Mass of Valos

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06 Aug 2014 17:01 #1 by geezer (geezer)
Mass of Valos was created by geezer (geezer)
A Mass of Valos will be held Friday night of the August Baronial Feast in Pendarvin shortly after the opening remarks conclude. All Priests of the Light Pantheon are invited to speak as well as those of unaligned gods, though no tangible benefits will accrue to followers of the latter.

The topic of my sermon is "Why we must come together,"

Light snacks will be provided at the conclusion.

Edwin Haroldson
Master of the Mages' Guild

An ethical person does the right thing when no one is watching.

OOG - Charlie Spiegel - Kitchen Marshal

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State..."
06 Aug 2014 17:09 #2 by Templar Aldric (Selrik)
Replied by Templar Aldric (Selrik) on topic Mass of Valos
As a public service announcement, this notice serves to inform the public that this mass is not aligned with nor condoned by the Church of Light. Edwin Haroldson has been excommunicated and his words are considered heretical by the Church.

Templar Aldric
Champion Fisherman of Amanthyre
Prophet of the Holy Light
Templar of Valos

"The sacred writings are quite specific on the subject of killing, but are a bit fuzzier on the topic of kneecaps."

OOG - David McCormick.
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07 Aug 2014 00:05 #3 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic Mass of Valos
((a piece of parchment is tacked to the bottom of the announcement))

Am I incorrect in remembering two nobles ordering you to not perform mass within the proper?
If I am not incorrect, then this announcement would clearly be a violation of those orders.
I do not know much about the gods (nor do I care) But I understand that This Valos is very much about following the law.
If you are disobeying the laws, wouldn't that make you a terrible priest of your god?


Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

Dr. Viktor Solvei, Pioneer Surgeon

OOG Benjamin Oakley, New Player Marshal... of doom
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07 Aug 2014 10:34 - 07 Aug 2014 18:18 #4 by PIT DAWWWWWWG (Aldous)
Replied by PIT DAWWWWWWG (Aldous) on topic Mass of Valos
[This message has been torn down, and a new one has been tacked in its place]

The Knight-Protector of Pendarvin has made a public proclamation. I suggest all involved let this subject be as is, as you would be better off directing your outrage at forces actually trying to harm this world, instead of a disagreeable ex-Priest.


I'm not as stupid as you think I am,
But I AM as strong as I think I am.

Hengis Grumblegut
The Pit Dog
((OOG: Keath Geranios))
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 18:18 by PIT DAWWWWWWG (Aldous).
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07 Aug 2014 11:22 #5 by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast)
Replied by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast) on topic Mass of Valos
Brothers, Sisters and fellow subjects.

I will attend this Mass, and offer my protection to Pendarvin to ensure that wisdom and the good word of Valos is all that is shared.

Consider this:
A man unrecognized or unknown to the church in his own home may give sermon to his family, and share the faith of the Light with his neighbors. Edwin Haroldsson should be forgiven, and allowed to preach, when he is invited, as he has been by Protector Ardin Silverbow.

I expect, as we all should, that this will be a topic of some debate. I believe we should all meet with courage and patience to let words be exchanged, but not blows.

I would encourage all of my brothers and sisters in the Light to attend this so we may discuss openly our feelings, as friends. Friends and family often disagree, and tempers and passions may flare, but that is a part of Justice, and Truth and Healing. Which must be done in the open, so that none may doubt our love and devotion to one another, despite these feeble disagreements.

Keep in mind: While we fret about old, Father Haroldsson , there are Dark Clergy, converting the people every day, parents are branding their children, defiling each other to receive favors and power from Dark Gods.

So let us meet, let us talk, let us even vent our anger at each other, but as friends and family, who care.

We must not abandon each other, and we must not abandon the people of Pendarvin, else it will become a haven for Darkness to creep in.

If you love me, or despise me, I care not, but please let wisdom prevail.

Seek the truth and walk in the light,
Lucien Belfast
Priest of Valos

[OOG: Craig E. O.]
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07 Aug 2014 13:04 #6 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic Mass of Valos
Mr. Belfast, I like you more every day. May we chat some time this coming Feast?

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
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(OOG: Renée Day)
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07 Aug 2014 14:24 - 07 Aug 2014 17:19 #7 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Mass of Valos
I've no desire to "convert" anyone to worship The Lord of Darkness, one should be worthy of such an honor.
On the other hand if you wish to subject yourself to the "wisdom" of one who has gone against the very word of the god he claims to follow, you'll not be dissuaded by this priest of Malyc. Your hypocrisy only fuels your entropy, and while you are condone him you do my work for me.


-Tim P
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 17:19 by Tim P (OrganicGolem).
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07 Aug 2014 14:35 #8 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic Mass of Valos

If the message is for love, peace, justice and redemption, then how does that suit the tenants of chaos?
Unless, of course, it becomes chaos to preach such a thing, and if that is the case, well, Arawyn is in a lot more trouble than we thought.

