Alt Weekend Details

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28 Apr 2010 14:16 #1 by Gallion (Gallion)
Alt Weekend Details was created by Gallion (Gallion)
Alt Weekend Details

This Alt weekend is a continuation of last years time-line and will take place five years after the last alt weekend in the hamlet of Bremer. You do not need to have played last year to enjoy this one, as each main plot is isolated from the last.

Although one of the points of the Alt weekend is to experiment with new character concepts,  you will be given the option to choose to re-make your character from last year. There is no system to do so, simply pick the same stats, wear the same costuming, act the same etc… and of course you remember anything you experienced at last years alt event.

For those of you who are new, once a year we hold an ”Alt Weekend’. Everyone plays level 5 characters in a separate time or place from the original game. Saturday night the alt plot is resolved, and players can switch back to playing their regular characters in Travance.  You can learn a skill without a teacher like at the banquets.

We will make another post very soon,  setting the scene for the alt weekend plot, as well as a recap of what happened last year.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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10 May 2010 10:10 - 10 May 2010 13:02 #2 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details
The following post is the in-game information regarding the alt weekend. You will be given the option of deciding you are with "The Resistance" really, only if you are a good character though, or at the very least 100% loyal to the resistance. Any information regarding the resistance in the following post is known only to those characters that are part of the resistance, so be very careful to not commit those parts to memory if you are playing a character who is not part of it.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 10 May 2010 13:02 by .
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10 May 2010 10:14 - 25 Nov 2012 21:10 #3 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details
The Scene
The Great Kingdom of Kormyre is known as the greatest human monarchy on Arawyn, ruled by a very long line of benevolent rulers. Yet this was not always the case, and for a brief period of time the kingdom teetered in a darker, bleaker direction. The Church of Valos has not enjoyed the esteem and influence that it does today for very long, and it was in this time before the primacy of the Church – during the reign of Mardux II – that the kingdom’s noble and proud advance through the ages was nearly turned awry.

Mardux II ascended amid rumors, suspicion, and great fear. Probably the very assassin that slew his predecessor on the throne (his own father), he was a capricious tyrant who bore no interest for matters of good or evil. His only interest was ever himself and his ambitions. Whoever could best satisfy his demands earned his favor and the favor of his nobles. For twenty years, Mardux II bent the people of Kormyre to his will and subjugated any smaller principalities that could not resist his armies. Unbridled ambition was the chief virtue of the day and those with the most were those that gained the most, while the less fortunate, the compassionate, and the pious suffered underfoot if they lacked the resolve to stand up for themselves or lacked the favor of their rulers.

It is amidst this storm upon the sea of Kormyre’s history that we set our scene. Near Alieander - the capital of Kormyre - in the County of Loez, lies the hamlet of Bremer. Nestled against an ancient forest, Bremer has long seen more than its share of monsters and strange occurrences. The woods are home to many frightful things and the people of Bremer have become accustomed to danger over the generations. Adventurers often gather here and test their abilities before setting off for the wildest parts of the world to earn their places in history. But something peculiar is about to happen in the woods beyond this bustling hamlet, and history will be made right here in Bremer - a history that will make the wildest parts of the world seem a tranquil summer’s meadow by comparison.

Five Yeas Ago…
Five years have now passed since Taddea Ermingard, the Quartermaster, was revealed to be the dark creature in Bremer preying on townsfolk and whisking them away to her secret prison in the dark forest.  Taddea was revealed to be a powerful True Warlock, attempting to use the people of Bremer for dark experiments she was conducting deep within the nearby forest.  Several sympathizers to the warlock have since been discovered and executed in public.  Almost all the traces of that exceptionally dark time for Bremer had been washed away to time..... until recently.

(The following account is known only by PCs of good alignment and who are part of the resistance)
The Kingdom knew of a secret resistance that plotted against it, yet try as they might they had never captured someone with strong enough intelligence to uncover its roots. Father Albert Pierson was indeed the head of this resistance, and brought those of undoubtedly good faith into its fold.  Under his leadership, the resistance discovered that the king had placed his fathers personal diary under a suspicious amount of security.  Driven to discover the reason why, they eventually infiltrated the castles lowest catacombs and stole it.  The book was infallibly authentic, and in its pages it spoke of the current Kings brother. All had been told years ago that the sibling had died, when in fact this diary revealed that the prince in fact lived and was abducted.  With this information spurred a subtle plan… find the prince, and depose the vile King…

Much has happened in Bremer in the last five years.   The Earl of Bremer, Lord Hockney, came down with a sickness that lasted years before finally taking his life.  In the days following his death, the King gifted the lands to the Earls advisor Bealore and granted him the title of Lord. Immediately following Lord Baelore’s seating, it was widely whispered that it was Lord Baelore who orchestrated the Earls illness, and that he intentions were that of his own personal ambition.  Soon after though, those who whispered those words where never seen or heard from again.

