Stories from the Land, Part 3

30 Dec 2015 00:15 - 30 Dec 2015 00:16 #1 by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042)
Stories from the Land, Part 3 was created by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042)
Working in pairs the small groups of Birgitta’s Blood Spirits leap-frogged positions, staying out of sight and yet keeping eyes on their targets. Always vigilant for attacks from any side they moved through Alisandria, trying to stay clear of the fields of Fallow and find the gaps in the fighting. The silent war that was raging all around between undead and the husks was eerie but offered a much needed opportunity. The people of Travance, guided by the scouts, threaded their way through the eye of that needle as they exited Alisandria and crossed over into the lands of Ostcliff, headed for Hellock Keep. Once at Hellock Keep the plan was to use the fortress as a bastion of safety, gather the people and supplies stored there and maybe stay a few days to heal up the wounded before pressing on to Mordavia. But everyone in Travance know that plans rarely go off as expected.

For those who were focused on Running and finding survivors

Arradir is able to help the people find a narrow path of safety from Alisandria to Ostcliff, his watchful ranger’s eye keeping many from stumbling into the paths of rampaging husks or the undead that are engaging them in a ferocious battle. He steers several groups out of the path of ongoing melees, even as the fields of Alisandria are watered red by blood from both sides. The few undead that draw too near the path are swiftly dispatched by Matthias Bell who, despite only travelling a few times into Travance proper, has already proved himself a useful and capable witchhunter.

Peaches tried to focused on keeping people calm, on maintaining discipline, even as the refugees marched towards an unknown future. Many look to him as a guard, and a warrior, for encouragement, his presence amongst the evacuees instead of at the front lines was a welcome reminder that the heroes of Travance are still with the people, even in what may well be the darkest hour of all.

Caldor gathered many of the survivors as they head from Alisandria into Ostcliff, keeping their spirits up with his hopeful sermons, well timed healing, and numerous blessings. Several times he saves a life simply be healing someone who has broken their leg or twisted their ankle along the road. Mobility is life, and he is joined by Ellion-lee, a Romani alchemist who somehow finds all she needs along the pathways to make salves and potions.

Once everyone arrived at the relative safety of Hellock Keep, Rudy lead a group in temporarily shoring up the besieged walls and gates buying precious hours for the tired masses to recover and rest.
For those who focused on the Fighting

Finally Travance stood on the walls of Hellock Keep; which initially were holding steady. But it became clear after a day or two that they could not hold this position long. William Sterling set up ballista and other war machines upon the walls that the other smiths had reinforced, but even his Londwyn ingenuity could not hold in the face of a sudden onslaught of scurrying husks. A large section next to the gate collapsed and husks began pouring through the breach. Just where were they all coming from?

When Arkelian saw the wall begin to fall he led a charge to punch through an area where there were fewer husks to fight. With axes whirling, he was able to drive an opening through the ranks of the husks. Oren saw the opportunity and got word down the line that people were to start making their way through to Mordavia. There was a mad panic and though the two fought at point of the charge, and many husks fell, it was impossible to keep the retreat in any kind of order. They were aided by a force of Ostcliff militia who seemed to have no fear of anything, as if there was someone out there more terrifying than the prospect of falling in battle and becoming a husk- this militia held the flanks until some semblance of order could be restored.

The flight towards the capital was hard with only brief moments of rest. James Fairweather was among those who were able to help seek out the empty pockets where the husks had already passed, and his nimble sailor’s feet kept him one step ahead of any husks who noticed him. He and the others reported back to the group and the going was made slightly easier. But even with this tactic repeated around the groups of refugees, it seemed that there were fewer approaching Mordavia than had left Hellock Keep...

When Travance arrived at Mordavia they were greeted by incredible silence. No soldiers stood on the walls, the gates lay broken and open. Smoke wound its way up to the sky from somewhere inside the city. A once amazingly brilliant settlement, battle hardened over the years, was now left in shambles from the chaos and death these events had brought upon those who would call this place home. The group, tired from the previous battles and long marches, despaired at the sight of the town filled with smoke and at the smell of death as they trudged forward. They marched slowly, methodically, eyes keeping on the buildings for any sign of life. It wasn’t until they had reached the town square when chaos struck once again. It did not start with a sound, only the faint sign of movement as Grimkjell raised his blade, effortlessly slicing through a charging husk. A few hesitating footfalls approached followed quickly by more determined ones, until ultimately the entire group was staring down a small horde of husks moving in to surround them. Aiden DelDragon only looked over to the Northman once before charging in, the positive energy he channeled into his weapon sending white sparks off of his sword, his shield slamming into the face of the first husk he’d encounter with a bone shattering crunch. With no wasted motion the legendary witch hunter swung his sword slicing through the skull of another, following up with a deep laceration down the abdomen of a shrieking husk. Grim simply let out a sigh and raised his weapon, letting out the roar of a battle hardened veteran.

