Last Minute Banquet Details!

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01 Jan 2015 17:15 - 01 Jan 2015 17:17 #1 by Gallion (Gallion)
Last Minute Banquet Details! was created by Gallion (Gallion)
This thread will contain all last minute details about the banquet. The first post is the anticipated Main Auction Items.

$100 Game Stop Gift Card
This Prize is a gift card good for 100 dollars of Merchandise at Game Stop!
Game Stop offers one of the largest selection of video games, hardware and PC software titles around!

Uton Alexander's Flask
Uton Alexander was the Undead Alchemist Necromancer that lived in the area that we now call Travance proper, back before the Kingdom of Kormyre crossed the Rift!
Uton was an Alchemist of legendary stature having survived for centuries in the form of a lich. While the forces of Travance managed to kill him and burn his alchemy lab to the ground, somehow a single prized possession of his survived.

This special flask is said to have the ability to self fill once a month with whatever powerful concoction its owner concentrates on. (oog – Heroic Flasks) While only the declared owner may imbibe the concoction within, doing so does not cause the owner to overdose if they drink another from a different source.

Somehow, this item has floated around the under society of Travance, largely unnoticed and un-appreciated or realized for what it is. Now it has miraculously made its way into “YOUR” possession!

Unique Skill: The character may mimic the effect of one flask per weekend. This does not count as a flask consumed.
Concentrate Alchemy x2 per period (Usable on any alchemy, not just those made by the character)
Ignore Poison x 1

Time Lost Scroll
Long ago when time was a force, that mortals had not the sense to leave be, Chronomancy was a lore practiced by a few bold individuals. At some point in history, Chronomancy disappeared without a trace. It was rumored that the Keepers of the Lost Lore, from the Isles of Sevenlore, was the force responsible for its disappearance. It was also rumored that few remnants of the lore remained hidden in the world, in the form of powerful scrolls referred to in tales as The Time Lost Scroll.

Tales tell that the scroll had upon it minor and major glyphs. If the minor glyphs were translated aloud, the scroll would create minor ripples in time, effecting just seconds. How many times the scroll could do this, was unknown, but it was said that the major glyphs when read aloud would do one of two things. Either it could delve deep into the casters history and allow them to choose a path in life that they felt they wasted their time in, allowing them to retrieve the time that they lost devoting to that path. alternatively the major glyph could be used to erase the history of a tragic death from the caster. It is said that unleashing this power would likely consume the scroll, and destroy it in the process.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Last edit: 01 Jan 2015 17:17 by Gallion (Gallion).
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01 Jan 2015 17:31 #2 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Last Minute Banquet Details!
The brackets this year will be:
First Bracket: 1,000Sp - 10,000Sp [This bracket is Raffle Only]

Second Bracket: 10,001Sp - 30,000Sp
Third Bracket: 30,001Sp - 70,000Sp
Fourth Bracket: 70,001Sp - 150,000Sp
Fifth Bracket: 150,001+ Sp (This bracket is a Cash Out option for anyone who attends the banquet and has over 150k SP. All service points are taken, reducing the total to 0 in exchange for a unique reward agreed upon by the player and the Director. Anyone within this bracket should contact Steve Oros after the banquet to cash out thier SP.)

Sign-in will be held from 5:00-7:00. Please be sure that you have arrived by then. I do realize that some of you have to be late because of special circumstances. Sign-in must go as quick as possible. There will be a table in front of the room. At the table, everyone should form a line and have their money ready. After you pay you'll shift over to the right and one person will give you your card; shift to the right again and one person will sign your card for the build and give you your auction tickets.

You get one for coming and four extra for each point of build you purchase.. If you wish you may purchase more for one dollar each. Make sure you separate all your tickets and write your name on the back of each one of them before putting them into one of the three containers.

With so many people it can be hard to hear what's going on if your talking, and that's fine as long as no one is speaking at the microphone. Please, whenever you hear someone speaking at the microphone please, immediately get quiet and listen. This is extremely important for both the flow of the ceremonies and the respect given to the speaker. I can't stress this enough. We didn't have a problem with this at all in previous years, and Id like it to remain that way. Thanks for your cooperation in this.

