Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)

  • GJSchaller
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09 Nov 2009 16:49 - 17 Nov 2009 20:10 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT) was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
The following is a list of updates to a large bunch of Skills.  Most of the updates are simply polished text or grammatical corrections - some reflect the new Health rules, allowing them to be simplified greatly while keeping them the same (such as Incapacitate).

A rare few have actually changed in some way - Resilience is a good example, as it no longer states it does not stop Assassinate.  In general, defenses will have generic statements, and attacks will specify the exceptions of what will pierce them.  This way, things are simpler, and more uniform.

The list is below, it will be updated in the Online Rulebook during the week, and a post will be made here when it is complete.  Please take a moment to read them all, to make sure you are aware of any changes to skills you may possess.


Achilles Strike
This attack skill severs both of an opponent’s Achilles tendons. The attack will cause excruciating pain and render both of the opponent’s legs injured as though severed. To strike with this skill, you must be wielding an edged weapon of any size, and must slash your blade across the back of your opponent’s ankles.

Armor Patch
This skill allows a character to imbue twenty Armor Points to a piece or suit of armor. You must role-play fixing the armor for five minutes; if interrupted, you can resume work later, but no benefit is awarded by this skill until the entire working duration is completed.

Bard Song
Bard songs are extraordinary songs that produce magical effects. They are organized in ranks of difficulty, and must be purchased individually. Spell Song Points are expended for each Bard Song that a character performs.  For complete details on the different Bard Songs and their effects, refer to See the Bard Song section of the Supplemental Rules for more information.

Battle Cry
This skill allows the character to inspire a group of people who are ready for battle.  Anyone who hears the call of this skill and is a direct ally of the character who calls it is suddenly inspired to heroic feats and can either add two to her normal weapon damage for the duration of the current battle or negate the effect of the skill Despair, if she is currently afflicted by it.

Befriend Animal
This skill allows a character to charm one natural animal into being her friend for fifteen minutes. An animal under the effect of Befriend Animal will not act out of the ordinary and is not under the command of the character that has charmed it.

This skill allows a character to perform a quick sermon to a group of people baptized to a God in the same pantheon as the priest, or to the same God as the priest in the case of a neutral God. This sermon must last for one minute and every believer involved must devote her attention to it.  The character performing the Benediction must use at least two vials of holy water during the role-playing of the sermon.  Every believer who participates will gain five temporary Body Points and the character that performs the Benediction will gain one Faith Point for every three believers (rounded up) that participated.  These points are the first to be expended, and expire at the end of the next battle in which the character participates.

Berserker Rage
With this skill a character can launch into a lethal fit of rage. When this skill is used, the character gains twenty Body Points and +2 Strength for ten minutes. While under the effects of Berserker Rage, the character is immune to all pain-based and mind-influencing effects, both beneficial and harmful. In addition, the character is immune to the skill Waylay.  Communication of any sort is impossible when a character is under the effects of Berserker Rage. The character will first battle all enemies until they have fallen. After all enemies have fallen, the character will attack the next living person she sees, including an ally, neutral party, or even a loved one. If no one is in sight, the character will immediately head in the last known direction of a potential opponent (such as the direction she saw people fleeing, or simply to the nearest place where she might expect to find someone to kill). While under the effects of Berserker Rage, the character will consider anyone who touches her to be an enemy and will immediately attack someone who does so. The character does not snap out of Berserker Rage until the ten minutes have expired, or if knocked unconscious or into serious condition. If the character lasts the entire ten minutes of the Berserker Rage, she immediately collapses from exhaustion. If the character currently has more than twenty Body Points, she falls unconscious for ten minutes; if she is at or below twenty Body Points, then she falls to serious condition.

Body Block
This attack skill knocks an opponent back ten feet from the character, and Dazing them for 5 seconds. You do not use a weapon for this skill; instead, call the skill by gesturing in the direction of your opponent without touching her at all. You must be within arm's length of your target for the attack to be successful.

