Rules Update: Scholars, Scroll, and Crafting / Production Points

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26 Nov 2011 13:47 - 26 Nov 2011 21:43 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Scholar Rules Update - Scrolls
  • Remove the “Create Rank X Scroll / Psalm” periodic skills from the Scholar List, and the Skills page.  If you have at least one of a specific Rank and Type of scroll skill, you will automatically get the new, continuous version without needing to learn it.
  • Remove both “Create Scroll” skills from the High Elf Racials.  (This is compensated for by the new Create Quinarian Scroll, below.)
  • Production Points are being renamed / merged into Crafting Points - Smiths, Alchemists, etc. now use the same type of Carrer Points to make items.
  • Scholars now have access to Crafting Points, at a 1 to 1 Build / CP ratio.
  • At the next event they attend, Scholars may immediately re-spend freed up Build formerly invested in the Periodic skills into Crafting Points, without waiting an event or using their Re-spend.
  • Add the following skills to the Scholar list:
Illumination Rank 1 - 1 Build; Advanced Literacy, Appropriate Academic Tradition
Illumination Rank 2 - 2 Build; Rank 1 Illumination of the same tradition
Illumination Rank 3 - 3 Build; Rank 2 Illumination of the same tradition
Illumination Rank 4 - 3 Build; Rank 3 Illumination of the same tradition
  • Add the following section to the “Books” page in the Rules:


Illumination is the art of creating single-page documents that contain the power of a supernatural or higher power within them, that can be released when the page is read.  The skills to create such pages can be broken down as follows:
Track    Rank IRank IIRank IIIRank IV
ArcaneCreate Rank I ScrollCreate Rank II ScrollCreate Rank III ScrollCreate Rank IV Scroll
DivineCreate Rank I PsalmCreate Rank II PsalmCreate Rank III PsalmCreate Rank IV Psalm
DruidicCreate Rank I Canticle    Create Rank II Canticle    Create Rank III Canticle    Create Rank IV Canticle
BardicCreate Rank I BalladCreate Rank II BalladCreate Rank III BalladCreate Rank IV Ballad

A Scholar must possess the appropriate tradition to learn a given track of Illumination.

Create Rank I / II / III / IV Scroll
This skill allows a character to produce a scroll of one spell of the same rank. The character must know the spell herself, possess a Codex for the sphere or enlist the help of someone who does know the spell for the duration of the creation process. You must role-play writing and preparing the scroll for two minutes per rank of the scroll, and must expend Crafting Points equal to the MP cost of the spell being inscribed. Any character with the skill Advanced Literacy can use a scroll for Rank I through Rank III; to use a Rank IV scroll, a character must possess the ability to cast mage spells. Wild Mages are unable to use scrolls.

Create Rank I / II / III / IV Psalm
This skill allows a character to produce a Psalm of one prayer of the same rank. The character must know the prayer herself, possess a Codex for the domain or enlist the help of someone who does know the prayer for the duration of the creation process.  You must role-play writing and preparing the psalm for two minutes per rank of the psalm, and must expend Crafting Points equal to the FP cost of the prayer being inscribed.  When creating a Psalm, the verbals must be for an appropriate deity for the prayer - it does not need to be the author's deity. Any character that has the skill Advanced Literacy can use a Psalm for Rank I through Rank III; to use a Rank IV Psalm, a character must possess the ability to cast prayers.

Create Rank I / II / III / IV Canticle
This skill allows a character to produce a Canticle of one druid spell of the same rank. The character must know the druid spell herself, possess a Codex for the domain or enlist the help of someone who does know the druid spell for the duration of the creation process. You must role-play writing and preparing the canticle for two minutes per rank of the canticle, and must expend Crafting Points equal to the DP cost of the spell being inscribed.  Any character with the skill Advanced Literacy can use a Canticle for Rank I through Rank III; to use a Rank IV Canticle, a character must possess the ability to cast druid spells.

Create Rank I / II / III / IV Ballad
This skill allows a character to produce a Ballad of one spell song of the same rank. The character must know the song herself, possess a Codex for songs or enlist the help of someone who does know the song for the duration of the creation process. You must role-play writing and preparing the ballad for two minutes per rank of the ballad, and must expend Crafting Points equal to the SSP cost of the ballad being inscribed.  Any character with the skill Advanced Literacy can use a Ballad for Rank I through Rank III; to use a Rank IV Ballad, a character must possess the ability to cast spell songs. Wild Mages are unable to use Ballads.  Ballads may be written in Lyrical or Musical Notation formats (or both) - the reader of the ballad should make an effort to match the song as closely as possible, but will not be penalized for a lack of OOG musical talent.


