Hello everyone!
The Land System Turn is officially open!
There's no more plot land actions. If you're unsure which ST/marshal you should have contacted at the event, Steve Oros is your guy. Please reach out to your ST/Marshal or just message me before submitting anything you may consider a plot action.
If you have an action that does not affect the land, it may not be a land action. You may also message me about this!
The Land Team loves a good story, but if we shouldn't/can't respond to what you write, it's just a good read that is probably best shared individually.
- Promote Trade: This is not working as intended. Please treat this as a regular action. I will try and determine a better way to utilize Trades in the system in the future.
- Skilled Work: When you make an action this event, please list any relevant class you have to the action if you would like to try and have it count as a bonus to your action.
- Railroad: The Railyard is complete! The Stationhouse construction continues! This also means PvP/PvE actions are being accepted as well. Rules on that are here:
**Other Notes: New/Upgrading Business related matters may go to Jonathan Foster-Tomlin through FB messenger or the KR forums
If you need anything else, please send me a message