ALT EVENT (2014)

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10 Mar 2014 11:51 - 10 Mar 2014 14:25 #1 by Gallion (Gallion)
ALT EVENT (2014) was created by Gallion (Gallion)
The following is vital information on this years ALT event.

The Continent of VIS
In the middle of deadly and turbulent Dalpharian Ocean lies the Continent of VIS. Because of its small size VIS has always felt over crowded by the races that live there. The current races and cultures are The Lisidarian Elves of the west, The Goblins of Varda to the North, the Arkanarium Gnomes of the south and the Theologian Esmidian Empire of to the East.

Gnomes and the Magi-Tech
In the middle of the cotenants history some twelve hundred years ago, did a race of gnomes arise and develop a smooth blending of magic and technology, known as the Magi-tech. Some three hundred years later the Magic-tech boomed and began to become a predominant fixture on the world. It was during this time the people of the old kingdom of Marquessa did voluntarily leave VIS, stating that the Magi-Tech was an abomination and would one day destroy the cotenant. They were never heard from again and assumed to have died on the violent Dalpharian sea. The exodus of these people did make way to a new Theological Empire known Esmidia, which exists to this day.

With every century that past, the Gnomes Magi-tech began to bleed into the lives of every civilization on VIS, as the gnomes traded magi-tech equipment and items for favors and aid from the other races. Eventually the races became dependent on Magi-tech and eventually on the gnomes themselves, for only the gnomes had the ability to repair and upgrade the magi-tech. This dependency on the Magi-tech has at current day become extreme. Many of the cultures have used it for so long that a world without it is daunting and arguably impossible.

A Geological Nightmare
For the last two hundred years, VIS has begun to suffer from earthquakes, tsunamis, underground fires, and other geological nightmares. There are factions who believe that the Magi-tech has nothing to do with these disasters and that they will eventually end on their own. There is also a faction who believes that the Magi-tech is the direct cause of these disasters, quoting the parting words of the old Marquessa. As such there is a new push by people of this faction to rid themselves of the Magi-tech. It was this fear of the Magi-tech and newly formed strained relations brought on by the disasters, that races came together and agreed to create the neutral territories of Arena.

The Neutral Territories of Arena
With tensions being high, approximately one hundred years ago, the leaders of all kingdoms agreed to relinquish a small part of their land to create a centralized neutral territory known as Arena. Within its boundaries are many towns and hamlets, shared by all kingdoms equally. It was agreed upon by all races (reluctantly by the gnomes) that greater and larger devices of magi-tech be banned from this territory.

Artasia and The VIS-EXODUS
About three years ago on one of the towns within Arena, known as Atasia, did the people of that town uncover a strange and ancient device. The gnomes did identify the carvings upon it as being of their kind, but too ancient for even them to decipher. What could be determined was that it was some type of teleportation device. The gnomes tried to stake claim to it, but because it was in the neutral territory the other races stood firm against such a claim and so the device was to remain in Artasia, to be further uncovered and experimented upon. All of the races chose delegates to oversee a mission known as VIS-EXODUS. The missions goal, to get this device working in hoes that it might be able to provide an escape from the continent in the case that the disasters worsen. The delegates all appointed members of their cultures to become members of the VIS-EXODUS team, who have been living in Artasia for the last two years, studying the device. Largely progress had been painfully slow, until five months ago, when the device suddenly appeared to “Awaken”. Coinciding with this event, the Magi-tech on VIS also seems to have become more efficient, and the disasters have also increased in frequency creating a new more urgent rush for the people of the VIS-EXODUS to make progress on their mission.