Body Shot
This attack skill allows a character to deliver a normal weapon strike that deals Direct Body damage. You should declare your damage as, “Body Shot x Body “, where x is the damage total.

Break Limb
This attack skill breaks an opponent’s limb, causing severe pain and injuring it. You must strike the opponent’s limb that you wish to break for this attack to be successful. To use this skill with Martial Arts or Brawling, you must strike the limb that you wish to break with both fists simultaneously. This skill is hand specific.

Break Shield
This attack skill breaks an opponent’s shield. You must strike the shield for this attack to be successful, at which point the shield is considered useless and must be dropped to the ground. You must wield a One Handed or larger weapon to strike with this skill. This skill is hand specific.

Chaotic Alteration
With this skill, a character convinces an opponent that her current allies are her enemies, and her enemies are her allies. To inflict Chaotic Alteration on an opponent, you must strike her with a spell packet or a weapon. The alteration lasts for five minutes, or until the end of the current battle, whichever comes first.

Chaos Blast
This skill allows a character to channel raw chaotic energy into a destructive blast directed at an opponent. The blast must be delivered by a single weapon strike that can hit anywhere on the opponent, including a weapon or shield. You can choose to destroy all of the opponent’s Armor Points, or the opponent’s shield, or all of the weapons that the opponent is wielding. This skill is hand specific.

This skill allows a character to charm another character into being her friend for fifteen minutes. You must be talking to a character (face to face) for at least one minute before you can use Charm on her. A character under the effect of Charm will not act out of the ordinary and is not under the command of the character that has charmed her.

This attack skill inflicts damage equal to one half of an opponent’s current Body Points. You must wield a One Handed Edged or larger edged weapon to strike with this skill. This attack will inflict a minimum of ten points and a maximum of one hundred points of Direct Body damage. This skill is hand specific.

Concentrate Alchemy
This skill allows a character to create two doses of an alchemical, herbal, or poison compound in the same, normal-sized alchemy vessel. You must use the same amount of components, crafting points, and brewing time as if you were making two normal doses. When being used, each dose must be consumed separately and the effects cannot be stacked. You cannot use this skill with compounds that can be thrown as projectiles. Once the concentrated compound is made, the contents cannot be split between two bottles; doing this will cause both parts to become ineffective.

This skill renders a character immune to any type of fear - magical or otherwise - for the duration of the encounter in which it is used.

Critical Attack
This attack skill inflicts double a character’s normal weapon damage to an opponent. When attacking with this skill, the proper way to call damage is to say “Crit x”, where x is the damage total.

Critical Ranged Attack
This attack skill inflicts double a character’s normal ranged weapon damage to an opponent. When attacking with this skill, the proper way to call damage is to say “Crit x”, where x is the damage total. You must wield a ranged weapon to strike with this skill.

This defense skill blocks a weapon, claw or fist attack.  The opponent’s attack fails and the attack skill is considered used. This skill is not hand or weapon specific. You must have a weapon or shield in hand to use this skill.

Anyone who hears the call of this skill and is not a direct ally of the character who calls it is suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of despair. This skill negates the effect of the skill Battle Cry if a victim is currently benefiting from it, or it weakens the victim, requiring her to subtract two from her normal weapon damage for the duration of the current battle.

Detect Lycanthropy
With this skill a character is able to make subtle observations about another person that reveal whether or not that person is cursed with Lycanthropy. To use this skill, you must role-play studying the person for at least five minutes. Once you have completed the observations, find a Rules Marshal to ask the person if her character is cursed with Lycanthropy.

This skill allows a character to disarm an opponent’s weapon or to retain her weapon when struck by an opponent’s Disarm. To disarm an opponent, you must strike the opponent’s weapon that you wish to disarm. To disarm an opponent with Martial Arts or Brawling, you must strike the opponent’s arm between the shoulder and the wrist. If the weapon is wielded in one hand, the opponent must drop the weapon and cannot pick it up for five seconds. If the weapon is wielded in two hands, the opponent must release one hand from the weapon for five seconds; if the opponent is struck by another Disarm within the five seconds, she must drop the weapon and cannot pick it up for five seconds. To use this skill to retain your weapon when struck by an opponent’s Disarm, simply call Retain in response to the attack and continue to wield your weapon. You can use this skill to disarm or retain - not both - once per period.

