Stories from the Land, Part 2

21 Dec 2015 14:22 - 21 Dec 2015 22:26 #1 by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042)
Stories from the Land, Part 2 was created by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042)

Hunger drives this flight; while there were food stores in Drega’mire, it was not enough to feed such a large gathering of people for very long. The decision was made to move towards the capital of Alisandria, Caer Bridaeg, lest empty bellies undo Travance before they even had a chance to fight back against the Null.

They expected resistance. Instead, what they found was eerie silence. Perhaps a handful of husks harry the groups as they move forward. Even those who went out looking for a fight found less than what they had seen in Drega’mire. Everyone began to wonder: had the Null or its agents not yet made it here?

The answer to the unspoken question came in the night. Those who stayed awake to keep watch began to hear fighting - but it was not the cries of anything… human. A brave few snuck closer to the source of the noise and could make out shapes shambling, shuffling, and occasionally sprinting towards each other. Some had weapons, but many more set upon their opponents with fingernails like daggers and teeth that could rend bone. Some of them bent down and began to consume their fallen prey.

The undead armies of the Lich Fallow were fighting the Husks, and though it cleared a way for the Travancians to travel, they knew that this reprieve from the Husks was granted only so the Lich could keep “his” lands out of the control of this new enemy.

There were still husks to fight, people to help, and supplies to gather, but the oppression of silence was a constant companion until everyone arrived in Caer Bridaeg. Even with the stores of food and warm hearths to chase out the winter, the silence chilled to the bone. The road to Ostcliff lay ahead, an army of undead lingered at Travance’s back and sides, and all must yet pass the Fields of Fallow. Another unspoken question hung in the air: When Lord Fallow was through with the husks, would he turn his eye on a weakened Travance?

For Those Who Chose to Help People Run
Paeoniis' calm demeanor made him an important asset to coaxing many of the misplaced folk out of their hiding spaces. His assistant, Jenny, added to the friendly faces as he calmly spoke to the two children they found huddled within what was probably once a barn between the borders of Drega'mire and Alisandria, disheveled from what may have been a recent attack.

Outside Valanye, Burkhart, and Stenard were scavenging goods. While the stronger folk like Burkhart and Stenard found themselves the carriers, people like Valanye were quick and generally had a sharp eye for what would be good to bring. While they searched, their movements quiet and precise, the two dragoon stood guard nearby, Stenard brandishing his shield while Burkhart readied his polearm with a grim determination, awaiting the time the children were secured and the provisions that could be grabbed were ready to move.

Meanwhile, Orion had what he considered the easiest job, though it was just as important. He and Sir Caelvan Renaith were the eyes and ears of this particular group, the Sentinel and Emerald Huntsman working together.

Orion signaled just about the same time Paeoniis was sending the children out. Valanye grabbed the last items they could and Burkhart and Stenard readied for an attack. It was a lone Husk, its jerky movements slow, but with its curiosity, its steps quickened. Between them it was not a problem, but the second that was starting to close in left some to wonder if they had enough time to move with the items acquired.

From the brush Sir Renaith struck, leaping out in a flash and on top of the Husk. It gave the others the time they needed to finish up. They would have to accept only slowing it down, a third was noticed and it was quickly decided waiting to see if anymore Husks would arrive was not the best idea.
* * * * *
For Those Who Chose to Put Up a Fight

As the forces of Travance prepared to travel from Oringard to Caer Bridaeg, those militia that chose to fight with them prepared to fight for their faith, their conviction, their homes and families, and the lands that so many were far away from now. Squire Annora, mounted atop Mira, her favored drake, led the final push through Oringard to cut across into Alisandrian lands. Her drake cavalry, though having only fought their first real battle days before, was just as fierce and effective as ever.

The band of heroes and refugees cut across the lands, aided by what scattered outposts of order remained. Ciel Grigori, a priestess of Valos, was able to rally those people with her own faith to remain vigilant in defense of the lands and themselves, but to act intelligently and without reckless fervor.

Alisandria, beautiful, fertile, and the breadbasket of Travance, was full of well-trained militia. The heroes of Travance found the most support by an unexpected force of Enaxian halflings. The small band moved in steady ranks and with a disciplined tread as they assisted in preserving the lands.

A lack of Husks harassing the group was a noted and lingering concern, but this fact did not leave time for relaxation. Scouts like Kanas and Dennis Brand constantly skirted the formations within the brush and rolling fields that Alisandria offered, keeping an eye out for any impending Husks or Undead, keeping the rest of the group informed. However, the Husks that were encountered were swiftly put down by fire mages like Clytie, perfectly fine with setting any threat alight.

When the group arrived, Caer Bridaeg still stood and the town guard heralded their arrival. It was almost immediately noted an entire wall in the fortifications had been destroyed. The strangest part of this observation was there was no sign of battle around it, no debris to help determine what had exactly happened. There were several accounts that a Null have arrived and the wall had simply vanished under its touch... but others disagreed. Whatever happened, the Null that had been attacking decided suddenly to turn their silent rampage in the direction of the Fields of Fallow, disappearing into the night without another concern to the settlement.

* * * * *
For Those Who Found What They Could and Chose to Hide
Sir Jack Cypher and his magitech creations were a great boon to the collection of the vast stores of food across Alisandria, particularly in Abergavenny, the keystone of grain in the lands. Though not many of the commoners understood how they quite worked, they certainly appreciated and praised the improvement to the task that lay before them.

Wil, the young woman from Pendarvin, found herself further away from home than she ever imagined she would be. Experience from home gave her the chance to assist managing what farmers and laborers that were able to work, expertly dismantling their stores from the Harvest and preparing them for travel.

Another call for a Doctor and Winifred Sterling found herself working once again. She was tending to the wounded that were being sent through. The injuries varied from rescues, fights, and the occasional injury from a farm hand that pushed themselves too much or misused one of the magitech devices. Her steady hands were an appreciated relief to the populace and she found the people warming up to her Londwyn demeanor quickly.

To help with the injured and other business, a brief reprieve from the trail of Inovar found Ivan Solvei within Alisandria’s lands, gathering a few favors and resources for his kin. He supplied his various alchemical wares to the people of the land, the Romani's work being accepted and distributed quickly by many grateful and slightly desperate hands.

Dethie, though one of the dragon-blooded, would not be found on the front lines during this time. She had chosen to defend those who were collecting provisions and the Celt patrolled with other local militia, a strong and effective unit, offering what guidance she could fighting such a strange foe.

(For the Duration of this Round, the PCs are in The Bread Basket, a former farm turned Inn, on the outskirts of Caer Bridaeg)

Gunnar Gunnarson, Medicine Man
OOG: Joe Hines
Former Development Officer
Last edit: 21 Dec 2015 22:26 by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042).
21 Dec 2015 14:35 #2 by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042)
Replied by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042) on topic Stories from the Land, Part 2
OOG: Heads up -- the descriptions of the three choices, "Run, Hide and Fight" have changed to reflect the story that is being told. So we encourage everyone to head on over to the card system and re-read the descriptions, re-evaluate your choices and if needed choose again.

To make it perfectly clear what is going on -- the bulk of the population of Travance (NPC citizens) that have survived so far are moving along in one pretty large group, protected and guided by the PCs, through the lands of the Barony. The group is growing in size and feeding and protecting them is getting logistically difficult but the Barony's plan seems to be working for now. The restrictions on posting to the private forums is still in place. The one public message board still works and Private Messages direct to other characters still works.

Gunnar Gunnarson, Medicine Man
OOG: Joe Hines
Former Development Officer
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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