Master Rogue List!!

  • Gallion
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02 Mar 2012 19:40 - 02 Mar 2012 19:41 #1 by Gallion (Gallion)
Master Rogue List!! was created by Gallion (Gallion)
Here is the master rogue list. It will go active for this coming event.

Master Rogue List
• Backstab Prof +5
• 7th Level

Pilfering Path:

Tier: 1
Build: 6
Maximum: N/A
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Continuous), Proficiency, Headband (Yellow)
This skill allows the Master Rogue to move at a heel to toe rate and utilize self augmenting alchemy (such as applying blade poisons or drinking a potion of invisibility) while under yellow headband concealment. (Not superior)

Tier: 1
Build: 2
Maximum: 5
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Defense, Superior
This skill may be called to stop a target from using any one-movement skill against the Master Rogue. This skill may be used during a hold if the rouge is fleeing in some fashion and someone is attempting to use a movement-based skill to pursue her. The attempted movement skill is canceled and the effected character is unable to use another movement based skill for 30 seconds. This skill may only be used on a target who is moving towards the rogue not away from her.

Trap Master
Tier: 2
Build: 2
Maximum: 5
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Pilfering Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Targets Object, Detection
This skill has multiple uses, but each use can only be used once per use of the skill. First it may be used to allow the rogue to treat a magically hidden trap as a naturally hidden trap for the purposes of detection. Alternatively it will allows a rogue to disarm a complex trap and bypass the number guessing which determines success. In both cases when this skill is used on a trap, any trap kit used in conjunction with the trap may be removed and taken, with the exception of the “Complex” trap kit. The final optional use of this skill is that it may be used to attach the “Superior” trait to any one attack trap trait.

Tier: 2
Build: 4
Maximum: 4
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Pilfering Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Defense, Superior
This skill allows the Master Rogue to dive out of the way of danger, functioning as a superior defense that works only against attacks with the area of effect trait or against a trap. If used to avoid a trap it will defend against all skills associated with one trigger.

Tier: 3
Build: 4
Maximum: 4
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Pilfering Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Defense, Superior
This skill allows a hidden Master Rogue to resist an ability that would allow an adversary to see through a yellow or red headband concealment skill. Once used, they are immune to being detected by any means and any source for 5 minutes.

Tier: 4
Build: 8
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Pilfering Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Headband (Yellow), Movement, Defense, Superior
This skill allows a Master Rogue to escape an unfavorable situation. At the time this skill is used (if indoors) the Master Rogue must move outside via the quickest possible method with any armaments or items within arm’s reach not possessed by another character. The Master Rogue is placed under yellow headband concealment for 30 seconds but is not restricted to any pace of movement. The Master Rogue instantly recovers from the conditions paralyzed, stunned, dazed, knocked prone, pinned, held and immobilized when calling this skill. The skill can be called as a defense effectively acting as an Evade, in which case the rogue must still use the movement portion of the skill removing her from battle. The traveled distance during Vanish cannot be tracked. This skill cannot be stopped by movement restricting or stopping skills.

Murder Path:

Skilled Poisoning
Tier: 1
Build: 3
Maximum: 4
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Targets Object
With this skill the rogue, with the aid of a marshal, may simply stand in the vicinity of a target item to administer an ingested poison. The rogue must stand within arms reach of the target vessel for a minimum of ten seconds.

Tier: 1
Build: 7
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Defense, Superior
This skill allows the Master Rogue to avoid any non-area of effect attack.

Tier: 2
Build: 6
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Murder Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack, Melee, Condition (Dazed), Superior
Allows the rogue to attack and disorient the target causing her to be dazed for 1 minute. For the first ten seconds, the rogue is considered to be “Out of Combat” only to the target. During the duration of this skill, any skill requiring a strike to the back may be used against the target from the front as well

Venom Strike
Tier: 2
Build: 5
Maximum: 4
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Murder ability
Trait: Skill (Periodic), Attack (Backstab), Melee, Condition (Poisoned), Superior
This skill allows the Master Rogue to instantly apply a blade poison and deliver that poison as well as a superior attack that deals twice the Master Rogue’s damage (including backstab proficiencies) in poison damage. Note that this is not a surprise attack, but it must be delivered to the targets back. The way this skill would be called, would be “VenomStrike, Sleep Blade Poison, 13 Poison” This would be delivered as one superior attack.

