Rules Update: Arch Caster

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23 Jan 2012 21:20 #1 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Rules Update: Arch Caster was created by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
The following Higher List replaces the Battle Caster and Valence lists:


The Arch Caster List

This class may be purchased as a higher list for Mages, Druids, Priests, Bards, or Psionicists. This list represents the ability of the caster to focus her already present abilities, and refine them to be able to cast them more easily and accurately (Battle Casting), with additional power (Thaumaturgy), or to be better able to defend against them (Valence).

The phrase “Casted Ability” refers to any abilities that those five classes can cast. When used multiple times in the same skill description, it is subsequently referred to as “Ability”. The use of the word “Career Points” refers to the appropriate points needed or used to cast a Casted Ability.

  • 4 Rank IV Casted Abilities
A character with this list may only specialize in one Path, reaching its pinnacle Tier 4 Ability. She may choose a secondary Path, from which she may purchase Tier 2 Abilities. For any remaining paths, she may only purchase Tier 1 abilities.

The use of any skills on this list require the caster to have a Casting Focus. A Casting Focus is an item created by the caster, that is a personal representation of her ability to cast. This item should be a gem, and my be in a setting (such as a pendant, ring, or bracelet), and may not serve any other purpose (i.e. - it cannot have any other game mechanical effects or value). You do not need to touch or hold the gem to use it, although it must be worn openly to be used.

The Arch Caster's first focus is created as the final step in opening the Arch Caster list. An Arch Caster may only have one focus at a time, and the focus must be present on them to be able to use any skills on this list. The focus should have a simple item card, denoting its owner. The focus can be stolen or destroyed like any normal item. Creating a new focus requires 15 minutes of concentration on the part of the caster, and renders the old focus useless.

An Arch Caster with access to multiple casting lower lists only needs one focus, and may use any skills from this list with any casing abilities they have.

An Arch Caster that also has access to a Ritual Tool (such as a Sorcerer's Wand) may use the Ritual Tool as a Casting Focus. A character may have one or the other, but not both items, at any one time - creating a new Casting Focus invalidates the Ritual Tool, and vice versa.

In order to teach this list, or the skills on it, the teacher and the student must have a casting class in common, and have the minimum requirements for the list in that class. For example, if a Mage / Priest wanted to teach a Druid / Mage, both characters would need to have four Rank IV spells in Mage for the lesson to be successful. Mages may teach Bards with two Rank IV Enchantment spells as if they were Mages, and vice versa.


Three new traits have been added, to reflect the new abilities in this list.

Source - Valence: These are abilities of a protective nature, drawn from the rarer and more powerful supernatural elements of the world. Abilities with the Valence trait do not expire at the end of a period - they carry over to the next period, until used or the event is over. Abilities cast with Valence may use Career Points used for casting other abilities (MP, FP, DP, PsiP or SSP), but different types of Career Points may not be combined for one ability.

Type - Augment (Battle Casting): These powerful abilities enhance existing abilities to potent levels, and must be combined with a casted ability. Unlike normal effects with the Augment trait, Battle Casted abilities may be combined freely, including with each other, or with abilities with other Augment traits.

Type - Augment (Thaumaturgy): These powerful abilities enhance existing abilities to potent levels, and must be combined with a lower list casted ability. Unless otherwise noted only one skill with this trait can be used at a time when casting another ability.


Battle Path:

Weapon Cast
Tier: 1
Build: 6
Usage: Continuous
Traits: Skill (Continuous), Augment (Battle Casting)

This skill gives the Arch-Caster the ability to deliver their casted abilities through their weapon and the ability gains the trait of the weapon medium used (Melee for melee weapons, Ranged for ranged weapons, etc). After reciting the verbal the Arch-Caster must attempt to strike the targets body as if doing damage or delivering a periodic skill in order for the ability to have effect. If you fail to land your strike within five seconds, the ability is wasted and the Casting Points are used up, just as if you missed with a spell packet. When the Arch-Caster purchases this skill they also receive either the one handed edge or one handed blunt skill for free.