Lord Bealore assigned the local priest of Galmachis, Thanatos, to create a “Black Guard”. A military unit that was undyingly loyal to his lordship and willing to fill out his every command without inquiry.  Lady Hockney stays in Bremer for reasons unknown and has retained her title, but none of the administrative power over the lands.

The Hunt for the resistance grew even stronger, and father Albert Pierson was discovered to be the head of the resistance. They tortured him for a full year, but could not get him to break and so finally they killed him and placed his head on a pike on the castle parapets, were it stayed until it rotted for far too long. (The following account is known only by PCs of good alignment) With the death of Father Albert, the resistance threatened to burn out, until one man had recently joined and stoked the fires hard enough to bring back the blaze of hope. His name was Gabriel Tellinghast. He and his cousin Carlotta, the new master of the local Mage's Guild, joined the resistance just as it was threatening to die off from inaction. But Gabriel was not about to let that happen and today he leads the resistance with great ferver and conviction..

The peace brought to the forests of Bremer is fading away. Local huntsman are claiming that the area surrounding the initial spot of the warlocks hidden prison are cloaked in darkness, even at high noon.  They say that sunlight cannot penetrate the dark canopy that has grown around this spot and all kinds of forest life in the area are dying.  No one has dared to enter the nearby forest at night since the discovery of the warlock and now people are frightened to enter the forest during the day.  

The locals have been even more frightened amid rumors of people being whisked away into the night again, but local authorities have yet to confirm any missing.

The authorities likely have been unable to discern any information on the rumored "kidnappings" due to the terrible state the local Royal Guard has fallen into.  Captain Landon Kelridge has been missing for nearly a month now and the rest of the guardsmen are unwilling to step up and replace him.  

To make things worse, a tribe of particularly nasty goblins has taken up residence to the south of Bremer in a previously unknown cave system.  What Guardsmen there are, are largely tied up in patrolling the southern portion of town due to the frequency of goblin raids.

Alt Weekend Fact Sheet

Near Alieander - the capital of Kormyre - in the County of Loez, lies the hamlet of Bremer. Nestled against an ancient forest, Bremer has long seen more than its share of monsters and strange occurrences. The woods are home to many frightful things and the people of Bremer have become accustomed to danger over the generations. Adventurers often gather here and test their abilities before setting off for the wildest parts of the world to earn their places in history.

(oog – Please note that you cannot stay in a main building unless your character belongs there)
(oog – The camp will be decorated and arranged for Bremmer. When the change Saturday late night, reverts back to Travance Proper, we are going to leave the decor and the arrangements as is, please just use your imagination)

- The Economy in Bremer is primarily a Silver Piece Economy. Those who deal in gold are considered to be of considerable wealth.

Who’s Who in Bremer

His Lordship, Bealore Winter, Lord of Bremer (Joe Bondi)
Lord Baelore came to power in Bremer after the death of his liege lord a few years ago.  He quickly assumed control, installed himself at the side of the former Lady Hockney and began increasing efforts to quell the growing Resistance and any who would seek to oppose the laws of the King.  Usually known as a stern man, intolerant of inefficiency, Baelore's Black Guard have been given his authority over the populace and often react as swiftly as their master.  Rebels are executed and made an example of where ever they were discovered and their families pay the price for the traitorous act against Baelore's rule.  Some of the peasantry have found comfort in the deadly ability of the new Black Guard.  Where the tattered remnants of the town guard have failed, the Black Guard has been able to fight off the increasing raiders from the darkened woods.  Some say these raiders are the cursed townspeople brought back from the dead to unseat Lord Baelore.  Others say they serve him directly.  But, whichever is said, it isn't said loud enough for anyone to overhear.