It starts at 7pm. You can come to sign in as early as 5:00. Please, be there on time! Try to factor possible traffic into your travel schedule to be safe. The banquet is four hours from 7pm to 11pm, and everything is fit into a tight time schedule. If you arrive after 7:30 you will start to miss VERY important aspects of the banquet and if you come even later than that you may miss the dinner. So please make every possibly effort to be at this function on time. If you are nominated for an award and will be late please make sure I know so I can push back that particular award until after you arrive.

This is definately an event to have a blast and talk with all of your friends. And for 75% of the event it's expected and encouraged. However, please make sure that when someone steps up to the microphone and begins to speak, (especially for the awards part of it) you give that speaker your utmost respect by paying attention and listening quietly.

If you are not staying over night, we ask that you depart the campground shortly after the banquet is over. Space is first come first serve, and I will not be able to save anyone sleeping spaces. If you are staying over, please be sure to lend a hand in the morning cleaning up before you go. If in doubt on what to do, please ask me.

You might be chosen to come to the floor and read the envelope for an award. If this happens, please make sure that you do so in the following manor:
“The nominees for (name award) are… (Read each name clearly and loudly and wait for applause for each nominee),
"and the winner is…” then open envelope and read winner.

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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01 Jan 2015 17:52 #3 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Last Minute Banquet Details!
SP Auction
For the SP auction there will be two methods. We will be doing the traditional auction. In addition to the normal SP auction we will be doing a raffle style auction for each of the three brackets. This raffle style sp auction will take place prior to the traditional one.

How It Will Work
There will be three items in the low category and one item for 2,3,4 category. Those six items will be on display and will have containers next to them, similar to the three main auction items. You can use the SP on your card to buy tickets for this raffle. You buy these tickets during the halftime break of the banquet. You may only win something that fits within your bracket and if you win one of these items you may not bid on items through the traditional sp auction. Winners will be drawn at the beginning of each SP bracket, and the winner must be present in order to win, otherwise a new winning ticket will be drawn. The ratio of SP for tickets is as follows:

1st Bracket = 200 SP for 1 Ticket
2nd Bracket = 1000 SP for 1 Ticket
3rd Bracket = 2000 SP for 1 Ticket
4th Bracket = 3000 SP for 1 Ticket

The items are being posted below so that you can see them now and spend less time learning about them at the actual banquet.

All items below are flagged as “Banquet Items” and are good for the duration of the year stated. They do not count against your use of an artifact item.

Item Details will be posted Mid-Day on the Friday before the Banquet. Keep your eyes peeled. ;)

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
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02 Jan 2015 19:48 #4 by Gallion (Gallion)
Replied by Gallion (Gallion) on topic Last Minute Banquet Details!
Tier (1 -10k SP, Raffle Only)
1) Mysterious Scroll!!!
It could be anything?!??!

2) Demon Slayer Signet
Lore: Demon, Abyss, Demon Lord. The character may opt to swing +2 Fire, Earth, Lightning, or Ice Damage against Demons. Banquet Item – Valid During 2015

3) Dragon Strike pendant
Dragon Strike x2 Per Period (100 Magic Body) Banquet Item – Valid During 2015

Tier 2 (10k SP – 30kSP)
Medallion of Wisdom (Owl Necklace)
This Owl Medallion will act as a Fate of Wisdom, while still allowing the character to purchase the Fate. Banquet Item – Valid During 2015

Tier 3 (30kSP to 70k SP)
Bracelet of Burning Strength
Ignore Magic x3 Per Period. 
Whenever the character expends a use of Ignore Magic, they gain +1 Strength for 10 minutes. Banquet Item – Valid During 2015

Tier 4 (70kSP to 150kSP)
Seal of House Wellington
So long as the character holds this seal and title, they may exchange SP for Gold at a rate of 100 Service Points for 1 Gold Piece deposited into their bank account. Banquet Item – Valid During 2015

- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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