THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)

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22 Nov 2009 18:55 #1 by Erim Walker (shiva14b)
THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights) was created by Erim Walker (shiva14b)
1. For the first time ever, being able to follow and be aware of the plot from start to finish (and making it to all the low-level stuff).

2. Low-level stuff that didn't feel contrived.

3. Seeing what it's like to be able to take damage and not fall down immediately

4. Taking down Gideon through a team effort that consisted of more than just "whack him til he falls down". Very very cool RP Geoff.

5. NPC: "So I'm taking all this damage from the front, and all of a sudden from behind I hear and feel SHIV SHIV SHIV SHIV SHIV, and I fall down, and I turn around to look behind me, and I'm like what, really, it's YOU of all people?"

Me: "What do you mean ME OF ALL PEOPLE???"

6. Dress-up bandits

7. "But no, seriously, doesn't anybody care that this shit is on fire?"

8. Three words: Chicken. Pot. Pie.

"Ok we can attack... but if we miss, we'll hit the villagers."
"I'm willing to take that chance!"

Things I am no longer allowed to do in an RPG :
31. The backup trap handler is not whoever has the most HP at the time.
73. Not allowed to name my cudgel Ceremonial Whoopass Stick.
74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live"

[OOG Jenna
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22 Nov 2009 20:12 #2 by GJSchaller (GJSchaller)
Replied by GJSchaller (GJSchaller) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)

4. Taking down Gideon through a team effort that consisted of more than just "whack him til he falls down". Very very cool RP Geoff.

Thanks?  :P  Seriously, Gideon is still a one-trick pony with his armor - a few tag skills or spells, and he crumples like a wet paper bag.  Don't fight harder, fight smarter!


* Low attendance meant I got some time away from the forge, which is a nice change of pace.

* Getting a certain plot rolling.

* Realizing exactly how many students I have now as Gideon.  Yikes!

* Walking into a mod that I knew was certain doom, (futilely) trying to convince everyone that it was a bad idea.  See Jenna's highlight, above...

* Having a damn good reason to pick up Medical Assistant.

* Running out to catch up with the Mod, and seeing Judge / Ethan already fighting.  "Oh, thank goodness!"

* Matt's Kiterian: "The fight's right outside."  Gideon: "I'm staying here where it's safe."  Dorian: "There's Assassins in here with us!"  Gideon: "It's safer to be at the battle..."

* Chicken. Pot. Pie.  NOM!

Lord Gideon Weaveforger of Kaladonia
Steward of Elvalion
OOG: Geoffrey Schaller
22 Nov 2009 20:34 #3 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
NPC Shift:
Kill Kill, Scream, Scream. It was easy work at least.

-Confession this moon was amusing
-I was dominated during the puppet mod and then spent most of it encased in ice thanks to Erdrick. However, what I did while not trapped in ice was fun.
-Hanging out with an old friend albeit brief
-Wildmage Couch
-Getting to research stuff and know what was going on!
-Feast was wonderful all around ^__^
-Ilana's concerned that all the demon knights that have been showing up are ice ones...

-So... what happened Main Mod? I think we won?
-Leaving early and apparently missing out on beating down a demon this morning

Marcella Torres
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22 Nov 2009 20:56 #4 by Aleister (Aleister)
Replied by Aleister (Aleister) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
This shit is ON FIRE!  Definitely something excellent came out of that.

Lord Admiral Aleister Demirosz, the Phoenix

* * * * * * * *
-Steve Oros
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22 Nov 2009 21:03 #5 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Fighting my own shadow....
Hanging out with old friends
Meeting and hanging out with new ones
Being presented with new and interesting rp opportunites.  I can't wait to see what these lead too.
Feast was amazing
The new and interesting religious aspects I seem to be getting myself into.