Lady Lauren Hockney, of Bremer (MaryBeth E.)
Through the entire illness of Lord Hockney, Lady Lauren stayed by his side.  She was visibly distraught by his passing. With the appointment of Lord Baelore to her husband’s position, one would think that Lauren would return to Quniarian, but instead she stays. One rumor says she plotted for her husband’s death, but the more likely reason is that Lord Baelore is forcing her in some way. It has been said that if she ever left, he would to kill an innocent family for every day she is missing. Perhaps that is why he seems to have her heavily guarded most of the time. Anyone suggesting this has disappeared. Her sympathy to the mourners after the execution of father Albert has been questioned as odd. Once Lady Lauren was generous and openly friendly, now she appears quiet and troubled. Some townsfolk have tried to speak to her, but it grows ever difficult to find her alone.

Sir Thanatos Atropos, called The Reaper of Men (Rob G.)
Rumor and suspicion is abound over the continuing rise to power of Bremer’s resident Priest of Galmachis and Anti-Paladin. After the capture and torture of his longtime rival Father Pierson, as well as the rise to power of a man more sympathetic to his cause, Thanatos is now in a position to do the dark work of his god without inhibition or reservation. Shortly after Lord Baelor’s rise to power, which some whisper was facilitated by none other than Thanatos himself, the Lord granted him an honorary knighthood and charged him with creating a “Black Guard” to keep the peace in Bremer and root out any vestiges of the resistance. Thanatos often uses this as an excuse to torture and slay the innocent, but so far Lord Baelor has been pleased with the successes it has brought. Thanatos has since taken no less than 2 Anti-Paladin apprentices, who delight in the dark work that their Lord tasks them with.

Gabriel Tellinghast (Terry Obrian):
((This characters involvement in the resistance is only known by resistance members))
Gabriel Tellinghast began his career as a soldier of the Church, honing his combat skills and tactics against the enemies of Valos.  As he rose in rank and reknown, he attracted the attention of King Graham III, whom he served faithfully for several campaigns. Years later, he retired and now serves his sister, Carlotta, as a bodyguard, or occasionally as a guard captain for the various caravans in the area.  He is a serious and stern man, known to be dangerous, but fair, to his foes, a brilliant tactician, and a loyal servant of Valos.  After Mardux II took the throne, he approached Gabriel about re-enlisting in his service, but Gabriel is not comfortable with the King, or with the rumors of exactly how he advanced to the throne, and so turned down the offer.  Gabriel believes that a Lord should mete justice with his own hand, and has always commanded his troops from the vanguard, advancing side by side with his men.  Anyone who served with Gabriel has come to respect him, and his troops would follow him to the Abyss, if asked.  After the death of Father Pierson, the Resistance was faltering, desperate for direction and leadership.  Gabriel and his sister Carlotta refused to allow the Resistance to die out, and under their leadership the fires of rebellion have been reignited.

Carlotta Tellinghast (Jackie M.)
((This characters involvement in the resistance is only known by resistance members))
Carlotta Tellinghast is the younger sister of Gabriel Tellinghast, and an extremely capable Sorcereress. She is insightful and wise, with a preternatural knack for seeing into people's hearts, and discerning their character. Carlotta is kind and friendly, has strong morals and principles, though she can be occasionally willful and stubborn. As the younger sibling, she often feels like people are comparing her to Gabriel, so she throws herself into her work all the harder, so as not to appear less capable than her brother.  Together they stand, a staunch and formidable foundation for the Resistance to build on.

Connor (James Kimball):
((Only PCs who have chosen to be resistance members know of this character))
The resistance first learned of Connors existence five years ago.  He is a hermit who has secluded himself from civilization and lives in the dangerous parts of the forests of Bremer and to visit him is a treacherous journey.  It is rumored that some of the resistance members have seen him perform miracles such as are only blessed to those known as paladins.  Many within the resistance strongly believe that Conner is the lost Prince Graham that they seek, but he has assured them with no uncertainty that he is not.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 25 Nov 2012 21:10 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller).
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11 May 2010 08:36 #4 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details
[size=14pt]More logistical details about the alt event: [/size]

Alt Character Creation
The following link will take you to the downloads page where you can download the Alt character creation packages. This file contains skill sets for each kind of the professions, all set at fifth level. Please try very hard to read over these and pick one prior to arriving at the event. You will in effect have the base stats, plus package A or B. As you will be also receiving your normal character card at sign in, the alt cards can look informal. Therefore it is acceptable and encouraged that you come having already cut and paste the skill set you have chosen for your character into a word file and print it out and bring it with you to sign in. In case you do not get this opportunity we will have copies of the skill sets on hand at the event.