Disarm (Ranged Weapon)
This ranged weapon skill allows a character to disarm an opponent’s weapon. To disarm an opponent, you must strike anywhere on the opponent’s body with a ranged attack. After striking the opponent, you must declare what weapon you wish to disarm.  If the weapon is wielded in one hand, the opponent must drop the weapon and cannot pick it up for five seconds. If the weapon is wielded in two hands, the opponent must release one hand from the weapon for five seconds; if the opponent is struck by another Disarm on the hand still holding the weapon within the five seconds, she must drop the weapon and cannot pick it up for five seconds.

This defense skill allows a character to avoid one attack dealt against her, including a magical spell or prayer. The attack fails and the skill, spell, or prayer is considered used. Dodge cannot protect a character against psionics, bard songs, or radius effects.

Dread Surgery
With this vile skill, a character can carve open the torso of a held or paralyzed person and force her to stare at her own viscera.  You must role-play performing the torture for fifteen minutes, after which the victim must answer questions asked of her, truthfully, to a maximum of five questions. Additionally, items can be implanted or removed from the victim’s body during the use of this skill. A victim of Dread Surgery suffers two minor insanity points and is rendered into serious condition.

Extract Truth
This skill allows a character to coerce another person into answering one question truthfully through the use of torture.  You must role-play torturing the subject for at least one minute, after which you must call the skill name and then ask the question that you want to have answered. The subject must answer the question truthfully and completely.

With this skill, a character projects chaotic energy at an opponent, causing her to panic. To use this skill, you must point at the intended target and call the skill name. The opponent must run in fear until she is out of sight of the character and cannot face the character again for five minutes.

Flame Shot
With this attack skill, a character fires an arrow set with flame pitch. The flaming arrow inflicts Fire damage equal to triple the character’s normal ranged weapon damage. When attacking with this skill, the proper way to call damage is to say “Flame Shot x Fire”, where x is the damage total. Flame Shot can also be used to start a fire if the character targets a sufficient amount of flammable material with the attack.

This skill allows a character to beat a hasty retreat from danger. After calling this skill, you must call a hold. During the hold, you may take twenty strides in any one direction, as long as it takes you away from the danger from which you are retreating. Once you have completed your movement, call lay-on and resume normal play. A character cannot use Flee while carrying another person.

This weapon use skill allows a character to wield two weapons simultaneously.  One weapon can be of any size up to a One Handed Edged or One Handed Blunt. The second weapon must be a Small Weapon. This skill also allows a character to fight with a weapon in one hand and a claw or fist in the other, if the character is capable of fighting by those means.

Florentine Master
This weapon use skill allows a character to use the Florentine skill with two weapons of any size up to a One Handed Edged or One Handed Blunt.

Gift of the Predator
This detection skill allows a character to see one being within a ten-foot line of sight of her that is hidden by any concealment ability that is indicated by a yellow headband.

This skill allows a character to create weighted dice and other cheating devices. You can bring a pair of weighted dice or other gambling cheating devices into the game and your character can use them. This skill does not prevent others from figuring out that the character is cheating; it only allows the character to craft and use the devices.

Holy Strike
This attack skill inflicts Divine damage equal to one half of an opponent’s current Body Points. This attack will inflict a minimum of ten points and a maximum of one hundred points of Direct Body damage. A character must wield her deity’s chosen weapon to strike with this skill. This skill is hand specific.

