 2013 13:06 by Caelvan (Caelvan).
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05 Sep 2013 13:33 #18 by Augustus (OEBlaze)
I understand what Bat meant, and was simply trying to imagine how the other side might feel.

John Smith
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05 Sep 2013 13:37 - 05 Sep 2013 13:38 #19 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor)
Replied by Caldor Eirson (Caldor) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
This is the problem with writing. It scales out of hand, and people take things badly.

Lets all have a drink Friday night. Nobody meant to insult anyone else, I'm sure. I'll bring ice wine.


Caldor Eirson,

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Last edit: 05 Sep 2013 13:38 by Caldor Eirson (Caldor).
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05 Sep 2013 13:46 #20 by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf)
Replied by Kanas Whisperwood Silverfang (midgetelf) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
That sounds fun, but I'm probably going to drink very little. I'm not much of a drinker.

Kanas Silverfang

OOG: Jeremy Schwartz
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05 Sep 2013 13:57 #21 by Annora (Karen)
Both Bat Cooper and Augustus speak words of wisdom, words that should be read and heeded.

Let us proceed with caution, but respect towards the faeries. There is no need, and to incite hostilities, but if hostile actions do come, we should be prepared.

There are differences between outright uncalled for aggression, defensive preparations, and peaceful naivete.

OOG: Karen Y
Card Raptor
05 Sep 2013 18:28 #22 by Alexander Silvers (Silversupremacy)
Replied by Alexander Silvers (Silversupremacy) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
Personally I'm not entirely convinced that a compromise cannot be arranged between both points, for example do you not bring coin (or other favorable goods for the other party) to a negotiation to ease the agreement without making the other party aware of its presence until necessary. In which case it may be appropriate to keep said iron weaponry on hand without making the fae aware of their presence until they initiate hostilities, for example Mr. Wisperwood can keep his Iron arrows concealed among various other arrows types as such members of the community can devise a creative means in which to keep their iron weaponry hidden, similar to how Augustus mentioned candlesticks around the inn, the fae most likely won't view an object whose original purpose is decoration as threatening. Thus I propose the concealment of any iron weaponry until absolutely necessary as it never hurts to be prepared.

Alexander Wilhelm Silvers IV,
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05 Sep 2013 20:39 - 05 Sep 2013 21:05 #23 by Faila (Faila)

Squire Renaith wrote: While I do not know how common iron is, though I believe it is just as common as steel, am I right Elric?

As to the question about other materials. To my knowledge of Fairies no. Iron is the only material that hurts fairies more than others.


Yes, iron is readily available in the Proper.

While I agree with Angus that it would be foolish to use iron as a weapon in most circumstances, in this case it appears our scholars have determined that iron is a bane to some creatures who may prove to be dangerous to our population. I, for one, have no qualms working with any material which will serve to protect the citizenry of Travance. Perhaps this is because my smithing skills are still modest, or perhaps this is because I have not been in Travance long enough to become inured to the death and violence on this side of the rift, but I see little reason to not be prepared to protect those who feed, cloth and house us.

To that end, if you are one who is willing to step forward if force becomes a necessity, and you find you are in need of a simple iron weapon on the morning of the feast day, please seek me out. I should arrive in the Proper approximately 4 bells after the sun rises on the day of the Feast. If I am not in the Inn, you might wish to inquire at the Monastery. For those new to Travance, I will do my best to assist you, and am pleased to work for barter (and in some circumstances credit).

Faila Steelson, Smith

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Last edit: 05 Sep 2013 21:05 by Faila (Faila).
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05 Sep 2013 21:52 #24 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23)
Replied by Bat Cooper (Cassius23) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
It is a balance, Augustus.

On the one hand, yes, we should be mindful and not be overly quick to jump into the fray.

On the other hand we could very easily overtax our smiths if we wait until after the negotiations to get prepared should fail to thread the needle that is this sit down. Either that or get caught flat footed.

