Psion List

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26 Jun 2012 22:40 - 29 Jun 2012 09:40 #1 by Gallion (Gallion)
Psion List was created by Gallion (Gallion)
The Psion list, along with some general skills, have been updated as follows:

General Skill notes:

Willpower and Courage have been modified to shorten their duration to 5 minutes. This is to allow classes that rely on Fear or Mental skills to have a chance when engaging in combat.

Psionic Defense - 3 Build
Skill (Periodic), Mental, Defense, Psionic
The Psion can use this ability to negate a Psionic Discipline or attack that was used against her.

Enhanced Psionic Attacks - 5 Build (Psion Promotional Skill)
Skill (Continuous), Psionic, Augment
This ability increases the distance that a Psion can automatically hit a target with to 50 feet with skills from the Psionic Attacks School.


The existence of Psions predate the new world, and their exact origins are lost to history. Current scholars theorize that they are an anomaly not unlike healers. Where healers are born with empathetic abilities, Psions are born with the ability to use more of their mind than the average being. The birth of a Psion is noted to be extremely rare in the world, but because they are born with this gift, they are typically identifiable by the age of three to five and sent to one of two academies in Kormyre, where they are trained on how to control their abilities - Ravenherald's academy for Thought and Reflection (which specializes in the Psychokinesis and ESP schools) in Ravenhurst, or Von'Ritzers school for Superior Intellects (which specializes in Telepathy and Psychosomatic schools) in Vorllorn. Because they are born with this anomaly of a heightened mental state, they tend to complete with their basic training by their early teens. At this point they are ejected from the school to learn real life experiences and nurture their talents on their own. Those who are not taken to one of the schools at a young age often tend to die very quickly as a result of their own mind consuming them without the proper training. To date, scholars have also noted that this anomaly only appears to happen randomly and in those of pure human bloodlines, a reasoning behind this fact has never been determined.

Unlike Mages, Priests, and Druids, Psions draw their powers entirely from their own mind. Where other forms of casting channel an outside power, none of them can claim to inherently possess that power within themselves. This, along with the social distancing that comes from an advanced mental state at an early age, results in most Psions becoming very egotistical, and most common folk distrusting them for being "different," even more than those of other races. Elves, Dwarves, and Goblinoids at least look distinguished, but to the common man, a Psion is something non-human that is indistinguishable from the farmer next door... until they use their abilities. Some Psions have been mistaken for Wild Mages, and vice versa.

Rules concerning Psions
A Psion starts with the Body Ratio of 1/1 (1), and this may not change by any means, including by purchasing another profession.

Psionic Casting Methods
Psionic Disciplines require 10 seconds of concentration to cast, regardless of rank. All of the normal limitations of the Concentration trait apply. A concentrating Psion creates no indication that they are preparing an ability.

Psionic Disciplines of 1st to 3rd rank produce no visual or audible effect. The Psion must still throw a spell packet and connect with the target for the effect to work, and the target may attempt to dodge the spell packet. This method of attack and defense represents the Psion's mind attempting to grapple with the target, and the target's mind attempting to evade.

A target that is hit by a Psionic Discipline but defends knows that they were targeted by a Psionic Discipline and resisted it’s effects and will also know from which direction the Discipline originated. A target with Lore: Psionics will know the exact ability and from which Discipline the ability was that she resisted. A target that succumbs to the effects of a Psionic discipline is unaware of what ability affected her and from where the ability originated.

A Psion can dispel her own effects after 5 seconds of concentration. After the 5 seconds have passed, she must say Dispel "<insert psion ability name>".

Psionic abilities are divided into Schools, with different Diciplines of like ability in each School. The first school is free, with each additional School costing 5 build and a level requirement to purchase.

Psionic Schools
A Psion must know one discipline of a rank before learning a discipline of the next higher rank in the same School. The following list describes the effects and Psi Point costs of each discipline.

