I will be giving a Mass of Life, Light and Nature at Midnight at the Kaladonia Altar space. The topic will be Pacifism and the Undead.
All who are willing to be respectful to the gods, the shrines and the others in attendance are welcome to come.
Other clergy, particularly clergy of light are welcome to speak as well. However, while the weather will be quite mild, I believe it may be a bit cold for those not of the North, so I will be attempting to keep the overall time of the mass to a reasonable length. Should the weather become inhospitable for an outdoor mass, we will convene at 10 to midnight in the inn and head to another location.
Caldor Eirson,
Gothi and High Priest of Gaia
Wedding Planner, Match Maker,
Spiritual Advisor To Kaladonia
OOG: Jason M.
Deputy Kitchen Marshal
Land System Marshal
Q: How many people does it take to teach a barbarian how to read?
A: 1 knight, 3 squires, and 1 master of the mages guild.