Poison Bomb
Tier 3
Build: 5
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Murder ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack, Spray, Superior
This skill allows the Master Rogue to alter any one blade poison into a Spray gaseous attack. When used the character must extend thier arms before them in a 90 degree arc and call “Poison Bomb” followed by the effect of the poison used, for instance “Poison Bomb Sleep Poison” or “Poison Bomb 32 Poison.” If a Poison Bomb strikes anyone inside a sphere or sanctuary of any sort the attack gains the area of effect trait and affects everyone inside the sphere or sanctuary in which the attack was delivered.

Tier: 4
Build: 10
Maximum: 4
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Murder ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Attack (Surprise), Melee, Superior, Piercing, Lethal
This skill allows the Master Rogue to strike a devastating blow on an adversary, dropping them directly to the critical stage of their death count and removing any death count increasing on the target. This attack will do a maximum amount of 800 body points. This surprise attack is considered both superior and piercing. If the Master Rogue wishes, he may apply (specifically) a greater blade poison before delivering the attack, adding the poison trait to this attack, if this is done, then the poison MAY be defended against as a separate attack.

Organized Crime Path:

Hidden Pocket
Tier: 1
Build: 5
Maximum: N/A
Traits: Skill (Continuous), Creation, Targets Object
The Rogue has a hidden pocket on their person. The pocket cannot be found when searching, and cannot be pick pocketed. The pocket is large enough to fit one item of dagger size or smaller, as well as up to twenty coins or gems as well as five potions or scrolls. You must designate one pocket or pouch as the hidden pocket and keep all these items separate from others while also noting the hidden pocket location on your character card.

Tools of the Trade:
Tier: 1
Build: 5
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: None
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Creation
With this skill the rogue is able to fashion a simple trinket that will allow the user use of one of the following skills. Lock Picks (Pick Complex Locks), Trap Tools (Disarm Traps), Sap (Waylay), Shadow Wraps (Hide in Shadows), Emergency kit (Advanced Entry Escape), Disguise (Advanced Disguise) The item must be chosen at time of creation and due to the makeshift workmanship the device fails to work at the end of the event. Crafting one of the tools of the trade takes one minute of uninterrupted RP, and when finished may be noted on the recipients character card.

Quick Reflexes
Tier: 2
Build: 5
Maximum: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Organized Crime Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Defense, Superior
This skill defends against any skill from a rogue profession or the master rogue list.

Death Wish
Tier: 2
Build: 2
Maximum: 5
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 1 Organized Crime Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Naming
The Master Rogue may call a Death Wish down upon a selected individual, when doing so it will allow all rogue to use backstab profs as regular weapon profs on the specified individual for a duration of 1 minute.

Safe House / Hidden Stash
Tier: 3
Build: 10
Max: 3
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 2 Organized Crime Ability
Traits: Skill (Periodic), Creation, Targets Object
This skill allows the rogue to create a small hidden area in a room by placing a small token in any area of a building to signify it’s entrance. If the rogue places items in this area, the area cannot be discovered by any in-game means. Alternatively the rogue may hide another single person in the area. If a person is in the area, the area may be discovered with a use of the skill “Find Hidden Doors”, however will only have a 50% chance of working each time it is used.