* * * * *

(OOG Note - the following professions may not be played at the Alt Event:
Dragoon, Priest, Cleric, Druid, Bard, Buccaneer, Healer)

Lisidarian Elves
A thousand years ago these elves were a proud magical race. Centuries of dependency on the Magi-tech has gradually made them lazy with their art, and they have all but forgotten their magical roots. Tall and slender they stand, pointed ears, pale skin of various extremes and jet-black hair, usually worn long. The last remaining vestiges of their ancient heritages magic dwell deep within their eyes sometimes, though not always sporting a unique and vibrant color. The Lisidarian are known for having the best swordsmen in the world and are highly agile and mobile. Their society is highly dependent on Magi-tech to survive, even more so than the other races of VIS.
(OOG Notes - Can only choose to play martial professions or physician. +1 Damage with weapons due to skill. No Racials)

Goblins of Varda
The Goblins of Varda are a highly intelligent, with dark mottled green skin and gremlin-like features. In addition to their advanced inventive minds, they are highly skilled in the alchemical arts, and subjugate all other green skin and goblinoids such as orcs and ogres, through controlling their behavior with highly addictive substances.
(OOG Notes – Alchemist, Scholars, Smiths and Physicians are common, but can play other professions. No Racials. All Goblins start with five vials of GOOP, a drug that is highly addictive to and desired by Orcs and Ogres)

- Orcs and Ogres. Orcs and Ogres are an important part of the goblinoid society. Because Varda is a mountainous region, the goblins need strength to help with the heavy lifting. Lacking that strength themselves, they subjugate the Orcs and Ogres to do it for them, with promises of the alchemy they love so dear. When an Orc or Ogre has particularly impressed the Goblins of Varda, the goblins will sometimes grant them an augmentation which is seen as a badge of prestige, such as a movable iron jaw, a mechanical arm etc…
(OOG NOTES - Can only choose to play Martial Classes. May start with metal augmentations, if built into costuming. All Orcs and Ogres gain +1 Strength. No Racials)

Gnomes of Arkanarium
The Gnomes of Arkanarium are a race that is generally short in stature and stark white of skin, often sporting dark red tattoos artfully applied on their face in unnerving sometimes scary patterns. Their dress is usually, but not always, highly outlandish and eccentric. They are highly advanced from a technological standpoint and a magical one, and have merged the two art forms into what they believe is a perfect harmony they refer to as Magi-tech. They often act fun loving, care-free and playful, however there is a an underlying hint of cynicism and deviousness that sometimes peeks through their personality which is awkward and sometimes even creepy.
(OOG NOTES – Can only choose Mage, Scholar, Wild Mage, Torturer, Smith or Physician. +10 Magic Points. No Racials)

Theologians of the Esmidian Empire
Largely a humanoid land, the people of Esmidia are controlled by a theologian belief system that the energy released into the world by expressing emotions are the actual source of all power. The high priests of this land are all masters of the their emotions and have the power to heighten and intensify the emotions that their people feel, allowing them to contribute to their fullest. Some people of Esmidia choose that their religion play a vital part of their day to day life, while others embrace it as only an underlining belief in the background of their minds.
(OOG Notes - Their priests are actually Psions, who use intensify as their blessing. Can play any available professions. No Racials.)

The Anomalies
In the rare wilds of VIS, in the small spaces between the racial homelands, the occasional racial Anomalies appear from seemingly no ware and wander around in a haze of confusion about their past, eventually joining in with one of the existing civilizations. Sometimes a short stout thick bearded humanoid, other times a strange hybrid of feline and human. There have been various reports of the anomalies, though they are rare and always treated as second-class beings by the other races. Some believe that they are lost beings who became somehow mutated by the Magi-tech, effecting their appearance and their memories.
(OOG Notes – Can look like any KR Race, but effectively appeared with no memory of their past and assimilated with one of the four races/cultures. No Racials)

* * * * *

You are in the town of Artasia, a neutral territory where the ancient teleportation device is being worked on by the VIS-EXODUS. As a playable character for this event you have MANY options to choose from, all of them previously unheard of.

Choice I (Choose a Race/Sub Race)
Review the racial write-ups and choose one.

Choice II (Member of VIS-EXODUS Team, or not)
You may choose to play a character that moved to Artasia two yeas ago and is on the exploratory team to get the ancient device up and running. To choose this path means you must be genuine and cannot choose to play the concept of a double agent. Alternatively you may choose to play a character who simply happens to live in Artasia, and is not part of this team, but rather has always been an inhabitant of this town.

