Rules Update: Bard Songs

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08 Jan 2011 20:45 - 13 Jan 2011 20:50 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Rules Update: Bard Songs was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
The following updates have been made to Spell Songs:

- Remove rank 1 song Fanfare of Bold Action
- Remove rank 2 song Lyric of Safety
- Remove rank 3 song Lyric of Fluency
- Remove rank 4 song Nocturne of Wakefulness

- Added rank 1 song Lyric of Inspiration
- Added rank 2 song Nocturne of Speedy Recovery
- Added rank 2 song Requiem of Bound Fate
- Added rank 3 song Nocturne of Empowerment
- Added rank 4 song Nocturne of Soothing Sounds
- Added rank 4 song Lyric of Refuge

- Fanfare of Bravery moved to rank 1
- Nocturne of Refreshment is now a mid powered healing spell equal to that of a druids Cure Minor Wounds
- Nocturne of Recovery no longer requires a 15 Min nap
- Nocturne of Undisturbed Dreams is now a 4th rank song that mirrors the effects of Sleeping Sanctuary

New and Updated Spell Songs:

[size=16pt]Rank I:[/size]
Nocturne of Refreshment
1 SSP; Traits: None
This song heals six points of damage to the recipient.

Lyric of Inspiration
1 SSP; Traits: None
This song allows the recipient to create an item in half the normal time required, to a maximum normal time requirement of 24 hours. This ability may only be used in conjunction with lower list created items. A person can only receive the benefit of this song once per period.

Fanfare of Bravery
1 SSP; Traits: Defense, Latent
The recipient of this song may invoke its benefit to resist any single fear or intimidation effect, magical or otherwise. This ability will also render the user immune to all subsequent fear or intimidation effects from the same attacker for the duration of the battle. This ability may be invoked while already under the effects of being feared.

[size=16pt]Rank II:[/size]
Lyric of Translation
2 SSP; Traits: Caster
This song allows a bard to read any of the written languages of the standard PCable races for a duration of fifteen minutes. The bard does not know the language, but simply is able to understand the writing in her own native tongue.

Nocturne of Speedy Recovery
2 SSP; Traits: None
Any Healer or Physician abilities that require the target to wait a certain time before they take effect will have their duration reduced to one minute. If the targets wounds already are within the final minute of healing this song will have no effect.

Requiem of Bound Fate
2 SSP; Traits: Caster, Defense, Latent
This requiem returns an attack against the opponent who dealt it, but does not protect the caster from it. Both parties are struck by the attack and must resist or succumb to it independently.

[size=16pt]Rank III:[/size]
Nocturne of Empowerment
3 SSP; Traits: Latent
This spell may be invoked to reduce the cost of the next lower list casted effect or created item by 6, to a minimum of 0. A character can only benefit from this song once per period. This song may not be self cast.

Nocturne of Recovery
4 SSP; Traits: None
The recipient of this song will recover all of her Body Points, to a maximum of 200 points of healing. A character can only benefit from this song once per period.

[size=16pt]Rank IV:[/size]
Nocturne of Soothing Sounds
6 SSP; Traits: Attack
This prayer terminates any rage skill, spell, or ability affecting anyone within earshot. Those whom are affected are brought to the end of the ability’s duration but are not subject to any detriments that normally occur at the end of it. Furthermore no one may use or be affected by any other rage effects for as long as the bard continues to play this song. Mental defenses will protect a target from suffering the effects of this ability.

Lyric of Refuge
6 SSP; Traits: None
This spell creates an impenetrable barrier around the caster through which only air can pass. Any effect that is delivered by air (i.e., poison gas) will bypass the sanctuary. The sanctuary appears instantly in place and will remain in existence for as long as the caster continues to sing or play.  She may include a maximum of five others within the radius of this barrier, as long as the group forms a circle linked by clasped hands (or otherwise touching in the case of the bard playing an instrument) for the duration of the performance.  The caster cannot move while maintaining this spell except in regards to the performance of the song. The additional occupants cannot leave the sanctuary, but must wait until it is dispelled.  If the linked hands are broken, either by choice or other means, the chain is broken and any and all additional occupants are no longer protected by the sanctuary.  The caster, however, will continue to be protected regardless, as long as she continues to sing or play.

Nocturne of Undisturbed Dreams
6 SSP Traits: Caster Only, Defense, Attack, Latent
This nocturne will create a ward around the body of the caster that is activated when they fall asleep through natural or unnatural means. The ward is undetectable and will protect the sleeping target from the next attack be it an actual attack or a killing blow. The ward will negate the attack; explode upon impact causing the attacker to be pushed back 10 feet. This effect cannot be defended against. The Target instantly awakens.  After the effect goes off, the protection is gone.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Last edit: 13 Jan 2011 20:50 by .
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08 Jan 2011 21:05 #2 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
Online Rulebook is updated.  I'm half asleep, so if I mis-typed or copied & pasted something wrong, please post!