Secret Passage
Tier: 4
Build: 8
Maximum: 4
Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Organized Crime Ability
Trait: Skill (Periodic), Headband (White/Yellow), Concentration, Movement, Superior
The Master Rogue knows the existence of many secret passages throughout Arawyn. The Master Rogue role-plays for thirty seconds getting to and opening a secret passage then calls out Secret Passage and their destination and they (along with anyone within 20 feet of her with the fence skill that they wish to take with them, and one person without the fence skill) slips into the Secret Passage and puts on a white headband. They have to travel in a direct route and may not delay getting to their appointed position. Once there, they must appear at least 50 feet from any sentient being, and the rogue and her allies are under the effects of a superior hide in shadows for one minute.
This skill may also be used to naturally hide the Master Rogue and up to 3 allies with a superior yellow headband for up to 5 minutes per use.
For any use of this skill, an RP time of thirty seconds is required

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 02 Mar 2012 19:41 by Gallion (Gallion).
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02 Mar 2012 23:53 #2 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Master Rogue List!!
How many uses are on the trinket created by Tools of the Trade?

Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light

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02 Mar 2012 23:59 #3 by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen)
Replied by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Tools of the trade creates a 1-use trinket.


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03 Mar 2012 00:24 #4 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Do you have to designate which Tool you're a maker of (i.e., do you buy Tools: Sap, or is that designated when you actually make the item per period?)

Caltrops - small typo:
"if the rouge is fleeing"

Can a player have more than one Hidden Pocket?

Na'ar Chacov, Soul of the Stars.

Ayiri Amexis, Sorceress' Apprentice.
Lupta Tamasa, Torn and Blackened.

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03 Mar 2012 07:12 #5 by Tim P (OrganicGolem)
Replied by Tim P (OrganicGolem) on topic Master Rogue List!!
I.... I have no questions. O.o well written.

-Tim P
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03 Mar 2012 07:54 #6 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic Master Rogue List!!
1) Tools of the Trade allows you to make any of those Trinkets. It is designated when you make your one use Trinket
2) It's weird, but N/A in maximum denoted a single continuous skill. Usually it is obvious that you wouldn't buy more than one, but I see how this isn't as obvious. The bonus is your specific hidden pocket is always hidden, no matter how many pilfer or search attempts a person makes on that pocket, as long as you have it written on your card.

-OOG Michael Smith
03 Mar 2012 08:14 #7 by Darson Vett (Darson Vett)
Replied by Darson Vett (Darson Vett) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Does Statis fall under the "a sphere or sanctuary of any sort" as stated in Poison Bomb, i figure it does just want to make sure as the wording is a little different for statis.

6 Psi Points; Traits: Psionic, Concentration, Condition (Immobilized)
This discipline removes the psion from the time stream. The psion must concentrate to maintain this discipline, holding one arm straight out from the chest and the other flush against her side, and taking no other action whatsoever, other than ending the discipline. While under the effect of this discipline, the psion cannot be affected by anything, and cannot have an affect on anything herself.

Darson Vett
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03 Mar 2012 09:17 #8 by Kelly (Kelly)
Replied by Kelly (Kelly) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Does Poison Bomb get into a Quiet Contemplation barrier?

Quiet Contemplation
6 FP; Traits: Divine (Knowledge), Caster, Area Effect
This prayer creates a barrier around the location of the caster that instantly expands to a five-foot radius around her, pushing all beings other than the caster to outside of the radius. The barrier is immovable and totally impenetrable to anything except for normal air and ambient light. The barrier has a duration of ten minutes.

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03 Mar 2012 11:00 - 03 Mar 2012 11:06 #9 by THENPC (THENPC)
Replied by THENPC (THENPC) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Yes to Quiet contemplation, as it does say air can pass through.

Stasis I am unsure about, but I would rule yes.

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Last edit: 03 Mar 2012 11:06 by THENPC (THENPC).
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03 Mar 2012 11:05 - 03 Mar 2012 11:06 #10 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Anything that lets in air, should allow gas from a poison bomb to effect them.

For stasis it dosnt say that gas/air passes through the barrier like most of the other similar abilities. At the moment I can think of no logical reason the poison bomb would work in that scenario. We will revisit the details between those two skills and let you now what we come up with. We will likely either change the description of stasis, or allow it to be an exception.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 03 Mar 2012 11:06 by Gallion (Gallion).
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03 Mar 2012 22:32 #11 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Can secret passage be used to enter/exit buildings? Also is there a limit to secret passage? Can the Master Thief use it to go from Coast Haven or someplace on the other side of the Rift & appear inside the Monastery or upstairs inside a room in the Inn?