Choice Number III (Pro Magi-Tech or not)
Decide whether your character embraces the existence of Magi-Tech and believe that there is no connection between the disasters and the Magi-tech OR is against the existence of Magi-tech and believe that it has made the races of the world lazy and will eventually cause the world to implode. You may still be part of VIS-EXODUS and not particularly believe that the Magi-tech is bad.

Over the coming days, and week, we will release more information about the setting, including a “who’s who” of NPCs you will encounter in the game, more information about Magi-tech and even a map of VIS.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 10 Mar 2014 14:25 by Gallion (Gallion).
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12 Mar 2014 09:35 - 12 Mar 2014 09:52 #2 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic ALT EVENT (2014)
Magi-Tech are devices and equipment with moving parts, which are all powered by magic. Mostly this magic will allow a device, to fold and bend at a joint, move forward or back, hover, lift, press, pull, pump etc. Sometimes the magic will also augment the item such as attaching the effects of spells on it, such as light, fireball, etc.… and on rare occasion the magic has an extremely unique property.

A good example would be where as a farm used to require countless people working for countless laborious hours, now a farm usually has one or two people who command word control magi-tech farming equipment. When night falls, the person would activate the equipment’s light spell by verbal command, and could continue farming well into the night.

The main use of Magi-tech has been in many industrious areas such as agriculture, construction, mining, and data gathering. It is worth note that the Gnomes have begun to apply the technology to military application and as of yet has not shared this form of Magi-Tech with other races. This is of growing concern to the other races of VIS, despite the gnomes promising that they will, once testing on these devices are complete.


You do not need to choose a faction, but you may do so if you wish.

The Magi-Tech Consortium
This group is highly funded and fueled by the Gnome Kingdom. The belief is that Magi-tech is simply a victim to extremist views, and ignorant people of the world are over-reacting and the real travesty is the suffering that would be felt without the Magi-tech.

Conservation Society of VIS
Members of this group believe in healing VIS by gradually weaning it off of the Magi-tech. They believe that the neutral territory is a great start, but it needs to be expanded each year, as well as tighter restrictions of the use of Magi-tech, until it can be one day fully removed. The Gnomes refuse to see any merit in this course and members of this group believe that the Gnomes are just looking after their financial and influential interests, at the expense of others and quite possibly the future existence of VIS.

United Enlightened Liberated Races Opposing Gnomes
Primarily comprised of the Theologians of Esmidia, there is an extreme belief that the Magi-tech has awoken a demon, which is causing the disasters. This group believes that if all the beings of VIS die simultaneously that the pure concentrated release of emotional power from such a dramatic event will be enough to destroy the demon and allow VIS a proper re-birth. Extremists from many races have joined this group, except of course from the gnomes, as that races technology is believed to be what awoke the demon. This group is fine with and even promotes the use of Magi-Tech as a way to expedite the end from coming. This is an extremely small, but loud faction.
(OOG Note: this faction may not be a part of the VIS-EXODUS)

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 12 Mar 2014 09:52 by Gallion (Gallion).
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17 Mar 2014 11:53 #3 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic ALT EVENT (2014)
Character Submission for Alt Event!
Go ahead and submit your characters for the Alt event. If you submit them this week, then you will be able to start your character at level 7 (70 build spent, instead of level 5 (50 build spent).

Send your submissions to

Use the following Format:
Real Name:
Character Name:
Race: (Gnome, Elf, Goblin, Orc, Ogre, Esmidian/Human, Anomaly-x)
Faction: (None, Magitech Consortium, Conservation Society of VIS, E.U.L.R.O.G)
Skills (Build Spent Below)

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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24 Mar 2014 00:51 - 24 Mar 2014 00:51 #4 by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar)
Replied by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar) on topic ALT EVENT (2014)
Please remember the changes to character creation. All skills that previously required 5th Level now require 7th Level, and skills that required 7th Level now require 9th. I realize the rule book does not reflect this, but that is simply because of the scope of recent rules changes we have not finished the new version just yet.