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
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07 Aug 2014 15:01 - 07 Aug 2014 17:19 #9 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Mass of Valos
If you wish for me to explain to you the subtleties of how our actions influence the higher planes, I will do so in person Swyft.
If you were smart you'd ask your paladins to corroborate my words, as I understand you seek their wisdom as of late.


-Tim P
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 17:19 by Tim P (OrganicGolem).
07 Aug 2014 15:17 - 07 Aug 2014 15:18 #10 by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast)
Replied by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast) on topic Mass of Valos
I look forward to the attendance of everyone.

Mister Eicks, your words are read, considered, and disregarded for what they are, nonsense.

Seeking to face issues and discuss differences with your family and friends is not the domain of chaos, it is a tool of healing and fellowship. You may, in your mind warp any words to suit your convenience. It matters not.

I , in good faith would encourage anyone from commoner to king to share their thoughts. In the end we will have a more complete version of Order, Unity and Faith.

Seek the truth and walk in the light,
Lucien Belfast
Priest of Valos

[OOG: Craig E. O.]
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 15:18 by Lucien Belfast (Lucien Belfast).
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07 Aug 2014 15:19 - 07 Aug 2014 15:19 #11 by Swyft (agentswift)
Replied by Swyft (agentswift) on topic Mass of Valos
I would be delighted, Eicks. Will you be around Friday after this Mass? Perhaps we can share our theories over a drink?

Dame Swyft T. Glitterfang-Johnson-Ludwig
-Knight of Corvancia
- Carnifex of Aguara
- Designer of Stonefall Couture: "Because you're never too bad to look good!"

(OOG: Renée Day)
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 15:19 by Swyft (agentswift).
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07 Aug 2014 15:40 - 07 Aug 2014 17:19 #12 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Mass of Valos
I'll find you then. If any others wish to join, stick with Swyft after the mass.


-Tim P
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 17:19 by Tim P (OrganicGolem).
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07 Aug 2014 15:43 - 07 Aug 2014 22:33 #13 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Mass of Valos
As you have been banned by both the Church of Light and Sers Tellinghast and Weaveforger from preaching your false words within the lands of Travance, if ever I find out you are speaking your heresy outside the confines of the space currently permitted to you, you will be brought before the Church of Light for judgement in addition to being charged with multiple counts of directly and knowingly disobeying the order of a noble.

If you are going to conduct your heretical sermons, do so in private. If I hear about this from you again, I will treat it as I would any other gathering of the Excommunicates and bring end to it myself.

Hengis, I will assume you have made an honest mistake in your writing by implying the title of Lord has been bestowed upon any of your land. The lands of Pendarvin and Kaladonia are currently under the authorities of Knight Protectorates.

To whomever it is that has seen fit to leave the above anonymous comment, I will give you a chance to add your signature to it or remove it yourself before I do so. If I must do this myself, I will find you, and I take such insults to my God very personally. Tread carefully.

OOG: Zelda Turqman
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 22:33 by Nicoletta (fyperia).
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07 Aug 2014 16:03 - 07 Aug 2014 16:03 #14 by Caelvan (Caelvan)
Replied by Caelvan (Caelvan) on topic Mass of Valos
**Not Caelvan**

I always like debates on the thinking of gods. I will join you....Eicks and Swift. Baring any unforeseen things happening that requires my attention.


Caelvan Renaith
March Warden of Selandrias
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Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 16:03 by Caelvan (Caelvan).
07 Aug 2014 17:21 #15 by Gabrian Grottings (E.B)
Replied by Gabrian Grottings (E.B) on topic Mass of Valos
I hesitate to put pen to paper here for I have no desire to engage in the unseemly theological feuds in which so many of the populace enjoy participating in. I write in regards to the strictures of the Baronial law and in the hopes of amending my own ignorance, if ignorant I be.

Is there a legal document that allows the Church of Light to operate outside of the confines of conventional law or to cast specific judgment upon those who have transgressed? I've check the Code of Laws and other publicly available sources in search of this answer and cannot find such a document. If such a one does exist, would you kindly enlighten me with its details and the powers of autonomy it grants the Church of Light?

Bolton DuMourne

RP Marshal
07 Aug 2014 17:28 #16 by Mordra GraLucia (Mordra)
Replied by Mordra GraLucia (Mordra) on topic Mass of Valos
I ask for forgiveness of those whom posted this invitation for using it for my own purposes at the moment.

Hengis Grumblegut

I have spent long hours trying to understand other faiths, professions, and ways of life even though I do not expect people to do the same for me. However, I take great offense to your statement that, and if I may quote, only weak-willed green dogs bow to a God that values written laws above all else. My offense is not from your ignorance but from your lack of gratitude. I am more than experienced with people misinterpreting my faith but for it to come from someone I have saved more than once I am enraged.

