
29 Jul 2014 12:07 #31 by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast)
Replied by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast) on topic Greetings
Squire Draven,

I will humbly submit myself to your Lords justice. You may find me at your Statehouse in the time it will take me to travel there.

Gladly will I let the truth of it be known to any and all present or who wish to be.

Seek the truth and walk in the light,
Lucien Belfast
Priest of Valos

[OOG: Craig E. O.]
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29 Jul 2014 12:31 #32 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic Greetings
Mister Belfast,

Ye will be in the company of at least TWO members of the Guard when ye go and ye will go unarmed as well for both your safety and that of others.

I have watched ye from afar in a few instances... Due to those instances, I have concerns over ye lack of personal discipline and control when agitated... therefore I am, in my capacity as a Sergeant in the Baronial Guard, requiring this addendium to thy declaration of a public meeting with Mister Erdboren, Squire to Laird Blackthorne.

. If ye wish to complain about this directive where Public Safety is concerned, ye may have one of your Superiors speak with me or one of my own.

Ye weapons will be returned to ye once the meeting is concluded or if we are assaulted on the road to Alisandria- of which I doubt will happen; the good Laird maintains a solid hold on public order in his lands. It is one of the few places I am concerned about such things.

Again, any complaint about this requirement, you can have one of your Superiors discuss it with me.

In Service to Public Order I remain,

Duncan MacKenzie
Sergeant, Baronial Guard

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
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John Tinney
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29 Jul 2014 12:50 - 29 Jul 2014 12:56 #33 by Draven Erdboren (Grundill)
Replied by Draven Erdboren (Grundill) on topic Greetings
Mr. Belfast, Mr. McKenzie,
I would like to clarify that my request was not for Mr. Belfast to surrender himself into the custody of Alisandria, but as I and others, believe he has broken baronial law, that he turn himself into the barony itself.
As this was at my request, not the request of my Lord, or land, I will without hesitation be on hand if the barony requests it.
In Service to Alisandria

Draven Erdboren
Squire to Lord Lucius Blackthorne

OOG Chris L.
Monster Marshal
Last edit: 29 Jul 2014 12:56 by Draven Erdboren (Grundill). Reason: Mobile phone issue
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29 Jul 2014 13:26 - 29 Jul 2014 13:27 #34 by geezer (geezer)
Replied by geezer (geezer) on topic Greetings
Brother Aldric incorrectly states that the "new" Church of Light" does not include "blind zealotry." I imagine he has not been introduced to either Knight Templar Sabatheous Tellinghast or his cousin, Lord Templar Aradial Tellinghast. Be assured, unreasoned zealotry exists at the highest levels of the reconstituted Church of Light.

I had the permission of a noble to kill all who attacked the town's members, at or near the monastery Friday night. I had no problem in allowing Galladell to sort them out. To use an old adage, I merely expedited their meeting. I will assist Dumourne and support Br. Belfast in their endeavors.

That noble's permission extended to all at that time.

Lucien - If you wish, I will hold your weapons for you. I give you my personal guarantee they will not go missing. If there is to be a hearing, a difficult task as the magistrate is seldom in Travance and has yet to conclude an investigation going back almost a year, it would be my pleasure to act in your defense.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
Last edit: 29 Jul 2014 13:27 by geezer (geezer). Reason: typos
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29 Jul 2014 13:42 - 29 Jul 2014 13:47 #35 by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast)
Replied by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast) on topic Greetings
Friends and fellow subjects,

Let it be known that I am offering myself voluntarily to the custody of the Guard to be questioned for any and all actions I may have taken part in, under the absolute defense of a large caravan of new arrivals to Travance. These newcomers were both unseasoned and poorly armed, when they were set upon by the Agaurran cultists, who were heavily armed, and lead by two Templars, one of whom asked of me "Do you follow the Light?" when my answer was "Yes, Valos is my god." he proclaimed a "Holy War" before striking at myself and others by my side.

I throughout the entirety of the battle could be heard demanding the surrender of the cultists who were attacking any and all passersby while I was there. Many dozens of times I offered, at expense to my own safety, the opportunity to yield. I suffered great injury at the hands of their Templar, who attacked me and then challenged me to single combat, where he was defeated by my hand. I made no attempt to desecrate or even loot the body of the fallen as witnesses will also attest.