Iaijustsu (Continuous)
This skill allows a character to use a weapon-based defense against an attack that just struck her, without a weapon wielded in hand. To use this skill, call Iaijustsu and the name of the defense that you are using against the attack, and then draw your weapon. Resolve the outcome of the defense against the attack normally. The weapon used for this skill must be carried on the character's person and accessible without unfastening or adjusting armor, garments, or accessories. This skill can be combined with the skill Intercept to defend against an attack on another character, according to the normal rules of that skill.

This attack skill inflicts two hundred points of Direct Body damage. This skill is hand specific.

Inflict Pain
This attack skill inflicts crippling pain on an opponent. You must be wielding a Small Weapon to strike with this skill. After successfully striking your opponent, she is stunned for five seconds and then dazed for thirty seconds.

Instill Confidence
This skill allows a character to bestow the effects of the Courage skill on another person. You must role-play offering encouragement and inspiration to the recipient for at least five seconds. This encouragement can be given after calling the skill, so that the recipient does not run completely away from you before you manage to call it. A character cannot use this skill if she is currently suffering from a fear or intimidation effect.

With this skill a character delivers an insult at someone that is so stinging and vile that the subject becomes overwhelmed with anger. You must role-play insulting the subject for at least five seconds before using this skill. You must be able to see the subject, or identify her by name or by an action that she was witnessed performing in order to target her; if you are unable to see the subject, then you must use this identifying information in the insult. The subject must attack the character for at least one minute or until she has achieved some concrete form of revenge against the character, whichever comes first.

This skill allows a character to interpose herself between an attack and its intended target. The character must be within her weapon’s reach of the intended target or the attacker to use this skill. You can combine this skill with a defense skill to block the attack, or you can simply take the effect of the attack upon yourself.

This skill allows a character to force three truthful answers from a subject. You must role-play questioning and cajoling the subject for at least ten minutes, after which you must call the skill name and then ask the questions that you want to have answered. The subject must answer the questions truthfully and completely. The second and third questions must be asked within one minute of receiving the answer to the previous question or the skill’s effect expires.

With this skill, a character forces an opponent to cower in fear from her. You must role-play threatening the opponent for at least five seconds before using this skill. The opponent cannot take any offensive action against the character for five minutes. If the character attacks the opponent, she can try to defend herself from the character’s strikes but cannot attempt to counterattack.

Iron Body
With this skill, a character develops resistance to physical injury through discipline, meditation, and the consumption of secret elixirs. Each rank of this skill provides the character with twelve Armor Points that refresh with the morning period change and cannot be augmented, repaired, or refreshed by any other means.

Iron Palm
With this skill, a character is able to block weapon attacks with her hands without taking damage. A player whose character possesses this skill can block attacks with her bare hands, but only if her phys rep fists are unavailable to her; she must attempt to pick up or draw her phys rep fists as soon as possible.

Keen Sense
This skill allows a character to sense the presence of other beings within twenty feet of her that are concealed by yellow or red headband concealments, for one hour. A character using this skill is aware of the presence and general location of concealed beings, but cannot see them.

This skill allows a character to read and write in Common, the language of most humans.

Literacy: Other
This skill allows a character to speak, read, and write in a language other than Common. You must specify which language your character is learning when you purchase this skill, and the teacher must possess that specific language skill.

Martial Arts Proficiency +1
With this damage augmenting skill a character may add one to her damage total when attacking with Martial Arts. This skill is not hand specific.

Master Teach
This skill allows a character to teach a skill, spell, or ability that she knows to multiple people at the same time. You must role-play teaching the subjects for at least five minutes for every two points of build that the skill costs.

Paralyzing Strike
This attack skill renders an opponent paralyzed for one minute.

This defense skill blocks a weapon, claw or fist strike that is delivered to the front of a character’s body and is not a surprise attack.  The opponent’s attack fails and the attack skill is considered used. This skill is not hand specific. You must have a weapon in hand to use this skill.

Poison Discharge
With this skill, a character resists a poison by expelling it from her body. The poison is released in the same manner in which it was received, so that a wound will seep the poison back out, or an ingested poison will be vomited up.