Skills and Pre-Reqs - Some of the skill pre-reqs and the such may be old... we will just roll with them if we can... I at the very least cut the career points down by 1/3, please be sure to do the same thing if you are printing your own card for a casting class.
Alterations - You can make alterations to your card, but they must be legitimate build for build skill swaps. Please try very hard to already have such alterations planned out ahead of time. After you finish signing in, someone will review your card and help you legitimize any alterations.
Races - If you choose to play a race other than human, you can add the starting racials of that race to your alt character sheet.
Resistance or Not - If you are part of the Resistance your card needs to be marked as such. If you have decided you are not part of the resistance no additional mark is necessary.

Money and Market Fair
You can use your regular characters coin. Also you may buy and sell at market-faire, assuming any in-game items items you buy, or gold you earn, your reg character comes across and now has.

Alt Equipment
You will pick randomly from a pile of weapon cards, for whether your weapons are normal, silver, mythril, enchanted etc... After getting your weapons, you will roll for a small chance to start with a alt magical trinket. Armor will work off of normal armor cards. Use the ones you have, or if you dont have one, we can write up a normal armor card.

Build Gain and Advancement:
You gain build and advancement opportunity for your regular character for playing the alt event.

If you pay the PC price for the weekend you gain +6 build and your regular character and can automatically learn any skill without a teacher, as per the same rules as learning a skill at the Awards Banquets or Moresca Ball.  You will also be allowed to PC your regular character from when the alt plot ends Saturday night. (As far as build goes, you can still gain RP Build, extra bought build, SP build, Commodity build etc... on top of the 6 build earned for PC'ing)

If you pay the NPC price which is free. You receive regular NPC compensation and must follow all standard full time NPC obligations for the entirety of the weekend, even after the switch takes place.

The Switch Over
As indicated above, when the alt weekend plot ends, sometime around 10pm on Saturday, we take a brief 1 hour hold to switch costumes and get back into the regular game as our regular characters. We will not be switching the in-game building locations and decor, so please just roll with that.

Focus and Attunement
The focus is located in the mages guild. Anyone who is a healer or priest can choose to be attuned already to the focus.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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11 May 2010 10:14 #5 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Alt Weekend Details
As a reminder, Lifestyle and Commodities are limited to one event a month - if you already collected or turned them in, you may not do so again this month.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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11 May 2010 12:39 #6 by Damien (Damien)
Replied by Damien (Damien) on topic Alt Weekend Details
I would like to point out that the Online Rulebook contradicts your statement, Geoff:

Commodities, Trades, and Lifestyle Build

A character can only earn one “lifestyle build” per event.

Not sure if this is a mistake in the Rulebook or working as intended.

Victor Sylus, Baron of Travance
OOG: Damien A.
11 May 2010 12:42 #7 by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan)
Replied by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan) on topic Alt Weekend Details

The Switch Over
As indicated above, when the alt weekend plot ends, sometime around 10pm on Saturday, we take a brief 1 hour hold to switch costumes and get back into the regular game as our regular characters. We will not be switching the in-game building locations and decor, so please just roll with that.

I may not be able top get to the event until saturday so I am curious about the switch over so I can plan what to pack and if I want to plan to stay the night.

Will there be plot/activies going on after 10pm for our regular pc's? I am alittle confused why we would switch over on Sat at 10pm, isn't the point to have fun playing different characters for one event a year? Also wouldn't it just be easier to switch over Sunday morning if people really wanted to get some RP time in with their normal pc's?


Alexander Van Zandt
Sword of Mercy

oog: Matt W.
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11 May 2010 17:11 #8 by Kleidin (Kleidin)
Replied by Kleidin (Kleidin) on topic Alt Weekend Details
I subittted a Jax character last year I didn't play due to Canadian customs holding my mask for 3 weeks.  can it be reprinted?

Lady Kleidin du Tenkukai Weaveforger Laurent-Belmont of Kaladonia
Master Witch Hunter, and Elder Druid
OOG: Diane Sodher
11 May 2010 17:35 #9 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic Alt Weekend Details
What's the actual cost for the alt event? And is it possible to still pay for it and get the build even if I won't be attending? I have work that Sunday so I'm still not sure if I'll be able to make it.