Psionic Attacks
The School of Psionic Attacks is slightly different from the normal Schools of diciplines, and use the following rules / exceptions:
  • Psionic Attachs use Surge Casting instead of the normal Concentration method when cast
  • Psionic Attacks automatically hit their target, and have a maximum range of 20 feet.
  • Psionic attacks that include the Physical triat can be blocked by any defense that will stop a Ranged Physical attack, such as Yado or Stoneskin.
  • All Psionic Attacks are "visible" in the same way spells, prayers, or other casted effects are.
Rank 1

Lesser Psychic Blast
1 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Physical, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 12 Points of Damage.

Lesser Ego Whip
1 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Mental, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 6 Direct Body damage.

Rank 2

Psychic Blast
2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Physical, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 24 Points of Damage.

Ego Whip
2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Mental, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 12 Direct Body Damage.

Rank 3

Greater Psychic Blast
3 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Physical, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 36 Points of Damage.

Greater Ego Whip
3 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Mental, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 24 Direct Body Damage.

Rank 4

Psionic Bolt
6 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Physical, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 100 Points of Damage.

Mind Thrust
6 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Mental, Psionic, Attack, Line of Sight
This attack deals 60 Direct Body Damage.

Telepathy School

Rank 1

1 PsiP; Traits: Ranged,Psionic, Naming, Mental
This discipline allows a psion to deliver messages directly to the subject's mind, Contact may be maintained for up to one minute. The subject must be within ten feet of the psion, and cannot respond to the psion except by her own means. The subject must be willing to participate in this discipline, though a failed attempt to use this discipline does not cost the psion any Psi Points.

Mind Probe
1 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Knowledge, Mental
This discipline allows the psion to learn basic facts about the subject by skimming the surface of her mind. The psion immediately learns one of the following items of information about the subject: name, race, profession(s), age, or worldly experience (expressed as the character's level). This discipline does not allow the psion to glean such facts as what deity the subject worships, or which schools of magic she practices, or similar secondary facts about her professions.

Rank 2

Mind Blank
2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental, Condition (Dazed)
This discipline causes the subject to forget her present train of thought and become Dazed for a duration of one minute. No amount of discussion or contemplation can clear the subject's mind.

Truth Ear
2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental, Interrogation
With this discipline, the Psion can determine if a statement that the subject has made is true or false. The statement must have been made within the past five minutes, and the psion must have heard the statement personally for this discipline to work. Mental or truth-detection defenses can be used against this discipline as normal, regardless of at what point within the five minute window the discipline is performed.

Rank 3

Plant Suggestion
3 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental
This discipline allows a psion to insert a suggestion of one single statement in length into the subject's mind. The subject must role-play the suggestion as though it were one of her own natural thoughts for a duration of TEN minutes. When the suggestion expires, the subject has no recollection of how or why she was thinking what the suggestion was. The suggestion cannot force the subject to do something against her nature, but it can alter the subject's perception of her environment to trick her into certain thoughts or actions.

Weaken Will
4 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental
This discipline forces the subject to expend a latent mental defense of her choice. If the subject has no defenses to expend but is currently protected by a Willpower, then this discipline negates the five minute protection afforded by the Willpower. If the subject has only unspent instances of the skill Willpower or no mental protections whatsoever, then this discipline has no effect. Weaken Will cannot be used to break the immunity of a Willpower against the skill Weaken Will.

Rank 4

6 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental
This spell places the subject under the caster’s control for a duration of fifteen minutes. The caster can order the subject to take any action she desires, and can issue complex instructions that the subject must fulfill to the best of her ability. The subject must apply her best efforts to accomplishing the orders given to her, to the extent of using abilities that the caster may not have been aware of, but would aid in performing an assigned task. The subject has no free will of her own whatsoever and cannot act on her own initiative, except where that initiative would directly aid in successfully completing an order given to her by the caster. The subject cannot be coerced into answering any questions truthfully by means of this spell. The subject possesses a complete memory of the experience of being under this spell.

Psionic Beckoning
5 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Mental, Naming
This discipline allows the psion to send a message of up to thirty seconds in length to any person that the psion has met in person, and who is currently on the same plane of existence, wherever that person is in the world. The recipient is able to respond with a message of up to thirty seconds in length.

ESP School

Rank 1

Bestow Daydream
1 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental, Condition (Dazed)
Dazes the target for 5 seconds.