IG: Tyran Radley
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03 Mar 2012 22:47 #12 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Okay... a number of questions...

1. Is Stealth still dependent on the # of Hide in Shadows the person has?
2. Can Caltrops be defended against? Say A pursuer is chasing the Master Rogue & Caltrops is called. Can the pursuer call a defense to bypass the 30 second hold for calling another skill?
3. For Tools of the Trade, do the trinkets expire by a certain time if not used?
4. Is there a size limit to the Hidden Stash?

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
03 Mar 2012 23:12 #13 by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen)
Replied by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen) on topic Master Rogue List!!
1. Yes, it augments HiS, so Stealth cannot be used independently.
2. No, Caltrops itself is a defense, so it cannot be defended against.
3. End of the event.
4. No.


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04 Mar 2012 01:31 #14 by McDermitt (Matt Quagz)
Replied by McDermitt (Matt Quagz) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Dose unyielding pursuit work on Secret Passage?

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04 Mar 2012 03:23 #15 by Velius (Velius)
Replied by Velius (Velius) on topic Master Rogue List!!

Gallion wrote: Anything that lets in air, should allow gas from a poison bomb to effect them.

That might want to be clarified in the description for Quiet Contemplation since it specifically says "Normal Air", implying that gas and poisons would not penetrate it.

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04 Mar 2012 11:57 #16 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Master Rogue List!!

Bladesworn wrote: Can secret passage be used to enter/exit buildings? Also is there a limit to secret passage? Can the Master Thief use it to go from Coast Haven or someplace on the other side of the Rift & appear inside the Monastery or upstairs inside a room in the Inn?

Yes it can be used to enter/exit buildings. The range of use is limited to the size of the campsite. And you may use it to enter buildings/rooms so long as there is no living being within 50ft of that area.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

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04 Mar 2012 14:00 #17 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic Master Rogue List!!

Velius wrote:

Gallion wrote: Anything that lets in air, should allow gas from a poison bomb to effect them.

That might want to be clarified in the description for Quiet Contemplation since it specifically says "Normal Air", implying that gas and poisons would not penetrate it.

This is being discussed in the RM forums as well.


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04 Mar 2012 14:04 #18 by Matt D (MattD)
Replied by Matt D (MattD) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Do the normal restrictions such as Mythals and Sanctuaries still apply to the Rogue using Secret Passage? For example, a Dark Elf Rogue cannot use it to enter a room that has a Mythal against Dark Elves (given nobody is within 50')?

Elias Ashby
Proprietor of the Ashby Family General Store

Lord Templar Rayven Nightwing of the Order of Holy Light

(OOG - Matt D. - Photographer)
04 Mar 2012 14:20 #19 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Mythals act on areas, not doors, so they would still prevent someone from entering that area.

By Sanctuary, do you mean Rite of Sanctuary? Since that specifically blocks an area, it would prevent the secret passage from working. Strangely enough, on close reading, that doesn't actually stop anyone from entering the Sanctuary, just any physical blows, spells, prayers or alchemical effects... however, I think the intention was to stop people from entering, so it would stop secret passage from opening into that area.

-OOG Michael Smith
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04 Mar 2012 15:16 #20 by Bladesworn (Bladesworn)
Replied by Bladesworn (Bladesworn) on topic Master Rogue List!!
If there's a Sanctuary over the area that has to go through, what happens? Example: Master Rogue & her cohorts are traveling from Pendarvin to the Inn. They have to go under the Monastery as it's the most direct route, but a Sanctuary against Dark Clergy prevents a member of the group from passing under. Since the players aren't actually under the Monastery, it's OK for the group to walk around it & keep going?

IG: Tyran Radley
Vassal of Alisandria
OOG: Paul Y.
04 Mar 2012 15:42 #21 by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen)
Replied by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Yes. You are OOG for your trip to the inn so any IG boundaries you encounter during that time do not affect you.