In Service to Travance
Ser Winks Sharpthorn, The Resolute
Knight of Drega'Mire
Soul-Blade of Galladel

Alt: William Sterling
Chief Mechanic of the Kormyrian Sky Flotilla
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11 May 2010 21:43 #10 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details

Will there be plot/activies going on after 10pm for our regular pc's? I am alittle confused why we would switch over on Sat at 10pm, isn't the point to have fun playing different characters for one event a year? Also wouldn't it just be easier to switch over Sunday morning if people really wanted to get some RP time in with their normal pc's?

It is possible. There will still be random encounters from logistics after 10, and any ST, who decide to run side plots may do so as well. Interesting point about the switch over time, all I can say off hand, is that we have been doing it that way the last few years and it worked well. Although with some advanced preparation for next year we may be able to consider extending it.

I subittted a Jax character last year I didn't play due to Canadian customs holding my mask for 3 weeks.  can it be reprinted?

Nope... primarily becuase I dont have it... and I dont know who does, or if it even still exists... just write it up again and bring it :)

What's the actual cost for the alt event? And is it possible to still pay for it and get the build even if I won't be attending? I have work that Sunday so I'm still not sure if I'll be able to make it.

Cost is the same as a regular event. As with all events, you can pay for it, if you miss it, to get the build.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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11 May 2010 23:39 #11 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Alt Weekend Details

I would like to point out that the Online Rulebook contradicts your statement, Geoff:

I stand corrected - I'm thinking of Festivals , which don't count as a full event for the purposes of Trades, unless it's the only event that month.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
12 May 2010 08:25 #12 by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan)
Replied by Alexander Van Zandt (Logan) on topic Alt Weekend Details

It is possible. There will still be random encounters from logistics after 10, and any ST, who decide to run side plots may do so as well. Interesting point about the switch over time, all I can say off hand, is that we have been doing it that way the last few years and it worked well. Although with some advanced preparation for next year we may be able to consider extending it.

Cool, thanks!

Alexander Van Zandt
Sword of Mercy

oog: Matt W.
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12 May 2010 08:43 #13 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details
I want to clarify, for the record that I made a slight mess of the reward for the alt event, by merging the concepts of the reward system for a regular event, and a festival type event. I will post any changes to it, if any by the end of the day.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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13 May 2010 13:06 #14 by Andy (Andy)
Replied by Andy (Andy) on topic Alt Weekend Details
Another note;

There may be some magic items written on actual magic item cards this weekend rather then the blue alt event cards.  If you acquire one of these items you may keep it for your regular PC.  The blue alt event cards may not be carried over.

-Sir Hurgar
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13 May 2010 14:54 #15 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details
clarification on trading in sp for build. Regardless of character details this event, everyone can convert up to 200 sp into 2 build.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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13 May 2010 17:25 #16 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details
Sign In
Sign in is going to take place in what is usually the large manor building next to logistics. We will have different areas set up. The first area will be sign in, were you will register, get your normal character card and sign up for your NPC shift. The next are will be were you go to get an alt card, or have the one you brought checked for validity. You will then get your random alt equipment.

We will try to start sign in at 5pm instead of 7pm so that we have less of a sign-in clog, and can perhaps get started a little bit earlier.

If you are playing a resistance member, make sure that you have it marked on your card, and pick up a oog pamphlet regarding the resistance when you are getting your alt equipment.

In-character deaths at the alt events
For those not familiar with the alt events, they can be very in-character lethal, especially in the current storyline environment. If you get killed at any point, please remember that you have five lives to go through in less than 48 hours, and that it does not effect your normal character in any way.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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13 May 2010 22:16 #17 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Alt Weekend Details
I cant believe I forgot to post this until now... I could use a hand more then ever tomorrow around 11'ish... if anyone can make it, drop me a PM to let me know to look forward to it. Thanks ;)

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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13 May 2010 22:34 #18 by Oren Tenderson (Tormy)
Replied by Oren Tenderson (Tormy) on topic Alt Weekend Details
this may be a bit of a dumb question, but for all of the roguish characters for the alt event it will be relevant.  Is there going to be a Rogues guild / rogue's guild meeting during the alt event at all?

Captain Oren Zero Tenderson of the Royal Baronial Guard of Travance.

OOG- William Bartlett
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