1 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental
With this discipline a psion can amplify the primary emotion that the subject is feeling at the time for a duration of thirty seconds. The emotion overwhelms the subject, causing her to act upon it without any capacity to control it.

Rank 2

Psychic Charm
2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental
This discipline allows a psion to charm the subject into being her best friend for a duration of fifteen minutes. The subject will not act out of the ordinary and is not under the command of the character that has charmed her.

2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental, Rage, Naming
This discipline turns an opponent’s feelings toward one other person to complete and boundless hatred for a duration of one minute. The caster must indicate the subject of the opponent’s hatred at the time of casting either by naming her, or by pointing directly to her. The opponent is not compelled to take any specific course of action, but must do whatever she would normally do in response to bearing total hatred towards someone.

Rank 3

4 PsiP; Traits: Defense, Psionic, Caster
This discipline protects the recipient from the next attack that strikes her. The opponent’s attack fails and the attack ability is considered used. This spell does not protect against radius effects; these effects do not cause the spell to be expended.

Fortify Will
4 PsiP; Traits: Defense, Psionic, Latent
This discipline allows a character to resist a mental attack or mind-influencing ability.

Rank 4

Know Location
5 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Knowledge, Naming
With this discipline, a psion can gain a brief vision of the location of an inanimate object that she seeks, provided that the object is within a 5-mile radius of her. The psion must have held the specific object at a previous time, and devoted ten seconds of absolute concentration to connecting with the object, in order to be able to discern its location. The psion will see the object and its surroundings to a radius of ten feet. The psion can observe the object for a maximum of thirty seconds before the vision fades. A Psion can only maintain intimate knowledge of up to 10 items, all of which must be noted on her character card.

Psionic Reflection
6 PsiP; Traits: Defense, Caster, Psionic, Latent, Attack, Mental
This ability allows a psion to reflect a mental attack directed at her back at the attacker. The attacker must resist or succumb to her own attack, with the psion as the effective attacker.

Psychokinesis School

Rank 1

Minor Telekenesis
1 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Targets Object
With this discipline the psion can move or manipulate an object weighing five pounds or less, at a maximum speed of one foot per second, for a duration of one minute. The psion must be able to see what she is doing at all times. At the end of the duration, the psion can choose to spend the Psi Points for this discipline again and sustain the effect uninterrupted for an additional minute; there is no fixed limit to the number of times the psion can extend the effect of this discipline. The object cannot be used to attack someone, nor can magical abilities embedded in the object be invoked through the use of this discipline. The object must be unrestrained in order for the psion to be able to affect it. This discipline does not require that the psion strike or touch the object to be affected.

1 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental, Condition (Knocked Prone)
Target is Knocked Prone for 5 seconds.

Rank 2

2 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Targets Object
This discipline is a more potent form of Telekinesis, and functions the same in all respects, except that the psion can move or manipulate an object weighing up to fifty pounds or less.

Kinetic Disarm
2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack
This ability knocks any one handed weapon out of an opponents hand to the ground and may not be picked up for 5 seconds. The skill Retain will stop this ability. (Edit: Dropping " or any mental defense" - it's a physical attack)

Rank 3

Greater Telekenesis
3 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Targets Object, Concentration
This discipline is the most powerful form of telekinesis. With this discipline the psion can move or manipulate an object weighing three hundred pounds or less for a duration of one minute. The psion must be able to see what she is doing at all times. At the end of the duration, the psion can choose to spend the Psi Points for this discipline again and sustain the effect uninterrupted for an additional minute; there is no fixed limit to the number of times the psion can extend the effect of this discipline. An object manipulated with this discipline can be used to attack someone, provided that the psion possesses a suitable weapon skill. Magical abilities embedded in the object cannot be invoked through the use of this discipline. An object must be unrestrained in order for the psion to be able to affect it. This discipline does not require that the psion strike or touch the object to be affected. All telekinetic actions taken with this discipline are performed with an effective strength of plus three. A psion cannot concentrate on performing other psionic attacks, defenses, or disciplines while sustaining this discipline.