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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08 Jan 2011 21:22 #3 by Malyc (Malyc)
Replied by Malyc (Malyc) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
When would anyone actually bother to cast lyric of empowerment?  It's benefit is limited and it usage is complicated and nearly impossible to track.  If it is really only useful periodically on a single target, why not just make the next castable free of charge? 

Malyc Weavewarden

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08 Jan 2011 21:29 #4 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs

When would anyone actually bother to cast lyric of empowerment?  It's benefit is limited and it usage is complicated and nearly impossible to track.  If it is really only useful periodically on a single target, why not just make the next castable free of charge? 

Thats basically what it does. Though looking at it the intent was that it was supposed to also work on lower list crafting skills (and since smithing can be open ended and go over a cost of 6 we it was written as it is) but obviously since it says casted one wouldn't think it should work on crafting abilities. I'll see about getting that corrected one way or another.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
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08 Jan 2011 21:32 #5 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
The point is to enable someone else to cast that one extra spell they need to save the day, when they are out - a Heal Life, Gaia's Embrace, etc.  The Bard can empower them to cast it one more time, even when they are already out of points.

Sam, it does say "Or created item."

I left out a part of Nocturne of Recovery, which is the 400 Body cap - I'll update that now.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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08 Jan 2011 21:33 #6 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs

When would anyone actually bother to cast lyric of empowerment?  It's benefit is limited and it usage is complicated and nearly impossible to track.  If it is really only useful periodically on a single target, why not just make the next castable free of charge? 

Thats basically what it does. Though looking at it the intent was that it was supposed to also work on lower list crafting skills (and since smithing can be open ended and go over a cost of 6 we it was written as it is) but obviously since it says casted one wouldn't think it should work on crafting abilities. I'll see about getting that corrected one way or another.

Ok i'm an idiot, it does work the way it was intended. The reason it is not a free skill is because of crafted mechanics. There are ways to create items from the smithing paths that cost more then 6, and that would throw it out of balance.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
Guardian of Belladeen
(Samuel Roberts)
08 Jan 2011 23:13 #7 by Nesselde Natherial (Nesselde Natherial)
Replied by Nesselde Natherial (Nesselde Natherial) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
I like the changes. I look forward to trying them out. Thanks.  :)

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09 Jan 2011 01:13 #8 by Malyc (Malyc)
Replied by Malyc (Malyc) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
The thing is, the math of the skill just doesn't work out to be of an advantage.  It costs 3 build to buy what is a vague periodic skill which costs 3 points to cast and gives up to 6 pts of career points.  This more or less works out to spending 6 build for the ability of give 6 build to someone.  I realize the theoretical usage of the skill, as Geoff stated, but it just doesn't seem to add up to something that is worthwhile.  It'd make more sense to give them ability to simply refresh a used lower list periodic skill, or make the next non-crafting castable ability free and instant cast or both.  At least then it would be a true utility skill.   

Malyc Weavewarden

(Jeramy you dolt!)
09 Jan 2011 02:27 #9 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
Do Lyric of Inspiration and Lyric of Empowerment work on the Smith promo skill?

-Alexandre Blythewood

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09 Jan 2011 03:32 #10 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
Sorry Zach, but both work on lower list skills only.

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09 Jan 2011 10:05 #11 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs

The thing is, the math of the skill just doesn't work out to be of an advantage.  It costs 3 build to buy what is a vague periodic skill which costs 3 points to cast and gives up to 6 pts of career points.  This more or less works out to spending 6 build for the ability of give 6 build to someone.  I realize the theoretical usage of the skill, as Geoff stated, but it just doesn't seem to add up to something that is worthwhile.  It'd make more sense to give them ability to simply refresh a used lower list periodic skill, or make the next non-crafting castable ability free and instant cast or both.  At least then it would be a true utility skill.   

It is periodic per person. Meaning you can cast it on as many casters and craftsmen as you'd like, but only once per period on each individual person.

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09 Jan 2011 12:20 #12 by shalok (shalok)
Replied by shalok (shalok) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs

Sorry Zach, but both work on lower list skills only.

Legendary work is written on the lower list.  This may be why he is asking.  All of the promo skills are.

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09 Jan 2011 12:55 #13 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
In general promo skills are not considered lower list skills or higher list skills they are their own level. If thats not written somewhere we probably should put it down.

Lord Erdrick Brightstar
Guardian of Belladeen
(Samuel Roberts)
09 Jan 2011 14:30 #14 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
That was, in fact, what was confusing me.  Thanks for the clarification, Sam.

-Alexandre Blythewood

OOG: Zach Theis
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13 Jan 2011 20:50 #15 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Bard Songs
A minor update: Nocturne of Recovery will heal up to 200, not 400, body.  A Rank III Spell Song should not be as potent as a Rank IV Healer ability, out of fairness to Healers.  The above post and the Rulebook will be updated to reflect this.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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