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves.  For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure....
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22 Nov 2009 21:09 - 23 Nov 2009 18:06 #6 by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
wow had a blast this event!
getting some awesome Rp in with the other two barbarians and feeling like a newly adopted Celt. Seeing the reaction to Pracika speaking with a Celtic accent was hilarious! and everything that went along with that plot.
-fun table full of win... asking illana to get us some booze and then being amazed to see baron montgomery bring us two bottles! then laughing as him and lord antrim kept watching our table as if amused LOL
-popcorn = mini wild mages = angry corn and dragoon fire (lolz had to be there)
-being very very furry and warm!
-learning everything right off the bat friday night was awesome! especially the RP between myself and sir crestingstar
-being bored then sleep time

-waking up and being invited on low level mod as the "big brother" and then going to NPC for the second part of that mod.
i LOVED getting to play a dryad! it was so fun. playing hide and seek with remi and hammish to simlpy use meld with tree :-) classic. hammishs' quill and magic (bucket) helmet!
-dinner = win especially with how much leftover food there was
-falling asleep in front of the fire snuggled up after feast.
-main mod = holy crap! i thought i was going to die! reached crit like 5 times and was saved through much wind walking by two very powerful mages! lol yay for being a barbarian and the irony of that! but seriously judge and jon you guys were AWESOME!
-watching derrick eat people (including me was hilarious) and at one point i was actually clinging to him for dear life because people kept bashing into him to stop him from devouring humanoid... i was like "yes i'm being eaten... derrick save me!" i got tossed around alot
-Diane in bird form always makes me smile cuz she'll go by me and say "flap flap flap flap" and laugh
- dress bandits... lolz
-hilarious discussions about andorra, Enax and Valos... i think i broke sorel and kwildar.. emar laughed tho!
-pass the parasite = lolz and suck
-having cal intercept a slay and not having any defenses left.... i was like "oh snap"
-having to leave early and cleaning up logistics got to hear an awesome and very charismatic story from vince (many lolz) and helped with the fire rat make up... waiting around only long enough to watch the NPC';s come back saying that Judge had put one of the signs on his forehead which said "this sh*t is on fire* lmao hilarious!
-oh yes... and coffee mongers and coffee mongers try #2

I had a blast though!

"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."

OOG: Adi
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22 Nov 2009 21:50 - 22 Nov 2009 21:57 #7 by Miso (rafael45)
Replied by Miso (rafael45) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Friday night- didn't really do much other than bar tend.
Saturday afternoon- took my first death ever, ((insert sad face))  
feast- chicken pot pie + strawberry awesome cake =  ;D
main mod- hooray for the newb ring!
after main mod- CURSE YOU DRESS UP BANDITS! *shakes fist menacingly*
all in all it was a great event, despite the lack of people. I hope to see you all in December.  
oh and I almost forgot- sold my first batch of "Miso's Make You Drunk Sauce". may there be many more. ;) 

May the spirits guide your path
(OOG Rafael Mayorga)
Last edit: 22 Nov 2009 21:57 by .
22 Nov 2009 22:00 #8 by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood)
Replied by Ilana Darkwood (Ilana_Darkwood) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
I forgot an important highlight:

During main mod I was told TWICE to embrace my demonic heritage to save the town. Once was a joke, the other time was much more serious.

Poor Ilana, at least it didn't have to happen

Marcella Torres
Land System Deputy
New Player Marshal
22 Nov 2009 22:02 #9 by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred)
Replied by Woolsey Bysmor (Osred) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
I'd like to thank everyone who helped me out this weekend!!  I really appreciate it!

It is interesting being on the otherside of the Larp... the largest challenge is getting the information to the PCs in a manner that is believable (not contrived), and making sure that information gets around.  This experience was inspiring to how to play my PC as well.

I was very happy with my lower level content.  I think it went off well, and in the end had the effect I wanted, where if it wasn't for the lower levels the town would have been devistated.  They held off using their uber ability until it was really needed, and it saved many players from taking a death.  I am glad they stepped up and became the true heroes of main mod!