Spell Holding
Tier: 1
Build: 3
Maximum: 4 Purchases
Pre-Req.: None
Usage: Periodic
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Battle Casting)

With this skill, the character may cast a casted ability and then hold the spell packet for up to 5 minutes (instead of 5 seconds) without losing the spell. The character must say the name of the ability at least every 30 seconds, or the ability will be lost as if it was not cast within the allotted time. The caster has up until the end of the normal 5 second casting window to use this skill - it does not need to be used during casting.

Double Power
Tier: 2
Build: 4
Maximum: 4 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Battle Skill.
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Battle Casting)

With this skill the Arch-Caster may double the damage, AP, Soak, or Threshold of a casted ability. To use this ability the Arch-Caster must insert the words "Double Power" into the verbal before the spell name. In example when casting an incinerate the Arch-Caster would state "I call upon the Volcanic powers from the eternal plane of fire to summon forth a double power incinerate. 400 Magic Fire."

Spell Surge
Tier: 2
Build: 4
Maximum: 5 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Battle Skill
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Battle Casting)

This skill allows a character to use any 1st or 2nd rank ability without the use of a spell packet or saying the verbal, singing, or concentrating the normal required time. The caster must have their arm extended and finger pointing at the target (the caster may not be paralyzed, immobilized, or stunned). To invoke this skill you must call “Spell Surge” and then the ability name. The caster must have a clear line of sight to the target, and the target must be within 10 feet.

Perfect Cast
Tier: 3
Build: 5
Maximum: 4 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Battle Skill
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Battle Casting)

This skill allows a character to use any rank ability without the use of a spell packet or saying the verbal, singing, or concentrating the normal required time. The caster must have their arm extended and finger pointing at the target (the caster may not be paralyzed, immobilized, or stunned). To invoke this skill you must call “Perfect Cast” and then the ability name. The caster must have a clear line of sight to the target. The caster must be capable of throwing a spell packet the distance of the target - she may be asked to throw a packet as far as the target if the range is questionable, but it does not need to be accurate.

Battle Casting
Tier: 4
Build: 10
Maximum: 2 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Battle skill
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Skill (Continuous), Augment (Battle Casting)

When invoked the user chooses one sphere, domain, psionic ability tree (Attack, Defense, or Disciplines), or variety of Bard Song (Nocturne, Lyric, Fanfare, Requiem, or Riddle). For the duration of the battle, the user may surge cast any abilities form the chosen category. Additionally, while casting any abilities, the user is no longer interrupted by damage. If struck while casting, the caster should finish casting and state “Battle Casting” to inform the attacker that they were not interrupted.


Valance Path:

Alchemy Shield
Tier: 1
Build: 4
Usage: 5 Casting Points
Traits: Valence, Defense, Latent, Superior

This ability defends against of one effect with the Alchemy or Poison trait.

Elemental Ward
Tier: 1
Build: 4
Usage: 5 Casting Points
Traits: Valence, Defense, Latent, Superior

This ability defends against of one effect with the Elemental trait.

Enchanted Armor
Tier: 2
Build: 5
Pre-Req.: 1 Rank 1 Valance ability
Usage: 6 Casting Points
Traits: Valence, Defense, Latent

This spell bestows 30 Armor Points to the recipient. The target may not be wearing leather, steel, or plate armor (or equivalent materials) to gain the benefit of this spell.

Mind Citadel
Tier: 2
Build: 5
Pre-Req.: 1 Rank 1 Valance ability
Usage: 6 Casting Points
Traits: Valence, Defense, Latent, Superior

When invoked, this ability will stop any effect with the Mental trait.

Tier: 3
Build: 6
Pre-Req.: 1 Rank 2 Valance ability
Usage: 7 Casting Points
Traits: Valence, Defense, Latent, Superior (Caster Only)

This defense will negate any one non-superior casted ability. If cast on oneself, this ability gains the Superior trait, and should be invoked as “Superior Negation” to reflect this.

Tier: 4
Build: 8
Pre-Req.: 1 Rank 3 Valance ability
Usage: 8 Casting Points
Traits: Valence, Defense, Latent, Superior

When invoked, this defense will protect the recipient from any one attack, including attacks with the Piercing trait.