Upon seeing the fall of their leader, I demanded the surrender of the remaining cultists, to which their reply was again and again "I would rather die". It is my deep regret that those mislead people did not lay down their arms and save their mortal forms. Even despite their unwillingness to surrender, I forcibly took no less than three prisoners by taking great pains to disarm them and bind them, even while the battle raged. To which the roll sheet of admitted prisoners on Friday evening will attest.

Thank you for your offer Edwin Haroldsson. I am sure once the Guard have spoken to me and the evidence is seen that there will not be any charges.

As I have done no crime, I will always share the entirety of my actions publicly, in this case and in all instances henceforth. Remember that the light is in Valos' keeping and in his name I keep it. Let it shine on all things and let information be free to all.

Seek the truth and walk in the light,
Lucien Belfast
Priest of Valos

[OOG: Craig E. O.]
Last edit: 29 Jul 2014 13:47 by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast).
29 Jul 2014 13:43 #36 by Templar Aldric (Selrik)
Replied by Templar Aldric (Selrik) on topic Greetings
Haroldson, it is the depths of thine fall from Grace speaking now.

The zeal of the old Tellinghasts were a force for good, no doubt, but one that was appropriate for another time and situation than what are faced now. Sir Barak shows that same fire, but measured with the realities of our present world, and I am honored to have fought at his side this month. That thee refuse to see the distinction is why thee ultimately were excommunicated.

If Brother Belfast is to be questioned, I will be present as well. I will always stand by fellow Clergy, despite what differences exist in our faiths or ideologies. That is what the New Church means, Mr. Haroldson.

Templar Aldric
Champion Fisherman of Amanthyre
Prophet of the Holy Light
Templar of Valos

"The sacred writings are quite specific on the subject of killing, but are a bit fuzzier on the topic of kneecaps."

OOG - David McCormick.
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29 Jul 2014 14:37 #37 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic Greetings
Squire Erdboren,

I know its not a surrender.... but it merely be a chat between yourself and Mister Belfast.

I am merely going along to ensure tempers attempt to remain calm for all parties concerned. Should anything come of the discussion, it will be addressed at the current time.

Brother Belfast,

Should something come of the discussion and IF charges filed, Mister Haroldson is quite adept at Baronial Law and such. You could do far, far worse for a public defender.

Brother Aldric,
I've heard tales of the Tellinghasts of Yore... and you have absolutely no idea on their level of zeal based upon the sources of my information. When ye get a chance, speak with some of the remaining Templars and clergy from then.... or some of the long time residents. You might be entertained or horrified- I know not which.
Fact remains, Haroldson offered to help the man despite differences in ideologies- at least acknowledge teh man's offer to assist instead of baiting.

-Duncan MacKenzie

Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
Dragoon of No Importance

John Tinney
Safety Marshal/ EMT
29 Jul 2014 14:46 #38 by Mordra GraLucia (Mordra)
Replied by Mordra GraLucia (Mordra) on topic Greetings
Greetings Gentlemen and Gentlewomen,

Before this gets out of hand and devolves more so into a religious or legal conversation I remind all that this is simply a matter of Order. There is a necromantic criminal, assumed to be in the Inverted Tower, and lawfulness must be maintained.

Brother Belfast is agreeable to handing himself over to be investigated and this matter is now in the hands of the Baronial Guards. I suggest none interfere with their investigation and speak no more. If you have words to say about it you may do so in a formal setting as a legal testimonial to the Baronial Guard. Any further words, for or against this man, will only add to misconception in the matter and your desire to cause unrest should be noted.

Good Illyrin Soral, if you happen to retrieve the notes you mentioned please allow me to assist the Witch Hunter you intend to hand them over to with the investigation. Before we all decide to cast ourselves into the fires of this necromancer’s abyss it is best to learn what we will be fighting against. I mean no offense to good Grimkjell Eirson, but I feel a blunt assault will only lead to more bodies for this criminal to use. An acknowledgement is deserving of those who brought this matter to head. I offer myself to be of any service required to research this necromancer or reconnoiter the Inverted Tower.

Allow the law to maintain Order. Allow those who wish to track down this necromancer criminal to do so. Take whatever does not help in these two tasks and find some other use for yourself.

Mordra GraLucia
Chancellor of Alisandria
Champion of Enax
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29 Jul 2014 14:49 - 29 Jul 2014 14:52 #39 by Gabrian Grottings (E.B)
Replied by Gabrian Grottings (E.B) on topic Greetings
With all respect, enough.