Prayer Shield
This skill allows a character to resist a prayer.

This skill can be called in reaction to an opponent that is fleeing from the character. To use this skill, call a hold (if one has not already been called by the opponent that is fleeing) and the name of this skill, after which you can take up to twenty strides in the direction of the fleeing opponent.

Ranged Weapon Proficiency +1
With this damage augmenting skill a character can add one to her weapon damage when attacking with one type of ranged weapon, which must be specified when the skill is learned.

This defense skill resists a weapon, claw or fist attack that inflicts physical harm.  The opponent’s attack fails and the attack skill is considered used.

Second Chance
With this skill, a character calls upon her luck to try and improve upon the outcome of a try at gambling. You can use this skill to retry any gambling experience that involves luck, such as re-rolling dice or re-drawing a hand of cards. In the game world, the first try never happened and the result of the retry is the only thing that takes place.

Sever Limb
This attack skill injures an opponent’s limb, severing it and causing severe pain and leaving no part of the limb attached to the opponent’s body. You must strike the opponent’s limb that you wish to sever for this attack to be successful. The opponent’s limb is lopped off and she can make no attempt to use it. This skill is hand and weapon specific and you must wield a One Handed or larger Edged Weapon to strike with this skill.

Shatter Weapon
This attack skill breaks an opponent’s weapon and renders it useless. You must be wielding a weapon of equal or greater size than the opponent’s weapon and must strike the opponent’s weapon for this attack to be successful. The opponent can no longer wield the weapon in any manner, and must immediately sheath or drop it.

Shield Bash
This attack skill knocks an opponent back ten feet from the character, and Dazes them for 5 seconds. You must be wielding a shield to use this skill; call the skill by gesturing in the direction of your opponent without touching her at all. You must be within arm's length of your target for the attack to be successful.

Sleight of Hand
With this skill, a character snatches a small item that is out in the open, without notice. The item being snatched cannot be bigger than the palm of your hand. A Rules Marshal must supervise the use of this skill. To use this skill, you must stand within arm’s reach of the item for five seconds, after which the Rules Marshal will take the item for you and give it to you as soon as possible afterward while remaining discrete.

This attack skill inflicts Divine damage to an opponent equal to double the character’s normal base damage plus five. If the character is using her deity's holy weapon, she instead deals triple her normal base damage plus five. This skill inflicts a maximum of forty points of damage.

Spirit of the Dragon
This skill allows a character to call upon her dragon ancestry, granting her skill, fortitude, and other benefits. When this skill is used, the character gains thirty Body Points, can add two to her normal weapon damage, and can strike for Direct Body damage. The effects of this skill last for the duration of the battle in which it is used. When Spirit of the Dragon expires, the character is dazed for ten minutes.

This skill allows a character to move while using the skill Hide in Shadows. The character must remain in the shadows and can only move at a heel-to-toe rate while concealing herself with this skill. If the character takes offensive action towards another being, she becomes immediately visible. This skill requires the use of a yellow headband, and must be used with the skill Hide in Shadows.

Strength +1
With this damage augmenting skill, a character is stronger than a normal person, and can add one to her normal weapon damage. A character with this skill can press one hundred fifty pounds and squat two hundred pounds, plus an additional fifty pounds to each for each additional purchase of it.

Strength of the Samurai
This attack skill allows a character to deliver a brief flurry of powerful blows. You must role-play concentrating your mind and strength for at least five seconds, after which the character strikes for twice her normal weapon damage for the next five attacks.

Stunning Blow
This attack skill renders an opponent stunned for five seconds. You must strike the opponent on her torso for this attack to be successful.

This attack skill allows a character to grapple an opponent and render her held. You must strike the opponent on both shoulders with the character’s fists for this attack to be successful. If the opponent has a greater Strength than the character, then the opponent can break out of the hold at any time. The opponent that is held by this skill cannot move, attack, or use any other type of ability that requires the user of her limbs. The character that is using this skill cannot attack or use any other type of ability, and can only move with the opponent at a heel to toe pace. This skill lasts until the character releases the opponent, by whatever means that occurs.