Thaumaturgy Path:

Spell Proficiency
Tier: 1
Build: 4
Maximum: 6 Purchases
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Continuous), Augment (Thaumaturgy)

With this skill, the caster may specialize in a casted ability, named at the time of purchase. For each purchase of the skill, the caster may cast her specialized ability for one less casting point. You may purchase this skill multiple times for the same ability to reduce the point cost of that specific ability up to 50% only, rounded up (A 3 point ability can only be lowered to 2). You may specialize in a different casted ability for each purchase of this skill.

Lay Over
Tier: 1
Build: 6
Maximum: N/A
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Continuous), Augment (Thaumaturgy)

Any lower list latent defenses cast on the arch mage by herself does not expire at period change, for the duration of the event.

Spell Tether
Tier: 2
Build: 6
Maximum: 3 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Thaumaturgy ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Thaumaturgy)

With this skill the Arch-Caster may take a beneficial casted ability with a fixed duration and increase the duration to two hours. To use this ability the Arch-Caster must insert the words "Spell Tether" into the verbal before the spell name. In example when casting a Blur the Arch-Caster would state "With deception I conjure a Spell Tethered Blur"

Double Cast
Tier: 2
Build: 5
Maximum: 3 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Thaumaturgy ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Thaumaturgy)

With this skill the Arch-Caster may augment any casted ability with the attack trait such that the target must defend against said ability twice or be affected by each spell that was not defended against. To use ths ability the Arch-Caster must insert the words "Double Cast" into the verbal before the spell name. In example when casting an incinerate the Arch-Caster would state "I call upon the Volcanic powers from the eternal plane of fire to summon forth a double cast incinerate. 200 Magic Fire, 200 Magic Fire."

Arcing Cast
Tier: 3
Build: 5 Build
Maximum: 3 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Thaumaturgy ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Thaumaturgy)

When used in conjunction with any other spell-like ability, that ability then encompasses a 90* arc, 5 foot range, from the caster’s extended hand. If being used in conjunction with defensive abilities, a maximum of three targets within the arc can be chosen to be effected. To use this ability the Arch-Caster must insert the words "Arching Cast" into the verbal before the spell name.

Absolute Power
Tier: 4
Build: 5
Maximum: 4 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Thaumaturgy ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Thaumaturgy), Superior

With this skill the Arch-caster may enhance a casted ability so that it gains the Superior Trait. This skill can only be used in conjunction with a casted ability with the Attack, Defense, Headband, or Detection Traits. To use this ability the Arch-Caster must insert the words "With Absolute Power" at the beginning of the verbal. In example when casting an Absolute Power Enfeeblement the Arch-Caster would state "With Absolute Power from the deepest shadows in the realm of eternal Darkness I cast Enfeeblement". If used in conjunction with a latent effect the Arch-Caster must additionally notate the target’s card with “AP” prior to the ability name. When invoking an effect augmented by Absolute Power, the invoker must state “Absolute Power <effect name>.” This ability may be combined with the skill Double Cast.

The Bard Promotional Skill has been updated as follows:

Bard - Unbreakable Voice
2 Build; Skill (Per Event), Defense
This skill allows a bard to perform a song without being vulnerable to interruption or attack. Any attack that would specifically silence the bard or render her unable to perform the song fails, and all attacks that inflict damage or other effects will not affect the bard or cause the song to be interrupted. The bard may announce the use of this skill before or during the song. Stopping her performance to OOG notify others of this skill’s effect, when necessary, does not interrupt the song.

Fanfare of the Turning Tide has been updated as follows:

Fanfare of the Turning Tide
6 SSP; Traits: Arcane (Bardic), Voice, Augment
This song empowers the allies of the bard, granting them valor in battle. This song grants the bard and her allies +1 damage for the remainder of the battle.

The following Sorcery rituals have been updated as follows:
  • Ritual of The Amulet – Cap of 50, 1 point per 2 GP value of Gem. Any existing gems over 50 points in value are reduced to 50 points, not their new ratio.
  • Ritual of Storing – Cap of 50, 1 point per 2 GP value of Gem. Any existing gems over 50 points in value are reduced to 50 points, not their new ratio.
  • Ritual of Higher Embedding – The ability to embed one lower list spell and one Valence spell has been changed to allow the caster to embed three fourth rank spells. Items with Valence spells in them should be altered to replace the spell with two additional fourth rank spells.

