Let it be known:
The High Pontiff and The College of Cardinals
unilaterally denounce the Order of the Blazing Sun
for multiple acts of crime against both Kingdom and Church Law.
In order to answer for their crimes,
the Order of the Blazing Sun must surrender themselves
to the proper Royal or Ecclesial authority
of either the Barony or the Diocese of Travance, respectively.
All member of the Order of the Blazing Sun
who lay down arms and renounce their Heretical Pronouncements
must seek to redress their crimes
by presenting themselves to the Order of Flagellants
for the remission of their sins.
Any member of the Order of the Blazing Sun
that persists stubbornly in their Heresies
will be considered Excommunicata.
Any and all who continue to perpetrate violence
upon the people of the Kingdom and the Church
will be dealt with by necessary force of arms.
His Holiness,
High Pontiff Artreus,
presiding over the College of Cardinals
This pronouncement delivered to the Diocese of Travance by,