Mr. Belfast has been kind enough to cooperate. The guard is involved as are multiple persons of repute. The situation will be resolved in person,

We have a skilled necromancer to deal with. Now is not the time for arguing.

There's work to do. Lets each get back to it. Please.


Thank you Ms. GraLucia. Your clarity is a breath of fresh air.

RP Marshal
Last edit: 29 Jul 2014 14:52 by Gabrian Grottings (E.B).
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29 Jul 2014 15:48 #40 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Greetings
Br. Belfast has not admitted to killing in cold blood, he has admitted to taking the life of those refusing to surrender while acting in defence of himself and others. If we pressed charges every time a criminal was killed by a citizen instead of being brought to the prisons, even just every time I have witnessed this myself, the cells would be overflowing with our friends. As Br. Belfast is willingly submitting to questioning on this, I will defer to Bishop Chance and Templar Cooper whether they feel this is within the purview of the Church of Valos rather than the Baronial Guard. In addition, I do not feel these extreme measures are necessary, and an escort by Squire Erdboren should suffice, if the Church still wishes Br. Belfast to be questioned as such.

Mister Mapo, if you wish to preach your heresy in this Barony, I will ask you to present to me or another member of Nobility your Royal Writ of Existence. If you do not have one, as all formerly suspended laws have been reinstated at the decree of Count Everest, you will immediately surrender yourself to the Baronial Guard for the appropriate punishment. If you refuse or resist, I will not stop the Church from acting accordingly.

Haroldson, do not insult my family again. This is a warning.

I still have not received a report on this situation with this Necromancer and our dear ally William. Once I am informed, I will be able to shed some light on this. I will withhold commentary until then. However, I will ask that discussion involving religion and Br. Belfast be ended, with the exception of Bishop Chance or Templar Cooper's decision on how it should be handled.

OOG: Zelda Turqman
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29 Jul 2014 16:06 #41 by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar)
Replied by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar) on topic Greetings
As I have stated before, this necromancer needs to be handled as soon as possible. As a mage I do not want this fiend to be walking free. I ask any information on this Necromancer be passed onto the mages so we can handle this fiend and stop it from harming others.


OOG: Randy Werd
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29 Jul 2014 18:47 #42 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Greetings
*Not Na'ar*

Mister Belfast,

It sounds to me like you found something you believe in and you're willing to fight for it. That's good! I wish you luck in the future.

[strike]Miss[/strike]Lady [strike]Tarter[/strike]Tartaros and Mister Dumourne,

If my new mage teacher lets me, I would be happy to help you break whoever's making nightmare things. My mage teacher told me that kind of bad magic is where they come from... so I want to help. I could even try to help keep them out of your land, if you wanted.


Na'ar Chacov, Soul of the Stars.

Ayiri Amexis, Sorceress' Apprentice.
Lupta Tamasa, Torn and Blackened.

OOG: Riva A.
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29 Jul 2014 19:31 - 06 Jan 2015 15:13 #43 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Greetings
I was on Travance's side of said conflict last Friday night until I realized they were very specifically avoiding attacking anyone they deemed innocent. When I asked their leader what they were doing, I found myself unable to blame them for their action.
After all, just a short few weeks ago they were "law abiding" citizens, and now they are all subject to obliteration or exile. Most in that situation would be compelled to action, rather than submission.
It is unfortunate a lasting peace could be had.


-Tim P
Last edit: 06 Jan 2015 15:13 by Tim P (OrganicGolem).
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29 Jul 2014 21:00 - 29 Jul 2014 21:42 #44 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23)
Replied by Bat Cooper (Cassius23) on topic Greetings

Here is what is going to happen.

In regards to Brother Belfast's statement.

I am going to conduct a full investigation personally in regards to what Brother Belfast was discussing. Any interested parties are welcome to review my findings once this investigation is completed(which shouldn't take too terribly long as I just need to interview the relevant witnesses).

In regards to this discussion about dark clergy.

If a noble is willing to step forward I would ask that this discussion be ended and a new discussion started about this necromancer be started. Everyone knows how everyone else feels about dark clergy. I would consider that a personal favor.

In regards to this necromancer that has come up.

I would like those individuals who are trying to deal with this necromancer to speak with the witch hunters and mages in person next moon in order to ascertain the best way to deal with this. If necessary I will be more than happy to introduce you to the relevant parties who can help you.