Also note that all characters will be listed as Kormyrian. We are simply giving all races 4 starting Body and a 1.0 Body Ratio. Your actual race will be listed in the Character Notes. Also people should be able to view their characters in the database once they are entered, they are associated with your account.

Jason Michaeli

Sir Daniel McKraegar
Knight of Kaladonia
Last edit: 24 Mar 2014 00:51 by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar).
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26 Mar 2014 08:43 - 26 Mar 2014 22:47 #5 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic ALT EVENT (2014)
The Town of Artasia
Artasia is one of the many towns in the neutral territories of Arena. It is a very standard, low magi-tech town, comprised of an Inn, smithy, and various other buildings. The inhabitants are a mix of the races including some anomalies. Overseeing the peace is the Burgomiester who is technically in charge, however it is widely whispered that he is a pushover and that the town is really run by another. Artasia is the home base of the group known as the conservation society of VIS. It is one of the many places, where they have been re-growing trees for the last hundred years. It is in Artasia that the mysterious teleportation device was uncovered and is currently being worked on by the VIS-Exodus. A high profile gnome Senator is on his way to host a dinner party in the town and speak to the people on behalf of the gnome Kingdom.

The Botanical Reapers
As of late, creepy plant like creatures have been appearing and causing the death of innocent people. These creatures seem to de-compose their targets into the ground, killing them completely. The scared townsfolk have begun referring to them as "The Reapers". They are highly dangerous and many public warnings have been issued to be careful not to travel alone in the woods.

Who’s Who

Senator Akran Palazzio – Magitech Consortium, Council Advisor (Steve Oros)
Akran is a well-known Gnome and a firm believer in the power of the Magitech Empire, often supporting its production and expansion monetarily and influentially within the governing body. His power as a politician has allowed him to help further the goals of the magitech business with the other kingdoms of VIS. The growing disasters on the continent have caused his impatience with the VIS-EXODUS to increase. As time goes by, he continues to try and push for Arkanarium occupation of the neutral territory, fervently demanding that such neutral grounds should not exist and that the markings on the device clearly indicate Arkanarium property.

Raivaris Soundinghorn - Personal guard of Akron Palazzio (Kirsten L)
A Lisidarian Elf who is the personal body guard for Akran Palazzio. She is a well respected fighter and is known to do whatever it takes to aid her employer with his goals.

Algere ’Huttoni – Lead Gnome Geologist (JR)
Algere is the lead geologist of the gnome kingdom of Arkanarium. He frequently travels around with Akran as a means to talk down anti-Magi-tech fanatics that they come across. He is highly intelligent in his field and often one can find themselves rethinking their position after speaking with him at length.

Burgomeister Fruizzini– Leader of Artasia (Jeff Mclean)
Gorden’ Fruizzini is the elected leader of Artasia. He is interesting gnome who does not seem to care too much about Magi-tech or the Arkanarium agenda. He has embraced the neutrality of Arena and considers himself truly unbiased. Some are unsure how he keeps getting elected to his position of power because try as he may to exercise his authority, most seem to be fine with marginalizing his existence.

Ms. Cera Velletto- Personal assistant to the Burgomeister (Katie M)
Ms. Velletto is the complete opposite of her boss, the Burgomaster. She has her head on her shoulders, and tries so hard to keep him focused and on point. She seems to advise him frequently and the two are almost inseparable.

Lyssa’Lang – Leader of the Conservation Society of VIS (MB)
Lyssa is the current head of the Conservation Society of VIS, who’s base of operations has always been at Artasia. For the last one hundred years they have been based from this area and have been planting new trees in all the neutral territories, while fighting for the ban on magi-tech to be made stricter. She is seen as being a little bit eccentric, and members of her organization love her.

Yllaella'Yorgeson - Conservation Society Member (Padma)
Like all Conservationists, she loves and respects Lyssa. She only eats fruit or nuts that fall naturally because she doesn't want take the chance that the tree feels pain from harvesting. She is known for using plants medicinally to help cure and heal people.