The Tortured Soul skill "Replenish Essence" has capped at a maximum of 20 Magic Points.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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23 Jan 2012 21:35 - 23 Jan 2012 21:50 #2 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
I will start us off.

1) Those of us who have old Ritual of Higher Embedding Items. Are they now subject to be re-written and modified to fit into the rules, or will they be grandfathered in?

2) Can you utilize both purchases of Battle Casting at the same time, to say Surge Cast Air and Fire?

3) Does Valance Casting still occur as a 60 second roleplay? In the past when it was Mages only, the Roleplay was specific to Weave-Use... if say a Priest were to cast Valance, could they pray over you for 60 seconds?

4) While utilizing Arching Cast, does it modify the ability to the Area Effect Trait and thus make it impossible to Dodge/Evade?

5) The modifications to Ritual of the Amulet and Storing. Same as question one. Those who have Power Gems over 50, are they grandfathered or to be brought and modified to fit the new ratio?

6) Augment (Battle) and Augment (Thaumaturgy)

Type - Augment (Battle Casting): These powerful abilities enhance existing abilities to potent levels, and must be combined with a casted ability. Unlike normal effects with the Augment trait, Battle Casted abilities may be combined freely, including with each other, or with abilities with other Augment traits.

Type - Augment (Thaumaturgy): These powerful abilities enhance existing abilities to potent levels, and must be combined with a lower list casted ability. Unless otherwise noted only one skill with this trait can be used at a time when casting another ability.

Battle Casting Augment says "...or with abilities with other Augment traits." Does this mean I can combine Battle Casting Augments with other Battle Casting Augments ONLY or does it "with other Augment traits" mean I can combine it with Thaumaturgy traits as well?
Thaumaturgy Augment says "...only one skill with this trait can be used at a time when casting another ability." - Does this mean only one skill with this trait [Read: Augment (Thaumaturgy)] or does it mean just the Trait: Augment?

Edit: Silver, Gold and Mithril Pledge Items with Valance in them... are they also to be re-written? I don't think it's an issue, but I figured better to think up what to replace in them now than later.

Squire Lucas R. Brand
Squire to Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
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Last edit: 23 Jan 2012 21:50 by Chris G. (Cross).
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23 Jan 2012 22:00 #3 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
1) I'll defer to higher authority on this.
2) I don't see why is a problem. They will still be subject to the surge casting rules, so despite them being different spheres, you must still wait the 5 seconds.
3) Still takes 60 seconds. Valence is still the same power source and I believe is still roleplayed in the same way.
4) The spell becomes a spray attack and would work like any other spray attack.
5) Any existing gems over 50 points in value are reduced to 50 points, not their new ratio. No, they are not grandfathered.
6)No, Battle abilities can't be combined with Thaumaturgy abilities.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

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23 Jan 2012 22:14 #4 by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF)
Replied by Jurgur'mosh Goretusk (MattF) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Enchanted Armor
Tier: 2
Build: 5
Pre-Req.: 1 Rank 1 Valance ability
Usage: 6 Casting Points
Traits: Valence, Defense, Latent
This spell bestows 30 Armor Points to the recipient. The target may not be wearing leather, steel, or plate armor (or equivalent materials) to gain the benefit of this spell.

Could this be casted on Players with Iron Body?

Jurgur'mosh GoreTusk
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23 Jan 2012 22:14 #5 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

Aleister wrote: 6)No, Battle abilities can't be combined with Thaumaturgy abilities.

Does this mean one cannot Absloute Power a Weaponcast ability? Same question for Spell Holding.

Can you still use Tracking to follow the footsteps of someone in Absolute Power Invisibility, even if you do not have the means of seeing through the actual ability?

Squire Lucas R. Brand
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23 Jan 2012 22:29 #6 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
I have a few questions too:

Can the various augment skills be applied to spells read off of scrolls (not that the scrolls would be scribed with the augments, but that they would be applied to the reading.)? Additionally, can an Archcaster augment scroll spells to which they don't know the spell, e.g., a Druid Archcaster using Double Power Blade of Victory off a scroll?

Valance or Valence? In the Traits, each ability is listed as Valance, but in most other instances, it's Valence.