It seemed as if no one from Mordavia had survived. As Travance marched wearily towards Vallenro, a saddened Cecilia Mercier thought of her students. She could almost hear their voices in her head, asking her if she was alright as she fought off some lingering husks from the rear of the group. She shook her head to clear it, looked longingly back towards Mordavia one last time - and a group of mages came bursting out of the woods. The hiding magics they were using faded, and a large group of frightened but otherwise unscathed Mordavians joined the refugees. Her students had come through for her, and now they could work together to keep the husks off the back of Travance as they prepared for the difficult journey towards Pendarvin.

The story they told of the fall of Mordavia was not a pretty one to hear, but it made its way through the people regardless. Maybe it was the north gate, or the east gate; the details changed in each telling, but they all agreed that one gate was left open. Before anyone realized what was happening, husks had made their way onto almost every street. Those that hid and escaped said that less than half a day later the town was completely overrun, and that all of the husks then left in the direction of Hellock Keep.
For those who focused on staying Hidden and working on the Supplies

The stay in Vallenro was unexpected but the great mass of Travance managed to arrive together after fleeing the ghost town that was once Mordavia. Boryev Solvei opened the doors of the Wandering Souls meadery, providing a sort of public house to the Heroes for the brief stay. At a reasonable price, of course.

A pair of sylphs tended to the wounds of those outside of the meadery: Keola focused on the children, tending to basic scrapes with her own innate healing or various salves on her person, humming a soft tune to soothe what concerns she could. Sarfina concentrated on a refugee’s arm, the gristly wound gaped down to the bone. His family stood to the side, ragged and tired but otherwise intact, their hopeful eyes pleading. As muscle, ligament and skin miraculously knit themselves together before their very eyes they gasped in amazement. Even so, magic was not unknown to the people of Ostliff- the vassals had made certain to teach them of the true power it could hold- but, knowing the might and power of magic held by the Heroes and how easily it had been defeated by the Nulls some of the refugees of Ostcliff found themselves growing even more fearful.

So far away from home Aikichi assisted as he could, providing protection to the camps of refugees that were scattered among the ruins that dotted the landscape of the settlement. His calm presence brought an ease to the near broken spirits. Angrin, used to such work being a member of the Travancian guard, directed the small militia that had followed, ever vigilant in his watch and ready for battle.

Meanwhile, Belegchand furiously scribbled in the inventory ledger, noting the food and supplies they had gathered that would need to be moved with them to the mountains of Pendarvin. Every last apple and sack of grain was documented in neat, precise lines and every item was ready to carry. All that was needed was to once again imbue spirit and hope into those who might bear these vital burdens.

Xod, a young Namierran bard rather well known in Kaladonia, looked on at the downtrodden folk of Ostcliff and the masses of those who had followed the heroes of Travance so far. He knew that now was not the time to lose hope. Some of the people sat listlessly among the boxes of supplies, feeling too hopeless to move them. Some of them huddled quietly in clusters, too terrified to even sleep or eat. However, even with the loss of Hellock Keep and Mordavia, the people needed to continue on. A chill of frost was in the air and the caverns and peaks of Pendarvin would do little to provide shelter in the coming weeks if they did not hurry.

He took a deep breath and let the cheerful tones of his recorder ring out among the ancient ruins of Vallenro. His rousing notes stirred hearts and soon others joined in- their various voices and instruments rekindling the fire in their hearts as they shouldered sacks of grain and readied carts. They livened their step, ready to cross the pass into Pendarvin; firm in their resolve. Even so, they marched ahead with the knowledge that the narrow passes did not leave many places to hide. Now they would have to be more ready than ever.

(For the duration of this turn the PCs are at the Wandering Souls Meadery in Vallenro)

Gunnar Gunnarson, Medicine Man
OOG: Joe Hines
Former Development Officer
Last edit: 30 Dec 2015 00:16 by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042).
30 Dec 2015 00:32 #2 by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042)
Replied by Gunnar Gunnarson (jhines0042) on topic Stories from the Land, Part 3
As a way of making things crystal clear. Mordavia will no longer be accessible to the PCs for the forseeable future. It will no longer be available in the Land System.

If you had a business in Mordavia please contact me via PM.

If you had default actions in Mordavia they will be deleted.

Gunnar Gunnarson, Medicine Man
OOG: Joe Hines
Former Development Officer
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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