And one of my favorite moments was when I was plot marshalling the beginning of the lower level mod, which was supposed to be RP intensive and giving the PCs important clues and a group of elementals meant to be a challenge for mid level characters came by and ripped the low level mod apart.  Looking back I was glad it happened as it gave the PCs a nice dry run of what was going to happen during main mod, and they were ready to go when they were needed!

-OOG Michael Smith
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23 Nov 2009 09:53 #10 by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar)
Replied by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Wow.. Where to start really....

Friday night-
NPC-Aguaran Priest... "Your town doesn't even care if oyu suffer", "Your town is weak, and pathetic"  I don't know how many times i had repeated things like that at the top of my lungs trying to get the town to find us.
that was about it for Friday that i can remember.

The mod in the cemetery? (at least that's what i thought i herd) With the Psion and puppet.
That mod being able to use some of my skills.
Being taught the rest of Earth spells which was scary enough with Gideon comming at the squishy me and not being able to bubble.
Going into what i knew out of game was going to be certain death but going anyway.
Having at the Mod before feast being in serious just in time to have a healer heal me and sitting there acting like i was unconscious till they were just about to harm me again and then going poof in-front of their eyes.
Saving Gideon at the same mod.
Chicken Pot Pie (was being made drool about it all day thanks to Kleidin telling me about it earlier that day.

Sunday morning...
The floating dagger of fire (Thank you Matt for being the dagger)
The awesome NPC's acting out towards it (Best RP i could have seen for it)

Low lights:
Lack of sleeping
Missing out after main mod the "dressing up" jokes from another NPC Psion (at least that's what i was told)

OOG: Randy Werd
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23 Nov 2009 10:55 - 24 Nov 2009 13:08 #11 by Janus (Janus)
Replied by Janus (Janus) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Look, it doesn't matter what the issue is.

Janus Ivillious
Court Sorcerer of Winterdark

Every man has his own destiny: the only imperative is to follow it, to accept it, no matter where it leads him.

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23 Nov 2009 11:24 #12 by Odo Garaath (Odo)
Replied by Odo Garaath (Odo) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Friday: Way tired, kind of slept through it.

Saturday: It's official. Grits are on the menu.
Dorian to Fredrick "Wait so like, chocolate covered centapedes? Because I saw your frogs."
NPCing was good stuff.
Losing a glove. Boo. Cold hand is cold.
Feast was amazing.
Missing Gavin's blow by inches and jumping inside.
RP between Sorel and Dorian one-upping each other's chivilry
Dorian "If we come up behind the enemy, I want you to run and get others to flank them."
Sorel "I was about to tell you the same thing. If come up on some Agaurrans and it get's rough, run and I'll cover you."
Dorian "Ditto."
The players cried out for warmth, and Mike Smith said "Let's move this to the mage's guild. Much rejoycing.

NPCs "Hey, we're going to put a dress on you."
Tom "wuh? Okay."

Finding my glove. Thanks Diane!
"Hark! A plot hook cometh!" Laughter ensued.

Good event after the ball. Great job on the plot team for coming up with something with such short notice!

"Praise be to Enax, and blessing to his followers."

(Tom Senger )
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23 Nov 2009 13:18 #13 by Liz (Liz)
Replied by Liz (Liz) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)

Fri night-

"Doug...seriously? *laugh*"
-Soul harvesters hurt... a ton....
-I dont think Ive fallen, run, been refreshed so many times.....ever. It was crazy nuttiness.

Then....running everywhere to help ppl who are screaming to get close and remember that Im a healer and cant do anything. /sigh

-Going to bed at home! Nice bed, nice shower, nice sleep....ftw


-I wanna be a torture victim!
-That was awesome rp btw. Watching the town get stomped on for awhile was honestly kinda scary.
-Dinner was fantastic even if I did want to throw Liam to get him away from me lol

Sat night......