The Ever-living– Owner of the “Sarcophagus”, Artasia (Mike Smith)
The Ever-living is called such, because it is rumored that he can’t die. He has been around as long as anyone can remember, and he never seems to age. He has in his possession a strange device he calls “The Sarcophagus”; a system that he uses that can bring a person, or himself, back to life without their corpse. While obviously a large and powerful device, it seems to be untouchable by anyone but The Ever-living as if it was an illusion. However, it has been confirmed over and over again to not be of Magi-tech origin, and so it has been permitted to stay put in the Neutral Territory. The Ever-living is a mysterious figure that seems to be mostly benevolent in nature, yet it is well known he doesn't bring everyone back from the dead, those few that cross him never find their way out of his Sarcophagus. It is softly whispered that he runs Artasia, and that the Burgomeister is his spineless puppet, though both would deny such a ludicrous claim.

Dizmenda Dallario (Dizzy) – Low Magi-Tech Peddler (Suzy Shaffer)
Dizzy actually dislike large Magi-tech, because the noise and smell bother her. So much so, that she retreated to live in one of the neutral territories. She is fine with smaller, magi-tech and makes a modest living selling it to people. The Burgomeister is constantly harassing her, to make sure that her wares are low-tech enough to fit within the neutral territory treaties. On occasion she was found to break this law, and has been fined on enough occasions that she desperately needs money and tries to sell everything and anything she can get her hands on. She recently opened up a Dog Kennel out of her shop and now tries to show that as her primary business in hopes that the authorities will lay off her, but her true business is still known to many.

Captain Argos – Leader of the VIS-EXODUS team (Sean Moulson)
Captain Argos is the appointed leader of VIS-EXODUS, he is kind and compassionate and a good leader, allowing everyone on the team the opportunity to make a difference in their mission. Despite his compassion, he is strong on his focus to get the job done, and under his leadership, the VIS-EXODUS team has worked around the clock to crack open the secrets of this device.

Lieutenant Digs - Lead Echelon Technician (Jason Michaeli)
Digs is the lead Echelon Technician of the VIS-EXODUS. Echelon is the term that was labeled for the moving parts and symbols on the transportation device. These symbols are vital to the workings of the gate in some manor that they are on the verge of uncovering. Because the Echelons are of a completely foreign language and design, Digs having been a priest of Esmidia, has created a mental link that can be used between the device and a living being. This link transfers the users consciousness into the device in an attempt to decipher the echelons for use. This link is known as The Icarus Box Interface.

Kastor’Kornon – United Enlightened Liberated Races Opposing Gnomes (Goose)
Kastor is the leader of the united enlightened liberated races opposing gnomes. He is a former Esmidian Priest, who left the church in his Kingdom, to wander the world and spread the beliefs of his new organization. Hearing about all of the happenings in Artasia, he has traveled there to investigate and to continue to gain followers for his cause.

Elia’Esmir – United Enlightened Liberated Races Opposing Gnomes (Tori)
Formerly a High Priestess of the Esmidian Royal Army, a higher calling of her faith has brought Elia to U.E.L.R.O.G. and Artasia. She is working closely alongside Kastor’Kornon to ensure the fate of VIS’s rebirth. Though she is a child, she is a prodigy among her kind – a mute girl of great power known to speak through the minds of those she favours. It is rumoured that crossing Elia is a dangerous idea, and she will take any measures necessary to get what she wants.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 26 Mar 2014 22:47 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller).
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26 Mar 2014 14:59 - 26 Mar 2014 15:34 #6 by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar)
Replied by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar) on topic ALT EVENT (2014)
Deadline for submitting character changes is Midnight tonight, so if you're waiting to the last minute to get them done that time is now. If you submit after midnight your changes will not be in the system in time. Thank you.

Jason Michaeli

Sir Daniel McKraegar
Knight of Kaladonia
Last edit: 26 Mar 2014 15:34 by Daniel McKraegar (Daniel McKraegar).
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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