In conclusion

Listen. This past moon was brutal for all of us and some subjects will be feeling the scars from it for many, many moons to come. Let's take a deep breath, be happy that time is moving forward, and go to our separate private areas and grumble about how much we don't like the other side.

Mapo, what I'm about to say isn't a threat. It's a statement of fact. If you keep this up, you will die. Period.

IC: Bat Cooper

OOC: James Jones
Last edit: 29 Jul 2014 21:42 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23). Reason: adding clarity
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29 Jul 2014 21:00 #45 by JTinney (Swordsaint)
Replied by JTinney (Swordsaint) on topic Greetings

The Cult Attack happened the night of the time loop- prior to the proclamation from the Count. The respite from the loop and subsequent announcement happened after the attack had been put down.

How they would know of the proclamation when time reverted back to that night after the respite (last information I have showed only a small group, compared to Travance as a whole, knew of the loop) is a good question that would be needing investigation by those with talents not mine..

For what it's worth, I am of a like mind on a potential lasting peace being possible- or at least an armed truce... but the events leading to that assault on the monastery predate, if you will, the loop taking effect.

I would say, at least to my mind, the peace was going to be blown to smithereens (kinda like an outhouse from a Londwyn Black Powder bomb) proclomation or not...They had this planned out long before that proclamation- and it was initiated the night of the loop. Information gained from prisoners taken indicated it was ONLY targeting representatives of Light Gods. They wanted a Holy War....

now then... back on topic please.

Have you an idea on how to deal with this necromancer tainted by daemon powers.... and seeming to make mockery of efforts to stop him?


Father Duncan MacKenzie

Templar-High Priest of Brazen
Chaplain, Bloodspirits Mercenary Company

Janos Beecham (alt)
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29 Jul 2014 21:17 #46 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic Greetings
I will not involve the mages guild publicly in this. However I believe enough has been said already and we are now resorting to just making the lines between supposed good and supposed evil deeper. Peace is possible if everyone was able to get over themselves and listen to what the other is saying.

Now with that being said Bat Cooper if you would be so kind as to speak to me personally or through missive of your findings the mages guild will decide if there is cause for action and will take it up privately with those involved. Thank you

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

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29 Jul 2014 23:56 #47 by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings)
Replied by Grimkjell Eirson (BillHannings) on topic Greetings
The Necromancer will likely be dealt with by the newer members of town, and myself, if he is still out there. What I'd like from the Witch hunters and Mages is as much information as possible about the necromancer we faced. Recruit Illyrian Soral has the most information about that, I'd like him to speak with Mordra and the other interested parties so that we have as much information as possible before our next undertaking into the Tower.

I will ask that if we do find undead animated by the souls of healers and witch hunters within the tower once again that we refrain from cutting their thread, unfortunately the townsmen would not or could not stay their blades during feast, I'll see to it that a more rigorous discipline is enforced.

As for the Necromancer himself, he is a demon, or of demon blood to the point where he has horns. I see no reason for his foul taint to stay here any longer than it has to, I and intend to see him slumbering on the red snow. His crimes are evident, though I want his notes so we can perhaps save what we can of his victims, the only mercy he deserves is the mercy of a swift end, and a trip before the Judge of Souls.

I will request that the Scholars specifically Mordra if she is attending feast, mages and Witch hunters meet with Recruit Soral at 2 bells after noon next feast Saturday, or if he is not in attendance, another representative of the guard.

Striking the necromancer worked, Sergeant. What we need to do is find people who can bind him in one place, keep him from going invisible, and then just let the most savage of our weapons do the work of pummeling him into the ground. I have some ideas on how we can kit out people to do just that.

IG: Sir Grimkjell Eirson
Knight of Pendarvin
Guardian of Mercy

OOG: William Hannings
Land system Marshal
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30 Jul 2014 11:16 - 06 Jan 2015 15:11 #48 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Greetings
On the recommendation from Lt Cooper,
I hereby forbid the discussion of matters other than those directly related to the necromancer in question near these postings.
Other discussions should be given their distance from these as to allow those who wish to coordinate against this enemy to do so.

By my authority,
In service to Lord Aleister,
-Sir Philidin Ienbura
-Knight of Drega'Mire

-Tim P
Last edit: 06 Jan 2015 15:11 by Tim P (OrganicGolem).
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