Inertial Barrier
4 PsiP; Traits: Defense, Psionic, Concentration
This discipline creates a force field around the psion that is impervious to all non superior incoming and outgoing physical weapon attacks. The barrier will remain in effect for as long as the psion maintains it, which is represented by holding both arms extended from your side, palms out. The barrier exists as a dome as wide as the psion's arm reach, and people who are within that extent are likewise protected by the barrier, and constrained from delivering physical attacks, for as long as they remain within it. The Psion may move at a heel to toe pace, and only those who the psion chooses to let inside the barrier may enter it.

Rank 4

6 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Caster, Concentration
While under the effect of this discipline, the psion cannot be affected by anything, and cannot have an affect on anything herself. The psion must hold one arm straight out from the chest and the other flush against her side, and may take no other action whatsoever, other than ending the discipline.

6 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Caster, Latent, Augment
This latent ability can be used for one battle after invoked. This ability adds an additional damage descriptor to the Psionic attack, either Magic Fire in the case of Pyrokinesis or Magic Ice in the case of Cryokinesis. Both versions of this skill are considered the same skill, and may not be stacked.

Psychosomatic School

Rank 1
Cell Adjustment
1 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Healing (Offensive)
This discipline heals six points of damage to the subject.

Strengthen Body
1 PsiP; Traits: Psionic
This ability negates the effect of any pain-inflicting attack, and relieves the recipient of all pain from which she is suffering for a duration of 15 minutes. An attack that causes injury or wounds in addition to pain cannot be completely healed by this ability – only the pain is treated.

Rank 2

Psionic Isolation
2 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Condition (Blind), Condition (Deafened)
Target is struck Blind or Deaf (caster’s choice) for one minute.

Heal Mind

2 PsiP; Traits: Psionic, Attack, Ranged, Mental
This discipline allows the psion to cure a subject of one temporary mental effect that is afflicting her.

Rank 3

4 PsiP; Traits: Psionic
The recipient of this ability will recover 5 career points and 20 body points at the conclusion of an undisturbed, fifteen-minute nap. The nap must follow the ability within ten minutes. If the recipient has multiple types of career points, she can choose the dispersal. A character can only benefit from this ability once per period. The caster cannot target herself with this ability.

3 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental
Target believes everyone is her enemy for a duration of 1 minute. Any attempt to help the target will be perceived as an attack, and the target will attempt to defend against it.

Rank 4

Suppress Memory
6 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental, Augment
This discipline suppresses up to one hour of the subject's memory. The subject has no recollection of the suppressed time whatsoever, and the effect has an unlimited duration. A character can only have one memory suppressed at a time, which must be noted on the character card; if another memory becomes suppressed, the character instantly recalls the previously suppressed memory. A psion cannot supress her own memory.

Psionic Paralysis
6 PsiP; Traits: Ranged, Psionic, Attack, Mental, Condition (Stunned)
Target is stunned for 5 minutes.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 29 Jun 2012 09:40 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller).
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26 Jun 2012 22:53 #2 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Psion List
I will be doing my best to get this into the Rulebook for this weekend. Expect an updated version to be released late Thursday night.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
26 Jun 2012 23:10 - 26 Jun 2012 23:30 #3 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix)
Replied by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix) on topic Psion List
If a concentrating Psion is struck, does it interrupt their concentration?

If someone I'm looking at is struck by Psychic Blast, do I see anything? What about for Ego Whip?

Will the duration of the spellsong Fanfare of Bravery be similarly reduced?

-Alexandre Blythewood

OOG: Zach Theis
Last edit: 26 Jun 2012 23:30 by Alexandre Blythewood (Eleventh Phoenix).
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26 Jun 2012 23:15 #4 by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin)
Replied by Seámus Aeislin (Seámus_Aeislin) on topic Psion List
So, I'll be the first to ask... Since Willpower no longer protects you from that same attack for 30 minutes and only for five now, is the cost of it going to drop at all?

Main - Sir Seámus Aeislin of the Clan MacInnes

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26 Jun 2012 23:29 #5 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic Psion List
Zach, "All of the normal limitations of the Concentration trait apply."

Shane, The costs currently remain as they are.