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23 Jan 2012 22:47 #7 by Toravisu (Toravisu)
Replied by Toravisu (Toravisu) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Is this for ALL casters like what about wildmages?

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23 Jan 2012 22:59 #8 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
No, you cannot utilize Battle or Thaumaturgy abilities with scrolls or items/trinkets.

"This class may be purchased as a higher list for Mages, Druids, Priests, Bards, or Psionicists"

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

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23 Jan 2012 23:05 #9 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

Aleister wrote: 6)No, Battle abilities can't be combined with Thaumaturgy abilities.

In that case, what Augment abilities can Battle abilities be combined with? I'm not certain what "Battle Casted abilities may be combined freely, including with each other, or with abilities with other Augment traits" refers to.

Can Double Power be used in conjunction with a Healing (Offense) ability to increase the damage done to undead?

Does the new Fanfare of the Turning Tide stack with Fanfare of Victory?

-Alexandre Blythewood

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23 Jan 2012 23:09 #10 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Travis - Read the first paragraph again.

Nate - Valence. I'll update it when it goes into the Rulebook. I must have copied & pasted a typo once into each different spell at some point...

Valence should take 60 seconds of RP to cast, correct. That was accidentally left out of the update process. Note that Valence is no longer Arcane - it's Valence, which is its own source of power. To learn more, you'll need to find it out In-Game.

Scrolls may not be combined with skills - you're not casting them, you are reading them. The skills also do not specifically state you can use them when making scrolls, so no doing that, either. Remember the golden rule - if it doesn't say you can, you can't do it.

Matt F. - You answered your own question. :) Iron Body is not Leather, Metal, or Plate armor - those are game mechanical terms for the armor that a Smith makes.

Arc Cast should give it the Spray trait. Technically, Spay is an Area of Effect, but that's an issue with the Spray Trait, not Arc Cast itself. We'll look into that one separately.

Invisible people still leave footprints, no matter HOW invisible they are. The same rule would apply if they were Invisible without AP, and you still couldn't see them.

You cannot combine Absolute Power with Weaponcasting or Spell Holding, correct.

Remember that abilities of the same Source and Nature trait cannot be stacked. Because Augment is a Nature trait, you cannot stack more than one Augment skill at the same time - with the exception of Battle Casting, because it specifically permits this. (This also means you cannot stack more than one Augment (Thaumaturgy) except for the noted exception in Absolute Power, nor can you combine Augment (Battle Casting) with Augment (Thaumaturgy) since they are both Augments.)

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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23 Jan 2012 23:11 - 23 Jan 2012 23:12 #11 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

Tobar wrote: Can Double Power be used in conjunction with a Healing (Offense) ability to increase the damage done to undead?

Does the new Fanfare of the Turning Tide stack with Fanfare of Victory?

Arch-Caster abilities cannot be used with the Healer list - it is not one of the five listed classes. (Wild Mages are in the same situation.)

Both abilities are Arcane (Bardic) Augments, so no.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
Last edit: 23 Jan 2012 23:12 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller).
23 Jan 2012 23:27 #12 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
The Life Domain prayer Lay Hands has the Healing (Offense) trait.

-Alexandre Blythewood

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23 Jan 2012 23:29 #13 by Oakroot (OakRoot)
Replied by Oakroot (OakRoot) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
1.) Could A Scholar incorporate any of these abilities in with their 1st Ranks or no because Scholars cannot be Arch Casters?

6)No, Battle abilities can't be combined with Thaumaturgy abilities.

2.) And could we use Thaumaturgy Path abilities while we are under the effects of Battle Casting?

3.) Does Double Power still cost double casting points?

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23 Jan 2012 23:50 #14 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

GJSchaller wrote:

Tobar wrote: Both abilities are Arcane (Bardic) Augments, so no.

But one augments Damage, Body and Fear Effects, the other is just a mini-battlecry.

You can stack War Blade and Prowess... so I don't see why you can't stack Fanfare of Victory and Fanfare of Turning Tide...

Squire Lucas R. Brand
Squire to Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
Tanis Rily'anna
OOG: Chris Goley
24 Jan 2012 02:29 - 24 Jan 2012 02:39 #15 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
It's not listed with the abilities but Double Power used to cost the caster twice the Career Points. Has this changed?