Upon completing creation of a Scroll, Psalm, Canticle, or Ballad (hereafter generically referred to as “Scrolls” for brevity), the author should mark off the points expended on their Character Cards, and sign the OOG document with their OOG initials, card number, and the date - this information is OOG, and cannot be learned In-Game by examining the Scroll.  The scroll should have an appropriate In-Game appearance, and should be on parchment paper or another similar material.  The verbals, along with the rules text for the ability, should be included on the scroll.  The Director, Atmosphere Officer, or a Role-Play Marshal has the right to reject a scroll that does not meet the requirements of appearing In-Game.

Creators of Scrolls are encouraged to spend time preparing appropriate In-Game looking paperwork that they can use on-site, Role-Playing on site while creating the them, or downloading and printing the pre-generated Scroll artwork from the Knight Realms website.

  • Add the following skill to the High Elf Racials:

Create Quinarian Scroll
1 Build
This skill functions identically to the Rank 1 Illumination skill "Create Rank I Scroll," with the exception that the High Elf must use Magic Points instead of Crafting Points.


These changes are made with the intent of making the Scholar class more flexible in how many, and what variety, of Scrolls they can create.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Last edit: 26 Nov 2011 21:43 by .
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26 Nov 2011 14:30 #2 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Scholars, Scroll, and Crafting / Production Points
This has been added to the Online Rulebook.  I'm sure I missed a lot of references to Production Points, these will be handled in the upcoming PDF version of the rulebook.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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26 Nov 2011 14:55 #3 by geezer (geezer)
For those of us who already possess the skill to create psalms, scrolls, etc., but obviously have no crafting points, as they were not needed, what will be the procedure at the December Event?

Also we paid 1 BP for RI, 3 BP for RII, 5 BP for RIII and 7 BP for RIV.  Will they immediately be refunded?

If so, at sign in can we convert some of them to Crafting points on the spot?  That would go a long way to addressing the problem cused by instituing a new requirement without time to get the necessary crafting points.

Edwin Haroldson
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26 Nov 2011 14:59 #4 by Chris G. (Cross)

At the next event they attend, Scholars may immediately re-spend freed up Build formerly invested in the Periodic skills into Crafting Points, without waiting an event or using their Re-spend.

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26 Nov 2011 15:05 #5 by Jack (Keeperofdice)
I....I... words cannot..... Geoff...... I love you.  ;D  ;D  ;D

Ser Jack Siefer
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26 Nov 2011 15:15 #6 by Ib (Gannon)
If only I was allowed to be a scholar :(

Ib Flett
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OOC - Gannon Shanley
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26 Nov 2011 15:26 #7 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Scholars, Scroll, and Crafting / Production Points
Face it, Ib is a Hobgoblin trapped in a Goblin's body.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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26 Nov 2011 17:41 #8 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Rules Update: Scholars, Scroll, and Crafting / Production Points

Face it, Ib is a [strike]Hobgoblin[/strike] dead goblin trapped in a live Goblin's body.


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26 Nov 2011 21:38 #9 by Ib (Gannon)

Ib Flett
Asbjorn Vigdisson

OOC - Gannon Shanley
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26 Nov 2011 22:44 #10 by Oakroot (OakRoot)
Glad I decided to keep Scholar... Now to throw it in Ib's Face I mean um...  :P

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28 Nov 2011 17:14 #11 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Rules Update: Scholars, Scroll, and Crafting / Production Points
I... may have just found my 4th list

-Tim P
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28 Nov 2011 17:38 #12 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Rules Update: Scholars, Scroll, and Crafting / Production Points
How does this new function of PP work with Assistant? Could an Alchemist with Assistant now contribute to a Smithing project using their CP, even if they have no other relevant production skills?

This is, of course, assuming that all PP from Alchemist, Healer, etc., are being converted to an equal amount of CP/refunded.

Na'ar Chacov, Soul of the Stars.

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OOG: Riva A.
28 Nov 2011 17:46 #13 by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen)
Replied by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen) on topic Rules Update: Scholars, Scroll, and Crafting / Production Points
Yes.  All CP are now the same, regardless of what list they come from.


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