-Realizing that we needed to hide the priestess and promptly leaving the battle to make it happen.

-Dying on the way back. Lying there going "cmon cmon cmon!" Hearing Sorel coming and rejoicing until I heard him get attacked. Thinking...."Well, at least someone might come down here now....maybe."

-Feild rezz!!! Through the focus with time to spare. Just in time btw for Zack to come in and waste us. Nearly took another rez!

Going home again bc I had work in the morning. All in all a very busy event. Props to everyone!

Lieutenant of the Baronial Guard

Mae Fang Zhang
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23 Nov 2009 14:14 #14 by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar)
Replied by Raxas (Raxas Lonestar) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Oh yes i forgot, Stealing the pumpkin as a goblins, which was Kleidin's pumpkin for cooking, and having Gideon pay for the buttery rice.  Then after getting the rice, having some PC's try and "teach" us how to use a spoon only to use it like a catapult for the food.  Good times  ;D

OOG: Randy Werd
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23 Nov 2009 18:07 #15 by Aria (Aria)
Replied by Aria (Aria) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
OH yes I did forget just how many celts and barbarians I splattered with buttery rice, I think that was the best idea I ever had.  ;)

Dame Tari Zhafirah Stonebar Deldragon of the Order of the Sagewardens
Dean of Arcane Studies of the Darkwood Acadamy of the Metaphysical Arts

Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves.  For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure....
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23 Nov 2009 23:16 #16 by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing)
Replied by Tyra Silverfang (Pracika Nightwing) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
lol omg yeah!
Pracika: Have you ever drank water from a stream? *she cups her hand to show them*
Stacey: *cups her hand and gets a full handful of ungodly buttery rice and throws it everywhere*
Pracika: ahhh ok um not like that, but that was close!

"There is a difference between a hero and a coward. A Hero wakes willing to risk death. A coward wakes wishing for it."

OOG: Adi
24 Nov 2009 14:35 - 24 Nov 2009 14:44 #17 by Dr. Kamei Kunsai (Kamei Lazuli)
Replied by Dr. Kamei Kunsai (Kamei Lazuli) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Let's see...Friday Night
-Going through everything that had to do with Gaia, while Kamei was like "why am I doing this?"
-Getting downed like, three times by an ice elemental on the same mod with Gaia, but being protected, yay! lol
-Having Hamish keep up with everything that was going on at the Ball
-Being hugged by Sorel outside after the celts told him that Kamei was with someone (which she is not xD )
-Going and sitting in a nice, warm, comfortable inn <3
-Then later that night while sleeping, hearing someone come in, calling damage while I was half asleep. Hearing Aleister getting up and kicking some royal butt, while I went back to sleep XD

Oh where to begin

-Learning physician list!!!!!
-Learning how to teach ^_^
-Getting to see an autopsy done by Maxwell on this poor man that had a steel ball in his back.
-Going off with the same group of 'innocents' towards the Monestary and then to a big open field where an ogre and two goblins were with this...plant.
-Seeing Hamish charm the Ogre, and letting the ogre lick him XD
-Taking the plant, watching it die a bit, seeing the NPC's freak out. And then watching Hamish and Billimg steal the darned thing and run off with it.
-Getting to watch Maxwell and Tier put the one new Dragoon's(Creed) arm back in place after it had been broken. That was rather amusing hehe
-Going through all the lands to find these different moss things, and at the one point being yelled at a farmer for going through his field (good job to that npc btw ^_^ )
-Hamish's bucket hat!!!! and the Kiterian with a crossbow ^_^
-FEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Yummeh

