Rules Updates: Emp IV, Ressurection, 2 Insanities, Carrying Bodies, & Lighting

  • GJSchaller
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25 Oct 2009 22:34 - 25 Oct 2009 23:04 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Several updates, all posted together.  Some are new rules, some are revisions to existing ones - please read them all carefully!

Rank IV: Death
With this ability, a healer can commit her life force completely to the recipient, restoring the recipient to life and instantly awakening her with one Body Point. The healer immediately dies upon using this ability.  The recipient must have lived at some point during the healer’s lifetime in order to be the subject of this ability.  The healer must be completely of his own free will to use this ability - the skill will not work if any form of control or influence has placed upon on the healer to perform it.  A being can only receive this ability once, ever.

This has been amended to prevent someone from being brought back against the healer's will.

The Veil of Creation
To pass through the Veil of Creation, the spirit must describe hers body in life to the healer or priest. This description must be true to the spirit’s perception of herself. It is this important facet of the Veil of Creation that is responsible for people who are resurrected still bearing scars, injuries, or infirmities that they possessed in their previous lives – for it is how these people perceive themselves in completeness. The healer or priest will weave together strands of healing energy from within the Nexus to produce a new body that matches the description she is given. The new body is completed after five minutes of work, and if it is accepted by the spirit as herself, then the spirit passes through the Veil of Creation.  At the moment the new body is created, the spirit's current body crumbles into dust, regardless of what state it is in.

New text added in bold, as a clarification.


Some of the following rules were listed under the Strength / Weapon Prof skills - they will be added to the Core Rules page to make them easier to find, and new rules covering how fast you can move while carrying a body have been added:

Lifting & Carrying objects and people

Heroic feats of strength are a staple in fantasy literature, and even the novice adventurer can become temporarily strong with the aid of spells, prayers, and alchemy.

  • As a general guideline, characters with +0 strength can press 100lbs and squat 150 lbs.
  • Each purchased strength increases both lifts by 50lbs.
  • The purchase of a single Proficency (Weapon, Brawling, Martial Arts, or Ranged Weapon) increases a character's maximum press and squat by 50lbs. This additional lifting ability is only applied to the first proficiency purchased and is not cumulative; i.e., a character with multiple proficencies (of any sort) does not gain more than 50lbs of lifting ability.
  • A character that is carrying over half of her lifting (squat) capacity cannot run, and can only move at a walking pace.
Often times, a hero in Travance will need to carry a wounded, dying, or even dead comrade to safety (or out of danger).  These rules cover how quickly someone can move while carrying a body, living or otherwise.  For simplicity's sake, the weight of the body is not a factor.
  • A character with normal strength, and no weapon proficiencies, can carry or drag an unconscious body at heel to toe rate.
  • A character with +1 strength, or any weapon proficiencies, can carry or drag an unconscious body at a normal walking pace.
  • A character with +2 strength or better can carry or drag a body at any rate they may normally move at.
A conscious and willing person being carried allows the carrier to move one step faster, as they can assist by holding on, balancing themselves, etc.  Two people working together may carry a single body at one step faster, based on the lowest strength of the two carriers.

Feather Weight
2 MP, Traits: None
This spell causes a target character (and any clothing or worn items), or a single item weighing 200 pounds or less, to instantly weigh a fraction of a pound for a duration of five minutes.  If used on a character she becomes light enough to be carried/moved at any rate of movement.  The subject, if conscious, must be a willing target or this spell has no effect.


Two Insanities (One Minor, one Major) have been replaced to make them more RP-friendly (Running to the bathroom for 5 minutes isn't exactly stellar RP...)

Tempermental (Replaces Incontinence as a Minor Insanity)
Your must role-play a profoundly irritable mood, one in which the kindest of interactions is greeted with contempt or annoyance, and in which the slightest provocation is answered with an enraged tongue-lashing, or worse. Your character need not be more prone to physical violence, though you are free to act that way if it is fitting to do so.

Obsession-Compulsion (Replaces Total Catatonia as a Major Insanity)
Your character becomes overwhelmed with one or more things that must always be a certain way, and which she must verify with extreme, irrational frequency. Where possible, the subject of the character’s obsessive-compulsive behavior should relate in some way to how she suffered this illness in the first place. If she became so as a result of compiling Minor Insanity Points, then her obsessive-compulsive behavior should be an extension of her natural worries.


The Lighting Rules have received a small set of updates.  Even with the restriction on smaller light sources, NPCs were still finding themselves blinded by people pointing keychain LEDs at them - the new rules below will allow people to carry light sources without blinding NPCs (or fellow players).

1. A light effect produced by an item, spell, prayer, or other ability can be represented by a battery-powered or chemical glow stick with a maximum length of 6".

2. Artificial candles, lanterns, or torches that produce simulated firelight are permitted for IG lighting use; an item card is required for anything larger than a candle.

3. Candles, lanterns, or torches that produce real firelight are permitted for IG use, but are not permitted for use inside of buildings or on porches; an item card is required for anything larger than a candle.

4. Light sources cannot be directed at other players in an attempt to blind them or disrupt night vision.

5. IG light sources must produce diffuse light. Directed light sources (e.g., a flashlight) are prohibited from IG use.

6. Any form of lighting that is not permitted for IG use can only be used by a player who is OOG, and must be doused immediately if an IG scene is taking place in the vicinity of that light source.

This spell creates a magical lantern flame in either of the caster's hands, or upon an inanimate object. If held in the caster's hand, the spell does not have a fixed duration and the caster does not need to concentrate to maintain the light source, but she must keep her hand free to continue to control the flame; the light goes out as soon as she attempts to use her hand for any other purpose. If cast upon an object, the spell has a duration of thirty minutes. The effect of this spell can be represented by using an artificial candle or a battery-powered or chemical glow stick with a maximum length of 6".

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Last edit: 25 Oct 2009 23:04 by .
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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