This skill allows a character to teach a skill, spell, or ability that she knows to another person. You must role-play teaching the subjects for at least five minutes for every two points of build that the skill costs.

This attack skill allows a character to throw an opponent away from her. You must strike with a Two Handed Edged weapon, Two Handed Blunt weapon, Pole-Arm, or Staff for this attack to be successful. The opponent is thrown ten feet from the character, and knocked prone. To use this skill with Martial Arts or Brawling, you must strike the opponent with both of the character’s fists simultaneously.

Torment (Was: Master Torture, has been renamed)
This skill allows a character to force three truthful answers from a subject and inflicts one randomly assigned minor insanity point on her. You must role-play torturing the subject for at least fifteen minutes, after which you must call the skill name and then ask the questions that you want to have answered. The subject must answer the questions truthfully and completely. The second and third questions must be asked within one minute of receiving the answer to the previous question or the skill’s effect expires.

This skill allows a character to coerce the truth from another person through the use of torture. The character must role-play torturing the victim for at least five minutes before forcing truthful answers from her, and must continue to torture the victim throughout the questioning. The victim can only be questioned on one particular subject, but will answer any question pertaining to that subject truthfully. The coercion lasts for ten minutes or until the character stops torturing the victim, whichever comes first. Once the torture ceases, the victim falls unconscious for ten minutes.

This skill allows a character to follow the tracks of another person or creature. A Rules Marshal must supervise the use of this skill. The character may or may not succeed, depending on a number of factors; refer to the Tracking section of the Supplemental Rules for complete details on how tracking is performed.

Treasure Sense
With this skill, a character has an instinct for knowing where there is treasure to be found. When a character uses this skill, she detects the presence of all treasure within ten feet of her. A Rules Marshal must supervise the use of this skill, and will ask each person and inspect each container within the radius of the skill for treasure. You will be told if the treasure is worth less than five gold pieces, or five gold pieces or greater.

Trick Shot
This skill allows a character to perform a feat of marksmanship. The character can shoot an apple off of someone’s head, a cup out of someone’s hand, or perform a similar maneuver. This skill can only be used for non-combat purposes. A Rules Marshal may rule whether or not the Trick Shot is possible.

This attack skill allows a character to knock an opponent to the ground. You must strike the opponent on one of her legs for this attack to be successful. The opponent is then knocked prone. To use this skill with Martial Arts or Brawling, you must strike the opponent on one leg between the knee and ankle.

Weapon Proficiency +1
This damage augmenting skill allows a character to add one to her normal weapon damage with one specified weapon wielded in one specified hand. A character can only learn this skill from someone with a Weapon Proficiency in the same weapon and hand that she wishes to learn it with.

This defense skill allows a character to resist a mental attack or mind-influencing ability. In addition, the character is immune to that attack or ability for thirty minutes.

This defense skill blocks a ranged weapon attack that is delivered to the front of the character’s body and is not a surprise attack. The opponent’s attack fails and the attack skill is considered used.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Last edit: 17 Nov 2009 20:10 by .
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09 Nov 2009 16:56 #2 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
In addition to the above, the Warlock spell and Darkness prayer "Fear" have had their durations extended to 5 minutes, to match the Fear skill.  All Fear effects are now the same duration (5 minutes).

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
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09 Nov 2009 18:56 #3 by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC)
Replied by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Just curious, with the change to Body block and Shield Bash, now not including a knockdown, when does the 5 second daze count start? From the point at which the skill is called on someone (which means that the 5 second overlaps with their having to move 10 feet away) or when they arrive at the 10 feet mark? Its only perhaps a second or two difference, but it could matter :) (btw, a heartfelt TY for leaving in some form of daze!)


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09 Nov 2009 19:17 #4 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
When they reach their destination.