-Main mod, was soooo much fun to NPC
-Getting a giant two handed axe almost as big as me lol
-Using almost all my Chaos Warrior skills
-Watching people getting eaten by the Demon Knight
-...I think we kicked butt? I'm not really sure who won that one.
-Seeing Derrick be the demon knight, and come back in ten minutes later as Shen and whooping butt XD
-Sitting on the couch with Danny, Angel, Matt M, and Steve I, listening to the infamous tale of the Jackhammer, as told by Danny haha.
-DRESS UP BANDITS!! (Getting to see people in funny clothes. Including myself XD  The Count's Jacket and a pirate outfit lol)
-Going back to the inn and talking with people until about three in the morning. Then bed time. ^_^


-Being downed in the inn when there was only four PC's. All getting downed, but having a savior PC come in, see us, and run out for help =D
-Thank you ice elementals for the incase in ice, that was really nice XD

-Having to leave early...again. But not as early as last time D=
-Only having like...6 Khitans there >.< But Mae and I got some time to ourselves to talk, so that was nice.

Overall it was a good event, and it was fun ^_^
Hopefully I will see you all in February!

[Kamei Kunsai, Vassal and Health Administer of Kaladonia]
[Luminista Petsho-Aeislin]

(oog: Shannon F.)
Last edit: 24 Nov 2009 14:44 by .
24 Nov 2009 15:14 #18 by Mother Remi Sylvaine (effervescentjoy)
Replied by Mother Remi Sylvaine (effervescentjoy) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Ok, let me start off by saying this was one of the best events I've ever had.

*Fun and shiny low-level stuffs.  
*Really great RP with Kwildar
*Staying in the Guard Barracks. Other than wanting to beat (I think it was Quagz) over the head with that damn horn, it was really nice. Especially the part where we got attacked and nothing got past Antrim. Feeling like I can actually SLEEP at an event was completely unprecedented, lmao!

*Het Levin plot!
*Falling asleep on the couch instead of going down to the Plot of Low-Level Death right before dinner
*Getting to said plot very late and managing to not die (Huzzah for psalms of Divine Sanctuary!!!!)
* Three words. CHICKEN. POT. PIE. (Seriously, Diane, you're amazing. Can you always cook feast? <3 )
* RP with a random torture victim NPC. Alex's story brought Remi to tears and the conclusion, "This must be what hate feels like." Opposing deities ftw?
* Light Mass and Remi's ordination as a priestess of Andorra. Watching her grow up and developing responsibility and maturity is... well... bizarre. I've gotta say, when I first created this character, I was pretty certain she would never become "Mother Remi," but then again, that's one of the most beautiful things about RP... it takes you places you never even considered at the beginning of the story.

NPC shift
* Hats off to Mike Smith for the entire weekend mod. Seriously. It's a thing of beauty. Especially knowing that we didn't resolve the problem we encountered at Main Mod.... yeah. I'm pretty excited about seeing this come up again
* The creation of Fiona. the really wonderful RP that happened with this character, especially with Tirsen and Mae Fong, two character that I've never gotten to interact with before. (I'm glad you all liked my "inflict pain" induced screams at main mod, btw. ^^) Also, getting to save the day as an NPC is really a great feeling.  :D

* Fun Sunday Mod
* Porsha calling Remi naive, and her perplexed reaction.

and finally, the perfect way to end an amazing weekend...
The Jefferson Diner.
Let's face it, I have way too much fun with you crazy people to ever want to go home Sunday after clean-up hold. I had a blast hanging out with all of you guys that came out to the Jefferson Diner for dinner. It definitely made me wish that there were more OOG events, because let's face it, on top of being the prettiest LARPers around, we're also the most fun. hugs for everybody!   ;D

Main Char: Mother Remi Sylvaine
Priestess of Love and Song

Alt Char: Mira Aino

~*~ Nadine Morsch:: OOG
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25 Nov 2009 21:25 #19 by fathertain (fathertain)
Replied by fathertain (fathertain) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Hats off to James.  The inn looked fantastic this event.



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25 Nov 2009 23:14 #20 by LStarling (Kwildar)
Replied by LStarling (Kwildar) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
Highlights - In no particular order.

