Feb 2010 highlights

09 Feb 2010 19:31 #31 by MikhailYhatzi (MikhailYhatzi)
Replied by MikhailYhatzi (MikhailYhatzi) on topic Feb 2010 highlights
Ahhhh, so good to be back ... just wish it hadn't been colder than a craven muskrat this weekend.


Not really sure what that means, but whatever, run with it ...

I can't really complain about anything other than the cold, so we'll just go with highlights:

-hanging out by the fire Friday night with a bunch of people, not the least of which being a flirtatious Kitieran.

-not being utterly useless in combat throughout most of the weekend.

-hiding in Shantytown while the rest of the town scrambled like madmen to avoid the mummy; we do have space underneath the beds for next time ... though I figured I was a deadman for a while there.

-meeting a bunch of new (at least to me) people, including Alexander (easy on the Satyr Wine, bro), Thomas Ravenmoore, Creed, Marika, and Tsoli to name a few.

-Kasmina: "Keep an eye on Tsoli."
Mikhail: "Why?"
Kasmina: "Just do it.  It'll be amusing."
Mikhail: "Tell me you didn't ..."
Tsoli: "I don't understand why this tastes like vinegar!"
*Mikhail buries his face in his hands.*

-roleplay with Kwildar: from learning more about being a member of the clergy to trying to get him to let go of his pain, the interactions between Mikhail and Kwildar are one of the reasons why I'm having so much fun with this character.

-seeing Kwildar wreck house on a bunch of undead by himself.

-having a feeling that Balthazaar was going to be going on the Howling Abyss adventure and feeling my stomach flip when I found out I was right.

-discussions with Kelly about what was going to happen if Balthazaar couldn't come back.

-spending most of Saturday night wanting to slug Tobar ... then being internally gratified when Rannick slammed him against the wall.

-trying to play the voice of reason in the Yhatzi family ...

-Gypsy Time!  It was fun hanging out with the new (again, to me) Gypsies in town.  Looking forward to more fun in the future!

Can't wait to come back.  Might not be March, but hopefully will be April.

Mikhail Yhatzi of the Yhatzi clan

OOG: Dan N
10 Feb 2010 11:36 #32 by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas)
Replied by Gabriel Llopiz (Xenas) on topic Feb 2010 highlights


The New Character/Player mod. Was great! Made Alexander feel like it was his fualt the mummy raid was his fault.

Meeting up with Lorelai (childhood friend).

Sleeping on the couch and being woken up to... I don't even know. Imps? That was annoying! Then laying back on the couch only to have a lich walk through the door! Thing looked at me sideways and I died...

After a nice heal, and narrowly escaping, running around the late with the "survivors" of the falling of Travance.


waking up to... Nothing. Was a funny surprise.

The low-level mod into the Necropolis. Was awesome! Even if I did get downed by a weapon-cast inferno... Bad surprise.

Dividing up the spoils of said mod and seeing a skirmish outside and doing nothing. Thought it was funny.

the RP for the Elven Holiday. That was an incredible RP... I felt sone serious sadness.

Seeing Kwildar destroy (literaly) eight undead by himself. Sadly I was on the wrong end of his staff...

Sunday: the three brothers mod. Was cool seeing so many PCs unite like that.

Billium (sp?) doing Celt Florintine (fist and bottle)

Fighting as billium held up. I had two broken legs.

Last, but not least... RP'ing trying to convice everyone there was an entire army of Purple bunnies was invading the Inn... Damn Satyr's wine...

Least... Getting waylayed, Sleep Poisoned, AND sat on while intoxicated.

There are more, but I forget.

No lows for me.  

Always a pleasure,
Felix Suarez
[OOG: Gabriel L.]
11 Feb 2010 12:35 - 11 Feb 2010 12:39 #33 by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor)
Replied by Ashling MacKreagor (Ashling MacKreagor) on topic Feb 2010 highlights
Good times in no particular order.

-convincing Dorian to let me watch him teach Billium about Chaos Master. Viewing box needed popcorn
-The undead apocalypse...at least that's what I thought was happening while we were were running around in the woods for hours and people kept saying "the whole town has been over run by undead we have to run for it!" And making the decision that I sure as hell wasn't going to die alone so ignoring everyone who told me to run and hide. Trail blazing through the whole camp was super fun, as was making Loralie (laser) an honorary Celt because I thought all the other Celts were dead. Then of course coming back and finding that all the people I thought were dead had slept or hid in the nice warm tavern the whole time.
-100000 year old super vague magical wolf guy?  wtf?
-Getting so frustrated with life I run off on a suicide mission and (big surprise) die horribly. But that was the exact thing Ashling needed to happen in order for life to start making sense again.   Holy crap Ashling may have become a grown up.
-Being convinced that Rose and Collin were off doing the nasty and the whole elven holiday thing was just a cover. About time Collin got some action.
-Everything on sunday was amazing, from the spontaneous Celt/dragoon meeting (PS Rose and Ashling are taking over the world) the ridiculous fighting outside the inn.  I love all of you.
-Oh and Feast, not only was the food amazing but getting Hamish to steal bread from the nobles table was the best idea ever.  We Celted all over that feast.

Go big or go home

ooc:  Terri DePrima
Last edit: 11 Feb 2010 12:39 by .
11 Feb 2010 13:42 #34 by Rose McTavish (Rose McTavish)
Replied by Rose McTavish (Rose McTavish) on topic Feb 2010 highlights

-Being convinced that Rose and Collin were off doing the nasty and the whole elven holiday thing was just a cover. About time Collin got some action.

Bahahaha! Were you really?

-Everything on sunday was amazing, from the spontaneous Celt/dragoon meeting (PS Rose and Ashling are taking over the world) the ridiculous fighting outside the inn.  I love all of you.

We shall take over the wooooorld! Haha. That meeting was really great though...

OOG - Maxine Mencl
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11 Feb 2010 13:45 #35 by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell)
Replied by Lois Heimdell (LoisMaxwell) on topic Feb 2010 highlights
I was really happy to finally come back to KR after not being around since September :) Now that I have finally learned how to manage the cold, winters will no longer scare me off!

Highlights, in no particular order:
-closer ties with the Yhatzi's!
-SCRIBE WARS *cackle*
-The Sunday morning three brothers mod. That was really well put-together and it was first time I'd ever felt remotely useful in Travance.
-Lessons with Gideon & Lethias
-Mummies can't climb stairs >.>
-Feast was AMAZING. I don't think I've ever had such a good meal in my entire life.
-Finding a new way to torment Brenden. There will be more of them next event, oh yes! ;-)
-As always, the best part of KR is getting to hang out with everyone.

-Faceplanting right into one of the caravans...
-...which makes it painful to blow my nose through the case of crud I seem to have caught.


((OOG: Cassie Stanley, Marshal Deputy))
16 Feb 2010 21:14 #36 by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507)
Replied by Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga (Null507) on topic Feb 2010 highlights
Here is another Highlight or Lowlight still can't figure out which

Continually losing Teeg the Dryad who requires no Cloak of the Green. That guy is stealth in the woods one moment there the next gone. It was kinda freaky cause we'd worry and then we wound find him and he would not only be fine but micheaviously happy. He played childlike innocence perfectly.

Typhon Cedricson Scyldinga
Hero of Auralion
Warrior of the White Wolf

- Druid

David Reyes
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