It was I who upheld the legality of your King’s claim to the throne when a challenger arose. It was I who delivered the evidence of the challenger's severed family line. You listened wisely to the council I gave to pass to your King. You were in the throneroom when I searched for your former King’s killer. You were there when I was rewarded with a fine trinket, crafted by your own King’s hands, as a reward or honor which currently hangs around my neck.

I did not throw away a thread of myself to the demon Prince Xualla because I was bored that day. I stood tall, surrounded by jeering demons, trying not to quake from the waves of decaying dread as I tried desperately to memorize the damning mark on Xualla. I did not scream and writhe in pain as my flesh was ripped from me and eaten before my eyes for a fleeting fancy. I held my tongue as both my faith and my sanity were the first things questioned of me when I returned.

I have not crawled on the ground through mindless waves of undead just for the chance to touch the unconscious Baroness because I feared not hearing her sing again. It was not my power that awoke her from the ground, to protect us, to lead us, and ultimately sacrifice for us. It was Enax.

All of this was in the name of Enax. In the name of Order. In the name of Authority. In the name of our society. It is a leader charge to do what is most correct for those that they rule. It is a follower’s responsibility to uphold the leader, and know if they are true. Should either fail, we shall all fall. I shall always defend the people of Travance, our laws, our Lords and Ladies, our Barony, and our King. For a God watches and judges me as I do so.

If you think my sacrifices, which I hold not in arrogance, are the actions of a weak-willed dog then I welcome you to come and test my conviction. I may not win any challenge against you, but as I did to Xualla, as I did to the Undead, as I did to the Dark Dwarves; I shall bleed, and bite and scream till my last breath before I allow you to damn everything I am.

I expect a personal, and preferably, private apology. I forgive your ignorance, but not your personal insult.

Mordra GraLucia
Chancellor of Alisandria
Champion of Enax
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07 Aug 2014 18:52 - 07 Aug 2014 18:55 #17 by Nicoletta (fyperia)
Replied by Nicoletta (fyperia) on topic Mass of Valos
The Church of Light exists separate from the rule of Nobility. It has no technical legal power, because it possesses no land aside from what is beneath its buildings and does not operate within the written law; however, it is granted jurisdiction by the King to administer justice to its own, as well as to the heretical, the malignant and the Darkness. It, as well as Guilds with similar powers (see the Mage's Guild, for example, with jurisdiction over its own in addition to those considered enemies of the Weave) is not codified in the law, because they are exceptions to the law.

OOG: Zelda Turqman
Last edit: 07 Aug 2014 18:55 by Nicoletta (fyperia).
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07 Aug 2014 19:18 #18 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23)
Replied by Bat Cooper (Cassius23) on topic Mass of Valos

Ya'll, this is getting old.

No matter what the Knight Protector has done the fact still remains that Master Haroldson is a heretic in the eyes of the Church of Light. Just as the Mage's Guild can deal with dangers to the weave so the Church of Light can deal with dangers to the souls of the people. And Master Heraldson is such a danger.

He is a danger because he defies our sacred Pontiff and encourages others to do the same. He is a danger because he wishes to return to the old ways of scores of volumes of Canon Law and bureaucracy.

Though he held Pendarvin together through sheer force of will and hard work for a number of months that does not show that he is not the same prideful man that disrespected an Archangel of Valos and chose to forsake the gifts that Valos gave him instead of embrace humility and repent of his ways. It is the same prideful man whose words and infighting struck a dolorous blow to the Church of Travance.

Therefore it is with a profound regret that I remind everyone that, though he is a valued ally to Pendarvin whose service should be honored and respected he still remains an enemy to the Church.

I know that there is good in you, Master Haroldson. I know that you want what is best for all. I believe with all of my heart that you can be saved. Here is how you can prove me right.

If you wish to demonstrate that you have overcome the pride that has caused years of misery and caused the loss of so much Faith you will present yourself to Bishop Chance in September. There you will take a knee and pledge your service to Arabeth Chance as the Bishop appointed personally by the Pontiff. If your knees do not allow this you may sit on the ground and bend your torso as low as you can and I will order my clerics to give you any and all physical assistance you may require.

If you refuse, for whatever reason, then you have demonstrated that you are the same prideful man that has delivered the dolorous blow and do not deserve to preach the words of Valos regardless of the strength of your faith.

Lady Tartaros or any other noble.

I believe that any further communication here will only further damage the spiritual well being of Travance. As Justicar of the Church of Light I request that this discussion be ended.

IC: Bat Cooper

OOC: James Jones
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07 Aug 2014 21:52 #19 by Damien (Damien)
Replied by Damien (Damien) on topic Mass of Valos
In the name of Count Sebastian Everest of Winterdark, Earl of the Marches, further discussion on this matter is prohibited in this public forum. Any comments or complaints by members of the church are to be directed to said appointed officials whom represent the Church in Travance. Any others whom have comment are instructed to bring them to the attention of your respective nobility in a constructive and courteous manner.

Victor Sylus, Baron of Travance
OOG: Damien A.
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