Rules Update: Poisons

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12 Dec 2009 13:55 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Rules Update: Poisons was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
The character is suffering from the effect of a poison. A poison must be neutralized before its effects or the damage caused by the poison can be healed, unless the poison specifically states its effects end after a specified time period.

Blade Poisons
Blade Poisons are a special kind of poison that must be applied to a weapon that possesses a venom groove.  It takes 10 seconds to apply a blade poison to such a weapon.  The next attack delivered with that weapon uses the poison in place of the attack, as if it were a periodic skill in all respects.  Damage dealt by a Blade Poison may be augmented by the skill "Backstab Proficency," adding the additional damage from that skill to the poison's damage.  A blade with blade poison on it can only be detected by using the skill ID Compound on the blade, or by being affected by the poison.

All poisons take effect immediately upon being delivered.
(This is implied by the lack of text stating there is a delay, but is added here for clarification.  Any references to delayed effect will be removed from the rules.)

The skill and weapon "Darts" has been removed from the game.


(Unless mentioned here, the Poison recipes stay the same)

Rank I:
Lesser Blade Poison

When applied to a weapon, the next attack it delivers deals 8 Poison Damage.

Lesser Ingested Poison
This compound inflicts 25 points of Poison Damage to the person that consumes it.

Rank II:
Moderate Blade Poison

When applied to a weapon, the next attack it delivers deals 16 Poison Damage.

Blade Tranquilizer
When applied to a weapon, the next attack it delivers Dazes the target for one minute.

Moderate Ingested Poison
This compound inflicts 50 points of Poison Damage to the person that consumes it.

Rank III:
Greater Blade Poison

When applied to a weapon, the next attack it delivers deals 32 Poison Damage.

Contact Poison
This compound inflicts 32 points of Poison Damage to the person that contacts it. It also debilitates the subject, leaving her Dazed for a duration of one minute.

Potion of Crippling Nausea
This compound renders the person who consumes it completely helpless with pain and nausea. The subject is Stunned for a duration of one minute.

Greater Ingested Poison
This compound inflicts 100 points of Poison Damage to the person that consumes it.

Rank IV:
Sleep Blade Poison

When applied to a weapon, the next attack it delivers renders an opponent unconscious for a duration of 5 minutes.

Contact Sleep Poison
This compound renders the person who contacted it unconscious for a duration of ten minutes.

Herbal Compounds:

Rank II:
Potion of Lesser Antidote

This potion neutralizes any poison that is subtracting from the victim's body score, preventing it from being healed.  It does not remove any other effects of the poison, or heal the damage itself.

Rank IV:
Potion of Greater Antidote

This compound will neutralize all poisons that are afflicting the person who consumes it, and any side effects.  It will not heal any damage caused by poison, only remove the poison itself.


Rank II:
Neutralize Poison

This ability will neutralize all poisons that are afflicting the target, and any side effects.  It will not heal any damage caused by poison, only remove the poison itself.


Rank II: Treat Poison (Renamed from Neutralize Poison)
This ability allows a physician to remove a poison from a character that has been affected by one. The physician must draw the poison or perform other treatments for a duration of one minute without interruption. If she is disturbed while performing this treatment, the physician must start completely over, and the subject resumes counting the time before she is affected by the poison until the physician is able to start again.  This treatment will not heal any damage caused by poison, only remove the poison itself.

Purification (Andorra, Gaia)

Rank I:
Cure Poison

This prayer neutralizes any poison that is subtracting from the victim's body score, preventing it from being healed.  It does not remove any other effects of the poison, or heal the damage itself.

Rank II: Neutralize Alchemy
This prayer negates all alchemy effects that are afflicting the recipient.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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12 Dec 2009 14:09 #2 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
These have all been updated in the Online Rulebook.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
12 Dec 2009 17:16 #3 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
According to the previous wording on blade poisons, they took effect the next time they dealt damage to someone's body, but not armor.  Also, it stated that the poison remained on the weapon until it took effect (ie, until you dealt damage to someone's BP with that weapon). 

Is this no longer the case?

-Alexandre Blythewood

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12 Dec 2009 18:04 #4 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
Correct.  It's much, much simpler now - it does does damage, or acts like a periodic skill.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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12 Dec 2009 18:34 #5 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
Does the scenario of Body Shot + Poison on Blade still work?

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12 Dec 2009 23:08 #6 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Poisons

Blade Poisons are a special kind of poison that must be applied to a weapon that possesses a venom groove.  It takes 10 seconds to apply a blade poison to such a weapon.  The next attack delivered with that weapon uses the poison in place of the attack, as if it were a periodic skill in all respects.  Damage dealt by a Blade Poison may be augmented by the skill "Backstab Proficency," adding the additional damage from that skill to the poison's damage.  A blade with blade poison on it can only be detected by using the skill ID Compound on the blade, or by being affected by the poison.

The part in bold is key - it acts like a periodic skill.  It can't be combined with another skill, unless that other skill specifically allows it (like Feint).  If a defense is called (like Parry), the poison is used up.  Think of Blade Poisons as a "Periodic Skill in a Bottle" that you can put on a weapon, and then works on the next attack that hits.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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13 Dec 2009 22:55 #7 by ziggy (ziggy)
Replied by ziggy (ziggy) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
2 things:

1. Does a character know when they've been poisoned? Or does someone need to use first aid or ID compound on them or something?

