::A large parchment with gold leafing is posted dead center of the inn's message board::
All are welcome to the Triumph of Unity!
Zratok Anoor
The greatest of holidays and the chief most celebration of Gaaldron comes to Travance!
Under the command of Nashgoth Vaar Granok Emissary of Gaaldron we are hosting the Triumph of Unity celebration for all races and walks of life in Travance this coming feast. Blessed is the proper in this wonderful time of year! Blessed in the name of Enax!
After baronial announcements join the goblinoid races in celebration at the Romani camp.
Opening benediction for Enaxians followed by...
Gladiatorial combat.
Kvass drinking contest.
And finally ending the celebration with a dedication to a newly placed Enaxian altar.
::The bottom of the posting is signed with elegantly written goblinoid letters beneath the letters a translation reads... ::
All are welcome for the celebration of this holy day!