Adam, Andy, Jon, and whomever else was up in the Agaurran shrine (There was at least one more face in the gloom that at current I can't put a name to)  That was quite possibly one of the best scenes that few got to see that I've been a part of.
Tension, resolve, resignation, and inevitability broken suddenly with a very nick-of-time rescue.

The thought in the back of my head of Kwildar almost becoming the doom of Travance. :-) -- You all were fantastic, and I can only hope that my performance was half as entertaining, and compelling as all of yours.

Though, I do have to relate the story of the mini-hold in the middle of the scene....  Imagine Kwildar, in his armor, all four limbs broken, lying on the ground.  Agaurran demon spirit hovering over him, priests and templars having watch over the room, and somewhere in the darkness, Antrim waits for his moment to save the day.  Kwildar, his resolve still strong, but resigning himself to the end, begins chanting Andorra's holy words, just praying for her help in a strong death with her love...  In the middle of chanting, Andy calls a hold, and asks,

"What are you casting?  Do you have a Circle up?"
Me: "Nope, arms are broken, can't fold them in front of me for that.  Just... chanting."
Jon: 'Yeah, Andy.  He likes to roleplay, maybe you've heard of it?"
Andy: "Roleplaying!? Psh! I hate that shit!"

After a few moments of laughter, and composure seeking, we very quickly were back into character, in the heat of the torture. :-)

Kwildar suddenly going from the probable harbinger of doom by getting possessed, to the secondary glimmer of hope for everyone as the only Medical Assistant down at the circle after Antrim came in with the timely rescue.

Every bit of the Kwildar/Remi RP.  Absolute highlight.

Light Mass.  Great job everyone involved despite the constant rescheduling.

Creed and Kwildar trying to deal with Magnus's death.

Lessons with Solomon.

Pot Pie.

Every bit of physician RP with Doctor Maxwell, which includes my NPC Ogre's corpse getting kicked around and manipulated for teaching purposes Sunday Morning.  Pure gold, bravo Ben.

Post event Diner run.  "Hello, Mr. Theis." "Greetings Mr. Theis!"

Lowlights -

A bit more mud than I would have liked.

Midlights - The accomidation people would give me after calling "Strength plus X" to pick up Kwildar in his armor to let me stand on my own before dragging me down the path.

Lawrence Starling -- IG
"Really, bee! I don't smell flower-y!"
Malcolm Mallardi -- OOG
26 Nov 2009 11:48 #21 by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor)
Replied by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor) on topic THIS SH-T IS ON FIRE!! (November Highlights)
darn, lost my post, take two.
Great game, I had a lot of fun and great role play my only lowlight was that I had to leave early and I missed the Dress up bandits...damn it!

Fun RP and training with caiman, glad he was back.  Also from that...
"caiman seems rather smitten with you."
"What?  No."
"You were just having a civil conversation... and he held the door open for you."
"So?  He was just being a gentleman."
"We're talking about caiman."

-NPcing  for the captin planet mod, using my enviornmental education teacher skills to play an angry Nyad.  For the record I didn't actualy SAY acid rain, it was infered.

celt cuddle pile...not even the gank shift wanted any part of that.

Fun new insanitis to add to the celt pile.  

Death!  Great times from the angorian jerk who ganked me to the horribly akward reanimation scene.  being told by the count we had to leave while my organs were all over the place was possibly the funniest, akwardest and most embaresing thing ever.  And when I heard Fr. Ediwin yelling at us all I could think was "man I'm in so much trouble when I come back to life."  Thanks to everyone involved.  Especialy dr. Maxwell, snd Kweldar, thanks for bringing me back to life, sorry I accused you of turning me into a zombie.

"Whats with the plant?"

Meeting some new Dragoons.

Shout out to Hamish for taking charge of the prayer/spell thing...even if we had to keep dragging you out of the fight so you could cast it.

Go big or go home

ooc:  Terri DePrima
Moderators: Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
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