2. Green Dragoons just got way better, and unbalanced.

Viridian (Green)    Poison

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14 Dec 2009 00:14 #8 by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC)
Replied by Thorgrim Ironfeld (MitchC) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
Can blade poisons, even ones that just do damage, be resisted by racial resist poison skills? If so, how do you determine the difference in damage other than the common calls the attacker is using? In a mass melee you might night know the previous attacks that person made and this might lead to an un-needed hold to determine proper damage (again, IF it can even be resisted).


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14 Dec 2009 00:34 #9 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
Tom, I've posted your question about dragoons to the rules marshal's board for discussion there.

As for being hit by poison, the attacker will call 8 Poison.  At that point you may call Resist Poison, but you don't have to, if you wanted to save it incase of a worse poison effect.

-OOG Michael Smith
14 Dec 2009 21:07 - 14 Dec 2009 22:23 #10 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic Rules Update: Poisons

First Aid will let you know you are poisoned.  I don't remember specifically discussing if you know you are poisoned immediately, but unless another rules marshal disagrees,[strike] I would say you do not know you are poisoned, but once your condition is attempted to be corrected, you would have a clue something is up.[/strike]

   Example:  Bob the Destroyer thinks he's drunk himself blind, which he kind of did, as he consumed a potion of blindness.  Glenda the Good casts the prayer Restore Sensory Ability, but Bob the Destroyer is still blind.  That's when Glenda gets a clue that something more devious is going on, and does a first aid assess, then finds out that he is poisoned, and casts Neutralize Alchemy, and then Restore Sensory Ability, now Bob the Destroyer is all good.

   Example:  Dennis the Depraved was struck with a greater blade poison (32 Poison), as well as 40 regular damage out of his total of 80 body.  He goes to Harry the Healer (not too clever of a namer) and Harry doesn't bother doing first aid, he just casts Heal All Wounds.  To Harry's astonishment, Dennis is still in pain, it seems that not all of the wounds healed.  Harry, not known for his brilliance, just casts another Heal All Wounds.  No help! Finally Glenda the Good comes over, does a first aid assess, and tells Harry that Dennis is poisoned.  Embarrassed, Harry casts Neutralize Poison, and goes to leave.  Dennis reminds him that half of his guts are still hanging out, and Harry still has to heal the poison damage.  Harry mumbles something about a waste of healing points, and Dennis calls him something rude and asks why he didn't just do a first aid assess to begin with like a normal healer would.

As for the Dragoons, a solution is in the works.  Good catch!

-OOG Michael Smith
Last edit: 14 Dec 2009 22:23 by .
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14 Dec 2009 21:40 #11 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
This is from the Spells section, although it's worded to work with all effects:

Any being that is targeted by an effect is aware of what the effect is, and may react to this information as they choose. This information is vague, not specific - someone would know they were targeted by a powerful mental attack, but not necessarily the spell Dominate. The target is NOT made aware of the origin of the attack by the fact that they were targeted, only if they witness the casting as it happens. Good Role-Playing is encouraged.

Any caster that uses an effect (skill or spell) is aware if it is successful or not, and why it was not successful if it failed. This information is vague, and not specific. For example, if you use an Enfeeble Mind on someone, and they use a latent spell as a defense but play dumb, you will still be aware the spell failed because a latent spell was used to defend against it.

So someone who was poisoned (successfully) would know that they were poisoned - maybe not by what, or which specific poison, but they would know that they are not healthy.  Simple logic could tell you it was either the drink you just chugged, or the knife sticking in your leg, but that's about all.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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14 Dec 2009 21:41 #12 by Cameron (Galen)
Replied by Cameron (Galen) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
As far as Harry is concerned, would "Detect Life" work towards picking up the poison as well?  I would imagine so, but I would just like confirmation either way.

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14 Dec 2009 22:06 #13 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Poisons

This ability allows a healer to determine the specific health of a subject. Upon using this ability, the healer can receive an OOG report on all injuries and ailments the subject is suffering from, including her present Body Point total or the extent of her death count, whichever is applicable.

That covers it - anything listed under "Stages of Health & Dying" is picked up by Detect Life.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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14 Dec 2009 22:21 #14 by Cameron (Galen)
Replied by Cameron (Galen) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
Thanks, just making sure  :)

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16 Dec 2009 22:27 #15 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Rules Update: Poisons

2. Green Dragoons just got way better, and unbalanced.

Keep in mind you need a higher list to actually swing your element

-Tim P
16 Dec 2009 23:37 #16 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
Re: Dragoons.

We have removed poison from the possible elements.  We have removed brown as a color from Dragoons.  Earth Dragoons are now green.  However, if you are currently a Brown Dragoon, you may be grandfathered in to retain your color.  Talk to James about that one.

The new Chroma Table:

Spirit  Chroma  Personality Traits
Crimson (Red)  Fire  Warlike, Passionate
Viridian (Green)  Earth  Stalwart, Gregarious
Saffron (Yellow)  Lightning  Impulsive, Curious
Cobalt (Blue)  Ice  Protective, Vindictive   
Ivory * (White)    Magic  Benevolent, Thoughtful
Stygian * (Black)  Magic  Malevolent, Spiteful
*These colors may not be selected by a PC, but are evolutions of an existing color. This may only occur via plot/director assignment as a reward for exceptional role play.

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17 Dec 2009 00:58 #17 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Rules Update: Poisons

2. Green Dragoons just got way better, and unbalanced.

Keep in mind you need a higher list to actually swing your element

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21 Dec 2009 20:08 #18 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Poisons
The Online Rulebook has been updated with the new color specs.

Also, with Darts gone, spell packets may be black again (since Darts were the only color restriction).

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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