I'm also going to guess that Absolute Power doesn't work with Lay Over.

Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga
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Last edit: 24 Jan 2012 02:39 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507).
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24 Jan 2012 07:17 - 24 Jan 2012 07:23 #16 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Okay there was a few inaccurate responses posted here so I'll do my best to summarize the Battle vs Thaumaturgy confusion.

The Thaumaturgy restriction is only intended to mean for periodic Thaumaturgy skills. To answer David's question Lay Over works for any casted effect from this list. So if you cast valence on yourself, or an Absolute Power the lay over would be in effect. Thaumaturgy will likely get some kind of update that says only 1 periodic skill, which would exclude lay over.

You can cross over Battle skills with Thaumaturgy skills as long as you follow the Thaumaturgy restriction of one per casted effect. So should a caster want he can Perfect Cast, Double Power, Double Cast Incinderate. But you couldn't Perfect Cast, Double Cast Arc Cast it.

Also note that Absolute power states it cannot be combined with other higher list skills, except Double Cast. This also includes Lay Over and the text will be updated "soon". It not working with other higher list abilities means you can not spell surge absolute power spells.

Lucas R. Brand wrote:

Aleister wrote: 6)No, Battle abilities can't be combined with Thaumaturgy abilities.

Does this mean one cannot Absloute Power a Weaponcast ability? Same question for Spell Holding.

Can you still use Tracking to follow the footsteps of someone in Absolute Power Invisibility, even if you do not have the means of seeing through the actual ability?

As of the moment you cannot weapon cast an absolute power, as well as spell hold one simply because of AP's definition.

Tracking cannot be used to follow someone who has AP invis up.

Typhon Scyldinga wrote: It's not listed with the abilities but Double Power used to cost the caster twice the Career Points. Has this changed?

Correct. You do not use double the casting points.

Oakroot wrote: 1.) Could A Scholar incorporate any of these abilities in with their 1st Ranks or no because Scholars cannot be Arch Casters?

2.) And could we use Thaumaturgy Path abilities while we are under the effects of Battle Casting?

1) I'm going to go with No, for now. Jon or James can come and overrule me but at the moment your ability to cast a spell must come from a list that has access to the arch caster list to be able to utilize its effects. So wild mages cannot use arch caster abilities if they are a druid like myself, and scholars can not as well.
2) Yes.

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24 Jan 2012 07:21 #17 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

Lucas R. Brand wrote:

GJSchaller wrote:

Tobar wrote: Both abilities are Arcane (Bardic) Augments, so no.

But one augments Damage, Body and Fear Effects, the other is just a mini-battlecry.

You can stack War Blade and Prowess... so I don't see why you can't stack Fanfare of Victory and Fanfare of Turning Tide...

War Blade goes on the item, Prowess goes on the person.

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24 Jan 2012 08:23 #18 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Ahhh... touche. Fair enough then.

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24 Jan 2012 09:31 #19 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Can you Double Power Enchanted Armor? Or is the skill intended to be for lower list spellls only?

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24 Jan 2012 10:05 #20 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Type - Augment (Thaumaturgy): These powerful abilities enhance existing abilities to potent levels, and must be combined with a lower list casted ability. Unless otherwise noted only one skill with this trait can be used at a time when casting another ability.


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24 Jan 2012 10:06 #21 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

Lucas R. Brand wrote: Type - Augment (Thaumaturgy): These powerful abilities enhance existing abilities to potent levels, and must be combined with a lower list casted ability. Unless otherwise noted only one skill with this trait can be used at a time when casting another ability.


His question is a valid one. Double power is not a Thaumaturgy ability, it is a Battle Casting one.

That being said I am checking for clarification. I do not believe it is intended to allow such a combination.

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24 Jan 2012 10:09 #22 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Whoops... I misread Double Power and Double Cast... lack of sleep, go!!!

Spell Surge
Tier: 2
Build: 4
Maximum: 5 Purchases
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Battle Skill
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Augment (Battle Casting)
This skill allows a character to use any 1st or 2nd rank ability without the use of a spell packet or saying the verbal, singing, or concentrating the normal required time. The caster must have their arm extended and finger pointing at the target (the caster may not be paralyzed, immobilized, or stunned). To invoke this skill you must call “Spell Surge” and then the ability name. The caster must have a clear line of sight to the target, and the target must be within 10 feet.