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09 Nov 2009 22:32 - 09 Nov 2009 22:46 #5 by Ardentfyre (Ardentfyre)
Replied by Ardentfyre (Ardentfyre) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Also, as a note to that, there is no way to "stop" someone from moving that 10 feet, that character must be displaced the distance that the skill indicates no matter their, or other's, strength or how many people try to stop them from moving after being hit with this skill.

Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
    Order of the White Fox
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Jonathon G.
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Last edit: 09 Nov 2009 22:46 by .
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09 Nov 2009 23:24 #6 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Two quick edits:

An older version of Blind Fighting was listed, and has been removed from this update - the correct one is in the Health Status thread (both projects were being worked on at the same time).

Benediction still was listing 1 Faith Point per follower - this has been amended to 1 Faith Point per 3 followers, in accordance with the change to Career Points (This hadn't been caught before now).

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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10 Nov 2009 00:21 #7 by Kendrick (Kendrick)
Replied by Kendrick (Kendrick) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Why was Iaijutsu changed completely from a periodic attack skill to a continuous defense skill?

Brother Kendrick Maeldun
Paladin of the White Fox

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10 Nov 2009 00:24 #8 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
The way Despair is described in Battlecry, it does not care if it's an ally or foe calling it, only that it negates.

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10 Nov 2009 00:28 #9 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
If someone were to hit me with Body Block and I were to defend with Cat-like Grace of Earth Anchor, under the new rules, would I still be dazed?

-Alexandre Blythewood

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10 Nov 2009 07:34 #10 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)

Why was Iaijutsu changed completely from a periodic attack skill to a continuous defense skill?

The problem is that the previous version had two very different interpretations. Some people read it as an auto hit skill, while others read it as a way to make a skill bypass a parry. The first ended up being to good, while the second ended up being to situational so people threw around idea's on a way to replace it. Eventually it was discovered that Iaijutsu actually meant something along the lines of "swift defense" (don't quote me on that) so it was adapted it to fit the role better.

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10 Nov 2009 08:06 #11 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)

If someone were to hit me with Body Block and I were to defend with Cat-like Grace of Earth Anchor, under the new rules, would I still be dazed?

You ignore the attack, so you are not dazed.

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10 Nov 2009 08:09 #12 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)

The way Despair is described in Battlecry, it does not care if it's an ally or foe calling it, only that it negates.

I'll check the wording on it, but it should most likely be "Those affected by..." or something similar.

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10 Nov 2009 09:14 #13 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)

The way Despair is described in Battlecry, it does not care if it's an ally or foe calling it, only that it negates.

I'll check the wording on it, but it should most likely be "Those affected by..." or something similar.

Distinction that the skill works in opposition of the other skill is unclear in the wording.  I.E Opposing battle cry negates despair. Opposing despair negates battle cry.

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10 Nov 2009 10:17 #14 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
So, from the look, only skill descriptions were changed, not build costs.  Those with multiple instances/tags of Iaijutsu will get refunded, correct?

Also, for Blind Fighting, the character can melee attack/defend as well as call melee skills, but he/she cannot move faster than a heel-toe towards/away from an enemy?

Will there be an updated sheet for these skills at the next event (Masquerade Ball) so those folks can spend some time to re-check their sheets and such?

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10 Nov 2009 11:03 #15 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)

So, from the look, only skill descriptions were changed, not build costs.  Those with multiple instances/tags of Iaijutsu will get refunded, correct?

Also, for Blind Fighting, the character can melee attack/defend as well as call melee skills, but he/she cannot move faster than a heel-toe towards/away from an enemy?

Will there be an updated sheet for these skills at the next event (Masquerade Ball) so those folks can spend some time to re-check their sheets and such?

1. Correct.
2. Correct.

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10 Nov 2009 11:53 #16 by Edward Walker (Liam)
Replied by Edward Walker (Liam) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
With the way resilience reads, can it now stop assassinate?

