Knight Realms Spring Community Drive!
With the coming of spring, now is a great time to push our recruiting efforts!
For the April event, each new player you bring to Knight Realms will earn your four points of referral build and four thousand SP! Don’t forget to collect your referral build and reference this offer! On top of that every new character made in April will receive an extra five build to spend during character creation!
Also if you are an existing player who has missed out on the fun since June 2015, then please come back and join us for the April 2016 event and enjoy a bonus of ten build! Just remember to reference this offer.
We also have stacks of Knight Realms advertisement coupons! If you have a gaming store near you and would like to put some out there, please ask us about how you can earn build by doing so!
With the weather turning great now is the time to invite your friends to come join us! Now is the time to prod our friends who have been absent for a while and welcome them back into the fun! Lets start off spring with a blast!
- James C. Kimball Director, Knight Realms