My question is... if you were to be casting an ability upon yourself... like Earthen Armor, does the requirement of an arm extended cease to be valid? I know it sounds silly but I figured better to ask now and look silly than find out later and be wrong.

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24 Jan 2012 12:05 #23 by Dante (Dante)
Replied by Dante (Dante) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Arcing Cast
If being used in conjunction with defensive abilities, a maximum of three targets within the arc can be chosen to be effected.

I command the might and magic of the earth to Arching Cast, with Double Power, with Double Cast stone-skin

with Double Power 6

then with Double Cast 12 can be chosen to be effected

am i right or will it stay at 3

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24 Jan 2012 12:17 #24 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Double cast only works on attack spells.

Double power also doesn't work in the method you describe.

So it stays at 3.

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24 Jan 2012 12:55 #25 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Double Cast doesn't require you to throw a second packet, correct? You just have to call the second attack/lot of damage?

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24 Jan 2012 13:06 #26 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

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24 Jan 2012 15:36 #27 by Raphael (Raphael)
Replied by Raphael (Raphael) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Ok, a couple of quick questions, please forgive my ignorance here.

Double Power:
With this skill the Arch-Caster may double the damage, AP, Soak, or Threshold of a casted ability. To use this ability the Arch-Caster must insert the words "Double Power" into the verbal before the spell name. In example when casting an incinerate the Arch-Caster would state "I call upon the Volcanic powers from the eternal plane of fire to summon forth a double power incinerate. 400 Magic Fire."

With this skill, can I only affect the Damage, AP, Soak, or Threshold? If I use Double Power with Grant Strength, for instance, will it have no effect on the spell?

Arcing Cast:
When used in conjunction with any other spell-like ability, that ability then encompasses a 90* arc, 5 foot range, from the caster’s extended hand. If being used in conjunction with defensive abilities, a maximum of three targets within the arc can be chosen to be effected. To use this ability the Arch-Caster must insert the words "Arching Cast" into the verbal before the spell name.

So first of all, I'm assuming if this is used with a non-defensive ability, it is not limited to three targets, and affects everyone that gets hit by the arc, like a typical spray attack. However, how do you define defensive abilities? Are you referring to abilities with the "defense" trait, or are you referring to any abilities that are not attacks?

Secondly, is it Arcing Cast or Arching Cast? Or is one the name of the ability, and the other simply the verbal command you utter to utilize it?

Lastly, I want to say how much I appreciate all the work you guys must have done on this. It was clearly a significant effort, and I really like it- thank you so much!

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24 Jan 2012 16:36 #28 by Janus (Janus)
Replied by Janus (Janus) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Are these changes going in for this event?

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24 Jan 2012 17:01 #29 by Erdrick (Erdrick)
Replied by Erdrick (Erdrick) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster

Raphael wrote: Ok, a couple of quick questions, please forgive my ignorance here.
With this skill, can I only affect the Damage, AP, Soak, or Threshold? If I use Double Power with Grant Strength, for instance, will it have no effect on the spell?

Correct. Though i'll warn you that the Soak and Threshold section of the text wasn't supposed to come out in the final text and will be removed. (or so I recall)

So first of all, I'm assuming if this is used with a non-defensive ability, it is not limited to three targets, and affects everyone that gets hit by the arc, like a typical spray attack. However, how do you define defensive abilities? Are you referring to abilities with the "defense" trait, or are you referring to any abilities that are not attacks?

Correct on no cap, also anything that isn't an attack is also correct.

And I think its Arcing cast, as in it Arcs but i'll allow someone else who knows how English works to give the final ruling.

And Yes Mike, this is live as of right now.

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24 Jan 2012 21:26 - 24 Jan 2012 21:27 #30 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Rules Update: Arch Caster
Is there any kind of cap on how much Enchanted Armor you can have on you at once? The old Enchanted Armor had a cap of 2x your level. Does this still hold true?

Like normal spells, the same Valence spells may not be stacked.

This was omitted from the updated version of Valence. Was this intentional?

Elias Ashby
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Last edit: 24 Jan 2012 21:27 by Matt D (MattD).
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