Zach again, I will get back to you on that.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
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26 Jun 2012 23:38 - 26 Jun 2012 23:39 #6 by Darson Vett (Darson Vett)
Replied by Darson Vett (Darson Vett) on topic Psion List
can absolute power weaken will overcome a willpowered weaken will

Darson Vett
Invester in the Bloody Stump
oog mike v
Last edit: 26 Jun 2012 23:39 by Darson Vett (Darson Vett).
27 Jun 2012 00:51 #7 by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen)
Replied by Draknar DoKanen (Draknar DoKanen) on topic Psion List

Darson Vett wrote: can absolute power weaken will overcome a willpowered weaken will



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27 Jun 2012 08:40 #8 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Psion List

Darson Vett wrote: can absolute power weaken will overcome a willpowered weaken will

To clarify on this - Absolute Power makes an attack more difficult to defend against, but it does not make the attack more powerful, piercing, or able to do things it could not do before. AP attacks do not do more damage, have a greater duration, or gain other benefits, other than being more difficult to defend against.

If you're immune to something, an AP (or Superior) version of that something still doesn't work on you.

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
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27 Jun 2012 12:34 #9 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Psion List
Will Psions have to be taught all their new skills by other Psions, now?

Na'ar Chacov, Soul of the Stars.

Ayiri Amexis, Sorceress' Apprentice.
Lupta Tamasa, Torn and Blackened.

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27 Jun 2012 12:51 #10 by Clove (Mark)
Replied by Clove (Mark) on topic Psion List
it seems from the way this is written that psionic attacks are their own school of disciplines.... is this the case?
if so does that mean the attack ranks 1-3 produce no visual or audible effect?

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27 Jun 2012 16:04 - 27 Jun 2012 16:16 #11 by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar)
Replied by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar) on topic Psion List
So are the ones who play Psions going to be given a re-write?

How many of the schools can one gain and do we need both to go to the next rank?

OOG: Randy Werd
Last edit: 27 Jun 2012 16:16 by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar).
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27 Jun 2012 16:11 #12 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Psion List
Nah, you're stuck with the old list. :-P

(Any time a list is changed, you're allowed a free re-write for that list, as needed.)

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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27 Jun 2012 16:16 #13 by BalindorIN (BalindorIN)
Replied by BalindorIN (BalindorIN) on topic Psion List
How exactly would the telepathy power work? Does the Psion throw a piece of papoer at the target and hope he catches it? Somehow this is one of those pwers that seems unlarpable...


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27 Jun 2012 16:25 #14 by Bat Cooper (Cassius23)
Replied by Bat Cooper (Cassius23) on topic Psion List

GJSchaller wrote: Nah, you're stuck with the old list. :-P

(Any time a list is changed, you're allowed a free re-write for that list, as needed.)

Just to verify, does that include minor changes, such as the change to the Bounty Hunter list with the ranged prof and bow?

IC: Bat Cooper

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27 Jun 2012 17:04 #15 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Psion List
Nate - Psions have always needed to learn from other Psions. The "fact" that they can self teach is incorrect, and has been a persistent error that lives on, despite repeated attempts to quash it. Psions are not Wild Mages.

Mark - As written, correct. I'm verifying this to be sure it is the proper intent.

Jeff - The best answer is "find a way to do it discretely, OOG." Passing an OOG note, an OOG aside, a cell phone text, however it works best for you. Just try to keep the OOG disruption to a minimum. (In the past, a pair of Psion PCs that worked as a team did walkie talkies with earbuds, but that was a bit extreme.)

James - If you want to, yes. It's a basic skill that isn't hard to pick up, but if you feel it's a major change to your character's concept, you could respend some of your BH skills into the new ones. You'd need to have a discussion with the Card Officer at event. (Please be nice to him, he's also dealing with Psions and Master Marksmen...)

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
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27 Jun 2012 18:37 - 27 Jun 2012 18:37 #16 by Jack (Keeperofdice)
Replied by Jack (Keeperofdice) on topic Psion List

GJSchaller wrote: Mark - As written, correct. I'm verifying this to be sure it is the proper intent.

Playing Devils advocate here, I can now Yado Mind Bullets that I can't see or hear. :-P

Ser Jack Siefer
Knight Of Drega'Mire
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OOG: Gus M.

