Missive of luck

29 Nov 2013 20:43 #1 by Renji Shintaro (digitaldpad)
Missive of luck was created by Renji Shintaro (digitaldpad)
Greetings all inhabitants of Travance!
I, Relic, had the pleasure of meeting some of you during the defence of the town from the misdirected valarian (sp) warriors. While I had to leave you for family matters, word has reached me of your impending war. As you take up arms in protection of this great land, take solace that you are not alone. Even if friends, family, companions, and once enemies are not here on the mortal plane, they protect you from the beyond. Let what ever God's you worship, and your ancestors watch over you and see that every strike hits and strikes true.

Your brother in arm,

Empire of the Sun

~oog: Chris b~

~An apprentice near a temple will recite the scriptures untaught.~


(Oog Chris Burke)
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