My most urgent hope is that we won't need that knowledge and we can save the banishment scrolls for the demons that we all know will be returning and use the iron from the weapons for candlesticks and frying pans.

But you know what they say. If wishes were fishes everyone would have lunch.

IC: Bat Cooper

OOC: James Jones
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05 Sep 2013 23:26 #25 by Verrill Lebastion (Wellby)
Replied by Verrill Lebastion (Wellby) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
I agree in regards to Augustus' sentiment, but it could use a small degree of extrapolation. We should be instructing subjects in diplomatic methodologies as well as physical for dealing with Fairy-kin. I've personally managed to talk three separate red caps from raising blade to me in a battle with a simple declaration of peaceful intention. While I'm sure a great degree of this was entirely circumstantial it shows that even the most (literally) blood-thirsty Fairy can be reasoned with to some extent.

When it is at all possible we need to create a welcoming, respectful, but vigilant atmosphere for these esteemed guests in our realm. Certainly start up the furnaces and prepare the machine of war (ready these weapons and arm the townsfolk), but let us not stoke its flames until absolutely necessary. Our negotiators do not need more weight upon this fragile situation.

That being said, if Fairys attempt to strike down townsfolk, it is tragic, but there should be little hesitation in what needs to be done. On that note, Kanas, these candlesticks can be melted down into arrow heads for your weapon. In dire straights one must be open to adaptation.

In Her Memory,

Magistrate of Travance
R. Tzaareth

Verrill Lebastion,
House Elder of House Bastion
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06 Sep 2013 02:06 #26 by Dimetri Yhatzi (DMvanhart)
Replied by Dimetri Yhatzi (DMvanhart) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
I am all for helping the town...but perhaps asking the proprietor of the Inn in question before you melt his candlesticks?

Dimetri Yhatzi
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06 Sep 2013 02:30 #27 by Verrill Lebastion (Wellby)
Replied by Verrill Lebastion (Wellby) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)

You're right, I should elaborate. I was simply explaining to the young man how such humble devices could be utilized by subjects such as himself. To destroy or reform these devices without their proper owner's consent would of course be a form of vandalism. Neither I nor any of the benevolent organizations I represent abide or recommend vandalism and/or theft.

Magistrate of Travance
R. Tzaareth

Verrill Lebastion,
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06 Sep 2013 02:59 #28 by Mormigan (Mormigan)
Replied by Mormigan (Mormigan) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
I must say i agree with my good matey, drinking is a prerequisite to any and all diplomatic parley or if that fails any aggressive negotiations still require a drink. In either case candle sticks aside i also agree with me hearty Augustus. Also thank you for the bounty of information on the topic of those sexy vixen lasses. Thou i would rather arm myself with more grog or rum.

Captain of the Phonecian
James Fairweather

OOG: Marty Rossa
06 Sep 2013 12:09 #29 by Piggy Punch (Wyen Nightfrost)
Replied by Piggy Punch (Wyen Nightfrost) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
Just so to avoid confusion. We are talking about Faeries, NOT FAE! There is a very big difference between the two.

As per my opinion of the matter, I believe it wise to prepare ourselves, but there is no call for open war. We are currently in negotiations to harbor peace, any open hostility will in fact ruin our chances at this peace agreement.

Baht A'tal Damien Mograinne
Champion of Galmachis

OOG Josh LaBar
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06 Sep 2013 13:52 #30 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic Very Important Message for September 1213(Get Iron Weapons!!)
If you would like to meet a fae, then you would want to talk to Corsair. You will then realize right away that there is an immense difference between fae, and faeries.
If you refer to corsair as a faerie, he would likely obliterate you on the spot, or attune you to a building. Both are well within his power.

Please stop confusing the two, for your own good.

Father Elric Ashby.

Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

Dr. Viktor Solvei, Pioneer Surgeon

OOG Benjamin Oakley, New Player Marshal... of doom
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