“Men learn from their failures. I prefer to learn from the failures of others..”
"Sometimes what the world doesn't need is a hero. Sometimes what it needs is a monster."
Last edit: 27 Jun 2012 18:37 by Jack (Keeperofdice).
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27 Jun 2012 19:00 #17 by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks)
Replied by Winks Sharpthorn (Winks) on topic Psion List
Suspension of disbelief, Gus. After all, we can still Dodge effects that reach into our minds and play tug-of-war.

Though going along with what he said, if the intent really is to have Yado able to block the physical psionic attacks, I'd suggest making them the exception and have all 4 of them have audio/visual effects.

In Service to Travance
Ser Winks Sharpthorn, The Resolute
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27 Jun 2012 22:53 #18 by Atrus (Atrus)
Replied by Atrus (Atrus) on topic Psion List
Well, time to buy more "yados." :cool:

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29 Jun 2012 00:07 #19 by Maxwell (Maxwell)
Replied by Maxwell (Maxwell) on topic Psion List
Their seems to be at least a couple conflicts to be work out.

The new post:
Psionic Attacks
The School of Psionic Attacks use Surge Casting instead of the normal Concentration method when cast. Any of the attacks that include the Physical descriptor can be blocked by any defense that will stop a Ranged Physical attack, such as Yado or Stoneskin. Psionic Attacks automatically hit their target, and have a maximum range of 20 feet.

The current rule book:
Skill (Periodic), Defense
This defense skill allows a character to avoid one attack dealt against her, including a magical spell or prayer. The attack fails and the skill, spell, or prayer is considered used. Dodge cannot protect a character against psionics, bard songs, or radius effects.

Clarification from 5th post:
"All of the normal limitations of the Concentration trait apply."

Rule Book Suplement: Psions and Psionic Abilities
To utilize her power, a psion must maintain precise control over her body and mind. During the five or ten second concentration time before an attack, defense or discipline is delivered, a psion cannot fight or defend with weapons, use skills, or perform other manual actions, and can only move about at a walking pace. However, a psion’s mental discipline is such that even if a psion is struck by an attack, her concentration is not broken.

Just to be clear the old Psionic attacks were 5 seconds of concentration, under this new listing all Psionics take 10 seconds of concentration.

Ok, that's it at a glance.

P.S. Fate of Greater Protection still has Obscurement listed in it.

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29 Jun 2012 00:09 #20 by Chris G. (Cross)
Replied by Chris G. (Cross) on topic Psion List
The new edition of the rulebook with many of those changes has not been posted yet.

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29 Jun 2012 09:39 #21 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic Psion List
Hotfix for Psionic Attacks - this will be edited into the original post as well:

The School of Psionic Attacks is slightly different from the normal Schools of diciplines, and use the following rules / exceptions:

  • Psionic Attachs use Surge Casting instead of the normal Concentration method when cast
  • Psionic Attacks automatically hit their target, and have a maximum range of 20 feet.
  • Psionic attacks that include the Physical triat can be blocked by any defense that will stop a Ranged Physical attack, such as Yado or Stoneskin.
  • All Psionic Attacks are "visible" in the same way spells, prayers, or other casted effects are.

Dodge and other defenses will be updated to remove the exception to Psionics, rather than explicitly listing it here, keeping things streamlined.

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05 Sep 2012 02:35 #22 by rivanyasi (rivanyasi)
Replied by rivanyasi (rivanyasi) on topic Psion List
While reading over the Archcaster list, I noticed this:

Battle Casting

Tier: 4

Build: 10

Maximum: 2 Purchases

Pre-Req.: 1 Tier 3 Battle skill

Traits: Skill (Periodic), Skill (Continuous), Augment (Battle Casting)

When invoked the user chooses one sphere, domain, psionic ability tree (Attack, Defense, or Disciplines), or variety of Bard Song (Nocturne, Lyric, Fanfare, Requiem, or Riddle). For the duration of the battle, the user may surge cast any abilities form the chosen category. Additionally, while casting any abilities, the user is no longer interrupted by damage. If struck while casting, the caster should finish casting and state “Battle Casting” to inform the attacker that they were not interrupted.

Does the Psionics section of this skill need to change based on the new structure of Psionics?

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