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04 Mar 2012 18:23 #22 by Kleidin (Kleidin)
Replied by Kleidin (Kleidin) on topic Master Rogue List!!
So, am I to infer correctly - not within 50 feet of a living person, undead don't count?

Lady Kleidin du Tenkukai Weaveforger Laurent-Belmont of Kaladonia
Master Witch Hunter, and Elder Druid
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04 Mar 2012 21:08 #23 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic Master Rogue List!!

Once there, they must appear at least 50 feet from any sentient being, and the rogue and her allies are under the effects of a superior hide in shadows for one minute.

Sentient, doesn't need to be alive.

In the philosophy of consciousness, "sentience" can refer to the ability of any entity to have subjective perceptual experiences, or "qualia".[1] This is distinct from other aspects of the mind and consciousness, such as creativity, intelligence, sapience, self-awareness, and intentionality (the ability to have thoughts that mean something or are "about" something). Sentience is a minimalistic way of defining "consciousness", which is otherwise commonly used to collectively describe sentience plus other characteristics of the mind.

(stolen from wikipedia)

So, if the being can perceive, you can't appear within 50 feet of them. That would include pretty much all NPCs and PCs.

-OOG Michael Smith
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05 Mar 2012 04:43 #24 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Do you have to be taught the list by someone with the same rogue profession as you, a la Archcaster?

While there is a Death Wish active, do the other rogues still need to call "Backstab" on their damage types in order to use their Backstab profs?

Na'ar Chacov, Soul of the Stars.

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05 Mar 2012 08:01 #25 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Master Rogue List!!
1) No, being a 'rogue' is defined currently as having a list that grants you Backstab Proficiency.

2) I am inclined to say yes, as to constantly clarify why the damage number is high during the duration of Death Wish. This way there is no confusion as damages are being called why Joe Rogue who normally swings 2s to the front is wailing on you for 20. ;-)

Squire Lucas R. Brand
Squire to Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
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05 Mar 2012 11:16 #26 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Can Quick Reflexes defend against skills that exist on a rogue list but aren't exclusive to rogue lists. For example, Break Limb.

-Alexandre Blythewood

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05 Mar 2012 18:04 #27 by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby)
Replied by Elric_Ashby (Elric_Ashby) on topic Master Rogue List!!
Okay, so I noticed that venom strike may have a bit of a typo in it. The example for damage is showing "13 poison" if the backstab profs are added after the multiplier that is one thing but if it is before the multiplier, then you should not be doing a prime number for damage.

Father Elric Ashby, Artificer, Priest of Galladel, Master of the Adventurer's guild, Warden of the Phokus.

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05 Mar 2012 18:40 #28 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Master Rogue List!!
The number is arbitrary. It's there for the example of how to call the skill.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

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05 Mar 2012 19:36 - 05 Mar 2012 19:37 #29 by Ardentfyre (Ardentfyre)
Replied by Ardentfyre (Ardentfyre) on topic Master Rogue List!!

Can Quick Reflexes defend against skills that exist on a rogue list but aren't exclusive to rogue lists. For example, Break Limb.

Yes. (Removing posts that are to the contrary to avoid confusion.)

The idea here is that a rogue recognizes these abilities and knows how to react to them. Whether it comes from a battleaxe or a club, it doesn't matter, the technique behind breaking someone's limbs is the same.

Lord Antrim Ardentfyre
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Last edit: 05 Mar 2012 19:37 by Ardentfyre (Ardentfyre).
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06 Mar 2012 00:27 #30 by Tsoli (Tsoli)
Replied by Tsoli (Tsoli) on topic Master Rogue List!!
With Avoid, do you need to physically move out of the range of the effect? If it's a 10 ft radius and you are right next to them, calling avoid means you move 10ft?

If so bringing up the D&D throwing a fireball into a 5ft room question, if there is nowhere to go what happens?

T'soli Silverbow of House Silverbow

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