Doctor Edward D. Walker

Liam Neary
10 Nov 2009 19:39 #17 by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar)
Replied by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Does Throw no longer knock the target prone, or was that an oversight? Trip could also use a rewrite to bring it in line with the health condition rewrites.

And for anyone that cares: iaijutsu "the art of mental presence and immediate reaction." I don't know Japanese, I just know about Japanese martial arts.

Jason Michaeli

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10 Nov 2009 23:24 #18 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Good catch, Jason.  I went back and read the RM topic - We discussed Throw, it SHOULD keep the Knocked Prone, but I missed it in the discussion.  Trip wasn't on the original list of skills being edited, but that is a quick fix.  I'll edit the original post to reflect these, as they were intended to be.

Tom - We're looking at the wording on BC / Despair to make sure it's updated properly, I'll post more when I have it.

Liam - Read the post, it's at the very top.  :P

Paul, a newer PDF is in the works, once I get a chance to edit everything into the site and make sure any issues are cleared up, it'll probably be at the November event.  Because the only skills that changed costs were Iaijutsu and Yado (from the other thread), there shouldn't be much cleanup to do.

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10 Nov 2009 23:32 #19 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
As a quick note, Master Torture has been renamed to Torment - I've noted this in the update, and will update the Torturer list when the skills are updated as well.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
11 Nov 2009 13:15 #20 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
To clarify, Body Block does NOT knock the target prone?

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11 Nov 2009 13:33 #21 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Correct - Body Block and Shield Bash no longer knock an opponent prone.  This was a compromise for them automatically hitting IG without needing to hit OOG.

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12 Nov 2009 15:43 #22 by Toravisu (Toravisu)
Replied by Toravisu (Toravisu) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
According to my research there is a difference between the original Iaijutsu and the current version  even though they are theoretically the same the technique. I say this because the way the skill Iaijutsu was being used originally  is the equivalent to Iaido which is basically quick strike however it was fathered by Iaijutsu which is quick defense so I propose that Iaijutsu have dual uses quick draw and quick strike one or the other. For example a char attacks with sever limb the other calls Iaijutsu parry or simply Iaijutsu sever limb. Thats just my opinion or possibly make Iaido a skill itself.

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12 Nov 2009 15:55 #23 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Iaijutsu was changed for more reasons then just its name. Like I said in my earlier post its previous form was either to good or not worth it depending on how you read the skill description. We couldn't pair its current use with the old one unless we made it a continuous skill as well or made it a tag skill. Overall its alot of more rebalancing that would only push off higher lists longer and longer, which I don't think anyone wants at this time.

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12 Nov 2009 16:17 #24 by Toravisu (Toravisu)
Replied by Toravisu (Toravisu) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Oh I understand. Well then just make Iaido the skill Iaijutsu used like as a tag skill  to be and keep the new Iaijutsu  as well...the new Iaijutsu.

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12 Nov 2009 17:00 #25 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Can Iaijustsu and Intercept be combined?

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12 Nov 2009 17:38 #26 by Ardentfyre (Ardentfyre)
Replied by Ardentfyre (Ardentfyre) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)

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17 Nov 2009 20:11 #27 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
Tom's good catch lead to the following updates to Battle Cry and Despair - these have been fixed above, and are repeated here for clarity.

Battle Cry
This skill allows the character to inspire a group of people who are ready for battle.  Anyone who hears the call of this skill and is a direct ally of the character who calls it is suddenly inspired to heroic feats and can either add two to her normal weapon damage for the duration of the current battle or negate the effect of the skill Despair, if she is currently afflicted by it.

Anyone who hears the call of this skill and is not a direct ally of the character who calls it is suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of despair. This skill negates the effect of the skill Battle Cry if a victim is currently benefiting from it, or it weakens the victim, requiring her to subtract two from her normal weapon damage for the duration of the current battle.

All of these skills will be entered into the Online Rulebook later tonight.

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17 Nov 2009 23:10 #28 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Skills Revision (IMPORTANT)
All skills have been updated in the Online Rulebook.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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