Looking for Information

13 Nov 2019 23:02 #1 by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
Looking for Information was created by Khala Stormbringer (Jymme)
On Friday evening of this previous feast, the body of Winnifred Winston was found off the beaten path. Further investigation leads us to suspect that there was foul play involved. Her soul was nowhere to be found and believed to have moved on to Eodra.

Winnifred was a true hero. She was part of the Knights of Kormyre, the resistance that formed in Grimwyr to try and fight against Baliol. She is the one who smuggled Enzarond's book out of Grimwyr at great risk to her own life. If any townsfolk have any information as to who did this to her, I strongly urge you to come forward. Thank you.

Squire Keladry Aybara
Private of the Baronial Guard

Main Character: Khala Stormbringer
Alt: Keladry Aybara

OOG: JymmeAnne Walton
Moderators: Damien (Damien)Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
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